Chapter 3: Being an unknown mass
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On the news the next day, they talked about yet another arson case. This case was highlighted because the firemen and police that arrived at the scene, had never witnessed such a gruesome and wild fire before. It took them twice as long compared to normal to even  kill the fire!

Five residences had burned to the ground, leaving only scorched bodies behind. The police still couldn’t get enough clues from the scene to find the pyromaniac. There was sorrow and a funeral service held for all those who were unlucky enough to die that night.

William was depressed. Knowing that all his family members had died such a horrible death made his eyes hurt. A stabbing pain continued bombarding his heart. But strangely enough he himself didn’t feel dead…

Everything was black, yes, but he could sense things. Like a soft thumping beat in the distance. He felt that his whole body was getting gently rocked surrounded by warm liquid. He had no need to breath and was sated. The only thing he could see was the colour black…

Time went by in this state and he began to be able to hear murmuring voices outside his space. Those voices made his aching heart calm down, while simultaneously soothing his soul.

One day his wonderful peace was broken. All the warm liquid surrounding him flushed away and meat walls began to clamp around his body. He could feel the big muscles push and aid him towards the cold outside. Shock and pain overwhelmed him. His lungs contracted and forced him to breath for the first time in a long time. He screamed at this discomfort.

In a humble home a woman and a man were waiting for their second child to be born. The man stood by the woman’s side. Stroking her head and telling her to breath. Their young son stood next to the father. He watched with disgust and fear. Something vile was torturing his mother. Making her yell and cry her lungs out.

It didn’t help that the lump of flesh that magically appeared out of his mom also screamed with full force.

The boy winced and held his ears to keep out the voices. He complained to his mother “Mother! Make it stop! It hurts my ears!”. The father didn’t scold the son and simply nodded. He said “Vanessa… You have already birthed once. There is no need to scream like that”.

The female servant was holding Williams new body, carefully washing it in warm water, before wrapping it up in cloth. The father seemed impatient while he patted his wife’s hair and asked “So, what gender is it? Boy?.. Or girl?”.

The mediocre servant was busy and took some time before she peaked beneath the cloth. After studying the area for some while she said with a submissive tone “Sir… The mother has given birth to a baby… Girl”.

The father didn’t seem impressed and slightly frowned. He stopped patting his wife and took hold of his son’s hand. Before leaving he told his wife while sighing “I guess we just have to try once again next month… You know that we don’t have the means to feed this baby… Give it to the raven”.

The servant went over, intending to give the baby to its mother. Said mother looked at her with confused eyes. She hesitated while hearing the baby cry and sob… Then she reluctantly took it out of the servants hands, dismissing the woman so she could get back to work.

Vanessa looked down at her own flesh and blood. She gulped and began to cry as well. Her face touched the babies and she gave it a light peck. This little life… She didn’t want to give it to the raven… In her sorrow she began to sing the song about the raven. Its dark undertone calmed her mind and made it easier to think:


The raven flies at night
During the day it might
It seeks the evil fortune
The goods ones cannot have
- The raven flies at night -


Hear me O wild raven
I have a burning wish
Silver can be served
tonight as your dish
- The raven flies at night -


My lover was sent away
I want to see them today
Gold you may also have
Give my wish a thought
- The raven flies at night -


But the raven wanted
Neither silver nor gold
It is your first born child
I want to behold
- The raven flies at night -


Her lover she met
Invited him to bed
9 months passed by
A hunger grew twice
- The raven flies at night -


What a fine little boy
Our agreement is done
It took the newborn
flew away before the sun
- The raven flies at night -






The little family lived outside Blaise Castle, situated on an ‘island’. About 500 meters from the castle’s walls. On the little ‘island’ were other small houses strewn between the farmland and pastures. They called it an island but really it wasn’t. It was a giant hill in a widespread lake. A long string of land connected the ‘island’ with the rest. A bumpy road of rocks and sand was made on the land string. It was just wide enough for two carriages to pass each other.

The lake wasn’t deep. But if the enemy wanted to invade the ‘island’ from the lake they couldn’t use a boat, for the water was too shallow but neither could they walk. They would have to swim with their gear on if they wanted to make a sneak attack. Or use certain creatures that could traverse the waters.






Vanessa was struck by an idea! The lord of the castle had more than once taken in stray children to raise as servants. What if he was willing to take in their baby when it had reached the proper age of 7 and raised it? Though a servants life was like a slaves, there was possibilities to gain a better position and power…

This child was a girl. If she was pretty enough she might be accepted… If not they would have to sell her as cattle to other castles. Death or an uncertain future, which one should they choose?

Vanessa looked herself in the bronze mirror. The face reflected was pleasing but nothing out of the ordinary… Her husband had a bulbous nose and a ruff chin. Would this child really be any better? Her gaze landed on the infant’s face. It was impossible to ganter what it would look like in the future. At least everything seemed symmetrical…

She held the baby in a tighter embrace and whispered to it “I bet you want to live… My sweet child”...

The raven is a real song, that I modified for this story. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Listen to it here! In danish though: