Ch 10. The First Year
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     “Happy birthday!” my family said happily when Anna brought me to the small dining room. Everyone was here, Mommy was standing at the center, a big smile on her face. Daddy was on her left side. Sissy and Brother were together in front of them. Auntie was here too, she stood at Mommy's right side. Mommy was holding something, probably for their sake rather than mine. If they have similar traditions then it's probably a cake or maybe a dessert of some type.

     “You have a good family,” Tani said from where she sat on my shoulder. Her voice was dripping with mirth. Anna dressed me up in a bundle of fabric that was supposed to be a dress. Which she wouldn't take off despite me protesting, so I stopped fussing and accepted it. They finished singing a song, to which I responded by giggling happily. 

     “Is my baby girl excited for her first birthday?” Mommy asked as she took me from Anna. I burbled in response and inwardly cringed. I was prepared, at least I thought I was. I knew that I would be everyone's sole focus today.

     “Lilli that was adorable,” Tani teased. She poked my face and giggled.

     I’ll get you back, just wait. I stuck my tongue out at her, this was a mistake. Everyone started squealing and making baby talk at me. 

     “She’s simply radiant,” Aunt Jean said. “Miri, mind if I hold my niece?” 

     “Not at all Jean,” she replied, but her light betrayed her words as she handed me to my Aunt. Whos light was denser than Mommy's and clearer. 

     “Hi, my precious niece, I'm your Aunt Jean,” she said in a sing-song tone and poked my nose. I inadvertently giggled which made her smile. 

     “Now let's celebrate our little Lilli,” Mommy said. A connecting door opened and a half dozen people came in. Auntie held me while the others filed in. Mommy did her duty as party host and greeted them. As I was being held I could feel my Auntie become more tense and focused. I knew she was here to help protect me. But I didn't expect her to be wary of our own family members. 

     After Mommy greeted everyone she took me and sat down at the head of the table, Auntie took the seat on her right, and Daddy sat at her left side. I sat in her lap facing the family, Mommy radiated light and happiness. Daddy was also happy, his face was set in a wide grin. I found myself smiling too. Surrounded by love as it were, which Tani, of course, was included in. 

     “Thank you all for coming, I wish my daughter's first birthday would have been a grander affair. But because of her condition, we felt that a smaller family gathering would be the safest. When she was first born the doctor said that we shouldn’t hold out hope of her surviving. And though she is smaller than other kids her age she has not only survived but thrived. She is full of energy and a determined spirit. Her will to live is strong and she has an inquisitive mind,” Mommy began to sing my praises.

     “Many times we see her exploring as much as she is able. Though the doctor assures us that she will never see. We know that she is still exploring in her own way. Though her eyes are clouded there is recognition behind them. And when she looks at us, her eyes shine with love. Her sight may be dark, but we can all tell her future will be bright,” Mom’s words left me feeling emotional.

     “They really do love you,” Tani said with a sniffle.

     And I love them. I struggled to fight back the tears. Forcing myself to maintain my composure was not easy. Tani?

     “Yes, my precious Lilli?” She said, making me blush.

     You said you got me something?

     “Yes. You’ll see it later… hopefully.“

     Conversations broke out all around the table a couple of family members came up to meet me, some family that didn't make it to Lia’s or Andi’s birthday. His birthday was much like Lia’s, though slightly larger as he was preparing to enroll in the royal academy and his birthday was also a celebration of that. He and Lia would be moving into the dorms. My days were going to become much colder, I found myself missing them already.

     “So Miri, how’s the dungeon?” Auntie asked.

     “It's going well, output has been steady,” she replied.

     “That's good, I heard some others have been decreasing in their output. It’s bad enough in some dungeons that the kingdom has ordered an official investigation.”

     “That bad?” Mommy asked. To which Auntie just nodded. “This could be a problem.”

     “There’s money to be made.”

     “We have more than enough money. I’m worried that the kingdom might step in.  Ethereum crystals are essential to everything. The kingdom would decidedly hoard them if they thought the supply might dry up. Wars have been fought over dungeons in the best of times.”

     “There's more…” Auntie began in an even more hushed tone. In times like this, I'm glad that I’m a baby and people aren't afraid to talk around me. 

     “All bad I assume.” 

     “Extremely,” she said her tone dire as she leaned in closer. “The kingdom's mages have been declining ins strength. Not so much the established ones but the academy students. I general they are weaker than the last generation.”

     “Does the kingdom have any ideas?” Mommy asked her light becoming disturbed.

     “Nothing provable, they think some kind of spell or enchantment by one of our enemies. But I happen to know that other nations are facing similar problems. It won't be long before the situation deteriorates. Already some of the smaller nations have begun to stockpile Ethereum. So far no one has been too rash but I wouldn’t expect the peace to last forever.”

     “What are we going to do?” Mommy asked worriedly.

     “I’ve been working these last couple of weeks, while we won't entirely escape should something happen. At least the kingdom won't just seize our Dungeon. Though we may end up nearly exclusively supplying them.”

