Bonus – Data Points 1 – The Neo-C
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Hi everyone - In an attempt to make the combat in UnderCurrent flow a little better, while still keeping the more detailed descriptions for those who enjoy them - I've decided to add these little data-points from time to time.
     Feel free to let me know what you think of this chapter - If there is any other info or trivia you would like included and such like.

Thanks for reading😊👍.

Data-Points Header
Data Point 01 - Main Battle Type
Vijaik - Neo-C

The Neo-C (Custom) is the primary fighter unit deployed by the IAFS battleship 'Am-Fluchtig' - In its most basic state it appears similar to the far more numerous Neo-M type, however with a number of improvements to that machine's design;
     • Enhanced sensors.
     • Optimisation to the generator.
     • Fixes to technical malfunctions in the Air-Con unit (which periodically used to lead to accidently 'fires' when jolted).
     • Addition of a second arc-staff as standard aswell as anti-missile + anti-personnel flak pods.
     • New bulkhead/torso armour improvements.
     • Framework modifications to make customisation easier out in the field.

A Basic Neo-C type

Photograph of Una's basic Neo-C

Aside from these specification improvements, the Neo-C of the Fluchtig's squad have undergone a multitude of customisation;
     Unit 02 (Hoki Bachika), has been equipped with a 'sniper's loadout', this includes a custom headpiece with dual cameras that better replicate the sights of a human's eyes than the Neo's regular visor, a large backpack unit that contains a large auxiliary battery and the prototype sniper rifle: 'ACR-Mk5-High-Power-Rifle'. This rifle is capable of boring through most armour and should pose a threat even to Casnels, however it is currently highly experimental and frequently fails during testing.
 Hoki's machine is also painted in a custom livery of cyan and cream.

Unit 03 (Scarlet), is the most visually upgraded of the Neo-Cs. Using recovered armour from a Vijaik-heavy, Scarlet's machine has bulky chest armour overlaid on the Neo's existing torso, including two heavily rounded shoulder pieces.
     Most strikingly of all a large triangular headpiece which uses a mono-eye system rather than a visor. Scarlet's machine also has reinforced legs for extra thrust power and is equipped with two large Calabar blades in the shape of Greatswords (her machine also has mounts on either shoulder for rocket launcher attachment).
     Her machine retains the emerald-green of the regular Neo, with a number of non-standard red highlights.

Unit 04 (Kolme Nilas), has one of two retrofitted Neo-Cs, with his unit originally having been a Neo-M but later being retrofitted to the upgraded specifications.
     Kolme's machine is one of the less heavily upgraded - It has two reinforced legs and a large double barrel cannon strapped to its back. It also has a series of radar dishes and towers affixed to one shoulder, however this customisation is common among most squad vice-commanders and simply allows for more forms of communications between squad members and their mothership.

Unit 05 (Sabban Vint) is like Unit 04, a retrofitted Neo-M - This can be seen in the number '27' still emblazoned upon the unit's shoulder (27 being the original unit number).
     Sabban's machine is focused on close-quarters combat, equipped with two experimental 'shotguns', in recent years energy weaponry has all but superseded conventional physical forms of ammunition, making these guns something of an anomaly - The idea being to press them against an enemy's cockpit, with them firing twice near simultaneously - First to pierce the armour, second to kill the pilot inside (Although they are prone to overheating and even melting before the second shot can be fired...). 
Unit 05 is also equipped with a large backpack housing a medium-sized auxiliary battery and an array of thrusters, allowing for much higher speeds than normal over a short distance but at the cost of excess fuel.

Unit 06 (Una O' Conchabhair), this unit has not yet received any customisations - Considering Una's lack of field experience it is likely her machine will remain in its base state for the time being. Its current loadout is the standard, being two arc-staffs (a cage like weapon that emit an intense pillar of flame for cutting through metal, in much the same way a conventional plasma-cutter might), a regular medium-range energy rifle and a sliding gauntlet shield.

The Neo-C;

Full Name; IAFS-Main-Battle-Type Neo-Custom
Manufacturer(s); Bailey Mechanics
Production Type; Limited-Run
Production Window; 01/07/Ta424 - Present
Frame; Gen 3 Vijaik (approx.18 metre height)
Notable Pilots; n/a
Threat Ranking; B-

Neo Type Vijaik Concept Sketch