Not an update: Someone has stolen my book.
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For those worrying, don't worry, your chapter is still coming. Hopefully wednesday. I just needed to get this off my back.

I really didn't want to do this.

I was hoping to deal with this quietly and off the record, get it reported and get it finished.

Unfortunately, amazon has chosen to refuse to close it.

For those curious, here's the link: A Turtle's Path : A LitRpg Isekai Adventure eBook : Dukespino: Kindle Store

Yes, they're using my name. That may be the most infuriating part about all of this.

I do want to say thank you to the multitude of people who reported this story to me. If you want me to mention you, feel free to comment! I'll credit you in the afternote.

I will be sending an additional report to amazon if I can, since this is rather blatant all things considered.

It's not the first time either, as my dragon story was also stolen one time. However, I managed to get that cleared on my own time, through filing a simple report.

It's just this time they've refused to do so, and according to the people who told me, it's not only me who's faced this problem, but many who've written their stories on royal road.

You might wonder why I mention this to you. Or you don't since there really is only one reason I could mention this to you.

According to others, reviews that call the story out as stolen help expedite the story being taken down from amazon, something I am unable to do myself due to circumstances.

So I have a favor to ask of you. One I don't really want to ask, but I suspect asking my family to leave bad reviews alone will not help.

Here's my request.

Please take a look at the story and determine for yourself if it is stolen. I've given you the link, and like all kindle unlimited stories a sample is available, and the story free for kindle unlimited users is free.

Take a look. Even the first few pages, since I think it obvious there. And if you think it is stolen.

Please leave a review saying so.

Call it out for being a fake. Share a link to the real story here on royal road. If for no other reason, then so my story is not butchered by some foolish dickens trying to make some nice and easy money off my story. Like all stolen stories the writing is horribly mangled, even moreso than it usually is!

I do eventually want to publish this story, once book one has been re-edited and perhaps given a fresh cover to look like a proper story. Not now, not until I'm a good book or two into the story, but eventually.

But that won't work if there is someone else parading the story around, and using my pen name so blatantly like this.

You don't need to help if you don't feel comfortable doing so, because I don't want to force you to do anything you don't feel uncomfortable doing.

I will be grateful for your help, or even your attention to this update. With luck, the copycat will screw up and induct this into their story.


Looking forward to seeing you next chapter!