Chapter 53: Salan Is Here~
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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

Mo Fan and the Squad Commander travelled through the shadows and quickly reached inside the Safe Zone’s barrier building!

The Squad Commander was obviously an expert at using the Shadow Magic.

Mo Fan even assumed his strength to be at Advanced Level!

He was kinda surprised, since before his regression only Zhankong was the Advanced Mage in the whole city during its crisis…

They arrived at the outdoor Elevator which was leading them to the rooftop of the building.

Mo Fan saw the people of the city safely being escorted inside the Safe-zone by the military!

He heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing that.

Some people were crying while some were hugging regardless if they knew each other or not. They were just happy to have survived this disastrous calamity which came so abruptly.

He smiled slightly while seeing the scene.

“How did you do it?” A voice suddenly echoed from beside him, it was the Squad Commander.

He was obviously surprised since, Mo Fan was able to achieve something not even most of the Super Mages could.

After all, saving so many people despite a Monster invasion was not something anyone could do.

He seemed very curious about it. But his hint of disdain for Mo Fan was still visible through the glint in his eyes.


Mo Fan didn’t bother to speak with him. If the man was not going to pay any respect to him even after saving 75% of the city’s population, then there’s just no point to speak to a person like that.

He just continued to stare at the crowd of people gathered at the gate. He had already told Wolfy to take the wolf army far away from the Safe-zone.

His gaze then went towards the destroyed city…

_I wonder what went wrong… This was not the outcome I wanted…_ Mo Fan felt guilty.

But there was also this silent rage boiling inside him! He had done everything he could do. He even borrowed help from Two Forbidden Mages and a Special Super mage, but for some reason, they were missing through the entire Calamity.


The elevator arrived at the rooftop. It was a spacious area. A fierce wind from the high altitude was blowing into this place, it was so strong that his cheeks felt painful.

Mo Fan walked out of it and saw a group of Soldiers surrounding Zhankong while he was staring at the city.

There were also a crowd of Bo City’s important people on the rooftop! He noticed Mu Zhuoyun among them and suddenly remembered how he had looted his entire treasury when he was at Silver Commerce Tower.

The Barrier Building didn’t have a protective rail, yet a man with a clear windbreaker was standing there with his hands behind his back, his unruly hair moving along with the gale.

To the left and right sides of the man were a few Battlemages who were also wearing clear windbreakers. Their hoods were raised up, and their bodies were completely still as they stood at the very edges of the rooftop.

They were not angry, but possessed a trace of power as they stood there like statues. Commander Zhankong, who was standing in the middle, gave people a sense of admiration.

The row of twenty Battlemages by his sides were all emitting extremely powerful auras, they were all at least Advanced Mages.

They looked into the distance, their gazes were like swords pointed toward the hill where the previously Silver Commerce Tower used to stand, toward the ringleader behind the calamity of Bo City— the Commander level Monster, Darkwing Wolf!

“Commander Zhankong, Mo Fan is here.” The squad commander respectfully saluted, and then slowly retreated and stood among the row of the Battlemages.

Zhankong didn’t turn his head around, the entire watchtower entered a moment of silence.

“Seeing you alive makes me very happy.” Zhankong’s tone was no longer the same sloppy tone as he had before, even saying the word happy did not have any sort of feeling to it.

“Do you know what I want to do the most when I see you?” Mo Fan asked.

“Shower me with curses, I suppose?” Zhankong said.

Zhankong already understood what had happened from the reports of his underlings, and Zhankong had not expected any of it.


Mo Fan clicked his tongue.

“Oh, Yeah! Well that’s FUCKING CUTE!! You think you still have the luxury to make jokes?! Do you know how many people have died?! I WARNED YOU!! Way before all of this started!! I thought you had my back?!”

Mo Fan was so pissed off that he couldn’t control his anger anymore. He went and grabbed Zhankong by his collar in front of everyone!

He trusted Zhankong to be able to evacuate all the people on time! But he didn’t do it…

The people and soldiers nearby were shocked! They couldn’t believe the scene in front of them!

The Battlemages immediately casted their magic!

“How dare you!! Who do think you are?!” The squad commander from before immediately raised his voice and started to use his aura to supress Mo Fan, but was stopped by Zhankong along with the rest!

“… Counting the people you have brought along with you and the ones which were evacuated before… We were able to save around Fifty-eight Thousand Four hundred and nine… And Twelve Thousand and Twenty Three people which were living in the centre of the city which is now a desolate space… well they’re dead…” Zhankong replied.

He didn’t shook Mo Fan off.

“We… No, You saved 84% of the total population of this city! For that you have my greatest gratitude from the bottom of my heart.” He politely lowered his head to Mo Fan.

