Chapter 10 – Exploring the Town
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As I laid there, in my bed, my thoughts whirled like they were caught in a windstorm, blown around like leaves caught on an errant gust.  The voices?  Could they have really been angels?   Does Alyssa like me?  Do I like her?  What the hell has gotten Rachel so annoyed lately?  Is it something I did?  How do I feel about them being trans or twin-souled? 


I tried to calm myself and deal with the situations one at a time…  If the voice were angels, there was precious little I could do – they could come back at any time, or never.  Maybe I would get tested again – maybe I wouldn’t.  There was nothing I could do, so I might as well forget about it.  As I filed that worry away, I started thinking about Alyssa – and by comparison, Rachel.  Alyssa looked rather androgynous, and could sort of pass for a girl – and I kind of thought of her as a girl, even though at first I wasn’t sure.  I could see the potential for the woman she would eventually become.  Rachel was another story…  I hated to say it, but it was hard to reconcile Rachel as a girl, because she looked like David, his male best friend.  Maybe if she had been on that hormone tea for a few years, it would be different, but right now it was hard. 


Jeff sighed.  I want to help – and I hope using her chosen name will help, but my eyes keep telling me I see a boy and not a girl.  And what was up with her asking if I would date Alyssa, and then freaking out when I say I didn’t know?  I just met her.  Rachel knows I’m not the kind of guy who sleeps around.  Maybe she was just wondering if I would be able to date a trans person… SHIT!  That was probably it…  She wanted to know if I could date a Trans person, and I came off as a transphobic asshole by not saying yes.  I was being honest with her… I was.  I really don’t know how I would feel.  Does it even matter?  In a few months she’ll be a full woman in every way and then why would it matter?


I couldn’t resolve the issue in my mind, but I knew it was something that would come up again, so I decided to let it settle for a day or two and see if my thoughts about it cleared up.  I knew a lot of people had problems with certain body parts – I’d never even imagined seeing another persons’ penis or being attracted to it, but then men weren’t just walking penises, and women weren’t just walking vaginas.  Maybe it was simpler.  Do I like the person, and if I do, do I want to be with them?  If I do, I have to accept every part of them – no matter what their plumbing.  Was it that easy?  Could it be that easy?  I wasn’t sure.


I realized I had been musing – or brooding – for over a half-hour, so I donned my trousers and boots, and headed downstairs, locking the door behind me. 


In the taproom, there were at least a dozen tables – some round, sized for four or five people, and some longer and rectangular, sized for six to ten people.  There were even a few booths on the sides of the taproom, with benches that might sit four around a table between the benches.  It looked like a really cool rustic restaurant, minus anything electric or that came after the 1700’s on Earth.  Five or six people had taken over one of the larger tables, and were playing a dice game while drinking from large flagons, and I saw Rachel at a booth, eating from a small bowl of nuts.  I waved, and came over.


“Heya, Rache!  Got room for one more?”  I asked, sliding into the seat opposite her.


“Yeah, of course, dumbass.”  She laughed.  “Try these nuts – they’re really good.  They taste sort of like a mix between a peanut and a cashew.  They’re called ballnuts.”


“Ballnuts?  Why?”


“I dunno.  They taste pretty good.  They’re free too – probably so everyone drinks more beer.”  Rachel replied.  “What took you so long?”


“I needed some time to think, actually.”  I replied.  “Did I piss you off earlier, when you asked if I would date Alyssa?”


Rachel sighed.  “Yes… No… I guess I was just hoping you’d be okay with the idea of dating a trans person?”


“What?  You want me to date her?”


“What?!  No!  I… I mean I was hoping you wouldn’t be one of those people who felt they couldn’t like trans people romantically.  I don’t know why but it seemed like a big deal at the time.”


“Hey, Rachel.  I know this part of your identity is really important to you – and because it is important to you, it’s important to me too…  But adjusting my thoughts and responses to concepts and ideas I’ve never considered before is going to take some time, and I’ve only known you were trans for a short time.  Can you give me some time to adjust to the idea?  I’ve never considered the idea – and I probably should have.  And as for Alyssa, I’ve known her for like a day and a bit.  Saying whether I’d date her is a LOT premature, whether she’s trans or not.  I just don’t know her well enough to answer.”


