002: I am to hunt for the secret treasure too?
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PoV: Arthur King.

Someday I might meet the real Darren Hillyer son of Corban the Mighty ― but in the meantime, I will use every bit of conversational skill I can, to manage the moment. "Say um, soldier-"

"Lieutenant Brant Gearhart, leader of the six hundred thirty fourth squad, of the army of the Grand Povrah Kingdom. At your service. Er, well ... anyway."

I only nod with a slow bob of the head, to indicate it seems strange to me, too.

"But," I start out, "whatever this is about, is beyond me; probably some insult from the past catching up with me. Whatever his reason is, I do have an interest in your kingdom ... well ... that. Exploring. Going into a dungeon and-"

"Aah yeah ― we know, we understand ― but still, we have orders so. Hey wait, don't you have two dungeons in your land too? Doesn't your own leader let you use them, like the royal family here does?"

I pale, partly for trying to 'think up' an explanation, and partly because from what both Nemhauser's steward and Roia said, it seems the young noble is something of a scoundrel, too. So ... if the real one was such a brat ... I may as well ... play it up!

"Well ― aha it's like this ― um, keep this quiet, I am ... what's the word .... 'disinherited'. Divested of wealth and assets, kicked off the property, you get it. Whatever; I'm wanting to see the world then! Roll some dice, deal a few cards, throw some parties in some brothels ― ha, ha, ha-"

The words I say ― cheap, and even free. But. To play it like I'm such a happy go lucky young noble ― setting up my means for later ― priceless.

I do hear a soft curse from Tabbi ― she groans almost silently, "just let the prick go and be done with him."

Their eyes say ― they are sorry to meet me. But since they did, they are now bound to see me all the way back into the city, to the castle ― to see the king. For whatever detail is given, for my presence-

"... anyway ― I know you have your duties, captain, but-"

"I'm not a captain, yet ― I'm still only a lieutenant." He tapped a little silver item pinned on his collar.

"Oh, well ― yeah I see it, but I think things are looking up for you ― always does for those who set their hands on me ― unfortunately, for me. Who knows, you may even be a captain before I'm free of my own worry."

The lieutenant nods, as if knowing what I mean.

I'm sorry for them, not for me; this ruse is my path back in. I will use them as my own footstool, to gain the advantage ... in this world as well.

The march back to the city gate goes smooth ― in how I keep trying to 'chat up' the squad ... as I assume a young exiled noble in this situation may do. Even occasionally drop hints to lower opinions of anyone knowing the real one. The best things said lend credence to a 'Darren profile' I'm building ― him being disinherited, a cad, and maybe vulgar-

"Aha, oh then so it's like that ― I lost my wallet because, you know, skip out of a brothel one too many times without paying ― so they send someone after ya. At least my balls are still intact! Ain't that right boys-"

Both women in this unit glare; but these five guys do have slight grins. Yeah, they know what I mean; maybe they're even like the guys in barracks seventeen. Any way I can leverage this for later ― maybe even put a wedge of inequality in this squad's members-

"Ahem, young man ― you may wanna hold off talking, while we take you inside-"

I fake a hurried look around, then focus to the women. "-um sorry if I'm sounding a bit vulgar ― you know ― had a lot happen recently-"

"No nothing like that," Gearhart inserts, to further glares from the women. "Seems the castle claims a man escaped lately, so our king is ... pissed off. Sorry, but you understand right? We'll need to search your possessions for weapons or contraband, before entry ― and so on."

... I thought so. The cold whispers on the way indicates ― no matter what, these guys want to get paid. If I'm just a disposable son of some noble elsewhere, one who 'may have absconded' with the family wealth, then they see nothing wrong in rifling through my possessions ... to take what they think is of value?

They empty the contents of the rucksack, the one which formerly belonged to Keriann ― which I extracted before the soldiers 'caught' me. Aah, the memories; Keriann did love this travel bag I gave her, even though it isn't so fancy, it could store all her items she used for travel. But inside are just plain things ― items she'd had at her intended escape.

One scrap of paper ― oh crap I even forgot about this ― a letter she managed to write once, which I returned to her another time. She shouldn't have said these things; I'm embarrassed so much to even recall them. One of the women unfolds it, looking at the boxy letters which mean nothing here (but do in another world), and then glances at me a moment.

"... it's a love letter, some dear girl wrote it to me; and you know, it's the only really sentimental thing from her, so please don't damage it-"

She grunts, and just drops the scrap of paper to the ground. Hey woman, what did I just tell ya!

-I'm not getting angry, yet; but I so easily could, if I thought about it. Oh ... I'm glad I'm not a slave here and without free will. What would I do, in their position? Ah well I wouldn't be in this army in the first place!

But this is also according to plan. I have ... nothing of note. Except, the note ― get it? All 'cheap things', even according to these soldiers.

After five minutes of looking through these items, they let me pick up my few items. I look rebuffed from all their effort, like 'the illusion of friendship has been broken' kind of disappointment. They seem to take it well-

-or rather, they still look pissed they didn't get anything of value from me; but they still hold onto hope of a 'reward' from the castle.

