Chapter 11: Emily
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I still don’t have any clothes that fit.

So as I’m heading off to visit Emily, I’m wearing a mundane bedsheet underneath my eidolon, with the animated one folded up and stored in my purse with my phone and stylus.  Her apartment isn’t far (it’s in the same building as mine, just a different floor) so I’m standing outside her door in short order.  Looking around, nobody’s about, so I use an Attuned Mysticism Enable Function spell to grant myself Fleeting Spell, followed by a second to grant myself Vocal Alteration as a spell known via Expanded Arcana.  I then pop an illusion of myself - of my old self - over my invisibility, and add a Fleeting Spell Vocal Alteration so I’ll sound like me (and so I can get rid of it at any time - there is a downside to all spells being permanent and undispellable, especially when it comes to things like illusions… and while Fleeting Spell’s duration gets overwritten by Technological Wonders, it adds the Dismissable flag, which is a necessity if I ever want to go back).  My plan is to show up in a shape she recognizes, greet her, and get her up to date on events of the last… has it really been less than 24 hours since I woke up dead?  … and demonstrate some of my newfound powers so she won’t think I’m crazy.

I ring the doorbell, and find out that Emily has other ideas.  She jumps into my arms, going to kiss me. Normally, that'd be good. Great, even; I like kissing my lady. But I am considerably shorter than before, and she can't see my considerable front impact milk bags. So instead of jumping into my arms and landing her lips on mine, she jumps up above me, and my head ends up buried in her cleavage while her knees slam into mine… and with how far out my girls cleave, she also ends up at a bit of an angle. I'm not quite wearing Emily as a hat, but it'd be an easy joke to make. At least with meatsuit on, I have the strength to stay standing while carrying a slightly pudgy woman.  

Of course, her body is now inside where the illusion says my head is.  She has her proof and - for her - the illusion shatters… leaving her floating with her feet a good foot off the ground, from what her eyes are telling her. Her sense of touch? There’s a head buried between her girls, and her knees are buried in something very soft, while two very delicate arms hold her up.

“I wanted to ease you into it a bit first, sorry, but an open hallway isn’t really a great place to discuss things.  We should probably talk inside," I’m still using my ‘altered’ voice, and sound like my prior self, "before anyone else comes by."

“I suppose…” she says, slowly, sounding a bit wary now as I put her down.

We walk into her apartment - it’s actually slightly bigger than mine, but it’s only the minimum legal distance to the next building, with a simple alleyway below, and she always leaves the curtains drawn because of it.  Cleaner, too. She’s tidy.

“So… I’m guessing you probably ought to fill me in,” she says.

I find I’m looking up at her to look into her brown eyes as I speak.  Her mousy nose is framed by her dark brown hair, which goes just slightly past her shoulders.  She’s currently wearing a pink bathrobe, her slippers… and that seems to be it. I feel a heat start to grow between my legs as I realize exactly what her plan was for cheering me up.  It was a good plan, such a pity I had to ruin it.

So I fill her in on my part of things, starting from when I last woke up.  I go over my panic on waking, my struggles crossing the street, the revelation that I now have power, my milk problem, what exactly happened on my ill-fated attempt to get real clothes, my experiments with my phone (which I take out of my purse to show her - including having it scurry around a little), my ‘investigation’ into the new lingerie shop at the mall (and the violent conclusion there of), and the discovery that my power can grow.  

That said, I skip parts of the story that I don’t consider mine to share - I leave out that a similar thing happened to Bob and Adam, that Dan is confirmed to not be directly affected, that I found Bob and Adam going at it, and things of that nature.  I’m fine telling her my secrets, but I won’t betray another’s trust without good reason, even if they haven’t specifically said not to spill the beans.  And their situation isn’t particularly germain to my unloading of the box in my head.

Stupid is one of the things Emily is most assuredly not, so she figures out some of it from where I left gaps in the tale, “Sounds like I may need to speak to Adam, Bob, and Dan…” she mumbles. 