“Fair enough, Jeff.  Thanks for being honest.  Maybe I was expecting too much, too soon.  I really appreciate you trying, with my name and calling me she and her.  I also really like it when you held the door and called Alyssa and I ‘Serra’s’ – it made me feel good.”  Rachel replied.  “You really are the best, you know.  You’ve only messed up my name twice, if that, and you’ve been really supportive.  I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”


“I’ll always be your friend, no matter what happens – whether I stay, or I return home.”  I replied, honestly.  “I always thought of you as a brother from another mother – but I guess now it’s either a sister from another mister, or a sib from another crib, whichever you prefer.”


Rachel laughed.  “Nice.  I’ll always be your friend, too, Jeff.  I still think Alyssa is into you, though.”


“She thinks I’m some sort of lord or something.”  I muttered, a little exasperated.  “Unless she’s just yanking my chain with all the ‘milords’ this and ‘milords’ that.  You know, to rile me up.”


“Maybe.  Some girls might see that as flirting.” 


“I dunno.  Maybe I’m just dense.”


“That too.”  Rachel smiled.  “You still freaked out about the ghosts/angels?”


“Nah, not really.  Either they were angels, and they’ll be back – or not – or they weren’t.  Whatever they were trying to discover, I didn’t have in me – and then they fucked off.  I don’t know if they’ll be back or not.  Until they do come back, I suppose there’s no point in worrying about it.  Besides, can you see me as a Paladin?”


“Actually, Jeff, I totally could.”  Rachel replied seriously.  “I think you’d be great at it.”


“I don’t know.  Don’t Paladin’s have to follow a god?  I don’t really know any of the gods here, and what happens if I don’t stay for good?  Do I still be a holy warrior back on Earth?  What happens if I have holy healing powers and use them on Earth?  People would lose their frigging minds!”


“Problems for another day, I guess?”  She suggested.


“Yeah.  Do you want to order dinner?”


“Sure.  I’m thinking the sausage and blue cheese, with the vegetables.” 


“Cool.  I think I’ll get the stewed pork with the apple and pecan sides.”


We waved over a serving girl, who introduced herself as Kaylee, and ordered.  Kaylee was in her mid twenties, with brown hair and eyes, and was dressed to reveal some of her generous assets – probably to procure better tips – and I groaned as Rachel booted me in the leg under the table.


“Sorry!”  I muttered.


“You don’t have to be a lech about it.”  Rachel whispered under her breath.


“I wasn’t.  I just got distracted.  It’s not like she was hiding herself!”  I whispered back.  “Besides, does it matter if I think she’s cute?”




Rachel’s words said no, but her tone – and her body language said ‘yes’ emphatically.  What the hell was her problem?  Was she jealous?  Jesus Christ!  Maybe she was jealous!?  Did she… like me?  Oh my god, that would answer a number of confusing questions.  Did Rachel have a crush on me?  Part of me – a part I kind of felt ashamed of – felt a bit grossed out, because I definitely wasn’t attracted to boys – and whether I wanted to say so or not, Rachel still looked like a boy to me – and part of me was wondering what it would be like to date your best friend.


“You okay?”  Rachel asked, looking a bit worried.  “You spaced out there, Jeff.”


“I’m fine.”  I replied, trying to keep my answer short and simple.  What else do I say? 


Rachel looked unsure, but nodded.  “If you say so.” 


Whatever either of us were going to say next was brought to a halt as Kaylee, our waitress, arrived with our drinks.  I had a big flagon of ale – god, it must have been nearly two full pints!  Rachel had a half-size flagon of the honeyed light beer.  Both looked golden in color, and had a nice (but small) head of foam. 


“Here you go, lads.”  Kaylee said.


“Lass, if you please, Kaylee.”  Rachel replied. 


“Ah, so be it then.  Lass it is.  Enjoy!  And call me if you want another!” 


Kaylee walked off to deal with some other patrons, and by now we could see the taproom and dining room starting to fill up.  More and more people were coming – either for a pint or two before heading home – or for dinner, if they felt like celebrating or simply not cooking. 


“We’re probably going to stick out like sore thumbs.”  Jeff muttered.  “Newbies.”


