Chapter 2 – Sororal Affection
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I watched blood slowly fill up the tube attached to the needle in my arm, the doc deftly pulling it away without causing any pain at all before placing a cotton ball over the puncture site. Today was February 3rd, one full month after I started this crazy experiment.

“So then M-” Doc stopped himself, “would you prefer that I call you Mr. Davis or Ms. Davis?”

To which I couldn’t help but let out a PFFT noise, “Mr. Davis for sure, I’m a guy after all”

Doc just nodded at my response, “alright then Mr. Davis, we’re going to analyze your blood very quickly, so instead of having you wait in the waiting room or your car we’re gonna have you go over to Dr. Samantha”

“Another doctor? How come?”

“She’s a psychiatrist, everyone in our experiment visits with her during every check up just to make sure everything is going ok in your head” doc smiled genuinely, I had nearly forgotten just how nice this dude was, “It’ll just be a few basic questions so no need to worry. You can find her office at the end of the hall to the left”

With a nod and little else I left the room the doc was in and walked through the spotless hallway of the building. 


Ever since my last set of changes walking had become… weird, my chest was definitely noticeable, not like… in a silly anime way where they flop all over the place from the slightest movement or anything like that but they were definitely noticeable. Even worse than that ever since those changes my nipples had become rather sore and the cold didn’t help as they poked into the fabric of my shirt in a very obvious manner.

I was about to knock on the door when it immediately swung open right in front of my eyes which I must admit made me jump a bit. Dr. Samantha was an older woman, probably in her fifties if I had to guess? As soon as she saw me her warm motherly smile toasted my heart.

“Look at you! Wow, please please come on in” She turned and walked back into her office with me following closely behind.


It was a pretty average therapist room, she took a seat on a big comfy looking chair while I sat on the couch across from her.

“Dillan Davis? Is that right?” she was looking down at a clipboard that I could only assume had my file on it

“That’s right”

“Ah that’s right, you’re one of our control subjects” she idly chewed the end of her pen, “That makes sense”

“What does?” while cocking my head to the side a few of my blonde locks of hair got in my eyes so I had to brush them away

“That you haven’t chosen a girl name, some of our controls chose not to” she starts writing something down, “so tell me, how has the experiment been for you so far?”

“Well it’s…” a slight pinkish color arose in my cheeks, “actually not that bad at all”

“So you would describe your feelings lately as positive, negative, or neutral?” I don’t know what she could still be writing but she hadn’t looked up at me

“I guess… positive?”

“Positive? How so?” one of her thin eyebrows raised as she finally looked up at my pinkish red face

“Well… I guess… I don’t know I’ve just had… more energy?” I couldn’t maintain eye contact with her for very long at all, “L-like I’ve been more willing to get out of bed?”

“Is that something you struggle with normally?”

“Absolutely, most days I can’t really get myself out of bed for hours… sometimes the whole day” I think back on just how frequently I had spent days completely bedridden for no reason

“...Mr. Davis, have you ever been to see a psychiatrist or therapist before?” to which I shook my head, “Alright then, how about this, instead of just asking the normal rudimentary questions I ask our other control specimens I’ll go further in depth with you, sound good?”

I was a little confused why, but I didn’t see the harm in free therapy so after a minute I nodded.

“Fantastic, let’s start at the beginning, how long have you struggled with issues of low energy?”

“Probably… shit I have no idea… as long as I can remember I suppose?” with the initial awkwardness of this meeting gone I was more comfortable in slipping back into the seat a bit deeper

“And how would you say a normal day goes for you?” she was writing even more on that clipboard now

“Well… uhhh… most days if I don’t have anything to do I kinda just linger in bed all day and don’t do much”

“Any hobbies?” she looked up, idly biting the end of her pen once again

“Gaming sometimes but usually I don’t have the energy for that either” I shrugged, “to be honest I wouldn’t say I’m super cognizant most days”

“And that’s changed since starting this experiment?”

“Yeah, especially this last week… most days I’ve actually gotten out of bed!” I couldn’t tell if it was embarrassing or just sad that I was this happy about being able to get out of bed

“Well that’s certainly a good sign” she scribbled a bit more hastily, “now tell me, why did you sign up for this project?”

“For this project? I mean… a hundred grand to just around for a year? Who wouldn’t sign up for this?”

