Chapter 42: Destroying Houses, Kidnapping People, Making Them Fly And Feeding The Dogs~
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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

When Mo Fan reached the vicinity of the school he noticed a huge crowd of people surrounded by Hundreds of Wolf Monsters and also a Snow White Wolf wearing Crystalline Frost Armour was floating… standing on air..?

The crowd was so huge that the entire street was filled to the brim with them!

Mo Fan was shocked! There were at least fifteen - sixteen thousand people as the entire block’s road was filled with them!

“It seems majority of the people are still alive…” Mo Fan muttered.

There was only one reason why so many people were still alive. That’s because, it hasn’t even been 2hours since the attack started, and the monsters had to invade the city from the outside!

So, that means, many of the people living away from the Silver Commerce Tower were still alive!

Mo Fan started seeing hope! It seemed that the city can still be saved!


Wolfy immediately noticed Mo Fan in the air! It immediately flew or ran up to him in air.

Mo Fan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry seeing his wolf fly…? “… You sure have a lot of secrets hidden within you, huh.” Mo Fan said as he pat Wolfy’s head.


“Yeah yeah, Good Job gathering so many people!” Mo Fan praised his pet as it asked for recognition.

“Now let’s go!”

Mo Fan brought all the people inside the school through the gate, he kept the wolves outside the gate so as to not startle the brainwashed students.

“Xiaobing what are you doing, hurry up and fill the moat if you don’t want to die!” Lu Xing saw Xiaobing looking forward somewhere and said as he thought he was slacking off.

“N-No… that! Look over there!” Xiaobing pointed forward with a quivering finger!

Lu Xing who was an Ice Mage thought that Monsters had arrived and began aligning his stars instantly! But Xiaobing slapped him and pointed his head in that direction!

He saw thousands of people coming through the sports ground! He was stupefied seeing them! Then he saw Mo Fan flying towards them with a small white puppy on his shoulders!

“What are you two dozing out for? Hurry up and let them in!” Mo Fan ordered the two idiots hugging each other. After that he flew inside!

He saw Chen Weiliang giving out orders to students, he approached him and said “Director Chen, I’ve brought back some people with me, they’re civilians of the city. I’ll have to go back and scourge for more! Since the attack has just started, there are chances that many people are still alive yet. I don’t want to leave them behind. Well then that’s all from me, keep building the shelter, as soon as I have all the people with me, we’ll leave for the safe zone.”

Director Chen wanted to say something to Mo Fan but he already flew away into the sky!

“Sigh… Well guess he saved a couple of people, but so what, he shouldn’t keep any hope of saving more…?!”

Director Chen thought Mo Fan saved two to three people, but a moment later when he saw the crowd entering through the gate of the wall they built, he was stupefied!!

People just kept flooding in and it was not stopping at all! He quickly ran up to the wall through the make shift stairs they built. After climbing up the flight of stairs he saw that the entire sports ground was filled to the brim with people!

His Eyes went wide as well as his Jaw!


“Director… How did Mo Fan saved all these people in the middle of this catastrophe?” Xiaobing on the wall who looked just like him asked.

“I… I-I don’t know…” He was lost for words… Not even Zhankong was capable of achieving something like this and he was the strongest person in the city!

Similarly, when so many people were directed to the Campus Dome, the students were also surprised!

“M-Mom?!” A Student saw his own mother as she walked in confusion with bloody patches on her clothes and dishevelled hair in the crowd! She looked lost and terrified.

“MOM!!!” The student shouted ‘Mom’ at the top of his lungs and ran up to her in tears of joy!

She as well as many other people looked up, The ‘Mom’ immediately burst into tears as she pushed the crowd aside and hugged her only surviving Family.

She was cried as she pinched her son’s face and checked him over and over again to make sure he was actually alive.

Many of the students had found new hope seeing that one of their schoolmate was reunited with his family! They immediately started searching for their own family members!

Many of them found their beloved ones while some didn’t. But that didn’t let them lose their hope! They now worked with a renewed spirit in hopes of seeing their family members again!

Mo Fan took the Wolf Army with him and cleared out the surrounding area completely from any and all types of monsters even through the sewers!

The wolf army was just too convenient for him to use!

“Wolfy order them to follow me, we’re going to search around that area!”



Wolfy immediately gave the command. All the 600 or so One-eyed Magic wolves followed Mo Fan to the far side of the city and forcefully gathered all the civilians he could find!

To the Civilians on the father side from the calamity, who were on the opposite edges of the city, thought they could survive by hiding in their comfortable, old and flimsy homes, Mo Fan seemed like a demon who destroyed their house and kidnapped them!

But regardless of their thoughts, he simply ignored the ignorant lot and kept on doing the same with the rest of the people!

Some of the stubborn old farts were not willing to come no matter what, so Mo Fan just simply dropped a boulder at their house and destroyed it!

No matter how cruel it seemed or actually was, there was no other choice if he wanted to keep them alive!

There were some who actually started making a racket in the crowd and enticing people against Mo Fan, he just simply lift them up a hundred metres into the sky with his telekinesis and then released the control of telekinesis over them and let them free fall from the sky.

Of course, it was a bummer he couldn’t let them die, so just before they hit the ground and splat like a meat pie, he used his telekinesis to save them.

After setting an example of what will happen if they didn’t fall in line, everyone got a lot more cooperative and didn’t utter a single word throughout the rest of the journey.

Within Two hours, he collected all the people he could find from the Southern edge of the city to the Eastern corner!

He cannot go to the Northern and the Western edge as that is where the concentration of monsters is at its peak!

