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Everyone, thank you for 112k+ reads & 1.36k favorites! I know that after my return post, you guys "have" to be disappointed that the return of daily posts was not immediate. However, though I had wished to return to writing my ramblings of insanity...I unfortunately came across a certain problem, or rather an immediate problem that related to a series of problems that might occur in the near future. To put it simply, I managed to get accepted to a university, but it was a conditional acceptance upon my ability to secure indefinite leave to remain in the UK. The immediate problem was passing the Life in the UK test, which I used the last 12 or so days to prepare for and just managed to pass today. But now, even having passed that, it appears as though I might not be fast enough to make it before university starts in September. So, I have to wait and see, but it's either I get into university this year, or I spend an entire year on a boat, presumably somewhere in the Mediterranean(most likely listening to my family harp my ears off daily, which actually might be a source of inspiration for future chapters, but I don't know I'd actually be able to focus on writing in an enclosed space on the water, in the middle of nowhere with no internet). 


Anyways, sorry to ramble out my baggage in a way that doesn't advance the plot of the story(even though I still haven't had time to finish the loooonnnggg ass(by this story's standards) chapter that would finally return Fate to training). Since I need to motivate myself to continue the story that has managed to allow me to meet all of you and humbly spread my insanity(and I honestly need a few days to just moop out and make sure my stomach doesn't explode), I will be taking the next few days to chill and attempt to create a new cover for the story. I'll be passing out in just a little while, so allow me to humbly say, thank you to all of you who've read:

Aregulus, Limited, Schuldraigh, TheArcaneWrath, ParadoxToast, Trinox,Meowsickles, Banana, OmnipotentApeGod, johnanaring, Limited, Furoran(I think I might have misspelled their name), TP0(this 'o' is a zero), Anirose, TheArcaneWrath, SilverSavage...*inhales sharply!*...

Matt.In.The.Hatt, Namuza, 1wwwwww, turl, Completionist99, xxjynxx16, Fasolasido, Desala, QQundeadwolfQQ, Bunny, Sparden, AMENOLITY, Dio, davidelvaron, Book_Dragon, Sheol, Ivy, Senha, Kiradien, yodog09, pseudonymous, dahlnol, Icha, Shadowrider1032, AllenHasFinallyAwoken, King.J.Elias, joejoe, Themageoftheage, ki11job, Nope.avi, DragonOverlord, Starlight_of_Life, MrDarkness1234, janatanhurdy, mortariam, Terok, OmegaXIII, remdem, Kindlus, katabolic, Vladarius, badtaste, ano81, Observer, Arexio, Narsu01, Corull, Divinity_Nugget, awesomelink45, Roof, Kyrian_Clawraithe, Hugs-that-where-missed, adon, Noah, Snake511g, juulepic, Clarmy, AhriCaster, neilsabino, larwen03, Kiradien, Nelox, edom, Esyix, drizinho0, and everyone else that I can't name!!! *gasps for breath*

Thank you all so much for indulging in insanity, whether you continue to do so, or have long since left! Fingers crossed that I get into university, I want to do games design!~



P.S. - 'A few days' will probably be three to four, and it might take me longer than that to finish the new cover, but that's the longest I'll wait to continue the story(I'm sick of being creatively stifled).

P.P.S. - How many stomach tablets, gallons of sunscreen, pillows, batteries, snacks, sodas, etc. do you guys think that I'll need if I actually get shoved onto the boat?

P.P.P.S. - Got any home remedies for a nervous stomach? Please leave comments down below(I'm deadly serious).

P.P.P.P.S. - For those of you that haven't already, and feel like having me harp your ears off. Join the discord! Link: