17 – Apologies and Amends
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"What now?" Abhi asked herself as she stared at the collection of adults staring right back at her. To say she was tense was a massive understatement of her current state. The stares she received felt like laser beams from unseen snipers from somewhere far away—multiple of which.

"Now, dear, you can show us now; we know that you will make us, and the Granderstin Family, proud of you, come on," came the words of her mother, her smile gentle and warm, but her eyes drowning in ambition.

"What are you waiting for? Show us the results..." was the stern and cold order of her father.

She looked at her hand, a simple brown envelope. Her hands started to tremble as she remembered its contents. Slowly, she opened the envelope, the memories of when she first did so dreadfully flooding her mind.

Abhi's heart raced as she clutched the envelope in her trembling hands. She was only a young child, and the weight of their expectations bore down on her like a ton of bricks. The memory of that fateful day, when she had first taken that dreaded college entrance exam, washed over her like a tidal wave.

She could vividly recall the hours spent poring over textbooks, her parents' relentless encouragement, and the sleepless nights filled with anxiety. It was an experience she had hoped to forget, but now, in the company of those piercing stares, it all came rushing back.

With trembling fingers, she opened the envelope, revealing the contents that had shattered her young dreams. Her heart sank as she gazed at the paper, the red ink marks standing out like scars on her report card. It was a stark reminder of her failure, and the disappointment that awaited her from her parents was inevitable.

The room seemed to close in around her as she held the damning evidence of her shortcomings. The silence was broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside, a stark contrast to the turmoil within. Abhi's eyes filled with tears, and she felt a lump in her throat, making it hard to breathe.

Her parents' expectations had been too much for her young self to bear, and the weight of their ambitions had crushed her spirit. In that moment, she wished for nothing more than to turn back time, to be free from the pressure that had led to this painful disappointment.

Noticing the turmoil that their young child was experiencing, Abhi's parents exchanged a few words before their attention returned to her younger sister, who seemed to be the embodiment of their hopes and aspirations.

"Forget it," her mother declared, her voice carrying a note of stern authority. "Get back to your room and study. You're not allowed to leave your room until you can perfect the test exam I will send you later."

The words fell upon Abhi's ears like a harsh sentence, their cold indifference cutting deep into her already wounded spirit. Her mother's tone was unyielding, and her father's silence spoke volumes. They turned away from her with a calm yet disappointed dismissal that was palpable in the air.

Abhi watched as her younger sister, the favored child, received their undivided attention and encouragement. The stark contrast between their reactions weighed heavily on her heart. It wasn't just their words that stung; it was the emotional chasm that had formed between her and her parents in that moment.

The pain of their disinterest was like a heavy weight pressing down on her chest, making it hard to breathe. She felt like an outsider in her own family, overshadowed by her sister's success and her parents' relentless expectations. It was a pain that would linger long after that day, a wound that would take time to heal, and a memory that would shape her relationship with her parents for years to come.

She returned to her room, her heart heavy with a torrent of tears that blurred her vision. The indifference in her parents' gazes still haunted her mind, their cold and distant expressions etched in her memory like a painful scar. As she closed the door behind her, the weight of their expectations, disappointment, and her own sense of failure bore down on her.

She sank onto her bed, the room around her a sanctuary of solitude and despair. The tears flowed freely now, each drop a testament to the ache in her soul. Her face was a canvas of raw emotions, her shoulders trembling with the weight of her shattered dreams and the overwhelming burden of parental expectations.

The room, once a place of study and aspirations, now felt like a prison of disappointment and isolation. The walls seemed to close in on her, echoing the pain she couldn't escape. In that moment, Abhi was acutely aware of the loneliness that came with being the child who couldn't meet her parents' standards.

As she wept in solitude, she vowed silently to herself that one day, she would prove them wrong, not for their approval, but for her own sense of worth and dignity. Without their help, without her relative's help. It was a promise she made to her younger self, and a promise that she failed to achieve.

With a sudden, involuntary flinch, Abhi was abruptly jolted back to reality when Mia's gentle touch graced her cheek. Mia's enormous hand was like a comforting anchor, wiping away Abhi's tears with a tenderness that provided solace in the midst of her emotional storm.

The faces of the people surrounding them in the tub, which had momentarily transformed into the haunting visages of her mother and father, gradually shifted back to their usual expressions. Abhi's mind slowly disentangled itself from the grip of her distressing memories, and she began to grasp her present surroundings once more.

As the haze of her emotional turmoil gradually lifted, Abhi regained her ability to think, though her thoughts remained somewhat cloudy. It was as though she had been trapped in a disorienting dream, and Mia's gesture had acted as a lifeline, pulling her back to the here and now.

Her body quivered once more, overcome by a fresh wave of emotion, as she gazed up at Mia. Her eyes, brimming with tears, betrayed the intensity of her feelings, and they flowed down her cheeks unchecked. With an outpouring of pent-up emotions, she wept openly, her sobs mingling with her relief and grief.

