Chapter 21
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Chapter 21

As Myanna thrust fast and deep into the recesses of the first cleric, the sounds of their fornication filled the room. Sighs and moans joined with the wet drumbeat of their flesh, the rhythmic plapping and plopping changing tempo occasionally, only stopping when the cuirizu moved from one hungry hole to another. The white skin of the first cleric had become sticky with spent semen and dewy with the sweat of her exertion, the sour tang of which lingered on the air, filling Myanna’s nose and teasing the surface of her tongue.

The cuirizu considered her sexual stamina well above what most were accustomed to. It had been boosted further by the surge of profane magic that came with the Mark of the Defiler. The insatiable lust and boundless desire that filled her being grew more potent with time, causing both women to become drunk on their continued acts of depravity. Voss’s power resonated with Myanna’s, a sort of profane sympathy as the first cleric had briefly explained it. Moreover, the first cleric was infused with enchantments and magic that bolstered her physical endurance and dexterity beyond human norms. A boon that she shared with the cuirizu whenever she showed the faintest sign of faltering. Voss had been clear about Myanna’s role. She was there to service her in ways she had not enjoyed from another lover in too long.

As Myanna bared down heavily on the smaller woman on all fours, changing the angle of penetration and forcing her face down into the bed, her strength and fervor grew. She could sense the approaching orgasm of the first cleric through the tension of her body as she had many times before. The cuirizu couldn’t be certain how many times she had brought the woman to climax, nor how many times she had filled her with full, thick loads of fiendish spunk. But as Voss’s body quaked and quivered in delight, Myanna found it just as satisfying and intoxicating as the first time. Myanna punctuated the moment with a few powerful strokes of her cock, holding it deep within Voss as the soft, silken heat within her enveloped the cuirizu.

“Ahhhh, fuck!” Voss groaned whorishly. Her body went rigid as a board as she gripped tightly at the bed sheets, now drenched with the exertion of their repeated rutting.

As the tension passed and the first cleric began to relax, Myanna gave her a firm slap on the ass, pulling the supple mound of the cheeks apart to view the well-used pucker between. “Would you like it here again?”

Voss’s hips moved from side to side tentatively as she considered. “No. Not yet, anyway. Tighten the straps.”

Myanna took hold of the harness straps around Voss’s waist, inspecting them to ensure they were in the proper position before tightening them slightly. The moment she finished, the woman pulled herself off the cuirizu’s erection and turned to face her. At the center of the harness, between her legs, was the large artificially sculpted phallus that the harness was designed to hold in place. Voss pushed Myanna onto her back without a word before crawling between her legs and pushing deep into the cuirizu’s tight, glistening cunt.

“Oooh,” Myanna moaned, feeling every inch of the phallus’s shape as it holstered itself inside her. Though it didn’t have the same satisfying give and heat of a true cock, the item had a satisfying quality to it all its own. Voss parted the cuirizu’s legs a little wider, taking hold of Myanna’s cock with one hand.

“I love hearing you moan like that,” Voss groaned happily, her hand working Myanna’s throbbing erection in long slow movements. “How long has it been since a woman has given it to you like this, hm? Too long, I’m sure.”

Splayed out as she was, Myanna’s breasts bounced with each hard stroke of Voss’s hips and her toy plundering her insides. With her arms over her head, she closed her eyes, having finally found time to truly relax for what felt like ages. The first cleric was no amateur. The rocking motion of her hips was that of practiced professionalism. Unable to navigate the motions through a sense of touch, the first cleric had instead mastered the forms like a skilled swordsman would. The result, combined with the vigorous stroking of her cock, was divine.

A firm knock at the door broke the cuirizu from her erotic reverie. To her surprise, the first cleric faltered only for a moment before resuming. “Come!”

One of the double doors opened, and the young man that had guided her earlier entered the room. “Apologies for the interruption, first cleric.”

“What is it?” Voss asked as her gaze settled on her subordinate as her hips and hand continued apace.

“Mistress, Ryanth is waiting in the foyer demanding an audience with you,” the man explained, unphased by the presence of the cuirizu getting pounded by the first cleric in front of him. “I told him to return later, but he is rather adamant.”

