Chapter 216: Privacy
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There was a point, after Jay had been swept away by Aila and Kerr but before Eir had shown her deceptively deviously lewd side, that Syd had planned on joining the foursome. While Dys had been specifically roped into helping with Sabina’s “training” that didn’t mean Syd couldn’t help too, in her own way. However, as things got hot and heavy between the four and Syd was still removing her shoes, she found that someone had sidled up next to her and had let out a nervous little cough to get her attention.

“Ahem. So. Just, uh, you and me, huh?”

Syd looked up, raising one slender eyebrow at Bridget.

“I guess so,” Syd said after a moment before casually leaning back on the crate she’d sat on. “Anything you wanted to talk about or do while it’s just us?”

“Nothing specific, I guess,” Bridget said nervously, her eyes not quite meeting Syd’s. “There’s, um, a little section over there we can go, though. For privacy. To give them some privacy, I mean. Not that we need privacy or anything, just so they can do what they’re, um, doing and we can give them some space.”

Jadis couldn’t help but notice Bridget’s hand as it ran through her black hair as she spoke. She normally kept it braided and piled up to make it easier to wear her helmet, but now it was loose and lay splayed out across her shoulders, her locks surprisingly long. It wasn’t just her helmet missing and hair down, either. In fact, she wasn’t wearing any of her armor. The loose white long sleeve shirt she wore was the kind commonly worn by many men and women under their armor, practically identical to the one Kerr was wearing. Except Bridget had undone a few of the buttons, revealing a fair amount of cleavage as well as the fact that she wasn’t wearing any kind of bra or undergarments.

“You know, that’s me over there, right?” Syd said, indicating the foursome with a glance. “Technically there’s no way for me to have privacy unless all of me are in one place. I’m aware of what all my bodies are doing at the same time since they’re all me.”

“I know that,” Bridget said quickly, her green skin darkening. “But maybe other people want privacy tonight. Like Sabina.”

At that point said half-elf let out a particularly lusty moan that made Bridget’s face flush an even darker shade of green.

“Or Thea. She’s very delicate in that way.”

Syd grinned slyly, which only seemed to make Bridget even more nervous. Getting to her feet, Syd took a step towards Bridget who took a step back, bumping into a warehouse wall at her back. Putting her right forearm against the wall and her left hand on her hip, Syd loomed over the fidgeting orc warrior whose eyes were barely on level with the middle of the Nephilim’s stomach.

“You know, it’s good that you don’t have anything planned for us to do while we’re all alone together,” Syd said in a low purr. “Because right now, I’m getting all kinds of ideas of my own. Would you want to hear about any of them?”

“Maybe I do,” Bridget said, finally looking up to meet Syd’s gaze. “Though, um, maybe I want to hear them somewhere else. In private.”

“Sounds good to me,” Syd said. “Just one question before we do. You didn’t happen to have a talk with Aila about tonight’s possibilities, did you?”

Bridget audibly gulped, her expression taking on a daunted look.

“Aila and Kerr. Together. They were, uh, encouraging? Sort of.”

As much as Jadis was willing to trust Bridget at her word, she still had to ask her girlfriends herself. While she’d never laid down those kind of ground rules with Kerr, she had discussed these kinds of potential eventualities with Aila and she’d been clear that she’d prefer to be present during such interactions.

“Hey, did you two give the go ahead to Bridget? Because she’s seducing me right now in the most adorably awkward way.”

“Yes, we did,” Aila said as she ran her fingers through Jay’s hair.

“Why do you think we moved all these gods damned crates?” Kerr grunted out without stopping her pumping hips.

“She needs her first time with you to be as private as we can make it,” Aila clarified. “Now stop talking and get back to licking.”

Since Aila had rather firmly given her permission, the last of Jadis’ reservations fell away. With a crooked smile and a tilt of her head, Syd leaned down closer to whisper directly into Bridget’s ear.

“Go ahead and lead the way. So we can give the others some privacy.”