“And that’s the only reason? You didn’t have any particular… interest in the transition?” though she was super nice she was also kinda hard to read, I couldn’t tell why she was asking a question like that

“Of course not, I mean, not anymore than any other guy would be interested” shrugging I leaned back more in my seat

“And how interested do you think a ‘normal guy’ is in transitioning to a woman for a year straight?”

“I mean, we all think about it, you know? ‘What would you do if you woke up as a woman one day?’ is a common guy question and everyone’s thought about it before” I paused for a moment, “hell it’s pretty common for us to dream about it to”

“You dream about waking up as a woman?”

“Of course” I smiled slightly, “it’s not an all the time thing mind you, only every now and again”

“That’s rather interesting of you to say-” she was cut off by her phone vibrating on the wooden table, causing a loud noise, “I’m afraid we will have to call this session short, it seems that your blood work is done earlier than expected”

I shrugged a bit and stood up, “it’s all good”

“Next month though I’ll be sure to set aside extra time for a full interview, so be ready for that” she reached a hand out to me, which I shook with my still unfamiliar dainty hand.


The rest of my appointment was basically a blur, I wound up stuck in my own head again just trying to figure out why in the world I was feeling so much more energetic than before.

During the car ride home I ran through several theories but didn’t really like the sound of them at all. Was this some kinda weird fetish? That was my first theory, but to be honest it didn’t really sync up completely… I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t sort of a turn on to have a body like this but there was…. Something more? Something deeper than simple lust, afterall lust wouldn’t give me that much energy nor had I ever experienced this weird feeling in my chest when I was horny before.

Then I thought maybe it was because I cared a lot about the project? I suppose that could be a part of it, it’s hard for doc’s enthusiasm to not have that effect on you but still… it didn’t quite feel right? Even if I was pretty interested in the project I can’t imagine that it would be this intense of a feeling without me realizing it.

Finally I settled on this being a simple side effect of the serum, that had to be the correct answer. It was the only thing that would make sense after all, I only started to feel this way after the shot. I have to imagine that’s what Dr. Samantha was about to tell me before she got cut off.

So with my answer in hand I arrived home in time to do nothing for the rest of the day, dreading what would come in four days.


The next few days I spent doing a lot of cleaning. Surprisingly, I finally managed to turn that excess energy into something productive and cleared out all of the garbage in my room and kitchen. I had always been gross but I didn’t fully realize just how gross my apartment had gotten over the last few years. It got to the point where I felt embarrassed or even ashamed of it.

Each day I also kept measuring my body though nothing really seemed to change that much. I wasn’t disappointed or anything but I did realize that I had a smaller chest than my sister did, a fact that made me… kind of self conscious? Stupid sibling rivalry, it doesn’t even make sense to be upset about this.


Speaking of my sister though, four days had finally passed and I awoke at one in the afternoon to the rapid knocking on my door. With a deep groan I rolled out from under the covers, I had nearly forgotten that she was supposed to come over today. I didn’t even realize that I was dressed in just an extra long and way too big t-shirt and a pair of very loose fitting boxers when I opened the door to my giddy sister.

We had always been pretty opposite of one another, I was an introverted shut in while she was a popular extroverted girl, in general she looked a fair bit like I did right now. She was only 5’9” compared to my 6’0” but her build was very similar save her more curvy figure. Her eyes were always being complimented by any and every guy she met, being bright and blue which was a nice contrast to her long super curly red hair.

I didn’t even get a word in before she pulled me into an overly tight hug.

“EEEEEE! I can’t believe it! I finally got a sister!” she was still in the hallway, and very audible to anyone that could hear her, a fact that made my face glow redder than her hair

“Could you be a bit more subtle sis…” I deftly slid out of her death hug and back into the apartment.


She awkwardly giggled and shut the door behind her, I only just now realized she was carrying a few bags which she quickly placed over on the kitchen counter.

“Do I even want to know what you have in those bags?” cocking my head to the side I had to repeatedly pull up my boxers or else they’d fall down

“It’s just fun stuff, I promise” she grinned, “I have to say sis, you look so amazing!”

My face, which had just settled down from blushing, turned cherry red again, “...whatever”

“You didn’t do this experiment for my sake did you?” she stuck her tongue out at me teasingly

“Absolutely not, I just needed the cash is all” crossing my arm with these… Things on my chest was still a bit awkward for me.


