Chapter One Hundred and One Lily’s Surprise Mother
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Lily walked up the steps to her manor and slipped inside. Passing the lewd, yet tasteful murals she made for the kitchen where she could smell something cooking. Only to pause when she stepped into the kitchen. She blinked, there was a naked woman in the room cooking. An elf, but not her mother. The woman turned and smiled. For a moment they looked familiar, but only a moment. Then they spoked, “Hey Lily! Have fun with your friends?”

She frowned, “Um do I know you?”

The woman giggled, “I had a feeling you wouldn’t recognize me. You haven’t met this version of me before. I’m Thanton, your father, or well I guess second mother.”

Lily blinked, “Huh? What!?” She gave the woman a second look, seeing all the little tells. It was hard not to see it, but it really did seem she might be her father.

A door opened and her mother Ivy walked in just as naked. Only she was a little sticky, covered with familiar fluids. Ivy paused, “Lily? You’re home!” She glanced down at herself, “Crap, I need a bath!”

Ivy rushed out of the room. Thanton with a blush scratched her cheeks as Lily connected the dots. Her parents had been enjoying each other’s bodies and in the process Mom’s power had turned her father into a woman. “Oh, I see. I guess that makes sense.”

“Well your mother needed something. I gave it to her. Hopefully she’ll be less tense.”

Heading to the table she nodded, “I hope. So what’s for dinner?”

Thanton grabbed a towel and said, “Nothing too special. Pan seared flare boar, mashed potatoes and some bread rolls. A cute demon at the market sold me some nice cuts, some honey and a few seasonings. So I threw something together.”

Lily’s stomach rumbled and a moment later she was presented a plate. She smiled at the taste. It was actually fairly good, her father should certainly cook more often or did this have something to do with him currently being female? Lily wasn’t sure and for the moment didn’t care. Still, she was curious. Did Dad mind being a girl? There was a fair amount to ask.

Michael stared at the mirror as Delilah helped her comb out her hair. It was still interesting suddenly being a girl. What that Goddess Tina had then done to them wasn’t right either. A moment later the door opened and Mira walked in. Reminding her of their new status as pets. Although Mira didn’t seem that happy about that either. So there was that. On a different note, she also felt strangely safer when Mira was around and she felt Delilah relax a bit.

She recalled that Mira went to the guild, so she inquired, “So how were things at the guild?”

“I ran into Phillip and her new girl. They were talking with the mages about the town. I heard mention of a bathhouse.”

Delilah interjected, “A bathhouse?” excitement entering her voice, “That sounds so nice. The local river is fine and all but its cold. Then you also have to worry about peepers.”

Mira nodded, “I know, I offered my support for the idea.”

“Good, I hope it is done before long. On a different note, did you find any leads?”

Mira sighed, “Sadly no. I even visited a shrine out in the forest. There are a few in the area, all old but still resonant with the divine energies of the Dark gods. Sadly none of them could help.” then she smiled, “But they did say that Tina is now bound in the local dungeon. We could have some fun with her?”

Micheal felt a smile touch her face, “That sounds nice, I can think of a few things we can do to have fun. Maybe teach her that her pranks aren’t that fun?”

They all nodded as they all quickly agreed to go seek her out for some fun. With that in mind, it seemed obvious they would be visiting the dungeon again. Perhaps this time their run will go better?”

Misaki and Phillip walked together as they looked around the area near the guild. The meeting with the mages had gone well. They were more than happy to have Misaki helping. As long as they were still paid and the bathhouse was something they very much wanted. Everyone liked the idea. So she was going to get it built as quickly as she could.

It was going to be lovely. There was a nice spot near the guild, no buildings yet. A few tents, all guild owned, that could be moved quickly. Already most of them were moved. While they were talking, the new hires at the guild, already in her uniforms, were working at removing them from the area. They looked so cute in their sexy uniforms. Being in town they weren’t all dressed the same, but every girl kept it cute and sexy. Some had exposed nipples, others were covered. Some had nicely exposed pussies, while others would flash people the moment they moved. It was so cute and she felt very happy with her choice to write up a proper dress code for the guild. 