I find that somewhere along the line we ended up cuddling on the couch; she’s holding me, and her sleeve is both wet and a little snotty.  Where’d that… oh, I’ve been crying.

And she finally puts into words something that still hadn’t clicked for me, “So on your first day as a woman, you got raped by one, and eventually had to kill in self-defense.”

“... wait… but…” I start in confusion.

She lets out a slow breath as she goes into more detail, “‘Francine’ - if that’s even her real name - was the one.  That’s not what you were there for, she never actually asked, she just took advantage of your new body’s sensitivity.  3rd degree - no force, threats, or drugs; and pretty hard to prove in court - but rape nonetheless.”  She tilts her head briefly, “Well, there might be some technical definition of law that makes it something else, but close enough.  Yes, you could have used force yourself to stop her at any time, and did not, but that doesn’t actually change things.  Part of you knew, even if not all of you did.  And those five guys were shooting at you.  And hit, from your description.  It’s never a good thing to kill a person, but no, you’re not a murderer.”

I sit there in her arms for a time, I don't really know how long. She's holding me, stroking my hair, nothing more. Which is probably profoundly odd for her, as she can't currently see me, just the residual outline of my illusionary disguise. Feeling safe, and hating to break the calm, I take a breath to ask the question I’ve been dreading:

“Are we still together?”

She pauses petting my hair for a second, and answers slowly, "I'm… willing to give it a go. I never thought I was into girls, but I admit that I am curious, and I would hate myself if I didn't at least try to stick with you through something you had little control over."

I would let out a breath, but I don't breathe to hold it anymore. "That's better than I feared," is what I say, "And… are you willing to accept…" I almost say "a suite of buffs," but she doesn't share the hobby, so I instead go with, "some protective wards? I can give those now, and I want you to be safe."

She nods, and apply my "Class A" (for this level) buff routine to her, using Enable Function to give myself the relevant spells and metamagic, and drop a list of them on her: Death Ward (I don't expect negative energy effects to be thrown at her, but it's free), Freedom of Movement (grabbing, on the other hand, is perfectly mundane), each variation on Energy Resistance (no burns, shocks, freezing, acid, ir sonic damage for her… well, unless it's pretty extreme), Life Bubble (air and pressure), Delay Disease (technically not immunity to all diseases, but when it lasts forever, it may as well be), Delay Poison (ditto, although she might want me to drop this one, as she does enjoy a beer every now and then), Delay Death (stops death by simple injury), Protection From Evil (stops many forms of mind control) Sheltered Vitality (stops ability damage and fatigue), all six of the basic stat boosts (with Fell Energy, attuned to humanoids,  so she's pretty superhuman all around), Improved Resistance (with Fell Energy, so she's hard to affect with spells), Celestial Healing (fast healing 4), Status (in case something happens to her, this will let me know), Mythic Fly (120 foot fly speed), Swim (does what you'd think), Fell Energy Mythic Haste (she can move extra fast, and when flying will be able to keep up with anything short of freeway speeds), Earth Glide (lets her travel through dirt and stone), and top it off with Profane Gift. And just in case, I include Fleeting Spell on everything not already dismissable, and Invisible Spell (it removes the visible manifestations of spells) on everything I can. I don't think she'll go power mad, but if she does, it's better to be prepared than not. I also buff myself with the same set while I am at it. May as well, and I can add the personal range items later.

I give her a rundown of what the various effects do. When I get to that last one, she gets a glint in her eye when she properly understands what the Shapechange portion means, and says, "I was planning to sleep with you, and have always been curious about the man's side of it. How do you feel about letting me induct you into womanhood? Your first time as a woman, and mine as a man?"

"I don't know if I can get pregnant, and obviously I am not on the pill…" I stammer out.

She pauses, "Is that all? I still have a supply of rubbers, even though I have been on The Pill for quite some time."

"... yes …" I say, timidly.