The first cleric’s eyes closed in annoyance as she let out a frustrated sigh. “Nothing lasts forever.”

“Mistress?” the young man responded, seeking clarification.

“Tell him I am currently engaged in a meeting and will be with him shortly,” Voss said sternly. Myanna found that it added a little spice to the whole experience. However, she couldn’t get her mind off the fact that someone like Ryanth would demand anything of the first cleric. It was a rather bold risk for someone in his position.

“Yes, Mistress. Of course,” the man replied with a respectful bow before backing out of the room and closing the door behind him.

Before Myanna could say anything on the matter, Voss’s pace quickened. Taking her by surprise, Myanna groaned, swiveling her hips a bit to savor the simultaneous experience of fullness and tightness as the first cleric worked her.

“Cum on my cock,” Voss growled through her teeth. “I want to watch as you glaze your own tits.”

The first cleric being typically so calm and reserved, made the obscene way she spoke to Myanna all that much more exciting for her, pushing her over the edge into orgasmic bliss. Myanna’s hips bucked wildly, thrusting up into the first cleric’s hand as the phallus buried in her churned up her insides. Her cum oozed at first before exploding into hot, wild spurts that slung through the air in thick ropes to land across her chest.

“Good girl,” Voss moaned, zealously milking Myanna’s she-cock for every drop of jizz the cuirizu could muster. Without shame, Myanna let the intense crashing waves of climax wash over her, groaning and moaning like a drunken whore under the first cleric’s robust ministrations. Even as she ejected viscous ropes of spunk onto herself, her cunt squeezed and wrung at the phallus within her, desperately trying to extract what would never come.

“Ohhnn,” Myanna groaned as her conscious thoughts finally returned to her in the wake of her climax. She remained skewered on the first cleric’s expertly crafted dong for a few moments longer as Voss licked the fiend’s jizz from her fingers.

“You have a rather unique flavor,” the first cleric remarked. “It’s got a sweet flavor that I can’t quite place.”

Myanna’s chest, glistening with her own cum, heaved with the remnants of her exertion. “I’m pleased it’s to your liking.”

“Mm,” Voss grunted as she leaned over Myanna, licking at the puddles of jizz that had formed in the curvature between her breasts. “An unexpected treat. Are all cuirizu this delicious?”

“The ones I’ve sucked off have been,” Myanna admitted with a nod.

The first cleric moved upright again, crawling back on her knees as she pulled the phallus from Myanna’s freshly fucked cunt. “You’re the only one I’ve ever fucked, so it’s a pleasant new experience for me.”

Myanna rolled over, resting on her belly. The refreshing air that ran down her back cooled her skin nicely. The first cleric ran her hand up the shaft of the black phallus protruding from the harness, collecting the cream that had gathered there before licking her fingers clean again. It was a fetish Myanna was familiar with but not one she had expected of the first cleric. “I’d be more than happy to provide you with more in the future.”

“I would expect nothing less,” Voss replied as she went about unfastening the straps of the harness. “But, for now, it seems I have business to attend to.”

“What could possibly be so important that Ryanth would presume to demand anything of you?” Myanna scoffed, resting her head on one of the pillows. She was in no hurry to get up if she didn’t have to.

“He was presumptuous, to begin with,” Voss said, standing from the bed and setting the harness and the accompanying phallus on the nightstand with a heavy thud. “But he’s become bolder as of late, thanks to his brother.”

“Ryanth must have quite a tight hole to command such loyalty,” Myanna remarked with a smirk.

Voss pulled a damp cloth from a wash basin before looking back at Myanna. “You think he’s fucking his brother?”

“I can think of no other way the runt retains the protection of someone so powerful,” the cuirizu answered, rolling onto her side to look back at Voss.

“I take it you’ve no siblings, then,” the first cleric commented as she wiped herself down. Even just the act of cleaning herself up was enough to nurture the vibrant bloom of arousal within Myanna, as evidenced by her still erect cock.

“I’m sure I do, somewhere,” Myanna speculated. “But I don’t know the cuirizu that sired me, so I couldn’t say. I grew up away from my people for quite some time. Even when I was eventually welcomed among them, none seemed to know whose I was.”

