5. I am not a rechargeable battery
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Despite the silence in the prison cell, Kiryin adapted to the solitary atmosphere. The seemingly endless journey through the forest grew monotonous, yet he recognized its underlying purpose. During a short lunch break in the afternoon, he received a meager meal of stale bread and vegetable oat porridge, which he eagerly devoured, driven by his hunger.

A gentle and compassionate woman delivered the food, maintaining a safe distance as she approached his prison cell. Kiryin couldn't help but notice the mixture of kindness and fear in her demeanor, which left him puzzled.

"Do I truly appear so sinister?" Kiryin silently wondered, shaking his head at the thought.

He observed that his prison cell was attached to a wagon carrying food, supplies, and merchandise. The middle wagon seemed to accommodate the dignitaries, surrounded by tight security. The first wagon appeared to be designated for maids, housekeepers, and possibly the butler.

Kiryin also noted that the scarred leader's two assistants harbored a negative opinion of him, constantly monitoring his every move. Given the chance, he knew they would attempt to harm him in the absence of their leader.

However, such threats failed to concern him.

As night fell, the caravan came to a halt, just shy of complete darkness. Tents were erected by the side of the road, creating a sizable clearing. Similar to lunch, Kiryin received his dinner, the same modest fare as before. He yearned to eavesdrop on the guards' conversations, but their words eluded him. In the late hours, the chorus of crickets filled the air, their rhythmic chirping the only audible sound.

Gradually, the surrounding noise subsided, and even the guards who remained awake paid no attention to his prison cell. Kiryin couldn't discern their faces; it was as if they had vanished. In the darkness of his cell, Kiryin closed his eyes, summoning the power within him.

"Kiryin... You must return home... You cannot toil away here and perish under their control."

These were the words Kiryin whispered to himself, a habit he developed during moments like these, moments when he needed to focus, it was quite dumb to be honest. Focusing on his desire to return to the familiar realm he had known before, he concentrated his thoughts on his room, his home on planet Earth, and channeled his powers once more.

In a surreal instant, Kiryin vanished from the prison cage and reappeared within the familiarity of his own room. His disappearance from the cage was silent, without a trace or sound. He found himself seated in the same chair, surrounded by scattered pages. However, his hands and legs remained bound by chains, bringing a sense of joy rather than sadness. The presence of the chains proved that he could bring objects from this otherworldly realm to his own.

It was a significant breakthrough. For some time, Kiryin had attempted to return to his original world without success. Reflecting on the events of the past 18 hours or so, he began to grasp certain truths.

As Kiryin contemplated his newfound understanding of the other world, several key realizations came to mind:

1. Magic existed in this world. Kiryin had witnessed individuals conjuring fire and manipulating air with magical circles of intricate purple designs. It reminded him of a popular series he had seen before, where magic was also accompanied by similar magical circles.

2. The civilization in this world seemed less advanced compared to his own. Modern amenities he was familiar with were absent, suggesting that humanity hadn't progressed as far technologically.

3. Kiryin suspected that there might be limitations to his ability to move between worlds. It could be a time constraint, low reserves of magical power, or his own lack of knowledge and anxiety about using his magical abilities. He resolved to conduct further research to find answers.

4. Frustratingly, the people of Earth did not possess access to this magical knowledge, leaving Kiryin feeling somewhat isolated in his newfound abilities.

5. Time seemed to pass similarly in both worlds, with the rotation of the planet matching that of his own.

"I need to return to that place. It's calling to me. But first, I should eat something," Kiryin pondered. He had left home without warning or notifying anyone, and he knew his parents must be worried. It was late at night, so he decided to send a text to his mother, assuring her that he was fine and had discovered something that truly interested him.

After sending the text, Kiryin headed to the snack shelf and indulged in some treats, the sound of his chains clinking against his hands accompanying his meal. Once his hunger was satisfied, he returned to his chair.

"I sincerely hope that my ability to hop between worlds is somehow connected to my anxiety and heartbeat levels. Otherwise, it could become dangerous at any moment," Kiryin thought, acknowledging the potential risks of his newfound ability. Under normal circumstances, no one would consider such reckless actions.

With an adventurous spirit and a desire to explore the other world while making some money along the way, Kiryin found himself different from others. After spending a few moments in his chair, he managed to calm himself down and focused on visualizing the prison cell he had occupied throughout the day. He attempted to use his newfound ability to return to his home.

In an instant, he vanished once again, but this time he kept his eyes open, determined to observe his surroundings. To his frustration, there was nothing to be seen. The bright room he had been in moments ago was abruptly replaced by a dark and murky prison cell. The transition happened in an instant.

"So my ability is based on my own volition rather than being a rechargeable battery. That's good to know," Kiryin thought, noting the nature of his ability. Upon arriving back in the prison cell, his initial instinct was to look around cautiously.

Despite his concerns about being discovered missing, he was relieved to find that nobody seemed to have noticed. The flickering shadows from the dimly lit bonfire revealed the sleeping figures of the guards, accompanied by muffled snores. It appeared that everything remained undisturbed.