Chapter 37: Bo City’s Calamity! Part: V
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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

The Safe Zone with barrier was established by a collaboration of the Magic Association, Hunter’s Union and Enforcement Union.

There were Intermediate Mages and shelters for protection in there. It was roughly three kilometres from the mountain where Mo Fan was currently located, but Mo Fan went into another direction from there!

He reached a height of 100metres into the air and flew out of the mountain, right into the city and glanced down. He saw many One Eyed Magic Wolves and Colossal Eyed Ape Rats roaming the streets like they owned it.

“Heh~” He smirked.



Mo Fan descended right into the middle of the city where the infestation was at the highest!

All the hundreds of One Eyed Magic Wolves in the area immediately glared at Mo Fan and smiled! Their Saliva was falling on the ground as if they saw an appetizing meal.

“Stupid Mutts.”

Mo Fan raised his hand towards the sky. A Moonlit glow enveloped his arm! He waved his hand and slashed it in front of him!!

The Moonlit glow covering his arm made a beautiful arc as he moved his hand!



A 10 metres huge dimensional crack emerged in front of Mo Fan!

The hundreds of Wolves which were darting towards Mo Fan impatiently, immediately halted in their tracks!

Their blood stained scarlet eyes driven with madness turned cloudy as if they were being controlled by a higher being which even their innate wild instinct couldn’t overcome.

A huge paw covered with icicle armour stepped out of the crack. The area where the paw landed immediately turned frozen!

Snow Frost Star Wolf, who was now 8metres tall in his battle mode looked absolute beast!

His Snow white beautiful fur was covered with a Crystalline Frost Armour, his eyes emitted a frosty flame which swayed wildly, so did his shoulders and elbows!

The Ice Crystal Crown on his forehead was glowing brilliantly and emitting a threatening degree of Frost!

Mo Fan was shocked! He couldn’t believe what he was seeing!

He didn’t know his Wolfy had undergone so many changes in the summon plane. He just called him out so he can fight alongside him but who would’ve known that he had an ability to control low level creatures of his species!

“Absolute Species Suppression!” Mo Fan muttered…

All the Two Hundred or so One Eyed Magic Wolves immediately bowed down to their king!

The One Eyed Magic Wolves were the lowest of lowest scrubs compared to the Godly Bloodline of Snow Frost Star Wolf. It was in their nature to serve their Alpha! Their Emperor!


The roar of Wolfy echoed out in all directions! It made all the monsters in the vicinity know who the boss was here.

After roaring it turned towards his flabbergasted owner and purred him.

“What the…” He couldn’t believe his eyes!

More than Five Hundred Servant Class Wolves in the vicinity were subdued just by just Wolfy’s presence.

All the people inside their houses were also peeking through their windows and even they couldn’t believe what had happened!

Some of them had literally took a video and multiple photos of the whole thing.

Mo Fan went near the One Eyed Magic Wolves and touched the beast’s head. The beast was unlike before and absolutely tamed, it didn’t do anything to Mo Fan and just stared in confusion.

“O-okay! Change of Plans! Everyone, hurry up and get down! We don’t have time! Just like you saw, these wolves are now harmless! They won’t attack anyone anymore!”

Mo Fan turned towards the surprised crowd and spoke!

They were still quite suspicious of him. After all, a high school student suddenly descended from the sky, summoned a building sized wolf monster, which now commanded all of the monsters in the area…

What the hell is this Manhua like development?!

“H-How can we trust you?” A voice echoed from the surroundings.

Hearing it made Mo Fan mad! “You fucking Moronic lazy ass bitches! Do you think, you limpdicks have the luxury of that right now?!

The military had already began the evacuation process, you lazy distrustful bastards didn’t followed what was asked of you and you dare to question me, when I’m going out of my way to save your pathetic asses?! Now hurry the fuck up before I leave you sorry fucks and go on my own!”

Mo Fan completely laid it out. The whole block heard him. Right about now these people would’ve been safe and sound inside the barrier and no one should’ve died, but NO~~

After hearing his outbursts the people were angry but yeah, they couldn’t argue back as every word he spoke off was the truth and they didn’t really had any other choice.