She drops her robe, leaving her wearing nothing but her slippers, and I start to hear her stream of consciousness as she changes her form.  Yes, I told her about that aspect, I’m not a monster… although she has one now.  I have trouble looking at her anywhere other than her new rod as she gains a foot of height, shortens her hair, and grows muscular… but her rod ends up a good seventeen inches long, and as big around as my new wrist. 

That's supposed to go in me?

Her thoughts make it clear she doesn't anticipate problems, "... body literally built for it, 'always ready' she said, and babies go through there, …"

I choose to stop paying attention to her thoughts, as I hear her say, "Your turn," out loud.

I gulp, dismiss meatsuit, and replace my illusion of the old me with a new one, exactly as I really am under the invisibility. I drop my bedsheet to the ground, and - surprising us both - I take her tip into my mouth.  She tastes salty, and smells slightly of fish… at first I can only get her to the back of my throat, but then I realize I just need to turn a bit, and find that by laying myself out mostly in line with her rod, and tilting my head just so while she kneels, I can get her much farther in.  A few swallowing motions, and I manage to hilt her.  Apparently not needing to breathe eliminates the gag reflex.  That or it was part of the fantasy I’ve become.  Hard to say, really.

She groans deeply as I do, then starts bucking her hips back and forth, back and forth.  I find I don’t much care for the sight of her hips and belly bouncing back and forth right at my face, so I close my eyes and just feel and listen.  Feel her meat rod going back and forth down my throat.  Feel a warmth building in my womb. Feel her big strong hands holding my back steady for her, and an electric sensation running from them. Feel my chest rubbing against the carpeting, little pulses of pleasure from my taps each time my girlfriend moves me by thrusting. Listen to her grunts as she’s awash in alien sensations.  Feel my own pleasure rise with hers. Feel her tighten up, and a small shockwave pass down her rod and my throat, with a small splash as she deposits her seed directly into my belly, matching a small explosion of my own as I see stars through my closed eyes.

I whimper in disappointment as she pulls out of my throat, but perk up when the powerful arms I gave her lift me easily and lay me down in her bed. I spread my legs, lifting them up to give her room, guessing at what is coming, exposing my drooling flower to her… only to be proven wrong as she instead puts her head between my legs and rubs my thighs with her silky smooth hands while her tongue explores my kitty. She licks up and down my nether lips, circles my nub several times, and plunges her tongue deeply into me,  tasting my inner nectar. The whole time I can feel a rising tide of joy, which crashes into a wave of pleasure at the thrust of her tongue. 

She chuckles and moves higher up, stroking and kissing her way up me. She climbs my lower mound, crests across my miniscule belly, and summits my twin mountains, sucking deeply of my milk springs. The sensations set me off a third time, and I am seeing stars already as she descends from my peaks to my face, and finally kisses my lips.

I part for her, and her tongue explores my mouth, causing another tide to rise within me. A few moments of ecstasy later, she steps back, and I watch her cover her meat pole with rubber. She lays back down over me, and whispers, "Are you sure?" in my ear.

I say, "Yes"

And she does, achingly slowly, her bulbous protrusion slipping easily into my sodden tunnel until she pauses, and says, "I think you still have your maidenhead. Are you really sure?"

I scream back, "YES! FILL ME ALREADY!"

And she does, thrusting through my barrier, which incongruously triggers the voice of Dan in my head saying, "You take one point of damage from a torn hymen," which I ignore, as that thrust sets me off a fourth time.

She pulls back, a wave of pleasure already cresting, and rams it in again, triggering spasms from my lower belly. Through the haze of pleasure, I wonder why I am this responsive to pleasure, and then remember my desires during the dream when I designed the body now holding me prisoner to pleasure, and lose all capacity for thought as my girlfriend pulls back and thrusts, again and again, each individual thrust setting me off like I wanted for my dream girl.

I am lost in pleasure for quite some time under the ministrations of my girlfriend, until she finally grunts and spasms again herself, and pulls out to get another rubber.

But instead of continuing, she says two words that cut right through my fog and send a chill down my spine:

"It broke."