It’s been 2 weeks since the capital was attacked. There still hasn’t been any public statement other than ‘Monsters had roamed into the capital.’ And I wasn’t sure that we’d get anything more than that.
Life hadn’t completely gone back to normal, but everything stabilized.
Your Heart to Me (B Grade)
Their heart can reach yours.
It was a new skill I had gotten. I presumed it was just the opposite of ‘My Heart to You’, that’s what it seemed like anyways. I had no idea why I was getting this many skills.
‘Skills were something you were born with or worked hard to obtain.’
That was how I introduced it in the novel, but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t working that hard… They were just given to me like candy.
But, even though I had 5 skills now, I wasn’t sure how to even activate any of them other than ‘Status’ and maybe ‘My Heart to You’. I think the other skills were passive.
“Here’s your pancake meal, Leo!” Rio put a plate in front of me as he smiled.
Rio was doing good. I was a little worried that what happened would affect him too much, but he seemed to be doing fine. He’s also learned the name of most repeat customers and seemed to be friends with them.
As I started to cut into my pancakes, I heard a familiar voice as he took a seat in the chair across from me, “Heya, Leo. How’s it going?” It was Halen. He hadn’t visited in a while, so I figured he was with his family.
“Ah, hello, Halen. You seem to be doing fine.” I replied.
“Yeah-I’m alive so all’s is well! Haha! You seem to be doing fine yourself.”
I don’t think I could be anything other than fine because of my ‘Peace of Mind’ skill.
“Yeah, it’s the usual. So, Halen, what do you even do for work?” I’ve been curious since he lifted that slab. He wasn’t an adventurer, so I had no idea what he could be.
“Huh? Me? I’m a lumberjack!” He flexed his muscles.
“A…Lumberjack? Do you carry the whole tree or something?” I knew lumberjacks were strong, but I didn’t know they were that strong.
“Hm? Haha! No, of course not!” After he replied, Rio came up to the table and had an excited tone as he spoke, “Ah! Mr. Halen, you’re back!”
“Did ya miss me, haha! How’re you doing, Rio? It’s been a while!”
You know…Thinking about it, he does kind of look like a bear…
“Of course! Could I get you anything to eat or drink?” Rio asked.
“Could I get a beer!?”
“Coming right up!”
After Rio left, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear, “Mr. Leo.”
“Oh, Jesus.” I flinched as I looked behind me, it was the butler. Isaiah. I hadn’t seen him in a while, I figured I was done with all of the whole king shenanigans and what-not. “Hello?” I didn’t know what he wanted.
“Could I perhaps speak to you? In private.” He asked with a smile on his face. I don’t think I had ever seen him without one.
“Sure…?” I stood up before looking at Halen, “I’ll be back in a moment, I’m curious about your lumberjack duties.”
“I’ll be here!” Halen replied.
I took the butler upstairs and into my room. If he wanted to talk in private, that meant something was going on, right?
“So, what’s up?” I asked as I sat on my bed.
He suddenly pulled a pouch out of his pocket before putting it next to me, “This is for you.”
“Huh?” I opened the pouch and in it were gold coins, “What the…?” I was not expecting that, I’d sooner of expected him to stab me than give me free money. “What’s this for?” I asked.
“2 weeks ago, I hear that you calmed down many citizens during the emergency.”
Huh? He’s talking about the emergency shelter? I just sang to them, I don’t think I did much.
“I don’t think I did that much to deserve this much though?” Looking in the pouch, I didn’t know exactly how much, but it was more than 10 gold. I was easily clear of the 20 gold that I needed for Rio and I to apply.
“No. What you did sufficed. Albeit a low level, there was still a mental magic effecting the citizens that could cause irreparable damage if not treated fast enough.”
…Is he allowed to tell me that? And mental magic? Did I really treat that with just singing-wait no…It wasn’t that simple, my headache, bloody nose, and sudden tiredness, was I perhaps using mana when I sung? Haah…It’s still so confusing.
“Then I won’t reject your kindness.” I closed the pouch before tossing it towards my pillow.
“Good, then, I shall take my leave.” He bowed with a smile. And when I blinked, he was gone. Disappeared without a trace.
“…He’s so fishy…”
The next day, I woke up early and did my usual morning routine. Since it was Saturday, I didn’t have work today and I could just laze around but with the sudden change in my wealth, I wanted to do something a little different.
In the pouch that the butler gave me, there was 20 gold coins. The exact amount needed for Rio and I to apply to Heavensward. That meant, I had around 12 gold coins I could freely spend. Since Rio and I hadn’t really done anything than work, I wanted to take today’s day off to relax and tour the capital.
Rio usually slept in a little on Saturdays, I usually just hung out in the staff canteen or the main dining area with the patrons while he was out.
Since the dining area wasn’t open yet, I was in the staff canteen.
“Saul, could I get a breakfast meal?” I asked towards the kitchen, I don’t really know why Rachel always shouted, Saul had pretty good hearing from what I could tell.
A few minutes later, Saul came out and put a plate with eggs and bacon in front of me.
