Chapter 179: POV Troublemaker
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Sorry this chapter was later than normal. I am still getting used to how to schedule chapter releases and it didn't quite work out this time.


Thea writhed and shuddered in orgasmic bliss as Jay tongue-fucked her. Thanks to the size difference between them and Jadis’ bodies, the giants had some absolutely amazing reach when it came to their tongues. It helped that she knew how to put her mouth to good use, too. Skill combined with a tongue longer than most guy’s dicks and a natural eagerness to see her partners fall apart in ecstasy made Jadis a champion pussy-licker, as Thea was clearly experiencing.

Kerr wouldn’t have minded a little bit of that action herself, but contrary to popular belief she did have some modicum of self-control. Not much, but some.

The shrinking violet deserved the attention she was getting after the show she’d just put on. Kerr hadn’t tackled all three of Jadis by herself yet, a fact that she hoped to change in the near future, but she knew from experience that just having one or two of Jadis focused on her was a lot to handle. Three had to be a overwhelming, and the fact that Thea had managed to please all three simultaneously with only minimal help from the perverted priestess was honestly impressive to her. Kerr hadn’t thought Thea had it in her.

So the former guard had earned her reward. Jay was going at her pussy like it was her first meal after a month of fasting and Kerr wasn’t going to interrupt. That still left two other of Jadis’ bodies to play with though, didn’t it?

Well, no, it didn’t. Eir, that slutty little lust monger had latched onto Dys like a limpet. The two were entwined like a red vine on a white oak, faces glued together while their hands roamed. Not much chance of anyone getting into that mix while they were latched onto each other like screech minks in heat.

That left one option. The most natural option, too. Syd had, of course, sidled right up next to her and Aila. But even though that part of Jadis, or version of Jadis, or extension, or however the fuck it worked, was right there next to her, Kerr could tell that Syd had focused her attention on the redhead instead of her.

“You know,” Syd murmured as she draped her oversized but drop-dead sexy body across Kerr’s lap, “Kerr got to take this whole beast down her throat the other day. Besides the fact that was impressive as fuck, I’m also a little jealous. When do I get to play with your new favorite toy?”

One of her perfect pale hands wrapped around the upper half of Aila’s dick, her thumb rubbing circles around the throbbing head. Kerr had been stroking her cock for her while they’d watched the spectacle, a favor Aila had kindly returned. But now she withdrew her hand from the redhead’s meaty cock. Clearly Jadis was in a mood to play with it.

That was fine, Kerr didn’t mind. In fact, she was pretty damn eager to see Jadis suck the prim mage’s special wand. But that didn’t mean she was content to sit on the sidelines while everyone else had their fun. That just wasn’t her style.

“You don’t have to do that,” Aila said for some reason. “I mean, it’s fine if we stick to more traditional acts. My, uh, my taste isn’t as sweet as yours.”

Why in all the abyss the woman would bother making up excuses for Jadis to not suck her cock was beyond Kerr. Valtar’s balls, did she really think her sex-crazed girlfriend didn’t want to suck the seed from her? Were they fucking the same Nephilim?

“That really doesn’t bother me,” Syd chuckled as she rested the fat shaft of Aila’s cock against her face, her nose nuzzling against it like an affectionate cat. “There’s no part of you I wouldn’t want, Blue.”

“Putain, c'était dégueulasse,” Kerr mumbled under her breath, but the two love birds ignored her.

Well, if they wanted to be all sappy and romantic while throat fucking, that was fine. Kerr could respect it. But she wasn’t going to just continue to act as a pillow for Syd, either.

As Syd wrapped her lips around Aila’s cockhead and elicited an honestly extremely appealing moan from the freckled mage, Kerr slipped out from under her and moved so that she was behind the giant. With her back arched and long legs splayed out, it was a mouthwatering view.

Jadis had a great ass. Actually, she had three great asses, but that was beside the point. Her cheeks were nice and round but still taut and firm. Not a single spot or blemish on them. And between them was that perfect pussy with its delicate lips and intoxicatingly sweet smell. Every time she saw it Kerr had to struggle not to dive right in. Of course, in current circumstances, she didn’t have to hold back at all. She knew the big lug of a woman had no objections at all to Kerr making use of her body. But licking Syd’s tasty cunt wasn’t Kerr’s goal at the moment. She wanted to give the giant something to really moan about.

