[Not a chapter] Got a discord; question of restart story?
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Hello; it's your friendly friendly author here. I gots a quetstion ta axe ya.


Okay so it's like this. This and other stories of mine have gone 'hiatus' and both you and I know what this usually means. One, either an author is no longer interested in the particular story, or writing in general, and it falls by the wayside. Two, maybe a writer is still interested in the story but ... hit a proverbial brick wall in arranging the plotting, and thus puts it on hold. Three, well ... life happens sometimes, and sometimes things just ... have to take a back seat for a short while.

I cannot say it is anything other than ... a combination. Yes that's right; all of them. While I am not of a mind to state my personal conditions to the world (beyond enduring through this pandemic, same as everyone else) I will state how I am still struggling with some i-r-l conditions. Yes I have an interest in continuing writing, both in general and in this story, but also acknowledge having hit a brick wall in this sense. Really; I got a proverbial brick to the face.

So ... how ya doing, my former (and hopefully current) readers? All doing well? You need anything ... ah I need support too at times. But anyway; yes I'm still working on things, on this end.


OH! One more thing. I did it, I finally broke down and ... made a discord, called for now "FriendlyFire"; the name's a play on the sense of writing being like a fire inside, where you are figuratively burning with an eagerness to write, or attempt to write. I've posted channels for all of my published stories so far, if you wanna reach out; I even might embed some samples from upcoming scenes out there. Plus some channels for stories yet to come, works in progress; something called "Skeleton Girl", and something called "Villainess Fairy Companion" ... or I could just be imagining it all.

That's not all, as I've also been programming things too. Some of them, attempts at discord bots -- games, writing/worldbuilding generators, and we'll see where this takes me.

My discord server is still a work in progress; but I ask you, be civilized or be kicked. The invite link is to be found in my SH profile and "about me" info. I've disallowed changing nicknames from anything but your original alias you signed up for discord with; that's the thing with me -- be who you really are. Also, some channels are appropriately marked as being for adult content, but not all are -- because I do write non-adult stuff as well. (At least I try.)