Despite her words, Syd made no move to get out of Bridget’s way, staying firmly in her personal space. The blushing orc maiden was forced to squeeze past Syd, brushing against her body. Syd grinned, enjoying Bridget’s flustered responses to even casual touches. Something about her nervousness made her want to tease the orc even more.

Syd followed behind Bridget as she led her to a different section of the warehouse. The corner she’d brought her to was as far away from the others as possible, a snug little section with just them in it. Just them and the bed of blankets on the ground that left no doubts as to Bridget’s intentions.

“So what were those ideas you had?” Bridget asked with an air of false bravado. She even tried puffing her rather sizeable chest out towards Syd as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I mean, now that it’s just us and all. We need something to do.”

“There’s a bed here,” Syd noted. “Nice. That means we can get to sleep early. We’ll need all the energy we can get for tomorrow."

Syd casually sat down on the bed, stretching her arms in a wide yawn. Bridget stared at her for a moment, utterly aghast. Then her expression darkened in obvious anger as her thick eyebrows furrowed.

“Bloody arse, stop fucking with me!” Bridget told her as she stormed up to where Syd sat and tried to give her a kick to her leg.

The moment Bridget tried, Syd swept her supporting leg out from under her, making the orc fall over, though not very far. In the same move Syd caught Bridget mid-air and pulled her in close, setting her down on her lap in something of a mirror of when Bridget had sat with Jay at the campfire during their watch many nights ago.

“Sorry, sorry!” Syd laughed as hugged the struggling orc to her chest. “I couldn’t help myself.”

“Nutty blighter,” Bridget cursed, her squirming struggles lessening as she leaned back into Syd’s embrace. “You’re a cunt, you know that? I’m trying to be sexy and alluring and you fucking around is making that even harder for me to do.”

Jadis couldn’t help but notice that Bridget’s accent became far more pronounced the angrier she got. It was kind of fun, though considering her reaction, she figured she’d pushed it as far as was reasonable.

“Nonsense,” Syd said as she pressed her nose into the top of Bridget’s head, breathing in her scent. “You’re already sexy and alluring without trying. You don’t need to put on an act to get my attention.”

“Yeah?” Bridget said, her tone skeptical. “You sure you don’t want to just take a nap or something?”

“Mm, as attractive as that prospect may be, I’ve got other impulses I’d like to act on now that I’ve got you in my arms.”

“And what are those impulses?” Bridget asked, the indignation having completely left her tone as she leaned a little further back against Syd.

“Some things are better done than said,” Syd told her as she slipped a hand under the hem of her shirt.

Bridget let in a sharp intake of air but made no protest to Syd’s wandering hand. Slowly Syd traced her way across Bridget’s stomach, enjoying the feel of her defined muscles. Much like Sabina, Bridget had a strong build, one no doubt earned from years of exercise and combat training. Tracing the lines of her pectorals, Jadis could tell that the orc warrior was even more muscled than the smith was. Whether that was due to her efforts or her different biology, she wasn’t sure and honestly didn’t much care. Either way, Syd enjoyed running her fingers across Bridget’s hard muscles sheathed in soft skin.

There was one place where Sabina and Bridget were different, though. As Syd’s hand drifted further up the orc’s body, she brushed against the underside of her breasts. Eir had the largest chest of anyone in their little group, however, from the slight touches that Syd was getting now, she could tell that Bridget would give the elf some stiff competition if they were to be compared.

“I thought you said you were done teasing me,” Bridget murmured as Syd continued to brush her fingers just barely along the underside of her chest.

“I am,” Syd agreed readily.

With that signal, Syd swept her left hand higher and fully palmed Bridget’s breast. Even with her large hand, the warrior’s breast overflowed, more than a handful. Her hard nipple poked against Syd’s palm as she gently kneaded and squeezed the soft flesh, using her long and strong fingers to her advantage. The groan of excited pleasure that came from Bridget’s throat brought a smile to Syd’s lips, encouraging her to go further.

Finally deciding to put her right hand to use, Syd’s fingers teased along the waistband of Bridget’s pants. Before she had a chance to draw the moment out, the woman in her lap brushed her hand aside and popped her own pants buttons open. Shimmying her hips, Bridget wiggled her pants and underclothes down her legs and kicked them off, leaving her completely bare from the waist down.

