Chapter 44: Sulky Little Loach~
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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

The Darkwing Wolf was drained and tired after battling against the Tornado. It went to sleep after howling a few times on top of the new hill made of debris and corpses. The hill was almost as tall as the Silver Commerce Tower.

Thousands of Soul Remnants and hundreds of Soul Essences flew towards Mo Fan like moths to a flame.

They willingly entered inside Little Loach and floated in his spiritual world!

“Sigh…” Mo Fan sighed.

“Brother Fan, how did you do that?!” Zhang Xiaohou asked in astonishment.

“I’ll teach you later so I’d rather you not ask questions anymore.” Mo Fan said.

The rest of 4 just kept quiet, they also had a lot of questions but it was simply not the time, place and situation to ask about it.

“You’re the best Brother Fan!” Zhang Xiaohou gave him a thumbs up.

“You found your Grandma yet?”

“Oh, she’s fine! I made her evacuate along with the rest when the First Alarm was sounded.” said Zhang Xiaohou.

His only living parent in the world was his Grandmother. Ever since he was young she was the only one who was around him!

“Then you should’ve evacuated with her, dumbass!” Mo Fan gave whack on Zhang Xiaohou’s head!


Mo Fan and the rest went back inside the Dome.

“Director Chen, I know I said we’ll rest for a few hours, but the plan has changed! Gather everyone! We’re leaving right now!” Mo Fan was not about to pass up on such an opportunity!

“Y-yes! This is probably the best time to leave, considering all the monsters have died!” Director Chen agreed with his decision and quickly gathered all the teaching staff and directors of the school!

He relayed the message and they quickly got to work!

“Hurry up people! We only have 3km to go!”

“Come on! We need to reach the Safe Zone before it gets dark!”

“Let’s move it everyone! The monsters have all died because of the huge Tornado! This is the best chance to leave!”

They immediately started evacuating the crowd of Twenty-three to Twenty-four thousand people!

Travelling through and leading such a big group was obviously not an easy feat. Traveling for such a long distance was quite a difficult task mainly for old people.

The moment all the people left through the school gate, they noticed an empty wasteland instead of the buildings which were supposed to be in that place!

The Space Tornado had uprooted and destroyed everything in its path leaving nothing but a barren land behind.

The people had mixed feelings about this. They were happy, that the distance between them and the safe zone had shortened but they also felt sad watching their lovely homes get destroyed.

“Is this what hell feels like?” A dejected man uttered after watching remains of his small but cosy home.

“… Look on the bright side, we’re all still alive aren’t we? Even in this horrible calamity, we were safely able to be reunited with our daughter.” His wife on the side said with a bit of hope as she tried to cheer her husband up!

“Yeah… you’re right. I’m really glad we all are here safe and sound. This is all thanks to him” The husband shed a few tears but then he hugged his wife and glanced at Mo Fan who was flying through the air above them.

“Yes, if it weren’t for him, we’d be already dead.” The wife agreed as she nodded her head.

Similar discussions were ensued through the crowd and Mo Fan’s reputation increased more and more.

“I wonder what that young man’s name is?” A Middle Aged man suddenly asked. He heard everyone praising him but he never heard anyone uttering his name.

He was walking at the back near the rear-guard students. One of the student, who was saved by Mo Fan during the attack heard the man muttering.

She smiled and said, “It’s Mo Fan! He’s the top student of our Tian Lan Magic High, who recently defeated Yu Ang of the Great Mu Family!” She said with great pride while puffing her chest.

Everyone who were walking around, heard her and looked at Mo Fan in a new light!

Some of them had already heard about him!

“I see, so he’s that Mo Fan!! The one who recently thrashed Yu Ang at his coming of the age ceremony!”

“No wonder his face felt familiar!”

“What are you talking about? He’s Old Mo’s eldest kid! Look at his face” One of the Middle Aged man recognised Mo Fan! He was a friend of Mo Jiaxing and had met Mo Fan on multiple occasions!

“Mo Jiaxing’s son?? Him?! How could that old thing produce such a capable son?! Impossible!” Another man was in disbelief. He just couldn’t believe that the magical youth floating in the sky right now was the son of that same old unreliable middle aged man.

“It is what it is…”

Mo Fan’s name suddenly spread among the crowd and many of the people in Bo City had obviously heard about him because of the duel! There was even a news article of him in the news paper recently.

The story of him winning against an inner disciple of the Great Mu Family was still fresh after all, as it was a recent event!

“Hah! So what? It doesn’t give him the right to destroy my house! That house was made by my years of blood, sweat and tears! Not only that, but so many memories of me and my family resided in it! But that bastard just destroyed it in just one moment! He dropped a boulder and forced me out of the house! Might as well just kill me!!” An old man complaint in annoyance.

Some of the old people however suddenly remembered because of this old man, that their houses were destroyed by Mo Fan earlier and immediately had a negative view of him.

“If you weren’t stubborn in this type of situation and just cooperated with him from the start, he wouldn’t have the need to waste his energy by doing the things he did.” Mu Bai suddenly spoke from the side.

He got annoyed by that spiteful Old Man, who was trying to incite the crowd against the sole person who gave a shit about them and was saving them even in this type of situation.

“I can’t believe you people! I can understand about us students not evacuating since it was a concerning time for us with our College entrance exams and all, but what about you guys?

The Crimson Alert was already sounded days ago. The Military and Enforcement Union came to evacuate everyone, but you chose to stay back of your own volition.

