Chapter 11
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Myanna remained composed as the succubus advanced on her, though only barely. “And what of the others?”

Vylshiya waved a hand dismissively as she pressed her body against the cuirizu’s. “If the captives are used up by the time I’m done with you, I’ll just let you seed my followers in their place. Providing a generation of cuirizu devotees to our lady Liderce would be an honor.”

If she made it out of this alive, Myanna would have to remind herself how difficult demons were to predict. Though inherently self-serving and slaves to their natures, part of that nature was the essence of chaos itself. Unless she was in a position of power from which to bargain, it was unlikely any agreement with a demon would hold up for long. Still, there were ways to turn this to her advantage if she kept her wits about her.

“Very well, if that is your wish,” Myanna agreed, running her fingers through Vylshiya’s hair appreciatively. “You’ll hear no arguments from me.”

“Good,” the succubus purred before taking one of Myanna’s nipples into her mouth hungrily. A surge of desire ran through the cuirizu’s body that was only partly her own. The effect of Vylshiya’s aura of allure was potent and threatened to overwhelm her at any moment if she didn’t tread carefully. The only way to be sure things might work to her advantage was to set things in motion before she lost her better judgment.

“Perhaps you’d like me to use the spell I mentioned?” Myanna inquired as the heat of her lust spread throughout her body. The succubus was preparing to feed from her. “To provide you with added volume?”

“Mmm, yes,” Vylshiya hissed, her eyes glowing. “I think that’s exactly what I need. I want everything you have to give.”

“As you wish,” Myanna whispered obediently, feeling her mind begin to slip. In magic, there were generally three standard components to a spell. All were required to cast efficiently and with full intent. Most recognized the process as the Imago, Recitare, and Motus or the Image of the spell, the words spoken to its intent, and the motions to usher it into reality. Myanna had learned these as the Hetrarta, Jizier, and Joganda, but the process was essentially the same. Unfortunately, a clouded mind interfered with all three, and moments of passion seldom lent themselves to the process, either. So eromages had devised their own twist on the three components which Myanna had learned as the Dezayjo, Paizho, and Carizia.

These components allowed for sexual casting through the desire of the spell either from the caster or its intended target, the passion of a moment as expressed through sound, and finally, the sensual touch of flesh that makes desire and passion real. Myanna formed the spell in her mind, filling it with her own desires as she moaned under the ministrations of the succubus. “*Malvadazeiva*,” the cuirizu sighed as her fingers ran gently along the shaft of her cock.

A bead of thick creamy precum formed at the tip of her cock as the succubus eased her down to the stone floor, lips and fingers caressing her in equal measure as she did. As Myanna had hoped, Vylshiya had not noticed the true nature of the spell. Instead of merely producing added volume to her seed, Myanna had transmuted it into something different, something addictive. Cruel Ambrosia was a substance that any eromage could produce in theory but which the cuirizu made judicious use of to enslave and enrapture mortals. Instead of appealing only to their minds, the spell made the body of whoever imbibed it a slave to their desires lest they experience the agony of withdrawal.

In her fervor to feed and slake her lust, Vylshiya had paid no mind to the spell that had been cast or the words that had been spoken, though Myanna doubted the succubus was familiar with her casting language anyway. Relieved that she could get the spell in place before she lost herself in the moment, the cuirizu allowed herself a small indulgence as she took the demon’s breast into her mouth and suckled hungrily. She had no desire to treat Vylshiya with tenderness, and the bestial groan of arousal as Myanna’s mouth worked the nipple in her mouth told her that no tenderness was desired. The succubus climbed atop her, wanting it hard and fast without a semblance of love and affection. It was the naked nature of sex, rutting like animals, that the demon wanted of her.

Positioning Myanna’s cock against her soft, slippery slit, Vylshiya enjoyed a moment of triumph as she sank onto the hard rod of flesh and claimed it as her own. The cuirizu met her halfway, driving herself upward to holster the whole of herself within the heat of the demon’s surprisingly tight cunt.

“Fuck!” Vylshiya gasped, licking her lips as she and Myanna pressed flush with one another. “It’s still so hard!”

