Arc I – Compendium
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Radiant Lodestar Aurora Cover


Arc 1 - Compendium - Abridgement


Radiant Lodestar Aurora takes place on a fictional new nation founded on a mysterious island that suddenly appeared in the northern portion of the Pacific between Japan and the United States, northwest of the Hawaiian Islands. The United States and Japan were quick to investigate this new landmass, marveling that it had mountains and trees, abundant resources.


The two nations laid claim to the west and east respectively. After much negotiation, an agreement was reached that established an independent new nation. It would be governed and administered by the United States, while Japan developed the island. Naturally, a robust, but for the moment simple high speed rail network was created along with a system of freeways connecting the newborn cities and its smaller communities that were established by people from the both nations, albeit there is a steady flow of citizenry incoming from all around the world, looking for a new a better life.


The island was rich in resources and provided fertile land and thus agriculture was quickly established as land was parceled out. Farmers and other industries flocked to Stellaris in search of profit and prosperity. America built ports for commerce and trade as Japan planned the cities and infrastructure.


Thus was Stellaris born of a fallen star in the year 1972, or so legends say, highly influenced by Japanese and American culture primarily, the culture mixing in interesting ways. It became custom to take a first or last name from one nation or the other in a gesture towards solidarity and a nodding to the heritage of the nation. Scientists quickly found that volcanic activity was NOT responsible for the creation of this new landmass.


Radiant Lodestar Aurora - Scenebreak


Kenneth Hoshino had a peculiar dream of dancing amidst the stars. There, he witnessed an unknown entity devouring the essence of stars. He awakened in school where he'd drowsed off. His friends were discussing the mystery of the disappearance of the star Betelgeuse. Ken was vaguely disturbed by this subject after his odd vision.


He and his friends: Nick Oye, Jared Beppu and Tommy Nichols ran into the class president Ami Haruno for the second time that day as everyone learned about a matter that the girls attending Astoria Academy were experiencing. This was an issue that they had been reporting for some time... Colorful perverts were loose in the locker rooms. None of the boys had seen any of these strange streaks of color in the air that the girls had been witnessing... all except for one. Kenneth.


After agreeing to make a website for Ami's club, Ken went to the school's lone half basketball court nestled between buildings to break a longstanding tie between himself, Nick and Jared. After an exciting game that Ken was seemingly winning, a strange creature made out of nothing appeared to attack them. Tommy was captured right way, unaware of his surroundings, reading a book while his friends competed.


A mysterious magical girl appeared to save the cocooned and partially transformed Tommy. Unfortunately, Lodestar Glacia was captured by the giant insectoid anti-light creature after Tommy was released. Jared attempted to save her and was knocked out cold. Nick rushed Tommy to the school's clinic while Ken tried to save Glacia, armed with only a basketball. He managed to draw the monster away from Glacia's already cocooned body. Without a plan, he led the monster to the field, where seemingly he would die or worse. The thing possessed far too much strength for any normal human to hope to scare off, let alone defeat.


Suddenly, a purple light struck Ken's shoulder mid-flight when his legs began faltering, his energy low. This strange animal-like self-professed god of light offered Ken a path of salvation. Would he accept the burden of becoming a Lodestar like Glacia or would he choose to die and let down all his friends? Naturally, he chose to accept the god's terms and learned his true name: Aurora.


Upon accepting the god's contract, Ken seemingly exploded into pure energy and was remade by the light itself. Upon the birth of a new lodestar, the world shook and trees bowed to her splendor.


Reborn, Lodestar Aurora fell to the earth, spreading her new wings, literally winging it. The monster was where she left it on the Academy's soccer field. Meanwhile, her friend, who had safely gotten Tommy to the school's clinic witnessed her birth, but only saw a star hovering in the air above the school as it exploded and a new angel fell from the skies. He managed to record this event on his phone while the antisocial school's Doctor Adachihara treated the semi-transformed Tommy Nichols.


After the door opened and the Doctor appeared to let him know that Tommy would be alright, he saw that his friend was back to normal... physically at least.


Meanwhile, Lodestar Aurora engaged the anti-light creature in combat that took them to the roof of the Academy. It was a struggle for her to remain ahead of the creature and when she reached the far end, she decided to fall, having faith in her powers as she came to understand who she was. A caster-type. Summoning her power, she sent a powerful beam of her energy into the skies, finally destroying the anti-light creature.


After recovering, Aurora returned to where Lodestar Glacia lay on the basketball court and after the god Perkons opened a portal in the air, Aurora carried her to safety into their hidden spaceship, hidden under the continent.


