CH40 Occupied Town
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Alex and Fufi pulled the ticking clockwork carriage up to the ritual site. "Fufi, this is going to be the first ritual I've ever seen."

Fufi shook her break. "No, this will be the second one. The first one was when we contracted to become a magical girl."

"Oh, I guess that could count as well. At the time I was more focused on the fact that I was naked in front of a bunch of strangers." Alex pondered aloud.

Fufi laughed. "It's not like you have anything to hide. Look at me for example. I've worn no clothing my whole life."

"That is rude, but still it was embarrassing. At least you have feathers." Alex agreed and turned his attention back to the ritual circle in front of them.

Ki approached the carriage and ran a hand through her leaf-green hair. "Hello Alex, Fufi, how are you doing?"

"Good Ki, how is the ritual coming along?" Alex asked back.

"It is almost finished, just a few more steps now and then we'll get ready. The wind is blowing into the valley so when the mist starts coming out of the forest dew should form all around the town ruin up to the river." Ki walked closer.

"Oh good, I bet this will be interesting. So the dew will make plants grow I guess?" Fufi said from above the carriage. She perched on the roof and gazed down at the ritual circle below.

"Yes, all around the town up to the river." Ki agreed with Fufi's observations.

"What happens after that?" Alex asked.

"The trees will grow and expand the forest's domain. Then we can just walk in and greet them." Ki grinned evilly.

Alex frowned. "Well, that sounds pretty simple. What about the stone ax tribe? They might attack."

"There might be a fight but it shouldn't be anything serious. Why are you looking to prove yourself?" Ki said back confidently.

"Well, I guess I just don't want things to end up like last time." Alex frowned back at her.

"Alex, a magical girl stands for justice. You can't let barbarians intimidate you." Fufi chided.

After being captured, fleeing, and being ineffective against Sakura his confidence was low. "You are right Fufi, but what if I can't do it?" Alex sighed and turned back to watching the ritual circle being prepared.

"Don't worry I'll save you if you get in trouble. I expect only the stupid battle junkies won't see the writing on the wall." Ki stated confidently.

"If you say so." Alex said as he pulled his eyes from the circle back to her and gave a wan smile.

The circle was finished and a single moonstone was placed in the middle before the wind picked up and blew a cloud of mist over it from the forest around it. Nymphs chanted in a strange sylvan tongue before dew started to form on the ground in the mist-covered area. Various plants sprouted out of the ground, growing at a slow but visible rate. A wave of greenery followed in the wake of the mist away from the forest's edge.

"This should take a couple of hours to get to the ruins and the stone ax camp." Ki explained.

Alex used the wait to open a panel in the carriage and pull out the grill. He filled it with charcoal and cooked veggies for all the nymphs that were hungry.

A few hours later there were trees all around the town ruins up to the riverbank. Before leaving, Alex collected the three dolls from the carriage. While inside he changed into the magical girl outfit. If something bad happened the cuteness buff would be helpful.

The sun had set and darkness was setting in over the woods as well. The nymphs gathered around the ruins of the town. A large bonfire had been set in the middle of the town next to the fountain. Dozens of barbarians were chopping away at vegetation and throwing it into the bonfire. The firelight illuminated them making them look like something out of a horror movie.

The fountain was close by the bonfire. Also, the partly restored adventurer's guild could be seen in the distance. A stream of water came out of the doorways for the guild and flowed downhill into the sewer grate near the fountain.

Ki coughed to get the warband's attention. "Listen up everyone! Your chief has decided to repay our generosity with bad faith. His actions anger the spirits of the forest. We have come to take back what was stolen."

The warband turned their heads towards her as she spoke. The leader's face contorted with rage and his mouth moved as he shouted at her words.

"We will not be beaten by mere women." He bellowed back as his followers joined him in shouting insults.

"Now now, everyone settle down." Alex told them from across the bonfire pit.

The warband ignored Alex. Apparently they were not impressed by the girly voice.

Ki and her sister nymphs chanted and pointed at the shouting men. Vines shot out from the ground and entangled the groups arms and legs.

Some of the group were able to dodge the first wave of vines. However with the plants coming out from every angle it became impossible to not get ensnared eventually.

A few of the barbarians started to yell in fear as they struggled in vain against the vines holding them fast. "The forest spirits have returned to exact justice on those that have wronged them!" One screamed as he thrashed about in his vine bonds.

"The chief has doomed us all!" another lamented.

The others soon joined in, feeling sorry for their own fate as well.

Alex stepped forward in front of them. "We are not here for vengeance! We are here for justice!"

All eyes turned back to him as they stopped struggling and listened to his words.

Alex took a breath before continuing. "I just wanted to build a safe place for my friends. When we finally started to build the adventurers guild back up people came and stole from us. We were bound and kicked out. You people are like bandits. Give it back. Give back what you stole."

The warband leader and his men were stunned that a girl was standing in front of them telling them off. Fear and anger showed on their faces.

The leader spit in Alex's general direction and tried to shout a threat but only managed a raspy whisper. "Fine, point taken. Chief stone ax may have ordered us to defend here but even if he is the strongest I don't want to die a stupid death because our greedy leader didn't know when he had gambled and lost."