Ah, fuck it. She could go in for a little taste first.

Kerr put her hands on either side of Syd’s generous globes and spread them apart, revealing her lewdly wet target. She promptly dove in, nose first, and gave her perfect petals a firm stroke with her tongue. The taste was, as she knew it would be, delightfully sweet in an almost fruity way. If nothing else was enough to convince her, the way Jadis tasted definitely tipped the scales when it came to the question of whether or not she was a real Nephilim. Nothing else but the divinely blessed avatars of Lyssandria could taste so good.

Even partially muffled between thick thighs Kerr’s sensitive ears could hear the results of her oral fixation. Syd had, of course, moaned. But those strong vibrations had flowed directly into the cock that was sunk deeply into her mouth, drawing out more gasping groans from the Aila.

Kerr loved it when her plans worked out. She made so few of them so it was nice to see them be successful. She didn’t continue her licking for long, though. As much as she enjoyed it, she did have a different method of attack she was going to use on Jadis while she sucked Aila off.

Pulling back and licking her own lips clean, Kerr grinned toothily at the open and waiting entrance on display before her. Taking advantage of the easy access Syd was giving her by raising her ass up and wiggling it slightly in her direction, Kerr tested the waters by gently inserting one of her fingers into Syd’s divine heat.

The surprisingly tight passage was just how Kerr remembered it. The feeling of Syd squeezing around her single digit made her long to have her cock back. She’d had a lot of fun with that thing last time and she wanted another go with it. She kind of regretted dismissing the spell that had grown it on her, but Kerr wasn’t so impractical that she’d sacrifice her ability to fit in her armor for a sexual perversion.

Besides, she’d just do the ritual with Jadis again to get it back later. That ritual was honestly half the fun.

Continuing her exploration of Syd’s soaked core, Kerr added another finger. After a few more moments, she added a third. Soon, she was four fingers deep in Syd’s pussy and despite how tight it was, Kerr was confident she could take more. After all, Jadis’s cocks were way bigger than just four of Kerr’s fingers and she’d seen Jadis fuck her own selves before. No, Kerr could definitely fit a whole lot more into Syd. And she was going to.

Balling her fingers up into a fist to keep her claws in check, Kerr firmly inserted her whole fist into Syd’s heat. She had to apply a fair amount of pressure to work her way in, but she had the strength to spare. Kerr had to laugh at the idea that Jadis’ stat-boosting gift to her was being used in such a way. Eventually Syd’s pussy accepted her fist and she was fully inside.

“Fuck, Kerr,” Syd moaned out.

Kerr immediately slapped Syd’s ass with her free right hand, the meaty thwack echoing over the grunts and moans of the others having their fun elsewhere on the bed.

“Hey! If you’re talking that means you aren’t sucking. Aila’s cock is supposed to be in that pretty mouth of yours right now so fucking get back to it!”

Aila’s sudden gasp and the wet squelching sound told Kerr Syd had complied without even having to look. That was good. At least Jadis knew when to listen to her elders.

With a happy smirk, Kerr pressed forward into Syd’s dripping depths. Her wrist disappeared inside, followed shortly thereafter by her forearm. She was in all the way up to her elbow before she reached what she recognized as the end of Syd’s tunnel. She rested there for a moment, letting Syd get used to the arm that had intruded into her.

But not too long. Kerr had self-control. But not that much.

Abruptly, Kerr pulled her arm out of Syd’s core all the way to the point where her tight pussy lips were clenching around her wrist. Then, with just as much vigor, Kerr dove back to hilt her arm into Syd as far as she could go.


That exclamation had not come from Syd, but from Aila. A completely understandable response. Glancing up from her work, Kerr saw that her forceful fist fucking of Syd had caused the giant to dip forward and fully engulf Aila’s cock all the way to the base. Aila’s hands clamped around Syd’s head as she gagged on the cock in her throat, making such enticing sounds that Kerr couldn’t resist adding more.

