Chapter 7: What the Sniffer Doin?
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Here are the results of Monday's votes. I will preface this chapter by saying it is very short, and I do apologize for this. But I am currently sick and it was a battle in itself to get this out. I will be completely transparent in that it is mostly an info dump leading into another vote. This is also because I am finding it hard to go from chapter to chapter without making a vote happen for major decisions which is not something I anticipated.

The story is meant to be a reader's decision has influence but unfortunately I do not see a way around having very radically changing chapter lengths if that is to stay consistent without me making some decisions that may affect the story in major ways if they are to be a standard length of 2k+. Please let me know how you feel about me taking liberty with certain plot decisions or if we should continue to have moderate to major decisions be voted on to have the story be as interactive as possible. Thank you for reading and enjoy, also please remember to vote!



Silvas sat only for a moment then gathered his thoughts with his new available skills. Standing up he began picking up the nearby crystals, stuffing them into his pockets.

Reading over the skills his eyes continued to stop on a certain skill. Silvas couldn’t explain the feeling but it was compelling beyond all belief.

He soon filled his pockets to bulging proportions and had to look sorrowfully down at the crystals he was simply not able to carry.

But before he could forget he was once again drawn into the skill window and the skill that began itching at the back of his mind.


[Spirit Imbuement Level 1]

[Would you like to select this skill?]



[4 Skill Points have been consumed]


[You have learned Spirit Imbuement Level 1!]

[You have been given the basic spirit contract [Sniffer]


Silvas gasped as he was overtaken by a surge of power and knowledge, his eyes blinking unsteadily.

His hands grasped at the air as he did his best to steady himself.

“W-what was that? That was much more potent than the level ups…” Silvas said, giving out a long breath.

Silvas flexed his body feeling normal outside of the burst of energy and knowledge he had just received. The skill now within himself he knew intuitively how to use it but he stood confused on what to do with it.


Contracted Basic Spirit: Sniffer Level 1

  • The spirit of a Sniffer from the plains of the eternal given to blossoming Beastmasters.
  • This spirit is mostly useless at its current skill level
  • Use of Spirit Imbuement will increase your Olfaction by 200%
  • Spirit can be increased by consuming monster crystals.


I am uncertain if I want to really use a resource to increase a spirit that can only smell better… But. Silvas thought looking around at the nearly endless amount of crystals.

Picking one up he inspected it.


Monster Core Shard [E Grade]

  • A shard of a fully formed Monster Core.
  • You may combine shards to form a full core.
  • Have many uses for crafting and skills.


“Curious..” Silvas mused, holding it up to the light of the dim toroches in the tunnel.

“Well I seem to have more than enough of them. Shall I use them for the spirit? Hold on, does that mean I can use them for my own skills as well?”


Spirit Imbuement Level 1 [E Rank]

  • Uses Nature Magic to call upon a tamed, or contracted animal spirit imbuing characteristics of the animal.
  • Effects of Imbuement are affected by spirit class, level, quality and familiarity.
  • Effects last for a maximum of 5 minutes. Changing of spirits will require full cost of spell.
  • Cost: 50% of Maximum Mana, 50% of Maximum Stamina
  • Cooldown: None.
  • Uses Monster Cores or Skill Crystals to increase Level


“Full monster cores not shards. Well let’s see,” Silvas said, pulling another shard from the ground, “How do I..?” Silvas asked as he fiddled with the shard in his hand.

After a few moments a notification sounded in his head.


[Do you wish to combine Monster Shards?]



Silvas confirmed the action and watched as both shards shone in a flash of light for only a moment, one sucking the other inside of it. The remaining shard was nearly unnoticeably larger.


[Monster Core Shard (2 of 150) [E Grade]


Silvas’s eyes widened at the sheer amount he would need for the core. The new information making him think hard on what to do.

I believe I killed at least that many, but will the shards still be there? Would it be a waste of time to find them all. And what if there isn't enough and I spent all that time and shards to come up short? Silvas thought seriously.