“Thanks.” I said and Saul nodded his head. I don’t think I’ve heard him talk since I’ve been working here.
The meal was delicious as always. You really wouldn’t think he could cook from a first glance, he looked more like a gladiator or something.
As I stared blankly at the notebook in front of me, I heard a voice from behind me, “Ah, you’re up as usual. Morning, sweetheart.” It was Rachel, she held down the fort on Saturdays.
“Morning.” I replied.
“Whatcha writing about today?” She asked before taking a seat across from me and shouting, “Could I gets a breakfast meal, Saul!”
“Nothing, I can’t really think of anything.”
“Ah-so, you’re just looking at the paper and hoping it’ll write itself, I getcha. I used to do the same when I was in school.”
“Somewhat. Actually, do you have any recommendations on where to visit? Like stores, cool spots, anything like that?”
“Hm…I’d have to say the café down the street is a good place if you’re looking for coffee and such, it’s called La Fleur. If you’re looking for clothes, Glade has some inexpensive but comfortable clothes. What’s with the sudden ask? Oh-wait-do you gots a girlfriend!? Who’s the lucky gal?!”
“I’m going to take Rio around and explore the capital.”
“Oh~ Why didn’t you just say so? I thought you were finally leaving the nest.”
“…” I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything.
A few seconds later, Saul brought out another breakfast meal before putting it in front of Rachel, “Thanks, honey.” Rachel said and Saul nodded his head before heading back to the kitchen.
“Is there any reason Saul doesn’t talk?” I asked as Rachel was eating.
“Hm? Whatcha mean?”
“I haven’t heard him say anything since I’ve worked here.”
“You’re just not listening closely, sweetheart. Saul has such a pretty voice, ya just gotta tune your ears a bit.”
Huh…? That doesn’t make sense?
Shortly after, Rachel finished eating and headed to work and I headed to the main dining area before taking a seat at one of the tables.
The inn quickly filled up.
“You aint singing today, Leo?” Halen asked.
“Nope, I got Saturdays off.”
“That’s a shame! Your songs go well with my beer, haha! Hic” The patron sitting next to me replied.
“Why are you drunk at 10 in the morning?”
“I likes me drinks, hahaha, hic.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mars not drunk!” Halen commented.
“It’s crazy how he keeps his job while being drunk all the time.” The patron to my left commented.
“He has a job?” I asked. Mars had been here nearly every day since I’ve worked here, drunk as a skunk.
“He’s a knight! Can you believe it, haha!” Halen replied.
“A knight!?” I was a little baffled.
“Yee, hic, drinking makes me stronger~” Mars replied while taking another swig of beer.
“Specifically a knight instructor.” The guy on my left said.
“That’s unexpected.” Shortly after I spoke, I heard the sound of the mic being tapped before someone clearing their throat. Someone was at the microphone, “E-hem, since Leo aint singing today, I’ll please your ears!” He was drunk. It was another regular customer, Ant.
Why are there so many people drunk at 10 in the morning?
“Try your best, Ant! Haha!” Halen shouted.
“I can’t wait to see how he screws this up!”
“Take your bets! How long til he pukes!?”
I can’t believe that this is a place that even nobles visited… It seems more like a bar for adventurers rather than a respectable inn. Though…I don’t hate it. But this is a little crazy at 10 in the morning…
“I’ll waiiiiit here forrrr you~BLEH” He puked.
“Hahaha! 2 seconds!”
“Saw that coming!”
“Hey! I gots to clean that up you know!” Rachel shouted.
A while later, Rio eventually woke up and came down stairs.
“Hey! Puppy’s up!” One of the patrons shouted.
“Morning, pup!”
“Morning, Rio!”
“Bout time you’re up! I needed to cleanse my eyes!”
Rio nervously smiled, waving towards all of the people who greeted him before heading over to me and taking a seat next to me.
“Morning, Rio.” I spoke.
“Good morning!” He smiled.
“How’d you sleep?”
“Great! The pillows and blankets so nice and fluffy.”
“That’s good. So, you don’t have any plans today, right?”
“Huh? No, it’s Saturday, right?”
“Mhm. Since there’s nothing, do you wanna go out?”
“Rachel said she recommended places like La Fleur, and Glade. I’m thinking we could buy some more clothes and tour the capital.”
“O-oh! Yeah! I’d love to!”
“Alright, then, do you want to eat first and then we can go? Or we could probably find a restaurant or something, let’s spoil ourselves.”
“Huh? Aren’t we saving up?”
“Not anymore, we’ve got enough.”
“What!? We got enough now!?” He stood up and put his hands on the table, some of the other customers looked at him and he smiled before quietly sitting back down, “Haha, sorry.”
“Yeah, we’re all good.”
“Alright then-” as he started to speak, his stomach rumbled, “Haha, I think I’ll have some of Mr. Saul’s cooking.”
“Alright. Rachel, could we get a lunch meal for Rio?” I spoke towards Rachel who was carrying drinks to a table.
“Of course! Rio’s up? Morning!” She replied before heading back to the kitchen.
Thanks for the chapter!