“Yup… pretty sure most of the people there are dead as chickens…” Mo Fan said as he carried an adorable little malnourished girl on his shoulder.

She looked like a twig who could die from a leaf hit. She also had this blue and green patches on her hands thighs…

“By the way, where are you from?” Mo Fan asked the little girl.

“The orphanage…” The little girl pointed towards a broken down building in he western side. She didn’t have any sort of emotions while she spoke.

“Do you have someone, you want me to save, from there?” Mo Fan asked the 7year old toddler. He didn’t ask what she was doing so far away from the orphanage. He didn’t want to step on a landmine.

“…No…” She replied as she put on the hood of Mo Fan’s hoodie and hid under it. She was shivering from the cold rain, she grasped Mo Fan’s wet hair tightly as she was worried she’ll fall down from the sky as they were floating in the air.

“Is that so…” He turned his head in another direction and saw the people on the streets moving in one direction.

“Seven Thousand people in total… That means the rest of thirteen thousand or so populace are either dead or eaten… Either way, I cannot bring my Wolf Army anywhere near the Commander level Monster… Wolfy will immediately lose control of them since his level is too low!” Mo Fan said.

“Big Brother.” The little girl called out to Mo Fan.

“Hmm? What happened?” Mo Fan asked.

“I saw somethings there…” The little girl pointed in the direction of the Northern Mountain and said.

“Was it birds?” Mo Fan asked since at the height they were at, only birds could be here.

“I… I think so…?” She couldn’t properly see as the targets were quite a ways away!

“…” Mo Fan felt a little suspicious so he stared in the direction of Northern Mountain but as expected he couldn’t see anything.

“I guess your eyes are special, to be able to see clearly even in the rain…” Mo Fan praised the girl.

“Hmm…” The little girl still contemplated a little, since the thing she saw didn’t seem like a bird…

After another two hours Mo Fan reached the school safely!

He noticed that the Base had been completed. A huge wall as well as a deep moat was built and as per Mo Fan’s instructions the windows of the two building surrounding the dome were filled up and closed!

He saw some students standing on top of the wall! They waved at home as they saw him!

“There are more people coming in, so hurry up and guide them inside!” Mo Fan said to the students on the wall.


Mo Fan flew inside the with the little girl still on his shoulders.

“Brother Fan! You’re finally here!” Zhang Xiaohou immediately ran up to Mo Fan as soon as he saw him.

“Yup... Hey, come on get down now.” Mo Fan landed on the stage and as he tried to take the girl off his shoulders she tightly grabbed his hair!

“No!” She cutely and adamantly denied!

“Who’s the little girl?” Zhou Min asked as she stared at the little creature.

“Someone I found… guess she got attached to my head.” Mo Fan stopped caring and left her up there.

“What’s the status?”

“We did as you said and completely sealed of the area! The construction finished 2 hours ago!” Mu Bai replied.

“Also for some reason, Our mana is not depleting at all! After meditating for just 5 minutes, it gets replenished to full! It’s like this entire place is filled with mana!” Xu Zhaoting said as he looked at the surroundings.

“Guess my hard-work paid off~” Mo Fan mumbled.


“Ah nothing. Continue.”

“We also found a few people who approached our school, so we let them in” Zhang Xiaohou said.

“You found people near our school?” Mo Fan repeated the sentence.

“Y-yes! We did, there were around twenty of them!” Zhang Xiaohou said in confusion.

Mo Fan was suddenly intrigued!

There was absolutely no way possible that there were still people remaining in the area, since he personally evacuated all the people here with his wolf army!

He walked to front of the stage! His eyes suddenly turned reddish silver! He used the bizarre magic for locating the blood cardinal stone!

The surroundings immediately turned dark and a few red light dots popped up!

“One, Two, Three, Four… Yup around a Hundred and Seventy Nine in total… Sigh, I just can’t seem to catch a break” Mo Fan sighed in disappointment.

There were around 140 Black Clergies and 39 Grey Priests mixed in with the crowd of now Twenty-three thousand people…

_Should I just slaughter them with Space Magic? No that will unnecessarily cause a panic… Oh that’s right! I should feed the wolves since they’ve been so actively helping me out for so long!_

Mo Fan thought up a wonderful idea! He grinned a very evil grin on his face, but it totally didn’t looked evil because there was a little girl sleeping on his head while drooling.

“Director Chen, we’ll leave in four hours after everyone are well rested. Here take these.” Mo Fan gave out Two Space Bracelets to him.

“What should I do with this?” Director Chen in his whole life hadn’t seen a Space Bracelet. He just thought it was a nice and fancy bracelet.

“It’s a Space Bracelet, there’s tons of food and water inside it, enough to feed all the people here at least once.”

“W-what?! A SPACE BRACELET?! Where did you find this?!” Chen Weiliang eye’s almost popped out!

“I bought them?” Mo Fan casually said while acting as if what’s the big deal about it.

“…” His life’s worth of hard earned salary might not be enough to buy or even dream about this thing, yet this homeless guy in front of him just casually threw two priceless treasures at him. He was beyond dumbfounded.



Shadow/Chaos/Curse Element: Tier 0

Undead/Earth/Sound/Psychic Element: Tier 1

Summon Element: Tier 3

Lightning Element: Tier 5

Fire, and Space Element: Tier 4


Fire Element: Tier 1

Space Element: Tier 1

Summon Element: Tier 1

Lightning Element : Tier 1

Mental Strength: Lv. 3 (Around 3.2)


Small Warrior Level.

6× Stronger Than Every Monster at it’s Level because of Royal Bloodline!

8 metres Huge.