Chapter 28 ~ It’s A dangerous organization; The sufferings of Flora’s brother.
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The fateful day was over, and Violet began the next day with a conversation with Flora.

Violet asked Flora what she wanted to do, and Flora told her that she had many things to.

Flora was smiling while talking about her goals, but suddenly she stopped talking and smiling. That's why Violet asked her;

"What's up? I feel like you were about to say something important."

Flora looked down, and said in a low voice;

"Nothing I just remembered my brother, I wonder how he is now"

At first Violet thought Flora's brother was dead, so she quickly said;

"Your brother is still alive? Isn't that good? You can go for him!"

Flora looked into Violet's eyes, then looked away.

"It's not that easy, it's been 3 years since we've been separated, And the place where my brother is now is a very dangerous place."

"Where is he?"

Flora slowly raised her head and said while looking into Violet's eyes;

"Violet, have you ever heard of the black market?"

"Black market?"

"As I expected, it would be better if you didn't know about them."

"Wait Flora, I can help you, I_"

Flora interrupted Violet, saying:

"No, it's not an ordinary crew like the one you fought before.

The black market is very dangerous, and it is not a one crew, but rather a large organization. It's an organization that only works in secret, and my brother is being held by this organization. The real name of the organization is the black trade, they operate away from the limelight and fame. They are the dark side of pirates, no... not just the pirates, it's much more than that."

"Wait, what is your brother doing in such a big organization, why exactly him?"

Flora raised her head to the sky, and said;

"The sky is blue you know? but on this island all I see are clouds. Have you really lived here for fourteen years? I think you used to live in a prison, too."

"They were happy days, no matter how boring."

"My brother has the same power I have. One night... We had no choice but to eat the treasure left by my father. I don't know if this happened before, but we shared the same Devil Fruit. I don't want to bother you with my story of suffering, So I'll be brief, this crew came to my island, and they did the same things they did on this island, they took the women and killed the men. I was 10 years old, and my brother was seven. While my brother and I were trying to help the villagers with the power of healing, one of the pirates saw us. And so we became slaves.

Two years later, my brother was sold to the black trade, and that crew got rich because of my brother. But they kept me to take care of their wounded. And now, 3 years later, I met a very powerful girl who ended my suffering. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Violet, you saved my life, and I will never let you risk yours again."

Violet couldn't say a word, she was thinking of a way to cheer Flora up, but she couldn't even cheer herself up.

At that moment, Temari said from behind;

"What a sad story, but you have come to a happy ending, and your brother is still living a tragic story. Are you planning on giving him up now?"

Flora turned her head to see Temari standing behind her, then she said in an angry tone;

"You have no right to say that, what do you even know about my feelings!"

Temari answered in a calm tone as usual;

"If I were you, I would ask for Violet's help in saving my brother."

"Violet's help? You want me to make her face a dangerous organization all by herself? You must be kidding me." Flora said.

"It's not a matter of fear, it's a matter of trust. I trust Violet to be able to defeat them." Temari said.

"Trust? You're talking about trust after you ran away from her last night. You don't have bo right to talk about trust at all!" Flora said.

"I had my own reasons, if I had tried to stop her I might be dead by now."

Amidst their discussion, Temari's last words made Violet feel frustrated, and she lowered her head because she didn't want to remember how many people had died because of her power.

Temari apologized to Violet, and she replied, "It's okay" then she added;

"And what about you, Temari. Is there anything you want?"

Temari brought her arms together in front of her stomach and said;

"I will go with you"

Violet and Flora looked at Temari in amazement, waiting for an explanation, The she added;

"There are two things I want to understand, first, human emotions and feelings, and second, my dreams."

Her speech was strange, which made Flora ask;

"But what does Violet have to do with your goals?"

"I feel like I'll find the answer on my journey with her," Temari replied.

"Wait Wait... I didn't say I was going on any journey, and what about your family, are you going to leave them here?" Violet said.

"I don't have a family, my mom died yesterday, so I'm left with a dad who I don't know anything about. That's why I'm fine, I can go with you."

Temari was talking calmly about her mother's death, and this left Violet and Flora confused, because apparently she didn't need someone to console her over her mother's death.

During this conversation, one of the village children came up to Violet and said to her;

"Sister, breakfast is ready!"

Which made Violet wonder.


The day that awaits Violet is one of the happiest days in her life. It's the village hero's day.

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