“I told you that I would not disappoint,” Myanna responded as her hands wandered over Vylshiya’s torso and across the tender flesh of her breasts. She vaguely recalled, somewhere in the back of her mind, that she was trying to hold out for something. She was waiting on Onesa to make a move, but the importance of it had grown vanishingly small as the hips of the succubus withdrew to begin expertly rocking and gyrating against her.

“Always pleased when someone can live up to their claims,” Vylshiya moaned, placing her hands on Myanna’s breasts to squeeze and pull at her flesh as her hips worked into a frenzy. Succubi were the embodiments of unchecked lust for the purposes of self-gratification, bent on wielding their sensual allure against the weak to lead them into lives of sin and depravity. Any mortal that perished while enraptured by a succubus had their souls surrendered to their new mistress or to whatever demon held the Succubi’s leash. They were not merely skilled lovers or experienced; they were infused with profane energy that made them better at fornicating than any other demon.

Every move of Vylshiya’s hips was a masterstroke of cock milking, her tight warm cunt inexplicably a perfect fit for the fiendish cock within. Myanna gasped and groaned, writhing on the stone floor as the mingled sexual energy of them radiated from them like a hot, balmy summer night. Every mortal mind was ablaze with carnal inspiration while their bodies were elevated to new heights of sexual stamina. But it would not last for them. It wasn’t in the nature of a demon to give freely without taking, after all.

As the pace of the demon’s hips quickened, she leaned forward to prop her weight onto Myanna’s chest. “Cuirizu think themselves the masters of fiendish sexual arts until they encounter the untamed vigor of a succubus!”

Myanna could feel the succubus drawing upon her life force. It wasn’t enough to reach orgasm; the demons drew parts of their lovers out to devour. Even those around them had small fractions of their energy fed upon as Vylshiya wielded the expanding sexual energy against them without their knowledge. It was what the cult was there for, to feed the succubus and the Demon Lord they worshipped. Their fate was to cast parts of themselves into the abyss within such creatures in a futile attempt to fill a bottomless void. The worst part was it felt good to do it.

Arching her back, with her hips bucking wildly of their own accord, Myanna gave up a portion of herself to the succubus as she blew a staggeringly immense load of fiendish she-cum into her. More than an orgasm, it felt as though recessive spaces within her body were being sucked out of her for the pleasure of the demon milking her relentlessly.

“Yes!” Vylshiya hissed, her pace unfaltering. “Give it to me, give it to me!”

Her words trailed off as the power surging through her body hit her with the force of a thousand exploding fireballs, exciting every nerve in a full-body orgasm as her body bowed and writhed with profane, blasphemous pleasure. “Yes!” the succubus cried again, her moans and clenching cunt somehow coaxing just a bit more seed from the cuirizu beneath her.

“B-by the isle,” Vylshiya panted. “I don’t think I’ve ever cummed that hard before....”

As the succubus spoke, Myanna desperately tried to latch onto the words as if they were the only salvation in a stormy sea. Losing even a portion of her essence to the succubus was dangerous, but the mind-altering nature of the orgasm it created made her only want more. But Vylshiya’s gluttonous lust had gotten the best of her. The spell Myanna had woven into herself typically required two or three uses to ensure the kind of deadly addiction that could result in withdrawal, but that was the result of purely physical consumption. Vylshiya had taken much more than the physical medium of the spell, compensating for the natural “bleed” of the spell without knowing it. She had effectively provided herself a more potent dose than Myanna could have ever created on her own.

Vylshiya panted as the heat coursing through her would not abate. Her hands moved from Myanna’s supple tits to her own, fingers caressing her own skin as if probing for a means to quench the thirst within her. “I need more,” was all she could manage as her glowing red eyes began to search her surroundings for an answer to a question she didn’t yet know.

Myanna took advantage of the lull in the demon’s libido, rolling her onto the ground with a surge of strength. “If that’s your wish,” Myanna cooed. “Then I shall oblige.”

The demon’s eyes flashed with excitement as she opened her long, lithe legs for Myanna. “More! Give me more!”