“Yup.”  Rachel laughed.  “For the next twenty years or so.”


We sipped our ales to get an idea of the taste, and they both tasted like really nice craft beers.  They were flavorful, with hints of barley and some other grain we couldn’t place, plus a floral accent, and the honeyed light beer tasted richer and better than any light beer we’d had at home.  I actually enjoyed the sip of light beer I took from Rachel’s mug – and I thought I might have one when and if I finished my monster sized flagon.


“I hope Seoni can help me with my maleness problem.”  Rachel began.  “I’m not really looking forward to a year of real life experience, but I guess it might be mandatory.”


“Is that what they call the period before getting surgery, back home?” 


“Yeah.  The psychiatrists insist you spend a year doing real life stuff like a job and so forth, before they do SRS.  I guess it’s for the same reason as here – so the patient knows they aren’t making a mistake.  I just wish I could get it over and done with.”


“I think I understand.  If I wanted something more than anything in the whole world, and someone said I could have it, but I had to wait an entire year to make SURE I wanted it, I’d be driven bonkers.”


“I’m glad you understand.”  She looked a little unsure for a moment.  “Are you okay with me being Trans?”


“Huh?  Yeah, of course.  It’s still new to me, but you’re my best friend in the whole world – of course I have your back!  BFF’s, right?  The only way I won’t have your back is if you tell me to fuck off – and even then I might not do it.  Face it, dorkette.  You’re stuck with me, at least for now.”


“See what I mean?  You call me dorkette instead of dorkus.  You rock, Jeff.”  Rachel smiled.  “Dorkette sounds kinda nice.”


“Cool.  I just figured it fit the new you better.”   


“Yeah.  I kind of like it.  Thanks.”


“No problem, Rache.” 


Our dinners arrived shortly after that, and we were soon distracted by our lovely savory meals.  The stewed pork was flavored with apples and pecans, and had a side of potatoes and carrots, and was absolutely amazing.  Rachel really seemed to like he sausage and blue cheese too.  The meals were hearty, tasted good, and there was plenty of it.  By the time we were finished, we were full almost to bloating from the food and the beers. 


“I’m full.  Beyond full.”  I declared.


“Me too.  Holy cow.”


We sat there a little bit, relaxing and letting dinner settle.


“You know, this is going to sound a bit lame, but I could really hit the sack soon.”  Rachel muttered.


“I’m tired too.”  I felt tired.  We must have walked almost twenty miles today. 


“Want to head upstairs?”


I looked around the taproom.  It was over half-full, and beginning to feel more than a little claustrophobic, and it didn’t help that we were probably to sole topic of muttered conversations throughout the room.  Maybe going upstairs and getting some sleep would be a good idea?  “Yeah.  I think so.”


Rachel nodded, and we left our booth, with a decent tip of a silver penny for Kaylee.  With how tired we were, the climb upstairs was exhausting, and it was with great satisfaction we entered our room and sat down.  I locked the door for our safety, and Rachel lit the little lamp on our night table. 


“Hell of a second day in fantasy land, isn’t it?”  I asked, pulling off my boots and sighing as my feet could breathe and relax.


“Yeah.  It’s been awesome.”  Rachel replied.  She took of her boots too, and paused.  “Could you help me get this chainmail off?  I’m not sure I can do it easily on my own.”


“Sure thing, Rachel.”  I came and gave her a hand, and soon the armor and padded under-coat was stored in the trunk at the end of her bed.  The sword belt was in my trunk, along with the bracers I wore earlier today, but both Rachel and I kept our pistols close to us. 


                Now that we were fully unburdened, I dug out some sleep clothes, and I could see Rachel was doing the same.  Boxers and a T-shirt seemed the order of the day.


                “Would you like me to turn around to give you privacy, Rachel?”  I asked.


                “Please.  Would you mind?”


                “Nope.  Just do me the same favor.”  I asked.




                “Hey, Rachel?  How important is learning magic to you?  I think it would be neat, but If I don’t learn it I wouldn’t freak out as long as I wasn’t left in your dust.”


                “I… I guess it’s pretty important to me.  I really really want to learn how to use my talent, and I guess get really good with it, even with this messed up Call of Hrask stuff.  I don’t care as much about being a warrior – but I really want to learn the magic.”