Brittany, my sister, took a seat on the couch and threw her boots off “really? Just for the cash? Come on”

“What are you even getting at?” I sighed and sat on a chair nearby so I wouldn’t have to keep pulling up my boxers

“There’s like a million other things you could do for money you know, so I have the feeling that you did it for some other reason” she giggled, embarrassing me further

“If you just came here to make fun of me than you can leave” I rolled my eyes and tried to cross my arms a few different ways to see what was most comfortable

“I’m just playing with you, 100k is definitely nothing to sneeze at” I could tell she was comparing me to whatever she thought I would look like, staring intently at my body

“100k plus I don’t have to do anything” with a nod I tried to affirm myself, “so that’s the real reason why I participated in this”

“Uh-huh, whatever you sayyyy” now she rolled her eyes, “so what’s your name anyway sis?”

“I’m still Dillan, and I’m still your bro not your ‘sis’” if people keep asking me what my name is I might have to eventually think of one to use just to get people to stop questioning me…

“Awww, seriously? Come onnnnn let’s think up a cute name for you!”

“Absolutely not”

She pouted like a child, just like when we were kids.


There was an awkward silence for a few moments, I think she was expecting me to cave.

“So… mom and dad already know right? Can’t imagine mom had a good reaction to how you look” she finally spoke up, putting her hand under her chin and leaning forward

“Actually I spoke with them before my changes started” for some reason I felt a little self conscious by what she had said, “why would mom be mad with how I look?”

“Uhh because you’ve met our mother right? Remember last time you got all dressed up in girl clothes?”

“What? I don’t remember that!” I swear, my face will burn at the slightest hint of emotion!

“You don’t? It was during your senior year in high school! You lost that bet with your buddies and you had to wear a skirt to school but mom freaked out on you too much so you didn’t actually wear it”

“...I have no idea what you are talking about”

“Seriously? It was only a few years ago dude, you put on my skirt and accidentally tore it remember?”

My blank stare was all she needed for an answer.


“Well my question still stands, how did mom and dad take it?” she leaned back in her chair, maybe intentionally mimicking my sitting pose?

“Very well all things considered” I said with a shrug, “dad took it very well and even sort of took some of the heat off of me by pissing mom off”

“Well that’s good!” she seemed just as surprised as I was by dad’s actions.


We spent another hour or so catching up on other random things, she talked a lot about her fiancé and how they were planning their wedding for the end of the year. Finally she abruptly stood up.

“Alright! Enough chit chat, let’s open your presents!” with a devious grin she walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed the bags that I had all but forgotten about already

“You really shouldn’t have…” I groaned slightly and got up to follow her and see what was in the bags

“Oh shush, I’m glad I did! I mean girl, you need some serious support with that chest” she was rummaging through the bags for what I already dreaded she was trying to find

“Oh no, I am not under any circumstances wearing women’s clothes!” I put my foot down in protest, lightly so I wouldn’t get a noise complaint of course.


She wasn’t paying me any mind though, already dropping a handful of bras of various sizes and styles on the counter before she dug into another bag and pulled out a plethora of different underwear types as well.

“You have to wear a bra si- I mean… bro, your chest and back are going to hurt going up stairs without one on you know?” she held a bra up in front of her face and measured with her eyes to figure out which one would fit me the best

“I can manage, I’m only going to leave this apartment to go grocery shopping for the next year” crossing my arms I couldn’t help but look at some of the bras and their various styles

“You mean to tell me you want to go grocery shopping without a bra on? I mean, be my guest I suppose” she shrugged and put them down, “regardless, at least keep these clothes here just in case you change your mind, ok?”

I stood back a bit with my mouth agape for a few seconds.

“What?” she seemed confused

“It’s nothing I’m just… surprised you didn’t argue with me about it longer” Brittany had always been crazy stubborn, “figured you’d fight me on that a lot more…”

“I mean, what am I going to do? Try and force a bra on you?” she giggled, “if you don’t want to wear any I’m not going to try and force you, just like how if you still want to be my brother Dillan instead of my sister I’ll support you one hundred percent”

Her smile had always been something that I was jealous of, it was so pure and kind. On one hand I felt relieved that she didn’t try to force me into women’s undergarments but on the other… was disappointment? No, that’s not right, why would I be disappointed?

“Well… thanks, I appreciate it”

“Of course! That’s what a big sister is supposed to do after all” she grinned again

I rolled my eyes, “you’re going to hold that extra thirty seconds over me for the rest of our lives aren’t you?”

“Hey! Thirty seconds is thirty seconds, which means I’m still technically older than you” she stuck her tongue out at me again before thinking for a moment, “you know, if we dyed your hair red and gave you blue contact lenses than we could finally be identical twins instead of fraternal ones”

“We don’t look that similar sis”

“We so totally do!” to my shock she quickly moved to be standing right next to me and pulled out her phone.