The first cleric leaned over the basin, providing Myanna with an exquisite view of her pussy from behind. She rinsed her hair out with a small pitcher on the table next to the basin before spritzing it with a pleasant perfume and toweling off. “Was that difficult for you? I admit, I know little of cuirizu culture and what role one’s parentage holds within it.”

“Not all orders are the same,” Myanna explained as she sat up, resting her back against the headboard. “It can vary wildly from order to order, but within the Verdant Lust, it’s considered bad form to lose track of your offspring. We’re a smaller order in need of every cuirizu we can get. But it’s not a mark that the offspring carries if they find their way back to the order. Indeed, it may even be in my sire’s best interest never to claim me now for fear of being reprimanded for the lapse in judgment.”

“Fascinating,” the first cleric remarked thoughtfully as she pulled on a pair of stockings, clipping them in place with a garter belt. “I would like very much to learn more about the Order of the Verdant Lust now that I have sampled one of their members.”

Myanna gave the first cleric a genuine smile, unexpectedly pleased with the framing of the compliment. “I think it could probably be arranged. I would have to---.”

The doors to the first cleric’s chambers flew open, taking both women completely by surprise. Ryanth stepped into the room, already fuming, before laying his eyes upon Myanna relaxing in the bed of the first cleric. He was a man of average height and build, with little remarkable about his physique beyond his short red hair and the markings of Olcaru that he wore on either side of his face near the temples.

“I knew it!” Ryanth spat, his wide-eyed gaze shifting from Myanna to the first cleric, seething. “I feared I was too late, and now I see I was correct in doing so.”

“It’s a pleasure to see you as well, Ryanth,” Myanna scoffed dryly as she crossed one leg lazily over the other. “Is there a reason for this intrusion, or should I just throw you out now?”

Ryanth stepped forward, jabbing a finger in her direction. “You do not speak to me in such a way, cretinous whore!”

“She’s my whore, actually,” Voss remarked coldly, fastening her corset before placing her hands on her hips. “And, as it happens, the newest member of the inner circle. So I will thank you for holding your tongue.”

“Her?!” Ryanth exclaimed, glancing at the markings on her arm before turning his full attention to the half-naked first cleric. “What right do you have to make such a decision?”

“She is the first cleric of Olcaru,” Myanna growled as she got to her feet, feeling an unusual surge of protectiveness toward the woman. “How dare you barge into her private chambers and start making demands like---!”

Ryanth drew a wand from inside his coat, the tip crackling with arcane lightning. “Not another word from you, or I’ll fry your insides like bacon.”

“You hateful little shit,” Myanna snarled as she advanced on him. Despite the power he held in the numerous trinkets and magical weapons concealed on his person, Myanna was not cowed. She only got a few steps in his direction before her movement was arrested with a gesture from Voss. Her arm, locked in space like an immovable weight, prevented the rest of her from moving. Though she felt a surge of frustration toward the first cleric, seeing Ryanth similarly locked in place by his skull set her more at ease. Neither of them was going anywhere.

Voss continued dressing, outfitting herself in her formal raiment without a word to either of them until she was finished. “Now, then. Let’s try this again.”

Myanna felt the hold on her release abruptly as Ryanth jerked back away from her, deeply offended by the time out the two had suffered through together. The first cleric’s hands clasped together in front of her as she stared at the man expectantly. “Explain yourself before I decide to let her have you.”

“You’ve no authority to bestow the mark like this,” Ryanth snapped, sounding very much like a petulant child pretending to be a lawyer. “It is not your decision to make on your own.”

“I didn’t,” Voss replied calmly. “I merely nurtured its presence in a way befitting its nature. But even if I had given it to her, it would not be your place to question me.”

“No,” Ryanth agreed. “It would be the collective right of the inner circle whom you have defied. It was agreed that she was not to receive the mark.”

Voss approached Ryanth slowly, her calm demeanor somehow far more intimidating than any outward expression of rage. “Again, I did not bestow the mark. But the inner circle only exists at my discretion. If I decided to disband it, there would be nothing you could do about it.”