In her overwhelming anguish, she clung tightly to Mia's towering form, as if seeking refuge in the comforting strength of the woman who had become her anchor in this storm of emotions. Her cries echoed through the room as she poured out her heart, her voice trembling with the raw intensity of her feelings.

"Mia! Uwaahaahaa! M-Miaaa! I'm sorry! Mia, I'm sorry! Forgive me!" she cried out in the same language that Orario spoke, her words muffled as she buried her tear-streaked face in the warmth and safety of Mia's bosom. In that moment, the weight of her past failures, her parents' expectations, and the emotional turmoil of the present found release in her tears and in the embrace of the person who had shown her kindness and understanding when she needed it most.

Taken aback by the unexpected gesture, Mia remained in place, her one remaining arm wrapping around the girl in a comforting embrace as she continued to cry. Her heartwarming response offered Abhi a sense of solace she had longed for.

Mia's gaze shifted briefly to the people gathered behind her, each of them bearing witness to this poignant moment. Syr's gentle and wry smile conveyed her understanding and relief.

Anya and Kodori wore grins, their faces reflecting a shared sense of satisfaction at the heartwarming moment unfolding before them. May, with a kerchief in hand, wiped away her own tears, touched by the display of emotion. Ryuu, on the other hand, gazed at the duo with a small smile, allowing her own tears to flow freely.

Chloe and Lunoire observed the scene with smiles, though they remained unaware of the small girl's identity. Loki, ever the troublemaker, wore a mischievous grin and couldn't help but chuckle at the heartwarming sight. Aiz and Riveria, usually reserved in their emotions, had small, subtle smiles that spoke about their appreciation for the moment of connection between Mia and the young girl.

Mia returned her focus to the girl as she gave her pats on the back in order to somewhat calm her down.

In a few minutes of silence, the girl breaks off the hug and steps down the stairs, wiping her tears off with the sleeve of her blouse. Looking at the two people who could understand her, she approached the most tolerable. She chose to walk toward Kodori and with a trembling hand, tugged her shirt, she asked in English.

"Please translate for me." Her voice slightly shaking.

Smiling at the girl, Kodori nodded. "Yeah, leave it to me."

Having confirmed that, Abhi turned toward Mia, her heart heavy with remorse. She bowed deeply, her actions speaking louder than words.

"For the troubles I've caused you," Abhi began, her voice filled with genuine contrition. As Kodori translated her words, Abhi continued, her apology growing in intensity.

"For the pain that I've caused you...

"For the worry that I've caused you...

"For the inconveniences that I've caused you...

"For the problems that I've caused you..."

With each phrase, Abhi's voice carried the burden of her regret, and she looked into the eyes of each person in the room she knew, her gaze earnest and filled with sorrow. She bowed again, this time with a profound sense of humility.

"I'm most horribly sorry!" Abhi's voice quivered with sincerity. "Please, let me heal your arm! Let me try again! I promise I'll make it work this time!"

Her plea echoed through the room, carrying the weight of her remorse and determination to make amends. Her words brought memories to some who knew, while it brought surprise to those who didn't from the implications of her words.

Loki and Riveria shared a look, while Kodori, Chloe, and Lunoire exchanged gazes of confusion.

The implications of her words were huge and potentially revolutionary and groundbreaking in terms of healing. This is something they must never miss, lest they make a loss once it gets out.

Just when the anticipation was reaching its boiling peak, Mia splashed a bucket of cold water over it.

"No, definitely no." Although she didn't understand the stern words that Mia said, Abhi understood just from the tone.

"Eh..? But why..?" Was all that Abhi could muster as she held back from tearing up.

With a look at Kodori, Mia continued as she kneeled down in front of the girl.

"I forgive you. Everybody here forgives you…" She said as Kodori translated.

"Then why…" Mia cut off the girl before she could finish and spoke again.

"But I don't want you to feel like it's something you need to earn," Mia's gentle words resonated deeply, carrying with them a message of unconditional acceptance and empathy. "Or it's something that you're not deserving of unless you did something significant."

Mia's heartfelt sentiments washed over Abhi like a soothing balm, and she couldn't contain her emotions any longer. Tears welled up in her eyes once more, and she was overcome by a surge of relief and gratitude. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders, and she felt a profound sense of liberation.

In that transformative moment, Abhi and Mia embraced tightly, both of them crying from the emotional moment as the others watched.

"Are we still needed here!?" Ever the troublemaker and prankster, Loki shouted with a grin plastered on her very punchable face, ruining the moment the two shared.


Hopefully this is satisfactory! I really didn't know how I was supposed to proceed from the previous chapter lmao

Don't even know why I wrote it like that! WAHAHAHA!