A man, a robot, a factory, and a plan.
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So, this is the planet? Hmmm... looks nice enough. Alright, lets land and get the factories started!

The planet appears to have lots of life already on it.

That's the point! It'll be an excellent tourist hot spot once we get facilities built! People love a well controlled trip through 'natural' lands!

Yes, sir, I'll get right to it. Though, if you aren't concerned about environmental damage, why did you program me to care?

I need someone to remind me of potential PR issues. It's always a nightmare when I forget that it can cause an outcry if I get caught burning forests down. Logging is so much slower, but it at least doesn't create the same outcry.


Sir, why are you storing animals in the worker robots?

Well, they need to be stored somewhere, and there are lots of robots. Until the nature preserves are properly built, I don't have anywhere to put them.

Perhaps you should build a place to put them first?

I'd rather focus on bulding the casino first. That's always the most important part for making money. Once that's built, I might be able to start luring in tourists even before the nature trip is ready! Don't worry so much, the animals will be safe in the containers I built.


Sir, the new power plants you made seem to be having a concerning effect on the local wildlife.

Oh no, is there going to be another boycott?

It doesn't look bad enough yet to get to that point, but it is a little disturbing that some local wildlife have begun walking on two legs and stealing clothing intended for guests. Mostly shoes and gloves.

Well, if it's not a PR problem, then it's not a problem. Those clothes don't cost much.


Sir, the wildlife are becoming a much bigger problem. One of them has begun destroying robots and other facilities.

So? Just start up standard defensive measures. We already have tools to keep wildlife away from important facilities and blue prints for robots capable of fighting anything that goes where it shouldn't.

I've begun that sir. The existing combat bots don't seem to be sufficient. The animal is destroying them very easily. Also, sir, you've gone bald. I did warn you the new reactors-

That's just old age you idiot! I get that from my dad, he went bald in his thirties too! Are you gonna blame my obesity on the reactors too?

I was studiously avoiding the topic. There has been a rather significant increase in your body weight in the past few months.

We have a factory dedicated to making the best food our galaxy can offer. Obviously, I'm going to sample it and make sure it's working correctly. Now, let me see the security video. What's with this about animals breaking things.

It's one animal sir. Here.

A blue hedghog? How is it moving so fast?

May I suggest working on new plans for new robots?

If I could capture this animal... Hmmm... I think I have a plan... a master plan.

***Author Note*** 

Came up with this while listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZFdUefVY3U