Taking a moment to appreciate the view, she settled by the edge of the plot and chatted idly with Phillip. Nothing important. Just some nice idle chatter. It was pleasant, but all too soon the area was clear. With that as her signal, she got to work. First, she leveled the ground, making it nice and smooth. Once it was flat, she cleared the grass and then proceeded to change the dirt out for some lovely stone tiles. They were a lovely blue-grey color with hints of red. Not yet bothering with walls, she started marking out the entrances, building the pools and fountains. Then filling it out with lewd statues. Naked women all of them, some in lesbian fun, others just masturbating, all of them in states of undress with exposed nipples and pussies.

She then divided it up into the women's bath, a much larger and nice area. With halls and vast pools so that they could all bath at once. The men’s area was smaller with only a couple of small pools and a series of showers. Eventually, she had the whole place laid out the way she wanted and then she added the walls. Dividing the two areas, she even placed one section of the women's bath, so that people in the men’s bath could watch and vice versa. This was the peeping section, where people were allowed and encouraged to watch each other bathe. With the bath built, she proceeded to summon her demonic attendants. Misaki was quite happy that Phillip and the mages agreed to let her work with the bath as an extension of her domain. Under the stipulation that it was merely an extension, not her halls. Something she didn’t mind, it was a bath not a challenge. She wasn’t sure about what laws to set, so she kept things simple. It was a bathhouse afterall and people should follow some etiquette while there.

Nothing crazy, just taking your clothes off while in the building. Being respectful and listening to the attendants. They were there to make sure everyone had a fun meaningful experience. That and to corrupt the town. Misaki couldn’t wait to see a proper demonic town, with lots of fun mothers in little to no clothing and kids running around on every street. The bath would be the center of the town. Where people come to bathe and socialize. Even find mates. It would be lovely, she just knew it. They would have so much fun and so would her kids. With plenty of friends their age to play with.

With the building finally coming together, she turned to Phillip, “Care to take a look around?”

She smiled, “Sure why not?”

Taking her hand, Phillip led her into the building. As soon as they entered, a pair of demons greeted them. The pair were in a skimpy bikini-style panties and bra combo that covered nothing. The look was quite lewd, especially given the contrast between them. The one was rather short with large breasts, straining in her top, and the other was on the tall side with a tiny chest. Misaki felt the looks worked perfectly for the pair, as they welcomed them in. “Welcome, if you would please remove your clothes, we will store them for you.”

Misaki naturally removed hers and Phillip did a moment later without much protest. The demons quickly stowed them away and led them into the halls. They were wide, with nice stone walkways and lines with lewd statues. To help set the mood. Attendants already were walking the halls, ready to help bathers as they needed to. The pair were quickly shown to the main pool.

As they stepped in Phillip gasped, “It’s amazing.”

She smiled and looked out over her work. Crystal clear waters, naked murals on the walls, a lewd orgy in the middle of the room frozen as the girls were cumming, water spraying from their pussies to fill the pool, which was heated to a comfortable temperature by enchanted stones. At the moment the two of them had the space to themselves. Including the nice lounging areas off to the side and the alcoves, placed so people could have sex in the baths. With curtains to provide privacy if they wanted. Otherwise they would be doing it in full view of the bath.

The two attendants who led them here smiled, “Here we are the main bath, if you two need anything, any of the lovely ladies here would be happy to provide. Just tell them what you need. When you are done come see us and we can get your clothes back.”

She smiled, “Thank you.”

After they left, Misaki took a quick look at the various girls around. All of them were cute or pretty in some way. Many of them wore practically nothing or were just plain naked. The ones near the alcoves tended to be naked, they were there as much to help as to have sex with the guests. Clothes would get in the way. Misaki gave Phillip a smile and led her into the bath to try it out.