“Alright let's go with that,” Silvas decided, putting the improved shard into the cloth that one of the Shades had dropped, tucking it into the space in his boot.

He then took another shard until he was able to figure out how to consume it in a similar way to increase his Spirit.


[You wish to consume Monster Core Shard [E Grade] to increase Contracted Spirit: Sniffer?]



Silvas accepted and looked at his palm where the shard sat, it evaporating into the air before his eyes.

What surprised him more was that he felt nothing, forced to check his skill to confirm that he had actually used the shard correctly.


Contracted Basic Spirit: Sniffer Level 1 (10 of 100 Experience to Next Level)


At least I know it worked. Then nine more until it levels up then? Silvas thought confirming.

Picking up nine more shards from the ground, Silvas took a quick survey of his surroundings making sure that no one and no thing was approaching him as he busied himself with his skills.

Satisfied that he was safe and alone, he began the process of going through each stone until he tried to put his hand on the remaining pile of five in his hand and happy to find out he could consume them all at once for the level up.


[Congratulations, your Contracted Basic Spirit: Sniffer is now Level 2]


Contracted Basic Spirit: Sniffer Level 2

  • The spirit of a Sniffer from the plains of the eternal given to blossoming Beastmasters.
  • This spirit is mostly useless at its current skill level
  • Use of Spirit Imbuement will increase your Olfaction by 210%
  • Spirit can be increased by consuming monster crystals.


Silvas read the description debating with himself if the 10% increase was anything worthy of being noted for the amount of shards he had used.

Then he remembered he had ran into the tower with very minimal information and had no idea how much each shard was worth, let alone what to do with prioritizing his skills and stats. He was simply left too in the dark.

Silvas digressed and picked up another shard, consuming it to see how much he would need for the next level of his spirit.

Contracted Basic Spirit: Sniffer Level 3 (10 of 300 Experience to Next Level)

He was expecting more needed for the next level up, but three times the amount was steep. He would be needing 29 more shards and he had to assume he would only increase the efficiency of the skill by 10% for it.

I think the leveling up of this spirit is going to have to go on hold until I learn more about the value of items here. Let's use the rest of everything to make a Full Core, I have a feeling I will be in this area for a while longer regardless so I believe we will be able to make one eventually. He decided.

Slowly but surely Silvas moved from his position, backtracking as he picked up and combined shards.

Over he could only guess, without a way of telling time, was at least an hour until he reached his starting position only encountering a single Dark Imp on his way.

“And one hundred and fifty. I was only able to kill that many because of the level ups I would venture.. The level ups during combat would be a massive advantage if you could somehow know when they were about to happen…” Silvas began wondering aloud, his need to understand and strategize for the next fight bleeding through.

The last of the shards in his hands he finally fused them together, the Full Monster Core the size of a small ball or apple in his hand.


Monster Core [E Grade]

  • A Fully formed Monster Core
  • Has many uses for crafting and skills


Silvas cracked a smile. Able to collect enough shards just barely to make the Core, but now the question was what to do with it?

I’m not sure if leveling up a previous skill or my new one would be for the best… And I still have no idea if I should be selling these items instead. I’ve only been here for a day it feels like so I still have no idea about what the cost of living is here as well. Just too many questions. He grumbled mentally.

Lost in thought, Silvas turned, hearing the sound of multiple footsteps passing a nearby corner.

He quickly ducked behind a corner at his end of the tunnel pulling his knife from his sheath.

What he found, or better heard, was the sound of people talking. Still weary he kept his knife out, allowing the people to pass by the cross section of tunnels.

Silvas creeped the smallest bit of his head out to spot the last person passing the cross section.

The person from the entrance of the floor, their rough clothing similar to Silvas’s but more worn. And what Silvas noticed now as he zeroed in on the boy, was his long ears.

What in the Mother’s name…?




How should Silvas Proceed
  • Find an Exit Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Find the Boss and get to the Next Floor Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Follow the party and Interact Votes: 2 66.7%
Total voters: 3 · This poll was closed on Feb 19, 2023 10:32 PM.