Though she maintained a calm and pleased demeanor, Myanna had to dig deep to keep herself from collapsing. The physical strain was nothing, but having just had her essence fed upon made it challenging to remain upright. Bearing down, Myanna dug into the eagerly awaiting succubus, impaling her mercilessly with her still-rigid rod of throbbing flesh.

“You call yourself a master of the erotic arts,” Myanna teased. “But it seems I am the mistress here while you beg for my seed.”

Vylshiya nodded, pressing her breasts together and tugging at her nipples lewdly as an offering to the cuirizu. “P-please don’t stop!”

The wetness of the demon’s arousal and the ejaculate from Myanna’s previous load created a wet plapping noise as the cuirizu worked the demon’s insides like a butter churn. The motion of the demon’s hips had grown sloppier as she got lost in the brutal assault of Myanna’s cock. Even if she had wanted to do more, it would have been difficult with the tight grip the cuirizu had on her ankles as she held her legs open as wide as they could go.

Out of the corner of her eye, Myanna spotted Onesa as she re-entered the ritual chamber from one of the side passageways, carrying all of the things that had been stripped from Myanna when she was captured. The dark elf’s expression remained impassive, giving Myanna no clue what would come next. Instead of waiting for her any longer, she looked in Shriek’s direction in the hope Onesa would understand what it meant before the cuirizu refocused her attention on the succubus writhing pleasantly on her cock.

The dark elf moved swiftly and silently along the edge of the room until she could get the attention of the psychic being ravaged by a nameless male cultist. Consideration of her next move vanished into the sensually hypnotic display of Vylshiya’s tits bouncing freely in small circles as she braced herself against the stone with one arm and rubbed furiously at her clit with the other. Losing track of what she was doing, even for a moment, had drawn the cuirizu back down into the depths of the demon’s depravity as another back-breaking orgasm was coaxed from her.

A bolt of clenching, blunt-force climax shot up from Myanna’s hips up to the base of her skull and down to the tips of her toes as she was arrested in a moment of paralytic bliss. She bit her lip to muffle her cries of ecstasy, but it did little to help. Once again, the succubus drew out a portion of Myanna’s essence alongside the copious amounts of cum the cuirizu had created. Filled with the same addictive attributes as before, the demon gave herself willingly to her captive, enslaving herself to her without knowing.

Myanna was certain the first would have been enough, but the second was just to be sure. Her whole body transitioned from rigidity to state, not unlike wet parchment, as she pulled her hot meat from the succubus. Despite enjoying a second round of pure lustful bliss with a second orgasm, the succubus was not satisfied. She could not be satisfied. Magical addiction infused with the essence of selfish unyielding lust was a kind of aetheric alchemy that could not be satisfied or overcome so easily.

“I feel incredible,” Vylshiya moaned as she stretched like a cat on the floor. Myanna did her best not to stumble as she stepped back away from her. Despite the large amount of cum she’d pumped into the succubus, very little of it leaked from her glistening pink pussy.

“Pleasure to be of service,” Myanna murmured as a wave of vertigo hit her. The cultist who had been buried in the prosecutor’s ass just a moment ago now laid unconscious at her feet, a thin poison-tipped needle sticking out of his neck. The locks of her whipping bench laid open, and she reached up to remove the cage around her head discreetly.

\*What did you dose her with?\* Shriek asked, her words echoing in Myanna’s head more clearly than before. \*She’s fucked up.\*

\*Magically altered cum,\* Myanna managed to reply.

\*Did you dose me with it too?\* The psychic asked as she ran a hand through her short silvery hair. Next to her, another of the cultists fell to the floor, deep in slumber, a thin needle sticking out of his arm. The female cultist grinding her slit against the face of the tiefling on the other side soon followed.

\*Do you feel fucked up?\* Myanna responded irritably.

\*I feel furious,\* Shriek admitted angrily as she looked around the room. \*Move away from her slowly. I’ll cast your image onto one of her people.\*

Complying as best as she could, Myanna slinked backward as the attention of the succubus drifted to the nearest cultist. Addled by the magical drug in her system, Shriek had a much easier time convincing the creature psychically that the man was actually Myanna and that the cuirizu was ready for more.