Now when you are being saved, by a student! A kid! Who hasn’t even lived half your life, you’re complaining about how he destroyed your house because you were too stubborn to evacuate even in this situation? Shame on all of you! You should be thanking him for trying to come and save you all. But instead you’re condemning him…

I feel sorry for him, that he chose to save people like you.” Said Zhou Min with disgust and anger in her voice.

Zhou Min was really angry at him and the people who were bad mouthing Mo Fan.

She couldn’t stand it anymore and snapped! Her voice was heard by everyone in the area.

The people who were not saying anything and just observing, suddenly started opening their mouths.

“At least you’re still alive, Old Fart.”

“He had no interest in your house old man.”

“Get your shit together! What were you even thinking making trouble now?”

Although, many people had negative views of him, they were dwarfed by the people who now held Mo Fan in high regard!

The negative and petty minded people were now having their mind brainwashed by them!

Serious discussions and debate about Mo Fan was ensued among them!

Unknown to what was happening down below, Mo Fan told Wolfy to go ahead with the wolf army and clear the path. This time there were no Wolves guarding the people so they were a little bit relieved.

The formation while traveling was divided like this, Old People and Children in the middle, then the women and then the male. While the student Mages were divided up into two groups, Seven Hundred of them were vanguard while Seven Hundred of them were rear-guard covering the civilians.

The path ahead was smooth sailing. The pace of the people was slow considering there was a lot of uneven footing and rain hindering them, but they were still walking steadily.

Mo Fan was floating 50m above the large crowd of people. He couldn’t help but glance in the direction of the Darkwing Wolf from time to time!

The Darkwing Wolf was sleeping soundly without a care in the world.

The people travelling through the wasteland were able to see the huge creature on top of the new hill in the middle of the city! Even though the creature was 6-7km away from them, they were so terrified that they couldn’t help but softened their breathing and murmuring!

Mo Fan and the directors had already warned them not to use any phones or other device which could get them in trouble, as their frequencies are a pain in the ass for monsters.

“Little Loach…? Hmm…” Mo Fan flicked his pendant since it was not giving any reaction for quite some time.

Little Loach was undergoing an evolution after absorbing so many of the magic tools from the Silver Commerce Tower.

It did kept absorbing the Souls within a 2km radius with the use of his Undead Element, but it was just silent.

Mo Fan noticed, Little Loach had absorbed enough Warrior Level Soul Remnants to refine many Soul Essences, he wanted to ask Little Loach to refine a soul Essence for him, but it seems it was not possible at the moment.

“Sigh… just because I locked it up once, it’s ignoring me now… Okay fine, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” Said Mo Fan.

The dull Warrior Level Soul Remnants immediately started gathering around and merged with each other producing fifteen brilliant Warrior Level Soul Essences!

Mo Fan was dumbfounded! His little pendant was indeed being sulky…


“Three stars of Fire Element are already strengthened, so the four of you can go and strengthen the rest~” said Mo Fan as he guided Four Warrior Level Soul Essences to the Fire Element Nebula and upgraded another four stars of it!

The stars which were already distinguished from the rest of their new peers glowed in a blinding brilliance!

Seven Stars of Fire Element were Upgraded as they glowed with a new power!

A new tier was updated in Mo Fan’s fire element spells!

Tier 5 of Fire Burst!

Mo Fan ignited a puff of flame! The flame immediately glowed and grew into football sized ball, and four more balls of flames of the same size emerged!

Each of the flame ball’s power was equivalent to a single Tier 3 Fire Burst! Now, instead of continuous casting of that same Fire Burst and wasting mana, he could have five times the damage by a single cast of 5th Tier Fire Burst!

And since his Fire Element had the Blessing of the God’s Seal which increases his base damage of the Element by ×2.5 and the Blessing of the Darkness Spring which also increases his base damage of the Element by ×1.5, when these two multiply with each other, they make his element ×3.75 stronger then normal!

Even among the Spirit Grade Soul Seeds, it was the multiplier of the highest quality Soul Seed possible!

Because of this, his damage of the 5th Tier Basic Spell had surpassed the base damage of a Tier 1 Intermediate Spell!

“This is quite nice~” Mo Fan suddenly fused the Five balls of flames and turned it into one giant ball of flame! The Flame ball’s size was now around 1metre!

The Flames were roaring and raring to explode! But Mo Fan withheld his urge to detonate it! Since attracting monsters towards him is tantamount to murdering all these people and becoming no different than those scums from Black Vatican!

Mo Fan was keeping a keen eye on those from the Black Vatican from above! The moment they try a funny business he would immediately rip them apart!

The douches from the Black Vatican mixed in with the crowd were also being vary of Mo Fan, since they saw what he did earlier! They couldn’t believe their eyes, an Intermediate Mage was able to conjure something of that degree and challenge a Commander level monster!

They didn’t dare to act up until they were sure they could take him on!

“If only my Shadow Element was at Intermediate Level…” Mo Fan lamented not Awakening his Shadow Element at basic level.



Shadow/Chaos/Curse Element: Tier 0

Undead/Earth/Sound/Psychic Element: Tier 1

Summon Element: Tier 3

Fire, and Lightning Element: Tier 5

Space Element: Tier 4


Fire Element: Tier 1

Space Element: Tier 1

Summon Element: Tier 1

Lightning Element : Tier 1

Mental Strength: Lv. 3 (Around 3.5)


Small Warrior Level.

6× Stronger Than Every Monster at it’s Level because of Royal Bloodline!

8 metres Huge.