“There,” Bridget announced before firmly taking Syd’s hand and putting it back right where it had been before. “Continue.”

“Okay then,” Syd chuckled. “Maybe I should take my pants off too? Wouldn’t want to stain them.”

The way Bridget’s skin turned a darker shade of green when she was embarrassed really did fascinate Jadis.

“Well maybe you should,” Bridget said with a slight quaver in her voice.

“Eh,” Syd shook her head before giving Bridget a kiss on the side of her temple. “I don’t really mind.”

Syd’s hand moved lower, dipping down to the valley between Bridget’s thighs to trace lightly against the soft slick flesh she found there. Bridget’s breathing picked up as Syd continued to play with her chest while her other hand explored the entrance to her core. As Bridget’s hips began to twist and push back against Syd’s fingers, Jadis took the hint and stopped playing with the increasingly frustrated orc. Using her middle finger, Syd slid down between Bridget’s lower lips to press against the orc’s wet core. Slipping her finger inside her, she began a firm stroking motion, paying close attention to the spots that provoked the strongest reactions from the orc.

However, Syd’s own reaction was one of slight confusion as she explored Bridget’s wet core with her fingers. There were some differences in biology she hadn’t anticipated that were throwing her off.

From what Jadis could tell, Bridget didn’t have a clit. There was just, nothing there where she expected the little nub to be. As bizarre as that was, Bridget’s tunnel was even more so. The orc’s pussy was far bumpier than any Jadis had experienced before. It was almost like she had dozens of hard, little round bumps inside of her tunnel that increased in number the deeper Syd went. Focusing on one of these little bumps, Syd stroked it firmly, curious about the odd protrusion.

Bridget reacted strongly, her whole body shuddering as she let out a gasping moan.

“Fuck!” she panted as Syd continued to give the little bumps attention. “Fuck, that feels good!”

“How about this?” Syd asked, adding a second finger to her assault.

“Fuck, yes!” Bridget cried out, her reaching up and behind her to grab hold of Syd. “That! Keep doing that!”

While the biology was a little alien, the reaction was all too familiar. Enjoying the response she was getting out of Bridget, Syd began to stroke harder and faster, pumping her fingers as deep as they could go. The harder she pressed against Bridget’s inner buds, the more the orc squirmed and panted. Chest heaving, the orc cried out for more, all her previous reserve gone as she writhed in pleasure.

“Fuck me, Jadis! Oh, fuck! Harder, harder!”

Obliging her, Syd inserted a third finger, stretching Bridget’s pussy around her long digits as she pumped them even faster. As Bridget’s cries and moans of pleasure increased in both volume and pitch, the orc reached up with one hand and brought Syd’s head down towards her. With intense fervor, Bridget pressed her lips against Syd’s as she let out a primal groan, muffling the loud noise with Syd’s mouth.

Bridget’s body shook as her thighs squeezed tightly around Syd’s hand. Continuing her pumping motions, Syd carried Bridget along as her climax stretched out over the course of a minute, her rapture gloriously intense. Eventually, though, Bridget’s muscles slackened as she came down from her peak. Her body relaxed into a boneless state as Syd slowed, then stopped the movement of her fingers, just leaving them where they were inside of Bridget’s fluttering pussy.

The kiss Bridget had initiated continued as Syd let the orc explore her mouth with her tongue. With an almost languid, unhurried pace Bridget traced Syd’s teeth and played with her much larger tongue, seeming to just enjoy the simple sensation. When she finally broke the kiss some time later, Bridget’s dark eyes were unfocused and dark with passion, the lantern light causing the orange flecks in her eyes to shine brightly.

“Mm,” Bridget hummed, clearly still recovering.

“Mm-Hmm,” Syd hummed back with a smile.

“What, uh, comes next after all that?” Bridget asked, her voice low and mellow.

“Hopefully me,” Syd grinned at the orc, flexing her muscles to make her cock jump against Bridget’s bare behind.

“Oh,” she said, eyes widening a little. “Well, I guess I can help with that.”