                “Well, if Tika’s mistress Cheerit can only take one student, let’s make sure it’s you then, okay?”


                “Thanks, Jeff.”


                “De Nada.  Good night.”


                “Good night.”  I rolled over and pulled the blankets over me – and Rachel blew out the lamp and we went to sleep.  I could still feel her presence there, and I was still disturbed by what I thought I had gleaned at dinner.  What do I do if she is attracted to me?  I didn’t have an answer, and I eventually fell asleep.



*              *              *



                The next morning, I woke to the sound of a cock crowing… For real!  I lay in bed, almost chuckling at the idyllic stererotype of it all.  The sun was leaking in past the shutters, and it looked to be a nice day.  If I recalled correctly, it was the 29th day of Sunbright.  It felt like midsummer, but the temperature inside was tolerable.  I got the impression it would get warmer later in the day.  My memory was confused with fragments of half-forgotten dreams that vanished as I became more awake.  I had vague impressions that Alyssa and Rachel were involved, but that’s all.  Heh, I thought.  It’s probably better I don’t remember.


                I was feeling the effect of dinner last night, and crept out of bed towards the chamber pot.  A small wicker privacy screen kept the rest of the room and I separate, and I quickly did my business.  Not a bad alternative for no indoor plumbing, but still kinda gross, I decided.


                I need to sort out how much money I actually have.  If I’m going to need to budget, I need to know now and not a week before the cash runs low.  I should also look at the HUD and see if anything changed.  I called up the quest log – and not surprisingly, it had some minor changes. 



  • Explore Ender’s Hollow.
  • Explore your Heritage; Look for Information on “King Colin’s Wayward Bride.”
  • Learn the basics of Magic – Completed!
  • Meet Alyssa and Tika – Completed!
  • Search the Spider Lair – Completed!
  • Journey to the Town of Ender’s Hollow - Completed!
  • Kill the Spiders! – Completed!
  • < The rest was Truncated >



Then, I called up my character sheet – but it hadn’t changed much either, so I tried calling up my inventory – maybe it had a list of the coins and gems, so I wouldn’t have to count them?



Type of Coin



Platinum Imperial Dragons



Platinum Imperials



Gold Crowns



Gold Knights



Silver Orbs



Silver Crescents



Copper Stars



Copper Suns



Copper Farthings



Copper Pennies






Various Gemstones


100 Gold Crowns

3lbs of Salt


15 Gold Knights

3lbs of Pepper


6 Gold Knights

3lbs of mixed Spices


30 Gold Knights

Janet Fowlers Engagement Ring


50 Gold Knights

Saved for Rachel


150 Gold Crowns of misc coins and gems



                I did a little math in my head, and gasped!  I had almost 160,000 dollars in coins, gems and spices – and Rachel had at least 5000 dollars in spices in her pack alone.  A really nice meal for two, with drinks cost about 25 dollars – so that money would go a long way.  I figured that the money I had now was worth maybe the same as four to five times the same amount back home in buying power.  Maybe I should find out how much a house would cost, if there is one for sale?  Wouldn’t that be awesome, if I could give Rachel a house so she’d always have a home here?  I did promise I would take care of my bestie, after all. 


                I was grinning from ear to ear by the time I put my HUD away.  We had plenty of cash – and all the time we needed to explore.  This was going to be a great trip!  I silently thanked my Grandma Janet for leaving me these funds, and promised myself to say a prayer for her soon.  I missed her.


                I quietly got dressed, including buckling on the sword belt and my bracers, but I must have made some noise, because halfway through Rachel stirred and yawned, stretching.  I cursed quietly and returned my Ruger to its holster on my belt.


                “Good morning, Rachel.”


                “Morning, Jeff.  Is it good?”


                “Well, it’s sunny and not raining, and it’s pretty warm,  Sounds like a nice summer day.”


                “Awesome.  Have you been up long?”  She asked.


                “Nah – used the chamber pot, looked at my HUD and nearly crapped myself when I saw how much money the coins Grandma left me were worth.  My two thirds comes to about 160,000 of their copper coins – which is like a dollar – which means the coins and gems I set aside for you are worth close to 50,000 copper – or about 500 of those gold pennies that got us dinner and a room last night.  We’re financially set for a while, as long as we don’t get robbed or murdered.