Aurora learned that these gods truly had light-based powers, the ability to create matter within and without their ship. She got to see her new transformed form and met the gods, calling themselves Felicitas. When she reversed her transformation, she underwent a physical trial and collapsed on the spot.


Waking, she found she was weak and hardly able to move. Meanwhile, the Felicitas machinery was working to rehabilitate or rather accelerate the acclimation her new muscles and eyes. She found that she was also blind for a period as she rested. The gods ran tests on her body while she was unconscious, curious about this strange new Lodestaran who had been born male and was reborn of the light itself. What might that fact mean for her and them? Would she be their savior or damn them?


Lodestar Glacia woke and found herself in a light therapy tank, working to restore her body and treat her affected mind. She experienced strange visions upon her partial transformation, seeing a mysterious figure with tentacles waving from its inky head, having a mixture of feelings towards this strange creature. What was it? Who? Why had the vision terrified and thrilled her both so?


Later, after recovering, regaining the ability to stand with the aid of crutches, Ken saw his new body, a silver-haired beauty, long enough to reach her calves. Naked, she requested clothes and asked the furry god, Perkons why she couldn't be changed back. Perkons would only say that while it was possible, the Felicitas would not do it, as it would deprive them of a valuable soldier in the war for the survival of the universe as they all knew it.


Later, upon recovering further, Ken was summoned to the circle of Felicitas. Against what he expected, seemingly he was transformed back to his old self. Fooled by the illusion, he was saddened when he was informed that she would not truly be changed back. If she wished, she would be given a device that would let her take on the appearance of her old male self with a condition: that she must not embrace her friends under any circumstances, otherwise her disguise would be revealed.


She was left with a choice... pretend to be the same Ken that she always was, or find a way to live as Aurora?

Arc 1 - Compendium - Geography

I. World Map

World Map

II. Continent Map (Subject to Revision)

  • Other towns, communities exist, but they're not marked on this map at the moment.
  • Key: Dotted lines are highway/freeways and unbroken lines are bullet train lines. Cities have slower light rail systems as well as ports and airports.

Continent Map


III. Astoria Academy Plan (Subject to Revision)

Astoria Academy Plan


Arc 1 - Compendium - Dramatis Personae


Kenneth Hoshino

Kenneth Hoshino (Main Character Male)

  • Computer Nerd
  • Loves Books
  • Loves Sports
  • Manly Without Trying
  • Magnetic Personality
Aurora Hoshino

Aurora Hoshino (Main Character Female)

  • ????
  • ????
  • ????
  • ????
  • ????
Nick Oye

Nick Oye

  • Principled
  • Wants to be an NBA Star
  • Looks After His Friends
  • Well Groomed
  • Has Good Grades
Jared Beppu

Jared Beppu

  • Picks On Weak Men
  • Strives to Always be Manly
  • Strives to Defend Women
  • Loves to Play Sports
  • Bad Grades
Tommy Nichols

Tommy Nichols

  • Loves to Read
  • Formerly Bullied By Jared
  • Doesn't Like Sports
  • Sometimes Depressed
  • Nerdy and Excellent Grades
Ami Haruno

Ami Haruno

  • Organized
  • Aims to Be School President
  • Runs the Magical Girl Club
  • Has a Somewhat Silly Nature in Geek Mode
  • Works Hard and has Excellent Grades
Dr. Aidi Adachihara

Dr. Aidi Adachihara

  • Very Knowledgeable
  • Withdrawn
  • Cold
  • Has Been Working At Astoria Academy Since It Was Built
  • Age Unknown
Sensei Rebecca Koizumi

Sensei Rebecca Koizumi

  • Quirky and Fun
  • Enjoys Teasing Her Students
  • Wonderful Teacher
  • Sometimes Scatter-brained
  • Is Universally Loved By Many of Her Students
Sarashina Hoshino

Sarashina Hoshino

  • Kenneth's Mother
  • Is a Geologist
  • Was Born in Japan
  • Was Intrigued By Stellaris' Formation
  • Happy Housewife and Hardworking
Who Is?


  • Seen In Visions
  • ????
  • ????
  • ????
  • ????
I may tweak a few things in this Compendium (including some editing). If you spot anything that's off, please let me know. This was essentially a summary of Arc I, where we are when we go into Arc II and provides some images close to what I envisioned. They're largely waifued (generated by waifu, cause it rocks at giving you ideas and producing something close to what you thought about).

<3 I hope you've had some fun reading this Compendium. The schoolgrounds plan isn't 100% finished, but it gives us a general plan for how its laid out. Assu-chan helped me work it out. I put together the world map tonight. Kind of burning the late night oil at the moment, so I'll get some shut eye soon!

Keep an eye out for when I announce and release Arc II!