Her movements were precise and rapid, she managed to get the cleanest looking selfie imaginable all while moving faster than I could fully process what was happening and stop her from taking the pic.

“Hey! Don’t just do tha-” I was cut off when she showed me the pic

Sure I had already realized that we looked similar earlier but… she wasn’t lying, our faces were nearly identical in every way outside of our hair and eyes. For some reason this made me blush yet again just from looking at myself in the pic.

“You better not share that with anyone!” I tried to snatch the phone out of her hand but her speed was still incredible… or maybe it was just that I was too slow

“I wouldn’t dare, after all, you’re not even wearing a bra” she giggled which made me look down just to realize how much the cold had affected my chest

“Why didn’t you say anything?!” I quickly covered my chest to hide my rather pokey nipples, not that it would do me any good now

“Well you didn’t want to wear a bra so what was I supposed to do about it?” she shrugged and started to grab her things, “it’s no big deal, at least your boxers never fell down” she giggled again

“I think I would have actually died if that happened” I awkwardly giggled back without even realizing it

After a few moments she quickly pulled me into another hug out of nowhere, gently patting my back.

“Hey, listen… if you ever want to talk about anything or get a more girly experience, you can call me anytime” I nearly played off what she said as a joke but she was very serious about it, her tone was very caring

“I… well… I… alright… I’ll call you if I ever need advice” I couldn’t help but smile, we had never really been close before so this felt… nice.


With that my whirlwind of a day was finally over, we exchanged goodbyes and she left, which left me in a newly awkward silence.

For the rest of my evening I sat in the living room and regularly found my eyes drifting over to the bras and panties that were sitting in my kitchen still. Part of me felt very tempted to throw them out, another felt super tempted to put them on, and another felt too embarrassed to even look at women’s underwear.

Regardless of how I felt I couldn’t stop myself from envisioning myself wearing something like that. Lacy white underwear… the thought made me squirm on the couch. My mind then kept wandering, envisioning myself in all sorts of feminine clothing rather than my more generic baggy wardrobe that didn’t fit me in this body.

By the time I was ready to lay down in bed I still hadn’t made up my mind about the undergarments, so I took all of the clothes in my hands and shoved them into my closet, slamming the door shut and deciding that I would worry about it another day if ever.


The day certainly had me beat, with the clothes secure and out of sight I fell backwards onto my bed and stared up towards the ceiling. I was just about to fall asleep as a matter of fact when my phone rang thanks to a notification.

With an annoyed grunt I reached over for my phone, which had been sitting next to my bed without me ever looking at it all day, to see a handful of messages from my group chat with my guy friends.

My guy friend group was a bunch of dudes I had met in middle school, there was Kevin who had been my friend since before middle school, Mark who was kind of a douche, Dilan with only one L in his name which is why we all just called him L, and Paul who was a few years older than we were thanks to being held back a few years and was kinda weird.


I opened up the group chat and read the backlogs quickly


Khaos99 (this is Kevin’s screen name)

@Everyone we seem to all have a day off in two weeks so we should get together


X-irony-x (Mark’s screen name)

Sure I guess, it’ll be good to get away from here for a day


L (... L)

Yeah I’m down!


Palm66 (Paul’s screen name)

Where are we going to hang out?



Well my house isn’t available right now



Mine either



I think my mother would kill me if I had the four of you assholes over again



So I guess we’ll just have to go to Dillan’s apartment



Where is Dillan? Anybody heard from him lately?



Now that you mention it, no, I haven’t heard from him since before Christmas



Fucker is probably dodging us



I wish I could dodge you, he’s probably just busy



@Dillan just let us know when you see these messages so we can plan accordingly


Two weeks? I guess that would be enough time to prepare my stomach for whatever the hell all of their reactions to… all of this, will be.



Yeah sorry guys, been busy cuz I got a new gig, pays amazing but Ill explain when you’re all here


Surprisingly Kevin responded almost immediately



Oh damn, that’ll be an interesting story, guess we’ll see you in 2 weeks then dude!



Sounds good :3 see you all then


…I have no idea why I typed that emoticon, it reminds me of something my sister would send me. I suppose if they ask I can blame it on exhaustion, after all I’m pretty tired…

With my phone dropping to the side I finally fell asleep, legs still over the side of the bed, not under any blankets, I was just too wiped from all of the socializing today.