They immediately and staggeringly got down on the road from their buildings within ten minutes!

There were roughly Seven Hundred Civilians right now! Men, Women, Old and Children, some were injured, while some were crying, some of them were even broken because of the loss of their family members.

But they all had one thing in common, and that is that they wanted to SURVIVE!

Mo Fan gave out the order to Wolfy to save all the people in the vicinity.

The Snow Frost Star Wolf relayed the order to all the Wolves and half of them immediately started searching around the vicinity to see if someone was left behind.

While the other half had formed a circle and were protecting the people who were in the middle, on the orders of Snow Frost Star Wolf and Mo Fan.

Other people who noticed such a huge group of crowd moving so brazenly through the road also joined them along the way!

As they moved through the road, the crowd of people kept on increasing! Soon it became more than two thousand and the number was still going up!

The people who were not injured were helping the injured people, old people and children!

Humans had a tendency to become extremely cooperative and helpful during times of calamities and such from the ancient time, plus they were also scared of the Wolves, even though they were rescuing people now.

Mo Fan kept a strict watch on the surroundings. Thankfully, they all were quite a ways away from the Darkwing Wolf, otherwise all of them, including him would’ve been dead by now!

“Hello? Captain Xu? Where are you??” Mo Fan called Xu Da Huang, his hunting team’ captain!

“Fan Mo?! Holy shit, where are you?” Xu Da Huang’s voice echoed from the other end!

“Are you in the city or in the safezone?” Mo Fan didn’t dilly dally his conversation.

“I’m inside the barrier.” Xu Da Huang replied.

“Find Zhankong and tell him, Mo Fan is at the Magic High! Now!!” Mo Fan said in a hurry and hung up the phone.

He couldn’t keep using phone as their frequency was something the monsters didn’t liked and were quite sensitive towards!

“Wolfy keep protecting them and bring them to where I’m going! Order the Wolves to bring each and every one of the civilians they can find and no matter what, don’t leave anyone behind okay?” Mo Fan said as he patted his wolf.


After affirming his statement, Mo Fan jetted into the direction of his school!

As long as Wolfy was around, the civilians won’t die.

Xu Da Huang in the safe zone along with his team immediately made their way towards the Top of the barrier building!

He did not hesitate or questioned Mo Fan’s actions as no one in their right mind would ignore a distress call from a teammate.

 Zhankong was surrounded by people,

“Commander Zhankong! I have a message to relay to you!” Xu Da Huang quickly squished inside the crowd of soldiers with his huge and bulky body.

“I don’t have time right now, get lost!” Zhankong was in a bad mood!

Even with the help of Mo Fan, the situation had not gone in his favour. The common populace were a lot more stupid than he gave them credit for!

“What has happened to the reinforcements? Why haven’t they arrived yet?!” Zhankong shouted in anger.

“Sir, they said that they will need at least 5hrs to get here.”

“Fucking Douchebags! How could they need five hours to get here from a neighbouring town?!” Zhankong was exasperated, it was as if their town was abandoned by their country!

Even though a calamity had befell, the news reporters had already made it known what was happening in their city. It simply doesn’t make any sense to have a single reinforcement after that!

Half of their soldiers had already died to the Monsters! Zhankong wanted to go and destroy that Dark Wing Wolf right now, but he kept remembering Mo Fan’s words.

He knew the Black Vatican were gonna make their move but he just didn’t know how.

Plus there were many Black Vatican’s Black Clergies and Grey Priests mixed with the towns people!

If he left to fight the monsters right now, then he was pretty sure, the barrier as well as the people who have evacuated would be slaughtered by the time he comes back! There would’ve been simply no point to killing monsters if the people he was killing the monsters for were dead!

And there was no sign of Tang Zhong or Song Lin anywhere in this mess!

They had gone to investigate the matter 6 days ago, but he had lost contact with them ever since…

He was checkmated.

“Damn it!!”