Chapter 27: Interrogation
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Of course, now I need to decide what to do with him.

My first thought is Dominate Person… but the same Telepathy Block spell that makes sure he can't call home to a psychic for extraction also stops me from issuing any orders after the spell lands.  Charm Monster? Could work… but I don’t think I want this guy thinking of me as a friend, and I'd need to roll the opposed Charisma check for anything secret, which is probably everything.

Ah, there we go. Suggestion. Of course, it needs to be 'reasonable' - and doing everything someone else wants isn't normally that. So I need to rig the situation. And I do want to punish this guy.  So…

I start with the spell Shamefully Overdressed, adding Reach Spell so I don't need to touch him, and Contagious Spell to be mean, and use Major Creation to make a full-length mirror, so he can see himself. The compulsion spell forces him to strip off all of his clothing. I wait while he does. He's very fit; clearly works out. After a little while, I find out he's uncircumcised, and has relatively small equipment… although I might have my references skewed due to having had  Adam's rock hard rod in my middle.

"My, that's tiny," I tease, "Completely worthless. May as well get rid of it entirely."

I use a Reach Contagious Major Curse to suit my words, cursing him to be forever his own female ideal, while stuck being a completely straight male in mind.

I watch as he loses what little body hair he had, his face, waist, and shoulders narrow; his hips, rear, and chest expand; his height falls below mine; his hair reaches down to the floor in long black curls; and his plumbing shrinks into his body, forming lips and a hood.  His body isn't nearly as exaggeratedly feminine as mine, but the new orbs on his chest definitely deserve to be called 'Melons' while his new caboose definitely puts him into the "love to watch her leave" category for any straight man.

Despite his terror - or maybe partly because of it - his own naked reflection excites him, and I see his lower lips loosen up and moisten, preparing themselves for a visitor.  Which gives me a devious idea. I Heighten, Reach, and Contagious a regular Bestow Curse, setting it so his arousal cannot go down unless a human male member goes off inside his new plumbing while no precautions to stop pregnancy are in place. I wonder how long it'll be until he's got a bun in the oven?

"Why are you doing this?" he asks, in his new voice, which comes with all the undertones of a seduction. He jumps a bit when he hears himself.

"Why? How can you ask? I was healing sick kids, and your organization put bullets in a friend of mine for it, making no apparent attempt to contact me. Your organization laid a trap for me, setting a bomb in a hospital, to try and kill me while I was doing more healing. When I removed the bomb so nobody was harmed, I left a note to see if we could sort this out like rational people. Your organization used that to lure me into a trap. A better question would be why you're still alive."  And with the pressure in play, I cast my Suggestion spell, also with Contagious Spell: "You’re obviously outmatched, I Suggest you cooperate fully and honestly with me to avoid a worse fate than has already befallen you."

I invisibly smile as I feel the spell take hold of his brain. It's an open ended task, which Suggestion permits within the duration… but I cast it, so it'll last until I drop it. And I don't really feel like canceling any of them. He'll be a nudist man, stuck in the body of a woman, who likes women, but can only get relief from arousal with a man's member in his unprotected womb. Who will do whatever I tell him. For the rest of his life. And anyone attempting to fix that has good odds of suffering the same fate due to the Contagious Spell metamagic in the mix.

I might be feeling a little vengeful. But it was needed to make a variation on "do whatever I want" sound reasonable.

Of course, now that he's cooperative, I have to actually ask him questions. So I hit him with Discern Lies, and start asking things I expect to find useful:

"What’s your proper name?"

"Kenneth Kolips the third," he answers without hesitation.

Good. That'll make it easier to grab him again in the future. I'll be able to use Planar Binding, attuned to humanoids, so as not to need to burn one of Dan’s Wishes.

"Why is your organization hunting me?"

"You’re an obviously powerful supernatural. You need to be brought to heel before the old adage 'power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' bites humanity yet again. Protecting humans from the likes of you is our purpose."

That's more succinct than the email, but essentially the same content. Now for the big one… and I'm going to need Autohypnosis for remembering the answer, I expect.

"What’s the proper names, and roles within the organization, for everyone you can remember?"

He rattles off a dozen names and roles, which I memorize. He doesn't know who actually runs the organization; apparently, they do cells, where members of the cell know their cell mates, their cell leader, and that’s it. And the cell leaders only know their immediate neighbors.

Which makes sense. I mean, it's a simple matter to make someone squeal. Mind control - like I'm using - torture, memory extraction, disguses to gather information… Limiting information this way makes it really hard to dismantle the organization - you can really only attack one cell at a time - and even if you do… a single surviving "cell" could potentially start the whole mess up again.

But operating entirely that way has limitations. Large scale coordination is difficult, information sharing is hard, and  mobilizing distant resources basically can't happen. Given that it was only about a day between my leaving the note and them sending the trap email, I don't really expect more than a few layers of cells before I hit a real organization.

"What would be needed to make all'y'all stop hunting me?"

"You'd need to be confirmed dead or under our certain control," is his immediate response.

Well, that's no good. I'm running short on time if I want to cover my tracks, though… and it will be much better if the organization doesn't know I'm gunning for them or what all I can do.

So I put him to sleep with Deep Slumber, and revise his memory by way of a few False Alibi spells set to trigger when he's gone. He's not going to remember this question and answer session, or even this room. Instead, he's going to remember that I physically kidnapped him to a hotel room, force fed him potions from amber bottles that warped his body and threatened to do worse if he didn't answer, but that he held firm and fed me false info, which I seemed to buy. Oh yes, and he's going to remember seeing me as a tall African woman with an unusually deep voice. He's not even going to remember how he got back. He's going to remember blacking out when I force fed him one last potion.

He is going to remember my response as to why I'm doing this, though filtered for a different room, voice, and appearance; his only true memory being my choice of words to answer his question.

Why the emphasis on potions? Well, my prophet has been seen using potions. So I want to make them think that's the only way I work.  If I can trick them, they might think they can manage me.

I may yet salvage plan A.

I then dismiss the Forbiddance (my effects bypass my immunities…) touch him, make him invisible, plane shift to the material with him, Greater Teleport to a park, dump him on a park bench (leaving him as an extremely attractive naked woman, on a park bench, in the middle of a busy city,  at night), dismiss the Invisibility on him, and slap him to wake him up. I then Plane Shift back to my Keyhome, and exit it normally so it closes properly.

I wonder how many folks will get infected trying to cure him? That could be useful, especially as the Suggestion is still live. I'll need to keep a lookout for very frustrated men trapped in women's bodies.

Back in my Divine Realm, I update folks on the information I gained, and how I left him.

Adam’s response? "Remind me never to get on your bad side."

Bobbie shudders.

Dan and Emily each give their own variations of "Your judgment is righteous, my goddess."

Not wanting to kidnap the other cell members just yet, I take my leave of my Divine Realm, and open my special email after setting my VPNs running again.

The only new mail I have is junk. I do, however, reply to the organization's email.

"So… this is the third time you've tried to end me. Nasty trap, ripped a very loyal dog of mine out of reality. Not that you'd recognize her as a dog anymore, with all the magic I've poured in her dish. I'm going to have to start fresh thanks to you. You set me back months.

"That's a bit problematic, as I don't want to be hunted, but it seems I can’t trust you to deal honestly. Other than some variation of 'just die already', what do you suggest?"

I consider for a bit, then hit send. I'm hoping it'll sound like someone a little stressed letting things slip.

That done, I spend some time looking for warehouse space for lease. I'll still need a place to receive salt shipments… although I could just get any old building and use a keyhome as a loading dock… that might actually work best, honestly. And I can make a building if I need something real. So really, I just need a plot of land by the freeway where I can put an illusion of a building over whatever thing I need to shelter the stuff I actually use on the material plane.

That really reduces my costs.

I do some research, and find a few hundred acres of desert out in New Mexico that’s cheap enough for me to simply buy outright thanks to my gold sales.  It’s not like I care about utilities or commute time.  I can make my own buildings and stuff with Wall of Stone, and can get power generation running with Major Creation, so really I just need somewhere to pile some rocks to form a base for a Wall of Stone spell.  Or maybe use Move Earth to dig down to bedrock and build up from there.  I check to make sure it has road access - I’ll need that to get salt deliveries - and put in a bid that’s 10% higher than the asking price, with a note that the bid is only good for a week.  Given that it’s been on the market for well over a month, I figure that’ll get their attention immediately.  

I still need to await their reply, though.