The Void is not safe.
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Captain's log, Stardate [redacted]

After five months of travel through the void, we've finally found something. It has too many teeth. Seriously too many teeth.

Captain's log, Stardate [redacted]

We found more. They seem to ignore us, but they seriously freak me out. Ensign [redacted] tried shooting one with a cannon, despite orders not to fire. It did nothing. The shot just passed through it like it wasn't even there. Ensign [redacted] is now on medical leave. Counselor [redacted] complains that the entire crew is showing signs of severe stress.

Captain's log, Stardate [redacted]

I don't think it's safe for us to stay here. I've started seeing teeth on walls of the ship. [redacted] is insisting nothing is wrong, and that it's normal to have teeth lining the walls like scales on a dragon. I suspect they may be going insane. I've ordered an immediate retreat. Full speed.

Captain's log, Stardate [redacted]

The ship has gone rogue. They are insisting we need to join the herd. I and the few crew members still capable doing their duties, are going to try to unplug [redacted] from the ship, and install a new spirit. This may be our last transmission.