Pulling back out again, Kerr began gleefully pumping her fist into Jadis’ pussy. The gurgled moans that came from Syd’s stuffed mouth with every thrust of her arm were driving Kerr wild with excitement. The red, pleasured face Aila was making while her cock was gobbled added even more fuel to the fire.

Fuck, Kerr loved fucking these two. They were just too much fun.

She kept up the pace for a good while, keeping to a steady rhythm as she pumped her arm into Syd. She wasn’t sure which one of the two would give out first, but she guessed Jadis would. She was having fun with Eir and Thea at the same time, wasn’t she? That meant she had a lot more stimulation to tip her over the edge, from how Kerr understood it all.

Yet, surprisingly, as Kerr felt sweat drip of her brow and pool in the small of her back as she worked hard to fuck her friend’s brains out, it was Aila who let out a very un-Aila-like squeal as she wrapped her arms around Syd’s head and bent double over, bucking her hips all the while.

“Oh, oh, that was…” Aila gasped out after a while as she slumped to one side. “That was—”

“Canteen,” Syd interrupted loudly in an almost pained voice as she wetly pulled Aila’s cock from her mouth. “Now. I’m about to cum!”

“Shit,” Aila scrambled, her post-climax state making her limbs as weak as a newborn lamb’s.

She struggled to clamber over and around Syd, Kerr’s continued thrusting of her fist getting in the way of her grabbing the enchanted canteen and funnel lying on the other side of the bed. Kerr kept thrusting anyway. What was she supposed to do, stop?

While Kerr refused to slow her pace until Syd had popped, she was forced to adjust her position as the giant shifted up so that she was on her hands and knees instead of lying on her stomach. The new position revealed the rock hard and visibly trembling cock that had been hidden between the bed and Syd up until that point.

“Better hurry,” Kerr panted out, a grin splitting her mouth wide. “Our girl here is about to burst!”

“Fuuuuck,” Syd moaned out, her voice shaking in time with Kerr’s pumping arm.

A second later her shaft throbbed while her cockhead surged in size just before unleashing a torrent of sticky white seed directly into the funnel that Aila had just barely managed to get into place in time.

“There we go,” Kerr chuckled as Syd groaned around each toe-curling pulse. “Good job getting your bucket in time for the milk, Aila.”

“Shut up,” the exhausted redhead said with her face buried in the blanket, her elongated body splayed out in the diving slide she’d made to get under Syd before the seed and started flowing. “You’re an asshole.”

“Eh, you know you like me.”

A few minutes later Aila carefully screwed the cap onto the fully loaded canteen as Syd lay on her back, one arm thrown over her eyes. Kerr lay next to her, her fingers idly tracing patterns on Syd’s muscled stomach.

“Oh come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t like that,” Kerr crooned mischievously at Syd. “Your battering ram here definitely got a kick out of it.”

Kerr emphasized her point by tapping a finger on Syd’s half-erect member as it lay like an exhausted python over her thigh.

“Oh, I did. That was intense,” Syd croaked out. “Super fucking intense. I just need a minute after that one.”

“Fine, I can wait a minute,” Kerr pouted. “But I expect to be treated with as much tender and loving care as I just gave you in the next five minutes. Everyone else has had their fun, but my pussy is feeling real lonely right now.”

Syd pulled her arm slightly away from her face to give Kerr a look that she couldn’t quite interpret. The giant was hard to read sometimes, especially when her face went as still as a statue. But a second later she swept Kerr into a tight embrace while her expression morphed into something as mischievous as her own.

“If you think I wouldn’t return your little favor back to you, you’re nuts.”

Before Kerr could make a response, Jadis silenced her with a sudden and surprisingly tender kiss that, for some reason Kerr didn’t feel like analyzing, made her stomach flutter.

“But after I deal with you,” Syd said after breaking their lip lock for a moment, “We’ve got some other business to attend to tonight. There’s a ritual we’re due to perform and we better do it before Eir is too exhausted to do it.”