Chapter 19 – The content of the order
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I remained silent, waiting for Aria to continue the conversation.

"There's someone in my family who is sick, more precisely my sister-in-law"

Her revealed. Knowing that she was the king's younger sister, I presumed she was referring to the king's wife. It made me a little sad, after all, the sick person was that person's mother.

"We have already sent the best doctors from our kingdom to try to cure her. Unfortunately, although they have discovered the cause, no remedy used so far has been able to heal her. To be honest, I don't expect much from you either. As you may already know, science is very different from medicine"

Aria said. As soon as she said that, my mind started formulating various types of illnesses. During the years I have been here, I have also observed that there are several diseases that exist on Earth, as well as various plants that don't exist on Earth. This makes it possible to cure diseases that in my world are considered incurable. However, this is just a theory, I have never truly tested if it would work or not. After feeling determined again, I look at Aria, who was observing me. There is no reason to hesitate. Even if there is no immediate cure, I know I can find a solution. At least, I believe I can.

"I understand. If you think my knowledge can be helpful, I would love to assist"

I replied. As soon as I said that, Aria smiled and looked at me.

"Sometimes, when I'm talking to you, I forget that you're only eight years old"

Her commented. Then, it seems like she remembered something.

"By the way, you were born on the same day as my niece, right?"

I was a little surprised that she brought up this topic out of nowhere. Moreover, I knew exactly who she was talking about. Although I don't really like it, I feel a little happy about the situation.

"Are you talking about the second princess?"

I asked. As soon as I said that, she was slightly surprised but seemed to easily accept my words.

"So, you knew"

Her said. I agreed with what she said.

"By the way, on the day we met, it was also the day my brother was returning from the assembly of kingdoms or something like that. Did you get to see them?"

Her asked. The memory of the princess flooded my mind, her unparalleled beauty, her long platinum hair that resembled the moon, her golden eyes that shone like the sun. I felt my cheeks warm up. Aria seemed to have noticed it too, her face filled with a smile that said she knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Hahaha, it seems even geniuses are not immune to love"

Aria said in a soft tone. I was a bit confused by her reaction. I expected to be scolded for being in love with her niece. Once again, reading my thoughts, Aria said something I didn't expect.

"I think I know what you're thinking, and normally it would be that way, but this time it's a bit different. I recognize you two as a good couple, you have an extremely promising future ahead, but whether you achieve what you want or not depends on you. However, I'll be by your side, supporting you in any way I can"

Explained Aria. I was once again confused about Aria's motivations, but looking into her eyes, I could see a sparkle indicating a financial interest. It seemed like she was calculating something in her mind. Quickly, she resumed our conversation.

"Anyway... the sooner you go, the better, but I still need to make some preparations. Is it alright for you to leave tomorrow morning?"

Aria asked. I agreed with the proposition.

"Alright, that's fine with me"

I replied. Aria smiled again.


Her said. After our conversation, I descended the stairs and left the Merchants' Guild. I headed to the inn, needing to rest for the next day, which would be important. However, before resting, I decided to stop by Henry's shop to let him know that I probably wouldn't be back until the following evening. Additionally, I wanted to check on how the watches were doing.

As I walked through the streets of Solaris, enjoying the cold of the night, I arrived at Henry's shop. I entered and rang the bell. After a few seconds of silence, Henry appeared, accompanied by Bernard. I was surprised to see them together, but it presented a great opportunity as I also wanted to talk to Bernard.


Bernard greeted me as soon as he saw me.

"Good evening, Bernard, Henry. I came here just to let you know that I'll be busy tomorrow, so we probably won't see each other until the evening"

I explained.

"Oh, if that's all, that's fine. Henry should finish the prototype of the watch tomorrow evening, it would be nice if you came to test it"

Bernard suggested. I looked at Henry and he nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I'll be here tomorrow"

I agreed. After saying goodbye to both of them, I returned to the inn. Upon entering, I headed to my room and flopped onto the bed. The next day would be filled with activities, and I would see her again. Mentally, I prepared myself for the important task of healing the queen. With that determination, sleep gradually took over me, and soon I was immersed in dreams.