"I think we should leave these brutes here to cool off for a while." Ki stated with a glance to the men.

Vines wrapped tightly around their arms and legs coiling up their limbs like snakes.

Fufi, Alex and Ki headed to the flooded adventurer's guild. Trees grew all around it now. In fact all of the city was even more damaged from the rapid growth of plant life across the entire area. Luckily, the building that they had put so much effort into remained in good shape. It still lacked a roof but the walls were fine. No trees tried to grow up in a way that would knock the building down.

Upon entering, the trio noticed what appeared to be a mermaid in the waist-deep water. She had the lower half of a fish and wore a sea shell top covering her breasts."Um, hello? Why is there a mermaid here?" Alex asked.

The mermaid scrunched up her face. "I'm not a mermaid. My name is Ingrid. As for why I'm here I got told to run the dungeon after none of the men wanted to equip an item that turned them into a mermaid. I was gathering loot then all hell broke loose. The warband told me to hurry up and finish then they would help carry it back to camp." She explained quickly.

Ingrid's eyes widened when she saw their outfits. "I like your clothing. It's really cute! Are you the spirits that the shamans were talking about?"

Alex blushed at this sudden compliment.

Ki answered, "I'm a nymph so yes. This is Alex. We came to take back what the stone ax tribe has stolen."

Ingrid took her top off and her legs appeared again.

Alex gasped and hid his eyes with his hands.

"What's the big deal? We are all girls here." Ingred said then pulled a simple linen dress over her head.

"How are you so calm?" Alex managed to ask.

"Well, the shamans warned us about angering the spirits. I also didn't want this job. The tribesman who got the loot that turns you into a mermaid didn't want to wear it. He thought it was too shameful. I can't really go against a warrior that is stronger than me. But now that there is someone stronger than the chief around I don't think his orders matter so much anymore. If you were able to defeat the warband guarding this place the dungeon is yours by right of conquest." Ingrid said casually.

"Bleh, more of this right of conquest." Alex complained to the now-human Ingrid.

"I think that Alex is trying to say is that conquest is not just." Fufi explained to the tribe woman.

"Justice is when the weak get punished for offending the strong is it not?" Ingrid seemed confused.

"How can anyone believe that?" Alex looked back and forth, seeking an answer from anyone.

Ki decided to answer. "It didn't used to be that way. Father always makes sure to instill into us the importance of noblesse oblige."

"So instead of might makes right, because someone is born into a good family it is their duty to treat their lessers well?" Alex's tone dripped with sarcasm.

"Yes, it is shameful that the chief dishonors himself by not being here to defend his people." Ki voiced her disdain for the stone ax leader.

Alex was unsure how to proceed now. "I don't want anyone to die over this." He finally said, letting everyone know his feelings on this matter.

"That is good because my main goal is to not die for an offense our leader committed." Ingrid explained.

"Should we just leave her? Is that safe?" Alex wondered aloud.

Ki nodded. "I think that is fine if she or anyone else wants to cause trouble we can string them up like the warband outside."

Ingid sheepishly held up her hands in surrender.

The group left the passive woman at the adventurer's guild and headed out towards the riverbank where the camp was set up. The mostly barren land was filled with forest on either side of the path. The fact that a ritual could grow thousands of acres of woods in the short amount of time seemed out of this world. Yes, the trees were still young but most were almost as tall as a person already. When they arrived the group came across the remains of a camp. The carriages were all gone and some old people and small children were left behind.

"We surrender!" An old woman exclaimed when she saw the group approaching.

"Surrender accepted, but where is that chief and the things he stole?" Ki asked.

"He and the warriors took the horses and wagons and left" She answered.

Ki closed her eyes and focused.

"Hmm, it looks like they are crossing the dam." The Nymph reported.

"Why were you left behind?" Alex wondered.

"Because they only had room for the strongest. They didn't want to be slowed down by the elderly or young." The abandonment in the woman's voice was painful to listen to.

Everyone in the camp has a similar look of resignation on their faces.

"Ugh, what a jerk. I don't see why anyone follows him." Alex groaned.

"Likely because the chief is the highest level combat classer." Fufi unhelpfully explained.

Alex facepalmed.

"This is the edge of the forest's domain. I can't cross the river." Ki seemed a bit disappointed.

"Does that mean they are going to get away?" Alex asked.

"I think so." Ki said with a frown.

"Can you fly ahead and see what is going on Fufi?" Alex asked the flamingo.

Fufi nodded. "Be careful Alex. Don't leave Ki."

She flew off towards the dam.

A smaller bird flew down and started chirping into Ki's ear.

"What? Some kind of river monster in the water?" Ki looked at the bird in surprise.

"Huh? What's going on?" Alex asked the nymph.

"Apparently some kind of strange creature is shooting at the wagons from under water while they are trying to cross the dam." Ki had doubt in her voice.

"Should I go? What if Fufi is in trouble? I don't want her to get skewered by a river monster." Alex worried.

"Hmm, I'm not sure but if you do head there make sure you don't walk. Keep dancing the whole way." Ki advised.