Impromptu Pet Shop and Minor Time Skip
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A/N:Sorry for not writing any chapters for a while, I'm not a writer in the first place and I just decided to take a small break that just so happened to keep expanding with the excuse I'll do it the next day. My chapter schedule is just they will get released when they get released.

Captain Edward: "Well then, let's move on to business, shall we?"

As I finish speaking, I hand over the notebook for Captain Ian to read over. 

As Captain Ian reads over what we have in stock, his face does not change a bit, even when he closes the notebook and levels me with a sharp stare.

Captain Ian: "You know Captain Edward, in the west seas slavery is illegal?"

As Captain Ian finished speaking, the atmosphere became tense, as both party's crew/bodyguards rested their hands on their weapons, getting ready in case fighting broke out.

Captain Edward: "well then, it's good news that we are not slavers, and it just so happens that my crew and I have started our own small-time pet shop. Isn't that right bob?"

Bob: "yes Captain, we just got a new shipment of stock the other day"

Finishing speaking left an awkward silence in its place as Captain Ian quickly thought of whether or not he should go along with this other Captains ploy. But in the end, he made up his mind, coming to the conclusion that it would be killing two birds with one stone if he goes along with it and earns just a little bit of favour from the Captain of such a massive and armed ship, while also allowing his crew to de-stress with how long they have been at sea with only a small purchase.

Captain Ian: "then it seems to be our lucky day, well take five of the females and ten of the males. How much is that gonna cost us?"

Captain Edward: "well the five females will cost you a detailed map of the west seas, while the ten males will cost you five full papers of citizenship that can be given out by me at my own discretion, while also having no questions asked about who will sign them, are these terms acceptable?"

Captain Ian: "hhmmm, very well, these terms are acceptable, I would also like to buy ten kilograms of fruit, and one barrel of fresh water"

Captain Edward: "great, the water and fruit will cost you your silence for one week, meaning that you and your crew cannot talk or mention anything about me, my ship, my crew or anything that involves us to anyone else until exactly one week passes after you sign this contract"

The contract being a Demonic contract that Captain Edward pulled from his 'inside breast pocket' and that if it is broken, the one to break it shall have their soul ripped from their body and given to the Demon Merchant Algazon Balthazar

Captain Ian: "if we can talk among ourselves then you have a deal Captain Edward, we will meet for the trade off in two hours from now "

Saying so Captain Ian signs the contract, and then him and his crew turn around and leave, followed by Captain Edward and his crew doing the same in the opposite direction.

It wasn't some big affair like in some novels where even a small meeting could turn into a battle of fate or some such stupid things, no, this was just some normal boring trade where both parties meet, made agreeable terms, traded and left on the own path into the future(A/N: This is just me skipping the whole trading process). The only interesting thing that happened is the colourful words that the pets and their new owners would say to one another.

Gained profits:

1 Letter of recommendation to the Guild of Merchants

1 Map of the west seas showing docks that can accept a ship of the Concordia's size

5 Citizenship papers for the western continent

After concluding his first trade in this world, Captain Edward set sail immediately away from the two ships. and spent a couple of months trading, pillaging pirates and anyone that tried to attack them, training himself, making demonic contracts, gaining a reputation in the west seas and making large amounts of profits mostly focused around things that he could sell either immediately or some interesting items that this world had to offer such as this one small trinket that a poor mother from the slums brought to him as he was one of the VERY few merchants that delt with anyone willing to trade no matter their status.

The trinket in question was not something special as it was a common thing found in this world, but to Edward it was an item that could be sold for a great fortune. And that item was a magic water purifier. Sure, to some it might not seem like much, but this mini fridge sized thing was a DRINKABLE and SAFE source of water that people of the slums used by dumping sewage water into it 1 hour later out came a muddy, smelly, foul tasting BUT safe water that you could just drink without any other concerns. obviously there where downsides to this as well, and those down sides where that the water made from the water purifier would still keep some of the taste of what was used as the source of water, meaning if you put sea water into it then the water coming out of it would tase like sea water, there was material build up inside of it that had to be taken care of at least once a day at the minimum or if you were using something like sewage then it had to be cleaned once every use, he also could not find anyone to sell any of the water purifiers to as in this world as every town, docks or isolated place had one of them.

It was also during these couple of months that Captain Edward and the Crew started singing sea shanties as well as create some of their own, after days of boredom and getting inspiration from a crew member singing 'Lollie-pop lollie-pop ohhh lollie-lolliepop POP' over and over again as they skipped around the whole ship for hours AND HOURS *Deep Breath in* *Deep Breath out* anyway that 'small' annoyance was dealt with, with a simple keel haul and making them walk the plank covered in fish blood and guts in shark infested waters.

But not all was bad as the whole crew got into the whole sea shanty thing after realizing how much more entertaining it was than to just do 'work' while of their shift, this was also one of the rare moments that their Demonic heritage showed itself as making sea shanties came easy to them...just with more blood, guts and violent depictions of, well, violence, which the Captain banned them from singing around others as it turns out you lose customers when your staff are singing about killing and torturing adults while they feast of the souls of their children, while they are setting up a stall in a busy marketplace, surrounded by humans and looking intimidating while carrying weapons. Who wudda thunk dat aye?.

After losing visual of the island that they had just left and making sure that they were not being followed by anyone Captain Edward decided to use his ability to travel to hell for the first time so he can see what it is like as well as see how much he can sell the souls, items and other more alive things for.

Captain Edward: "MEN! SET SAIL FOR HELL!"