                “You’re just a ray of sunshine.” She groaned.


                “Maybe.  Just trying to be realistic.”


                “Yeah.”  She sat up, and got out of bed.  “My turn.”  She walked over to the privacy screen and the chamber pot and did her business. 


                “Interested in breakfast?  I can go downstairs and order for both of us.”  I asked.


                “Yeah, sure.  Something like bacon and eggs would be great, but as long as it isn’t porridge, I’ll try anything.”


                “Cool!  I’ll see you when you come down.  Lock it up when you leave – the key is on my bed.”


                “Will do!”


                I headed downstairs, to see the young teenager – Unther, I think his name was – was sweeping the floor of the taproom with a corn whisk broom.  Gideon wasn’t anywhere to be seen at the moment.


                “Good morning Unther!”  I called out as I chose a booth at random. 


                “Good morning, Ser.”  He called back.  “I’m afraid I don’t have your name.”


                “Jeffrey Fowler.  Call me Jeff if it’s easier.”


                “Alright Geoff.  You and your friend aren’t from around here, are you?”


                I smirked.  “What gave it away?”


                “Your accent, partially, and your clothes.  They look strange to my eyes, and fancy.  That gun you carry says you’re wealthy, and that sword says you’re either wealthy or a noble.  Swords are expensive and only the well to do have them, if I may say so, Ser.”


                “I guess you’re right.  The sword was left to me by my grandmother, who used to be an adventurer.  The gun I’d rather not talk about, but I guess I have a bit of coin.  Could you keep that a secret, if it isn’t already known?  I’m not eager to be waylaid by bandits, if your town has any.”


                “I shan’t mention it, Ser.  I was just commenting on your garb and why I thought you were well to do.”


                “What do you do here, Unther?”


                “I tend the stables, sweep the floors, and help Gideon with chores.  My mom runs the kitchen – her name is Gudrun Fines and she has to constantly drive Gideon out of the kitchen or he tries to cook that overly spicy Madragan food of his.  Blech.  I tried some once, and it damn near burned my tongue out of my head.  I can’t see how he eats it.”


                “Heh.  I know people like that where I come from too – the hotter the food, the better.  So he doesn’t cook much?”


                “Only when mom is sick.”  Unther smiled.  “Which is pretty rare.”


                “Are your mom and Gideon together?” 


                “No – but I think Gideon is fond of my mom, and she’s fond of him.  My dad died five years ago in a hunting accident, and I sometimes I think mom might intend to remarry, but isn’t because of me.  I think she doesn’t want me to think she’s forgotten dad.”  He paused in his sweeping.  “I mean, I miss dad too, but she should try to be happy.  If I had to pick a second dad, I could do a lot worse than Gideon.  He’s a good man.  He’s taken care of me and my mom ever since the accident.  Not many people would have done that.”


                “Thanks, Unther.  I appreciate it.”


                “No problem at all, Ser, but I’d best get back to sweeping.”


                I left the lad to sweeping, and mulled over his story.  Gideon must be a pretty stand up guy.  That’s good to know.  I shook my head too.  Probably half the town thought I was rich…  I’d have to watch myself when out and about, to avoid pickpockets at the very least.


                Gideon came out of the kitchen, shielding his head like someone might have been raining down blows on him.  “Fine, woman!  I’ll stay out!  It’s my inn, you know.  I have a right to be in my own kitchen!”


                I couldn’t hear Gudrun’s response, but I could see the smile on Gideon’s face.  This was obviously a game they’ve played before, and he seemed to enjoy it.  I waved, and Gideon nodded, and came over.


                “Can I get you some breakfast, lad?”


                “Is bacon, eggs, and toast on the menu?  For me, and my friend Rachel?”


                “Aye.  Will you and your friend be staying long?  If you’re not, you need to clear the room by noon so Kaylee can clean it up.”


                “I think we’ll be staying a while.  Do you have a weekly rate?”


                “Aye.  Would forty silver crescents be a fair price?  Meals would be extra.  That’s just for the room.”


                “Yeah, that sounds fair.  If we could get two breakfasts – maybe with some honey or jam – I’ll dig out the coins for the room.”