All the top dogs of Bo City who were sitting down immediately stood up!

They were beyond stupefied as to what they were seeing right now! Even the Battlemages and soldiers standing beside were shocked!

Zhankong was the most influential person in the entire city! There was no one on top of him in hierarchy in the city. So this person bowing his head so deeply to a student, and that too Mo Fan was very shocking!

“… People are dead… More than Ten Thousand people have died! Do you understand the gravity of this situation?! Do you really think by just bowing your head you can make it as if everything’s alright?? Many innocent people died a brutal death far worse then you can imagine!!

I trusted you… I trusted both you and Tang Zhong to do the right thing! But none of you were present in the city. Fuck, I didn’t see even a single soldier inside the city.”

Mo Fan was sad… He had come across so many corpses inside the city but there was not a single soldier.

He thought they would’ve been able to evacuate the city before the monsters invaded, but it didn’t go that way…

“Tang Zhong and Song Lin… They both are missing… Ever since the night you informed me about all this, they said they were going to investigate but… I don’t know where they are anymore…” Zhankong said with a heavy heart.

“80% of the Soldiers have already died while fighting on the Northern Front. They tried to stop the invasion of the Monsters but… A Ruler Class Monster has emerged…” Zhankong Continued.

Mo Fan’s eyes widened!


Ruler? Ruler Level Monster?! Fuck!

He was shocked! The Black Vatican were not supposed to attract the Rulers… But they did. Not only that but they had the means to deal with Two of the Strongest Forbidden Mages!

He was not able to process everything! _What the fuck?! Why is everything changing so much?!_

Mo Fan had deliberately made sure not to make any huge changes to the whole scenario because he was afraid that the future will change and he won’t be able to predict it anymore!

That’s why he kept the overall changes to very minimal! And only decided to act at the last moment, so that the Black Vatican won’t be able to do anything about it anymore.

Like blocking the Monster route inside the city which was located in Mingwen Girls Middle School.

He felt hope! When Tang Zhong and Song Lin appeared as they were Forbidden Mages!

But now after hearing what was going on, Mo Fan was dumbfounded.

“I’m proud of you Mo Fan… To be able to save so many people despite having such a low cultivation level. You’re an inspiration. You’re truly the Magic God...

On the Other hand I couldn’t take any action myself, because the people inside the barrier were all taken as hostages…

A letter arrived not long ago, which kept me in check. It stated that if I left to kill the monsters in the city ‘they’ will slaughter everyone inside the barrier…” Zhankong praised Mo Fan and then told him why he couldn’t do anything…

Mo Fan’s eyes widened again! He took the letter from Zhankong’s hand as he gave it to him. He read the letter and couldn’t believe that all his cards were dealt with so efficiently by the Black Vatican.

It’s as if he was playing right into the hands of a powerful all knowing entity.

_Damn it! There’s no way Wu Ku or Hu Jin is capable of thinking like this… there’s someone else… but who?…........! It’s her!!_

SALAN!” Mo Fan muttered softly as he grit his teeth as hard as he could!


A loud Thunderclap echoed in the sky as soon as Mo Fan uttered the dreadful name! His whole being was covered in cold sweat!

Right now, he didn’t have his Demon Element with him, which meant that she could literally pinch his head off if he had ran into her in the city…

He was afraid of her. After all the only other entity besides Antarctic Emperor in the entire world who had actually managed to scare Mo Fan to death was not the Cold Lunar Ocean Empress or any other Powerful being, it was Salan!

She was truly a toxic and dangerous person… He didn’t even wanted to imagine the outcome of what would’ve happened if he had ran into her in the city.

But, there was also another emotion which was raging like a wild flame inside him, it was Wrath! His anger was clearly visible on his face!

_She is here!_ Mo Fan glared at the city.

There was a very dangerous Aura emitting from his whole being right now!



Shadow/Chaos/Curse Element: Tier 0

Undead/Earth/Sound/Psychic Element: Tier 1

Summon Element: Tier 3

Fire, and Lightning Element: Tier 5

Space Element: Tier 4


Fire Element: Tier 1

Space Element: Tier 1

Summon Element: Tier 1

Lightning Element : Tier 1

Mental Strength: Lv. 3 (Around 3.5)


Small Warrior Level.

6× Stronger Than Every Monster at it’s Level because of Royal Bloodline!

8 metres Huge.




Lightning Element: Tier 1


Fire Element: Super Level 1

Earth Element: Super Level 0

Wind Element: Super Level 1

Small Heavenly Fire Element Seed: ×16

Inferior Heavenly Earth Element Seed (Mutated): ×11

Inferior Heavenly Wind Element Seed (Mutated): ×13

Mental Strength: 5