“Yes,” the demon gasped as she approached the male on all fours, already engaged with another cultist. “Give me more, bitch. Feed me that cock until I can’t stand.”

Clueless as to what was happening, the cultist and the female that had been sucking him off both embraced the Vylshiya. Complying with her demands, the two were moments from being drained of their life force to feed the succubus. Unfortunately, it didn’t give Myanna very long as she stumbled over to Onesa’s position. The dark elf carefully placed shots at valuable targets while remaining careful to go unnoticed.

“How much time do we have?” Myanna asked as she quickly pulled her leather boots on and fastened them.

“Couple of minutes,” Shriek answered, focusing entirely on the succubus. “Once she kills those two, there won’t be anything else I can do. After that, the illusion will be broken.”

“The others will notice us at any moment,” Onesa remarked. “Despite their revelry.”

Myanna pulled her gloves on before grabbing her whip. The rest of the leather would have to wait until later. “Very well. If we’re out of time, it can’t be helped. Kill them all.”

Drawing a single-edged, curved short sword, Onesa complied without objection. She waded into the sea of writhing flesh and opened the first throat she got her hands on. Shriek, shifting her focus as Vylshiya consumed the essence of her followers, took a deep breath and loosed a supernaturally deafening scream into the crowd. Though it was hard on Myanna’s ears, she knew from experience that the worst of the sound was contained within a relatively narrow cone directly in front of the prosecutor. The sound was enough to burst every eardrum for about thirty feet, but the effects were nearly fatal for any of the dark elves with their enhanced sense of hearing.

Myanna’s whip cracked and snapped in rapid succession as she flayed the flesh from a woman reaching for a ritual dagger to offer resistance, but the cuirizu’s focus wasn’t on the congregants. Instead, she made her way toward the statue of Liderce, set on toppling it and desecrating the shrine as a tribute to Olcaru. Another of the cultists raced for the nearest weapon, only to be stopped short by Myanna’s whip around his ankle. With a fierce jerk, the cuirizu pulled the leg out from under him and dragged him back to her in a single motion. Finally, she stopped on the back of his neck with her heel before he could recover, snapping it like kindling.

Glancing in Vylshiya’s direction to gauge how effective she would be in the fight, Myanna could see the succubus struggling to orient herself to what was happening around her. The brief lapse in attention cost the cuirizu as a magical bolt of dark withering energy collided with her shoulder, nearly taking her off her feet. Much of her arm’s flesh looked slightly desiccated, annoying the cuirizu with its appearance more than anything. The tiefling from the patrol emerged from the crowd, tackling the dark cleric who had cast the spell to the ground. Without thinking twice, Myanna seized the nearest brazier with her whip and toppled it onto both of them, smothering them in burning coals and firewood.

Unbothered by the heat due to his fiendish ancestry, the tiefling pulled himself off the cleric as he thrashed in agony.

“Shriek,” Myanna called over the intensifying din of the congregants. “Focus on Vylshiya!”

Despite how much the prosecutor detested taking orders from Myanna, she restricted her protest to a mere glare before turning to face the succubus, where she let loose another painful scream. As demons, succubi had a host of elemental immunities and resistances to draw upon to protect them in battle, but sound was not one of them. Vylshiya was hurled backward over several other cultists before sliding roughly along the floor. Debris from the ceiling, shaken loose by the intensity of the sound, scattered along the floor, letting Myanna know they were nearly out of time.

Lashing her whip around one of the arms of Liderce’s statue, Myanna bit back the pain in her other arm to pull with both hands. Spots filled her vision as she struggled to move the statue’s weight.

“*Kolazelonda!*” Myanna growled through her teeth as she wrapped her good arm around the length of the whip and pulled. The muscles from her shoulder all the way down her arm swelled and tightened, multiplying her impressive strength for a short burst of added might. The statue ripped free from its position, slowly tipped, and began to fall, leaving Myanna just enough time to flick the whip free and get out of its path. Colliding with one of the support pillars on the way down, both broke into several pieces before hitting the floor and shattering the altar at the foot of the statue. Above them, parts of the ceiling began to sag and give way under the weight above them.