                “Very well, Ser Geoffrey.”  Gideon paused.  “You have a familiar appearance.  Like I’ve seen you before.  Are you sure you’re not from around here?”


                “Very.”  I replied.  “My grandmother visited here about 45 years ago, but I’ve never been to Ender’s Hollow.”


                “What was her name, if you don’t mind me asking?”


                “Janet Fowler.”


                Gideon startled, as if he recognized the name – and knowing my luck, he probably did.  “Well, Ser, you’re welcome here as long as you like.  I’ll get Gudrun started on breakfast.”


                I sighed.  I hope I’m not about to get more ‘milords.’  Maybe I should start lying about who my grandma is?  I thought about it, and discarded the idea.  If grandma was a heroine here, I didn’t want to disgrace her memory by lying about it as if I was ashamed of her.  It might be inconvenient, but I’d wear the Fowler name with pride.  I just hope I didn’t lose my head over it.


                Rachel came down the stairs, dressed – but without the armor, bearing only her hunting knife and her gun, and a small nylon rucksack with some stuff in it.  “Hey!”


                “Hey back!  What’s in the bag?”


                “The salt and pepper we picked up on Earth.  I was thinking of going to the Bushel Basket after breakfast and seeing if they wanted to buy some.  That way I won’t be broke.”


                “You know, I still have a buttload of gold and gems to give you, right?”


                “Jeff… Seriously, I don’t expect you to do that.”


                “Well, I’m doing it anyway, so please get used to the idea.  I’m leaving you a third of what Grandma gave me, period – what you do with it is up to you.  Buy a house or see if you can pay someone to transform you or something.  The money is yours.”


                Rachel nodded, looking abashed, and grateful.  “You’re the best, Jeff.  Did I ever tell you that.”


                “Yeah, maybe once or twice.”  I laughed.  “I ordered breakfast – like you asked.”


                “Great.  After that we hit the general store – and maybe by then Alyssa will be able to show us to the temple and we can talk to Serra Haines about being Twin-Souled and curing my asthma.”


                “That sounds like a great idea.”  I agreed.


                “Did you sleep okay?”


                “Yeah – like a log.”  I said.  “You didn’t snore a bit.”


                “You did, a bit, but it wasn’t a big deal.”  Rachel replied.  “I guess living in an inn is going to get pretty expensive, pretty fast, isn’t it?”


                “Yeah, probably.  Let’s take the week to get the feel of the town – if you like it here, maybe there’s a cottage you can buy or something?  If not, we can move on – I was thinking of finding out where Callenden is, in relation to Ender’s Hollow, in case I decide to see if I am Lord Mac Tavish’s bastard grandson.  It might be dangerous, if they don’t want me there – but I might get to meet the grandfather I never had, too, so maybe it’ll be worth it.  Then I could tell him Grandma never stopped loving him.”


                “You are such a romantic goof-ball.”  Rachel said, smiling.  “I love it.  Ii just hope his relatives don’t try and kill you, thinking you’re going to steal their birthright or something.”


                “Yeah, that’s what I was worried a bit about too.”


                We sat quietly for a few minutes, occasionally chatting about inconsequential stuff, until Gideon delivered breakfast.  Dear Gods!  We each got three eggs, and about a half-pound of thick cut bacon, some cooked sausage, some fried potatoes that resembled hash browns, three pieces of toast, butter, jam and honey.  Along with it came two small tankards of the honeyed light beer from last night.  I thanked him, and he returned to the counter to wait for other customers.


                “Oh my gods, this breakfast is huge!”  It smelled delicious, and I tucked in immediately.  Rachel did too, and for a while we were occupied with breakfast.  “Do you need that tea this morning?”  I asked her.


                “Uh… no.  I had some yesterday at breakfast – and Alyssa said you shouldn’t take it more often than once every two or three days, or it can have nasty bad side effects.  I won’t need some for another two days – but I’ll probably pick some up at the shops when I can.”


                “Cool.”  I pushed my empty plate away.  “Still want to go next door to the general store?”


                Yup.  Definitely.” 


                “Okay – let me get some of the coin I promised you, and we’ll head out.”


                “Thanks, Jeff.”


                “No problem, Rache.”  I waved bye, and headed upstairs.