Chapter 3: Faking as a Tail
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Chapter 3: Faking as a Tail

“Wake up bitch!” Luigi screamed as he stomped Lily’s stomach. Lily woke up with a groan.

“Do your chores! Then we practice swords again!” He stormed out of the building.

Lily immediately did her chores while Luigi waited in the courtyard practicing sword swings. When she was done, Luigi immediately gave her a practice sword. Luigi came at her, but the result was the same as yesterday, or maybe even better. There was a time when Lily moved without my instructions and kept dodging his sword perfectly.

Lily no longer closed her eyes, and when I instructed her to block or dodge, she did it slightly better than yesterday. It was clear that Luigi was no longer a match for us. My third point of view allowed me to judge and correct her posture accordingly, unfazed by fear from Luigi’s mad swing.

“Damn it! Don’t look down at me! You are just a slave!” Luigi immediately came to her and took her sword. Then he hit and kicked her until she was on the ground, groveling and begging for forgiveness.

“We will practice swords again tomorrow!” Luigi shouted.

“Lily, we will let him win tomorrow. I will let you know when you must allow him to strike you.” I said telepathically. She nodded.

Tomorrow Luigi also did the same, and just as I instructed, Luigi managed to hit Lily’s arm. He immediately laughed in glory.

“Yes! I have improved! Soon, I will beat that arrogant scum of a brother!” Luigi laughed in glee. We didn’t get hit anymore that day. Lily praised my ingenuity as she seemed happy that her wounds today were just from 3 sword strikes.

Sword mastery has risen to level 2

A blue box notified us of our increase in rank. While Lily did her daily routine of managing Luigi’s clothes, room, and horses, I memorized every layout and detail of this house. I tried to find some gap to flee, but it was fruitless. The opening was there. It was easy enough to jump the wooden fences and out of this mansion. But the problem was after that. The slave collar had the same function I expected from hell mode isekai. Complete obedience to the owner’s words, Unable to harm the owner, and the collar’s location were also broadcasted to the owner.

Moreover, this country legalized demihuman slavery. If somebody was seen on the street wearing a slave collar, she would be captured and brought back to the owner. Besides, no matter how much I hated this brat, Luigi, I didn’t think I could kill him. He is just a kid, after all. To release the slavery status, he needed to do it consciously, or somebody needed to kill him.

This city and province are named Verundra. A big border town and a hub of trading between two human nations. Many skirmishes happened here either due to bandits or outright conflict with neighboring countries. This is hopeless. The only chance for Lily’s survival is if she escapes north or south. I haven’t seen this world’s map. Still, it was clear that going east would lead deeper into this country’s territory, and going west would lead us to another human country.

Sword mastery has risen to level 3

After another month of playing swords, Silvester came back. He decided to witness Luigi beating Lily up. We have progressed so much that we could produce a perfect losing scenario and still look natural.

After beating Lily, He proceeded to challenge Sil but had his confidence beaten down by Sil once again.

“Don’t rejoice when all that you had done was beating some slaves. This dog was trained not to attack you. Your skill is still worse than trash!” Sil mocked him and left.

“Sil, come to the office. We need to talk. And you too, Luigi.” Lord Albert came down from a carriage and called us.

“So, what is it, father? Another bandit hunt for me?” Sil said in a joyful tone.

“Yes. A caravan of baron Bron was attacked by bandits. So, I need you to remove those pests!” Count Albert said.

“Leave it to me! I just need several knights as servants for night duty. I can handle these bandits by myself.” The arrogant kid spoke.

“As expected from our hero! Okay, off you go!” Albert smiled.

“So, will I be participating too?” Luigi asked with a somewhat hopeful smile.

“No, we need to prepare you for the school ceremony. So, I need you to go to our forest and kill some monsters. Of course, I will assign a guard for you. You need to be at least level 5 to attend school. What level are you now?”

“Level 1,“ Luigi said. Looking dejected.

“We will start tomorrow. You need to be at least level 10 next week.” Albert sighed.

“Hey, slave! You need to accompany him! Luigi, I can only give you 2 knights, so you need a gopher to bring your equipment.”

“Why can’t you spare some knight from Silvester? This is unfair! He got to pick whoever he wanted, and I only got the spare? He doesn’t even use his knights!” Luigi screamed.

“Because he got a blessing, of course. He was on his way to being promoted to marquis when he inherited the title from me. If some leftover princess wanted to marry him, he could be promoted into a duke.” Albert scoffed and dismissed him afterward.

Luigi pouted and went back into his room with Lily tailing him as usual.

“Just get back into your quarter, slave! I will prepare everything by myself! “Luigi slammed the door shut, and Lily smiled in glee as she only got hit once this day.