Returning to the fray, Myanna unleashed her whip upon more of the cultists as they struggled to pick targets and mount a defense. Members of the Order of the Crimson Light had recovered blades to fight with, and though they were ill-suited to combat in their condition, they made the best of the situation. Emerging from her heap on the floor, the succubus struggled again to find her balance before facing Myanna.

“What did you do to me?” Vylshiya growled as the fingers of each hand reshaped themselves into claws.

Myanna wrapped the whip once around her arm for shorter-range combat but stayed her hand momentarily. “Given you an option. You can come with me, throw yourself upon the mercy of Olcaru, and perhaps live, or you can stay here and die.”

“So arrogant!” Vylshiya spat, her eyes glowing viciously. “After I kill you, I’ll simply rebuild. But this time, I’ll be sure to target your precious Abyssals from the start.”

“If you kill me, how will you get your fix?” Myanna mused, pursing her lips. Though it took the succubus a moment to realize what the cuirizu was telling her, she finally understood what she was experiencing. Myanna smiled wolfishly. “Yes, dear. You’re addicted to me now, to my seed you wanted to desperately. Without regular helpings, you’ll go into agonizing withdrawal.”

“I-impossible,” Vylshiya stammered. “Mere paltry narcotics have no effect on my kind.”

Myanna laughed patronizingly. “Oh, my! Even if that were true, the nature of the substance is magical, not mundane. You crave me, and only me, now. So if you were lucky enough to strike a killing blow upon me, the remainder of your existence on this plane would be an excruciating one.”

“Y-you....” Vylshiya seethed. “Bound me to you through petty addiction?”

“Indeed,” Myanna replied smugly as the chaos of the battle raged around them. “But with a pussy as tight as yours, I’m inclined to spare you for future use. But only you. Everyone else in your congregation will perish.”

“Never,” the succubus snarled. “I’ll never bend a knee to you!”

Myanna brought her whip up in a vertical snap as the succubus exploded toward her, claws at the ready. The whip caught the demon in the face, flaying a strip of flesh from her chin to the hairline over one eye clean off of her. She recoiled in pain as Myanna followed with a second strike, managing to interpose one of her wings between the cuirizu and herself just in time. Another strip of flesh was torn free, this time from the wing, casting a long line of blood spatter across the wall and floor.

Whirling the whip around to keep it in constant motion and make the strikes from it difficult to predict, Myanna pressed the attack. As she peeled additional lines of flesh from the wings of the succubus, the ritual chamber’s integrity continued to fail. Large chunks of worked stone, loads of earth, and small boulders dropped from the ceiling with increasing frequency. Yet, Myanna remained unrelentingly focused on her foe, not allowing her a chance to cast a spell that would allow her to escape.

“To me!” Vylshiya screamed, magical power lending weight and urgency to her command. Around her, the cult members dropped what they were doing to rush to the demon’s aid, even if it meant exposing themselves to attack. The effect was a gaggle of humans and dark elves forming an improvised wall of flesh between Myanna and the succubus. No amount of lashing and flaying would allow her to dig her way through them fast enough to get to the demon.

Enraged by the tactic, Myanna extended a hand toward the mass of cultists with an arcane gesture. “*Esplozeva Vejatazil!*” The eruption of plant life from within the group’s center hurled every individual in different directions. As it expanded outward, bodies of cultists in varying states of undress were thrown into walls, the collapsing ceiling, and under the debris falling from it. But there was no Vylshiya.

Myanna’s eyes darted from cultist to cultist, searching for the succubus, but she had vanished. Either she had used magic to flee, or she had assumed the form of a lowly member of the cult to evade her notice. Either way, she had escaped.

“We have to go,” Onesa informed Myanna, a slight edge in her usually calm voice. “It’s all coming down.”

Myanna nodded coldly, taking her corset from Onesa as she handed it to her. The dark elf’s hands and chest were covered in the blood of those she had slain. “Very well,” Myanna agreed as she began toward the exit, her allies falling in behind her. “We’ll seal the entrance so that this becomes their tomb.”