Chapter 22 – The cause of the queen’s illness
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I approached the queen, who was lying in bed, under the watchful eyes of everyone in the room. As I got closer to her, I noticed that the queen was sweating profusely and her breathing was irregular. As soon as I placed the palm of my hand on her forehead, I felt an immediate heat. At first, I thought she might have a fever, but I quickly dismissed that idea, as in this world there are herbal remedies to treat fevers. Although these remedies are effective, they don't have the same power as those from my previous life. However, the important thing is that they work, and I'm sure at least one of the doctors has already tried using them.

With that in mind, other ideas came to my mind. I began examining her legs and arms for any reaction, and as expected, when I touched her belly, the queen let out a small groan of pain. Based on everything I had observed so far, it was clear that the queen was suffering from breathing difficulties, abdominal pain, constant coughing, dizziness, confusion, and weakness - typical symptoms of poisoning.

However, what intrigued me the most in this situation was the fact that the queen had been poisoned inside the castle. Although she occasionally visited orphanages, she was usually accompanied by guards. Additionally, some guards would inspect the location before the queen's arrival to ensure her safety. This could only mean that the poisoning occurred within the castle while someone trusted visited her. This discovery made my body suddenly tremble.

(This... this is an assassination attempt against the royalty, isn't it?)

My thoughts followed in that direction. I didn't know the reason, but someone was trying to kill the queen. Perhaps someone in this room was the culprit. I sighed to calm myself and decided to set aside that question. Now that I knew the likely reason behind the queen's illness, I also knew how to proceed.

"I will likely be able to cure her if you provide me with everything I need. I believe she will return to normal within a month, and I can also do something to alleviate her pain"

I announced confidently. As I said this, everyone looked at me, surprised. The king and his children showed expressions of relief and hope, while the doctors seemed perplexed and discussed among themselves. The nobles also appeared relieved, except for one person who showed no satisfaction despite his feigned attitude. It was only for a moment, but I'm sure I heard a click of the tongue coming from this man, who had been looking at me with contempt and anger since I entered the room. No one but me seemed to notice it, as everyone had their own reasons to feel excited.

The most striking detail about this man was his mustache. He stroked the mustache while looking indifferent to what we were doing. In the face of all this, he became my prime suspect.

"Young man, are you sure you will be able to do this? Although it may seem simple at first glance, this is not a common case. Although it is clear that she was poisoned, none of our remedies have worked. It was probably some kind of unknown snake or spider venom"

Said one of the three doctors present, who was watching me with interest, as were the other two doctors behind him.

"Is something bothering you, Ren?"

Aria asked, noticing my pensive expression. Realizing I was in trouble, Aria approached me. Gesturing with my hand for her to crouch down, Aria squatted and brought her ear close to my mouth. I whispered to her the possible cause of the queen's illness, explaining that she was likely poisoned by human hands and that the possible culprit could be in that room. Even after hearing my words, Aria maintained an impassive expression on her face. She then approached the doctors, who were trying to talk to me, and led them to a more secluded corner of the room.

Leaving this matter in Aria's hands, I directed my attention back to the queen. The method I will use to cure her is quite simple. I will employ a technique from my previous life called antivenom serum. From what I know, when someone is bitten by a snake in this world, they need to stay in bed for a few days, waiting for the venom to naturally dissipate. Although it may seem strange, as the mortality rate is extremely high, it actually works for the people of this world.

The people here have a much higher immunity than those on Earth, which also explains why the queen is still alive even after such a long time since the bite. However, before starting the treatment, I need to speak to the king alone. I also want to inform him about the possible assassination attempt against the queen.

"Your Majesty, I ask for some time to prepare the remedy that will cure the queen"

I requested, addressing the king. As soon as I said that, I felt everyone's attention turning back to me.

"Humph, does this commoner think he has any right to ask something of Your Majesty?"

Said the man who had been looking at me disdainfully since the moment I entered the room.

"It's alright, Marquis Barton, I permit it"

The king replied.

"B-But, Your Majesty, are you really going to entrust such an important matter to a child? Especially to a commoner?"

Protested Marquis Barton. I immediately understood what he was insinuating. Though deeply angered, what could I say? I am just a commoner, while he is a noble of this kingdom. And of course, they would believe what he said instead of me.

"Marquis Barton, I would like you to cease belittling the honored guest brought by my sister. Even though she is no longer part of the royal family, do not forget that insulting her is the same as insulting me"

The king intervened. With those words, the marquis quickly fell silent, but I could sense that he was looking at me with even more disdain and anger. While I pondered that, I didn't realize that someone was slowly approaching me.

"Please don't worry about what he said. Marquis Barton always treats anyone who is not noble or royalty with coldness"

Said the person I had seen in the carriage that day. This time, her golden eyes shifted their gaze in my direction. If I could describe her in one word, it would certainly be

(S-So cute)