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“Here’s your sleeping bag, just pick a corner when you want to sleep.” The old janitor handed me a cup of tea and a sleeping bag.


“Thank you”

Tock-tock-tock. Tock-tock

It knocked and another janitor laughed. He’s from the third floor. He waited some time before he peeked from the janitor door window to the front door.


Tock-tock-tock. Tock-tock

He then laughed again.


“Would you stop that! And stop staring at them!” Yelled another janitor. She’s from the second floor.


“Relax. We all know the rule. We can stare at it as long as we want and it can’t come in as long as we don’t open the door. And don’t blame me, the boss didn’t share the wifi password with us, so I’m bored.”


That’s rough buddy.


“Anyway,” Second floor tries to divert the attention. “You still have not call our names” She asked me


“I’m bad with names”


“Do you at least try to remember them?”




“You need therapy”




“Ehem” The old janitor clears his throat. “Things started to appear more frequently. Be careful to not open doors carelessly.” He tried to change the topic


“Isn’t that the usual rule?” Third floor asked before peeking to the front door again

Tock-tock-tock. Tock-tock


“Just a fair warning. But things are getting more and more active lately. Nothin confirmed yet, or the city council refuse to acknowledge it. Y’know the festival coming soon too”

“Ain’t that bad news? Oh, a racoon!”


“Nothing wrong with bein prepared is all I say. Wait, a racoon? Have you thrown out the trash? Have you locked the front door!?” 


Everyone heard the sound of the automatic glass door opening. Now It stands just outside the janitor room.


Tock-tock-tock. Tock-tock


Third floor locks the janitor room. “It’s locked now” 

Gone is his cheery tone.


Tock-tock-tock. Tock-tock


It will only knock when someone sees it from the inside, 


Tock-tock-tock. Tock-tock


Or if there’s a person inside the room it’s knocking.


Tock-tock-tock. Tock-tock


Now it will not stop knocking tonight. Then I took a corner of the office and went to sleep.


“This fucker can sleep with that directly outside?”


Tock-tock-tock. Tock-tock