Act 3: Sailing the Seas
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After I explained everything to Hotaru, We began planning on getting to the nearby island that looked like it was about 40 meters from Looking out the window of my Quarters. However, it looked like it was quite farther than 40 meters but actually 45 to 78 meters when viewed from the main Deck.

     The sun was shining rather brightly, Me and Hotaru stayed in the shade of the poop deck's sale, and after thoroughly exploring the other rooms and locations of the ships we managed to find a flipped-over dingy, a telescope, and a bunch of ragged clothes of what might have been the previous crew's corpses.

"YARRRRR!!!! Hotaru look at this !!" I pridefully smirked while wearing the deceased captain's blood red coat that reached just above my waist. It had a long collar with a gold skull emblem on the left collar with a silver inside and gold accents on the sleeves and base outline. The end of the sleeves is folded to reveal the silver interior, his hat, a dark gray shirt, leather boots, and his eye patch. I also wore silver gloves for fun.

". . . . . . . . . . . . . Huh? . . . . . . ." She answered coldly

"SQuaaaaawwwwwkkkkkk~~~!!! Itsuki looks perfect!!!!" Nugget praised My wonderful outfit.

"Why thank You, dear Nugget!" I laughed as He perched on My shoulder.

     Was the Joke that bad? Doesn't really matter because I'm keeping that old pile of bones' Clothes.

"Look I'm gonna take some of the bodies' Clothes too, I'll go change in my quarters okay, No peeking." She said in such a scary manner while she robbed several corpses of their belonged clothes and went to her room

     It was definitely best I follow Hotaru's orders, I can only imagine she's still Salty from being stuck here.

Hotaru's P.O.V.

"I wonder which one I should use…." I kept thinking while looking at the torn, battered, and stained clothing.

     I really hate the idea of wearing this ruffian-like clothing but it's better than just the two-piece bikini I had since yesterday. I ultimately decided on wearing a white long-sleeved skin-tight shirt that had a Skull and cross bones on it's upper right chest but also exposed my cleavage. I then wore some gray pants and a short Brown skirt that reached just above my knees. I put on my puffy white jacket that just reached below my waist, and lastly a pair of socks and Dark brown boots.

     The room I was occupying had a large mirror for Looking at clothes. It had a bunk bed and 2 drawers which I rummaged through last night and found several gold and silver coins, a pearl necklace, an amethyst ring and lastly a weird insignia or amulet that had a symbol of Fire. I used it as a keychain on My pants belt while putting the rest in My backpack.


"This might be good enough!" I spoke softly as I did a spin to get a 360* view of My clothes.

"Time to go." I thought as I left the room

Itsuki's P.O.V.

     I was sitting on the ship's railings reading a few of the diaries I found last night, while Nugget was perched on my shoulders keeping Me company while waiting for Hotaru. The railings felt like they were made of mahogany or spruce wood. It was finely crafted as expected from a pirate ship.

     What wasn't finely crafted was the handwriting of these old crew members. I could barely read what was written and I just barely understood 15% of the handwriting while most of it was just a whole bunch of Chicken Scratch on paper.

"How do I look, Little Brother?" A voice came from the inner quarters and Hotaru was the one exiting.

"You look great in that!" I complimented Her

"So…. do you like it?" Hotaru asked Me while twiddling her fingers.

    I just gave Her a blank stare and nodded because I thought I already said yes by calling it Great.

"So. Let's lower that dingy," I said as I walked towards the side of the deck with Hotaru nodding and following Me.

     We carefully tied up the dinghy to the ship's pole while We carefully lowered it down to the water. We then dropped down on the rocky platform, Ladies came first and I dropped our bags to Which Hotaru caught before Me and Nugget dropped down.

     We loaded our bags inside the dinghy and pushed the small boat into the blue sea and hopped on. We started paddling the dinghy towards the Island, and for what could be the slowest part of our lives.

     It only took us 45 minutes because we couldn't coordinate our rowing properly which led to 20 minutes of Us bickering and calling each other uncalled-for names and insults while Nugget stayed Quiet the whole time.












"Let's just get this over with". I asked Hotaru to which she just nodded in response to my question.

     The Locals on the island might think We were crazy if they saw us bickering for 20 minutes. We finally stopped bickering since it wasn't getting us anywhere so We pressed on kept rowing and finally coordinated by chanting

"One. Two. One. Two. One. Two. One. Two"

     We were only a few minutes as We were close enough to where we could definitely swim the remaining distance if We wanted to do so but We decided to stop near the harbor so people could see us approaching.

     We reached the shoreline and put our backpacks on and walked out of the dinghy. We were greeted by some of the locals to which We greeted them back as We climbed up the docks. While walking the harbor's dock We saw ships arriving, some of them were local traders, others were fishermen and some looked like actual pirates, We avoided contact with the pirates and Continued walking until we left the harbor towards the town.

     Before we got on the docks we asked Nugget to silently scan the area for any danger and immediately alert us if something bad was up. He never alerted us which Meant this town was safe.

"We better find an inn before nightfall," Hotaru told Me so We had to ask a bunch of locals, Getting separated from each other 5x within 2 hours before finally deciding to Use the small town's Local dinner as the place to come to if We get separated again.

     We finally arrived at the Inn, it was called Polar Star, Had 2 floors, and was made of what looked like cement and wood. We entered the small building and were greeted by the receptionist.

"Welcome to Polar Star, would you 2 like to check in a room for 2 or…" We were greeted by the receptionist.

     The receptionist looked like a small boy roughly 5'0 in height. He had cheetah ears on His head and a fluffy patterned tail. He was also dressed in a corset, a white blouse, and short shorts. He was obviously a femboy.

"Yes, we do like to check in a room for 2," Hotaru responded gleefully

"Great, You may sign your signatures here." He politely handed us a feather pen so we signed The contract quickly.

     We booked a room for 2 and the little boy was looking at us with rosy cheeks. He handed us our keys and our room was on the 2nd floor. We entered our room and it was quite a sight. The walls were painted in chestnut color, there was a bear rug, and 2 beds with a nightstand on each side of both.

"Cough" Hotaru made a weird noise.

"Hm..???" I responded.

"H- How do we split the room?" Hotaru asked clearly flustered.


"Let's Use the bear rug as a Barrier between our sides so we can get some privacy." I calmly responded to her.




     We agreed to hang the bear mat across the room so We both had space for ourselves.