3 – I haven’t give up yet!
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A healer. A hea-ler.

As I heard the word, my anger only grew.

I couldn't believe that was my class. I wanted to be a warrior, a hero, anything but a healer.

I spent the whole night thinking about how unfair it was, but now I had to face reality. I was a healer, and that wouldn't change.

Suddenly, I was awakened by the maid. Still sleepy, I asked without realizing, "What's your name again?".

She seemed surprised by my question, but replied with a smile, "My name is Darcy, and I've been taking care of you since you were a baby, Zoe."

Upon hearing my question, the maid seemed surprised, and her face contorted in confusion.

"Don't you remember me, Zoe?" she asked with a worried tone in her voice.

I felt bad for not recognizing her and quickly tried to apologize. "I'm sorry, I just woke up and I'm still a little sleepy..."

Before I could finish my sentence, the maid grabbed me and began to whimper. "How can you not remember me? I'm Darcy, I've been taking care of you since you were a baby!"

I got up from bed and headed to the bathroom to wash my face. When I looked in the mirror, a strange feeling came over me. My eyes were still sleepy, but the reflection I saw in the mirror didn't look like mine. It was the face of a young and beautiful girl, but I couldn't remember ever seeing that face before.

That's when I remembered that I had been reincarnated. Yesterday, I was playing an online game when something strange happened, and suddenly, I found myself inside the body of a girl in a fantasy world.

I walked through the corridors of the mansion, still feeling a little lost. I knew I was now Zoe, but there were still many things I couldn't remember.

Finally, I found a woman with long blonde hair who looked older than me but still beautiful. She smiled at me and opened her arms for a hug.

"Zoe, my daughter, it's so good to see you!" she said, squeezing me in her arms.

I was a little shy and didn't know how to react, so I just smiled at her.

"We're so happy you got such a good class in the church," my father said, greeting me.

I still felt a little confused about my new life and how everything worked in this fantasy world, but I was happy to have a family who loved me.

We sat down at the table for breakfast and started talking. My mother praised my healer class, while my father and brother told stories about their adventures as warriors.

Is this to annoy me, damn it?!"

Hi, Zoe Artish here!

Yes, Artish is my family name it seems.

I was still getting used to my new life, but I was slowly learning more about my new family and their world.

I was in the library trying to learn more about healing magic. I hadn't given up on the idea of someday fighting monsters, and I knew that would be impossible without magical abilities but how can I say...

The more I read about it, the more frustrated I became.

"Nothing, nothing here either!" I threw the book away.

Somehow, I can read what I can only describe as scribbles without sense and absorb the content like a sponge, how much of a prodigy this girl was? Scary...

"Is there really no other way?" I asked myself aloud, hopeless for an answer.

As I continued to search for a solution, my mind wandered to the battles I imagined I could have.

"A hopeless Nerd" that's how people in my gaming group sometimes described me before falling into this body, in a way I was excited to think of being able to use some power to fight, but apparently not even that I can do, I wonder if I could kill even a goblin.

What's the point of coming to a world of swords and magic if you can't fight? What did this god expect, that I would be a nun?!

It is said that anyone in this world can use some kind of magic, only that based on your class you would be conditioned to manipulate mana differently, warriors can pump mana through their body to drastically increase their physical power, mages can take mana around them and rewind it like a catalyst so they can distort reality, there are even tamers who can use mana to manipulate monsters.

"Well, it would be unfair if I didn't even try"

I focus and a pentagram appears in my hand, it was green just like the books said it would be.

"Hey, hey, should it be that easy?"

Well, let's continue with this.

I bite my own finger and watch as the blood drips. I began to concentrate and manipulate the mana around me, following the instructions from the books I had read.

Suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation in my finger. I looked at it and saw that the wound had been completely healed. I was surprised and at the same time excited about the success of my test.

"I think I did it!" I said aloud to myself.

It was easier than I imagined.

In the case of healers, they can only manipulate mana to manipulate living beings but unfortunately not in a way that can be used to hurt someone, I can only improve my own natural recovery rate.

Who cares, with this little experiment I engrave in myself:


I left the library and decided to take a walk in the mansion's garden. The sun was shining and the sky was so blue it seemed like a dream.

I saw my father there, practicing his sword moves. He had brown hair that shone under the sunlight and his physique was impeccable.

I was amazed as I watched him move with the sword, the sound of his blade cutting through the air was a symphony to my ears. Suddenly, I gathered my courage and approached him.

"T-Teach me how to f-fight with a sword like y-you!" I stuttered, timidly.

"EH?!" My father seemed surprised by my sudden request.