9. Heist
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The night enveloped the scene in darkness, providing the perfect cover for the daring thieves seeking a big score. Tom and Viki moved slowly, their steps cautious as they approached the corner of the building, the final one in the narrow alley. Tom carried a wooden case filled with hay, serving as a disguise for their loot. The main street lay ahead, a potential obstacle with possible patrolling guards.

Viki peered around the corner, her gaze sweeping the area in search of the uniformed men. She spotted one stationed to the left, positioned directly in front of the distillery they aimed to target. Clad in a black breastplate and a dark cloak, he held a burning torch, casting an ominous glow.

"Fuck," Viki whispered, instinctively pulling back.

"What?" Tom inquired.

"There's one right in front of the damn building," she informed him, frustration lacing her voice.

"Now what?" Tom asked, concern etching his features.

"Did you prepare the hiding spot for the loot, like I told you?" she queried.

"Yes, I did. We've piled up enough trash to conceal a barrel of booze," he hissed. "But what about the guard? We can't go inside with him standing right there. He'll notice us."

"I'll take care of him," Viki replied with a confidence that masked her underlying plan.

"How?" Tom pressed for an explanation.

"I know how. Just be ready to move when I'm back. Do you have the lockpicks?" she confirmed.

"Yeah," Tom replied, reaching into his pocket to produce the necessary tools.

"Good. Wait for me here. I'll be right back," Viki said, her determination resolute as she retraced her steps, disappearing into the shadows.

Tom patiently waited, nervously nibbling on his fingernails while keeping a watchful eye on the street. Occasionally, he stole glances toward the guard, but the vigilant figure remained in place. Suddenly, a loud noise pierced the air, followed by the anguished wail of a cat. Tom seized the opportunity to take another peek at the guard, only to find him gone, likely investigating the commotion.

Shortly thereafter, Viki reappeared, beads of sweat adorning her forehead. Despite her heavy breathing, she exerted herself to move as silently as possible.

"Come," she beckoned, her voice laced with confidence, and they strode out of the alley together.

Tom lifted the case, his senses alert as he scanned the surroundings for any signs of trouble. The darkness of the night shrouded their vision, leaving only faint outlines of the nearby buildings. Without hesitation, Viki hurried toward the door, her determined steps carrying her forward. She tested the doorknob, knowing it was unlikely to be unlocked but hoping for a stroke of luck that would expedite their mission.

"Open it," she whispered urgently.

Tom gently nudged her aside with the case, carefully placing it on the ground before retrieving his tools. Taking a moment to steady his breath, he skillfully manipulated the lock. With a soft click, the door yielded to their persistence, granting them access. Tom scooped up the case, and together, they slipped into the darkness beyond. His recent training and experience had honed his lock-picking abilities, making such tasks feel almost effortless. He owed a debt of gratitude to both his sister and Nathan, whose growing confidence within their thieving circle allowed for more daring ventures.

Following Viki's whispered instructions, they navigated through the unseen space. "Five steps right, two left, then the door on the right, then twelve steps ahead, and a door on the left," she murmured, trying to recall the information they had gathered about the targeted location.

Although slightly off, they managed to reach their intended destination, relying solely on their sense of touch amidst the encompassing darkness. A careful search ensued, their hands exploring the objects within the room, attempting to identify the correct items. Each discovery was meticulously placed in the case, cushioned by the hay to dampen any potential noise during their retreat. They handled the items with care, mindful of avoiding breakage, but the silence they sought remained elusive. Occasional rattling glass accompanied hushed curses, the sounds blending into a tense symphony.

"I don't understand why we have to do this," Tom grumbled as they exited the room, following their previous footsteps toward the exit.

"We wouldn't have to if Nathan hadn't taken the money I earned to buy most of these things," Viki replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "Besides, these are the last items, so you won't have to assist me anymore."

He scoffed dismissively. "You're so foolish, sister," he muttered under his breath.

Pretending not to hear his comment, Viki focused on the task at hand. There was no time for squabbles as they approached the door. Though she couldn't see a thing, her intuition guided her movements, and the count of steps confirmed their proximity. Her outstretched hand found the wooden surface, and she began the careful search for the door handle. Finally, her fingers located it, and she slowly opened the door, peering outside.

"Shit," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of alarm and disappointment.

"What now?" Tom asked, his voice filled with a hint of desperation.

„There is a guard, right in front of the fucking building,” she informed.

„So what now?”

She deliberated, her mind racing for a solution to their predicament, but none presented itself clearly.

"Maybe we should wait? He might leave eventually," Tom suggested, breaking the silence as she struggled to find an answer.

"No... If we're careful and swift, he won't even notice. And if he does, we can still outrun him. Just give me the case," she replied, determination lacing her words.

Tom swallowed audibly, the sound reverberating through the tense air, and handed her the case. They swapped positions, and after a few rapid breaths, the boy seized the moment. In a single fluid motion, he swung the door open and stepped outside, making room for his sister to follow suit. They managed only a couple of steps before a piercing shout jolted them from their temporary respite.

"Hey! Stop there!"

It was the unmistakable voice of the town guard, propelled by unwavering determination. Without hesitation, they sprinted forward, their focus fixed on escaping the relentless pursuer. Tom led them into a dimly lit alley, hoping to lose their chaser in the maze of shadows. Yet, despite their efforts, the guard closed in on them with each passing moment. Tom glanced over his shoulder, realizing that their attempts to shake him off were futile, no matter how many twists and turns they made. The guard wielded a light source, casting a clear view of their figures.

Compounding their predicament, the stolen goods rattled within the case, amplifying their presence in the night. In a moment of decision, Tom pivoted, snatched a bottle from the case, and abruptly halted, allowing his sister to surge past him. With all his strength, he flung the glass projectile at their pursuer, hoping to create a momentary diversion.

"Run! I'll try to lose him!" Tom shouted, veering into a nearby alley on his right.

Viki didn't hesitate, her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene as she continued her relentless sprint. The guard deftly evaded the hurtling bottle, which disappeared into the depths of the darkness, only to shatter against the ground moments later, creating a cacophony of noise. Undeterred, the guard pursued Tom with unwavering determination, their chase intensifying.

With her focus fixed ahead to avoid any missteps, Viki hastened towards the predetermined hiding spot for the stolen goods. Her pace was slightly slower now, allowing her to scan the shadowed streets, straining her ears for any signs of approaching danger. Finally, a faint sound reached her ears, drawing her attention. She followed the noise, her heavy breathing stifled in fear of being detected.

Amidst the darkness, she noticed a few windows cracked open, curious faces peering out into the night, searching for the cause of the commotion that had shattered their slumber. However, the limited visibility made it difficult to discern any concrete details. Viki proceeded onto the larger street, and there, her heart sank.

Tom was being forcefully pushed forward by the guard, one hand twisted painfully behind his back, while the other gripped the torch with a vice-like grip. Grunts of pain escaped him intermittently.

"Fuck," Viki muttered, her mouth agape in shock and desperation.

She was on the brink of rushing to her brother’s aid, but rationality quickly prevailed. Alone, she stood little chance of making a difference. She needed help, and her thoughts turned to Nathan. However, the realization hit her that he would likely dismiss the situation with a mere shrug. Tom held no vital position within his gang; while skilled with locks, there were others who could fill his role competently. Only one option remained—Bruno.

Without hesitation, Viki plunged into the encompassing darkness, determined to seek out Bruno's assistance.