Ryanth bristled at the suggestion as his grip on the wand tightened. Voss continued, unconcerned. “Unless the goddess says otherwise, from her own lips, you are to assume that my word is her will. In my presence, you will show me respect. You will obey me as readily as you would her.”

“When Belias returns, the inner circle will hear of this,” Ryanth grumbled, his tone only marginally more respectful than before. “Then we will see what the will of Olcaru is.”

The mention of Belias piqued Myanna’s curiosity. Indeed, Ryanth spoke as though he had a rough idea of where he had gone and when he would return. “You know where he is?”

Ryanth’s brows furrowed in annoyance as he turned his attention back to Myanna. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes. He’s gone to Applewood to secure your recent acquisition.”

Curiosity became rage in the blink of an eye, the intensity of which caught Ryanth slightly off-guard. “What possible reason could he have for that? Applewood is mine, by right!”

Scoffing as he shrugged, Ryanth took a defensive step backward. “He’s the ritual master. I think he wanted to have a look at the site of the cult we’ve been hearing so much about. Seems like his area, doesn’t it?”

“Then why the secrecy?” Myanna argued. “This isn’t about his official duties.”

Ryanth spread his hands smugly. “That’s not for me to say.”

“Your adherence to protocol is rather selective, isn’t it?” Myanna accused gruffly. “Feigning ignorance and respecting rank only when it suits you. Coward.”

“More respect would be due to those of rank who weren’t leaving the door to the inner circle open to any common whore,” Ryanth snapped, taking the bait before realizing what he’d just said.

Voss’s gaze grew more intense as she canted her head to one side. “Excuse me?”

“What I meant was...” the man sputtered before letting out a long groan. “I spoke in anger, nothing more. Myanna has a talent for vexing me like no other.”

The first cleric made a brief motion toward the doors. “I think it’s time for you to leave. If this is all you’ve come to speak about, you have thoroughly wasted my time, and I will have no more of it.”

Defeated, Ryanth glanced between the two women before jabbing a finger in Myanna’s direction again. “I’ll deal with you later.”

“I’m ready when you are,” Myanna growled. She wanted nothing more than for him to make the first move to justify putting him in the dirt. Sadly, he had realized how far he had overstepped and was eager to get out of Voss’s presence before she lost her patience entirely. Giving the first cleric a half-hearted bow, Ryanth turned and stormed out of her chambers quickly.

Myanna’s eyes shifted to look at Voss, who remained motionless as the doors closed behind Ryanth under some unseen power. The cuirizu was surprised to see Ryanth get away with speaking in such a way to her, of all people. “Why did you let him go? His head should be on a spike in front of the gatehouse for such disrespect.”

“Ryanth is fortunate enough to catch me in an uncommonly good mood, thanks to you,” Voss remarked dryly as she approached Myanna, placing her hands on either side of the cuirizu’s face. “You needn’t trouble yourself defending my honor, though I appreciate the sentiment. You should concern yourself instead with whatever Belias is up to in Applewood.”

“Things appear to be getting out of control,” Myanna scowled. “With both of them. This will only damage our efforts to fight the Obsidian Court and the Crimson Light. Everything could unravel.”

Voss gave the cuirizu an amused smile. “As it should be. Such is the nature of chaos: the very core of Olcaru’s essence. Seeking to impose too much order would be antithetical to that which the goddess represents. Such disorder and chaos is what frees us from the shallow conceptions of worldly morality.”

“Still,” Myanna argued, placing her hands over Voss’s. “Wouldn’t it be better to bring such dogs to heel before they become too bold?”

“If that is what you believe,” Voss whispered against Myanna’s supple lips. “Why are you still here?”

Myanna’s lips split into a wolfish grin, realizing the first cleric had just permitted her to track down Belias and punish him. Her body sizzled with excitement at the prospect of finally grinding him under her heel after all this time. The things she would do to him had been the subject of many of her fantasies since her arrival, and now she was allowed to make them a reality.

“Bring him back alive,” Voss added, placing a small kiss on Myanna’s lips. “Otherwise, his condition is at your discretion.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Myanna answered as she retrieved her corset, hardly able to contain her sadistic glee. “With pleasure.”