     Mommy sighed and her light began to darken. “Why did this have to happen now? I just want my children to grow up happy and healthy but now war appears to be in their future. My only consolation is that Lilli won’t be able to participate in it.” She held on to me tighter, then shook her head. “Let's be done with the dark topics for now, this is supposed to be a celebration after all.”

     She passed me to Daddy who started and held me securely before standing up and speaking. “Well, now that everyone is settled let's have our lunch. It's a light lunch to tide us off until dinner. Then we will adjourn to the den next door to open her gifts,” Mommy said, her change in demeanor almost frightening. She rang a bell and a pair of doors opened as servants began to wheel carts of food out.

     They placed dishes in front of everyone, I obviously couldn't see what they were but they smelled good. As mom sat back down she took me from Daddy. The conversations resumed albeit at a lower volume. The dining room was filled with the clink of silverware on dishes. Several dishes were set in front of Mom, she alternated between her food and feeding me. 

     I got to eat my first solid food since being reborn. It was still fruit and vegetables mostly but it wasn’t mashed into a paste. I also got small pieces of meat, they were delicious. Soft and tender and oh so flavourful. I was worried because I knew that cooking wasn't the most well developed in the past on earth. But they apparently did understand the importance of proper seasoning here. I savored the flavor of the meat over the other things.

     “Lilli your face is funny,” Tani said with a giggled.


     “You have this look of bliss on your face,” she said her shoulders shaking in a silent laugh.

     What!? It's my first solid food in a year. And it's very delicious.

     She picked up a small piece of meat and popped it into her mouth. “It does taste pretty good,” she remarked.

     I didn’t know you could eat… I looked at her in confusion.

     “Yea though I don’t need to normally. Same thing with sleeping. I get my energy in other ways but food can be one of them,” she said with a shrug. I was relieved, worried that I was making her skip food since she was always with me.

     Lunch was indeed light as everyone quickly finished eating and we went to the connecting room. Mommy passed me off to Auntie who took the seat of honor since I couldn’t on my own. Tani told me that Mom went over to a small table that was stacked with presents. I knew hers was there when she smiled and her light positively beamed.

     “Thank you all on behalf of my daughter for your presence. We will now begin the giving ceremony.”

     She began removing boxes from the pile and bringing them to me, she let me feel the box and directed me on opening the ones that needed to be opened. Then she would have me feel the presents. Many were clothes, some were toys, and others were books to be read to me. I'm sure the toys would find their way into my playpen. Finally, Mom got to the smallest box, which I was sure belonged to Tani.

     As she carried it over she spoke. “And lastly we have a gift from the esteemed royal academy Headmaster and grand mage Acerious,” she opened the box and a small necklace lay inside. I didn’t need Tani to tell me this was her present. The small necklace absolutely brimmed with energy. So much so that I was shocked something could contain so much power. 

     “Happy birthday my precious flower,” Tani said. “I made this for you.”

     Was this during the week you were gone?

     “Yes. I'm sorry that I worried you then but I didn’t want to lose you and this had to be made in the most Ether-dense place. It is my finest work,” she said her light thrumming. “It has many enchantments, which I will describe later. But the best one is the protective enchantment. It will defend you from even the strongest magic that could be used against you.”

     Thank you so much. I replied I’m glad I didn’t really speak as my throat was tight with emotion. Directing my attention back to the room I spoke. “Fan kuu.” Then I did my best impression of a child imitating what she saw before realizing my mistake. I slightly bowed as my brother and sister had.

    My Aunts light wavered slightly as everyone squealed in delight. I messed up, I really messed up. Thankfully only my Aunt noticed but now I could feel her eyes on me. 

     “It’s ok Lilli,” Tani said rubbing my cheek, my new necklace dangling from my neck. 

     Mom began to hand out the small coins for me. After each guest received one I began to nod off. Today had been a long one and I was already past my nap time. The cursed naptime that I always tried my hardest to escape but never could.

     “Looks like the party girl needs her nap,” Auntie said. “I’ll put her down to bed,” she added as she stood up and took me out of the hall. Anna moved to follow but Auntie raised her hand and shook her head and Anna stayed behind. Though I could tell she was displeased. Auntie strode confidently down the halls toward my room. As she opened the door she looked around and when she saw no one she slid inside and closed the door behind us before locking it.

     She set me down on my changing table and cleaned me up. Before picking me back up and placing me standing in my crib. After kneeling down to my eye level she examined me.

     “Lilli? Do you understand what I'm saying? If you do, please nod your head,” she asked. Her light was calm and even but inquisitive. I gave Tani a questioning look and she shrugged.

     “If you want to tell her I can assure you she's safe and would be a great ally.”

     I looked at my Aunt and nodded my head. 

     She smiled. “Let's talk then.”



This was a fun chapter to write, and I wonder how her aunt will take things. I hope that I'm not moving too fast or too slow. I'm also hoping that the fluff to plot isn't too off. Strange things are afoot in the background. I'm really enjoying writing this series and i hope that you are enjoying reading it. I'm going back to the previous chapters and fixing small mistakes that I didn't realize I made. mostly small spelling and grammar errors. Though I did use the wrong name here and there for things.