At the gate, Lieutenant Gearhart and his team push through the foggy miasma with me in tow, claiming we're going directly to the castle; but post entry he wants to take a brief detour. He commandeers a cart just inside the gate, at the army dispatch stable; in it, we all head into the city ― to a side street, following along the wall, toward a large structure. The dungeon? What is this, a trick?

I'd like to say the morning is getting bright and warm ― but an autumnal chill also seems to be in the air. The bright part, sure; the sun seems almost overhead. If I heard right, an eleventh hour chime rang just ten to fifteen minutes ago; so I'm almost on schedule to meet the king.

But we stop for a moment at one imposing structure.

"This here is the building erected over the dungeon; wanna go inside and see the actual entrance? Maybe, enter to the first floor?"

So either this lieutenant is secretly a generous and kind officer, or he and his squad are still planning something but only delaying the final piece of a plan.

"So what if I did wanna see, what's it to you," I grumble weakly. All according to the role I'm playing.

"... well. Suit yourself; I'm not sure what your future holds, but I just wanted to ... give you the chance."

Oh so he is being ignoble. I can use this, too-

"W, wait!" I sigh for effect, also because I genuine feel surprise it ends this way. "Um yeah. I ... I really do, wanna see inside. If it won't cost me, just to look."

It would be a concern if the true Darren did go inside before-

"Nah, we soldiers go in and out all the time; we could say it's a soldier's job to improve himself. Sometimes we take curious onlookers to the first few floors; so it's no problem. Just ... don't run off or anything, we feel sure if you see the king you can explain your situation. Maybe even plead for access to it. We have no need to wish you harm; but in the meantime us rank and file soldiers need our pay, so ... we follow the rules. You understand-"

"-yeah I do. Probably a lot more than you realize."

It's easy enough to go with the 'hang dog' look on my face, because it's easy enough to remember all the times I got caught red handed at something. Usually with my hands on something other than inside the cookie jar too. Ah Miss Bollen you were the best sin I ever did pay for, later-

Hmm maybe this Darren Hillyer and I might have something in common anyway. Am I playing a role, or am I playing ... me?

... screw it, I'm in the moment ― and so far it's fun too ― let's just call it a role ... okay?

We descend by way of a descending stair which doubles back and forth through a shaft bored down through rock. Taken to the dungeon's entrance, reaching through the 'frame of light' at Brant's urging, to step inside of the dungeon ― I feel a jolt ― but I'm inside-

I look around but nothing stands out. Gearhart tells key things I can easily guess, or see through status screens; but it's nice to get confirmation of being right by someone who knows. He is wrong about one touch panel; it's an elevator for transporting to another place within here, rather than a 'magic conveyor'.

A dungeon system. It's a dungeon, true enough ― internal mana flow and aetheric essence. Two hundred floors of combat activities, all managed by a slave serving as a dungeon master. This way, a dungeon stays loyal to the throne or royal family, therefore to the kingdom and its soldiers. Other kingdoms also get setup this way ― it seems a common practice of governments to own and operate a dungeon, instead of 'sponsoring' an adventuring community.

Brant says some dungeons are physically connected to their dungeon entrance so the Explorers have only to walk up or down stairs to go in or out of the dungeon. In others, a glowing frame of light connects the place on the surface or within a structure to the entry level floor of the dungeon. Eh; he only says a 'frame of light' but it's a portal, sure enough. As if they don't understand portals ― oho so then maybe they do not. All the more reason for me to be careful, using my own-

I digress. Boasting a floor plan of a square one kilometer to a side and then two kilometers deep, its interior also holds a number of features. Each 'floor' takes up one kilometer by one kilometer, by ten meters deep. But also it's larger on the inside ― somehow each floor is much larger than those dimensions. The average floor height seems now to be one hundred meters ... so a floor might be ten by ten kilometers-

Brant nods as Tabbi rejoins us, cutting short the explanation. She went somewhere? It's time now, time for me to go meet 'my' fate.

This remaining ride to the castle is silent. I see hints of 'security patrols' still roaming around, looking for someone like the real me, asking people "have you seen this man" ... giving my description. Ha; if only they knew I am right here!

Better to keep the army soldiers busy than not. Too many 'free' or idle soldiers in one area can be bad, plus I don't even mean for my situation. If a demon lord has designs against this kingdom or its royal family, I for one do not want the kingdom to fall while ... myself and people I may have concern for are still inside it.

The streets might be less dirty, but its smell has not dissipated yet. I still see ― yeah even there, in the side street, I see one woman dump out a chamberpot, into the gutter. Ugh. I see these soldiers in this wagon do not even grimace; it's a commonplace sight for them, they hardly even notice any more.

But storefronts in the merchant quarters ― they look like now their owners and workers might be giving some attention to the buildings. Like a slumbering dragon, the capital is on the verge of 'waking up' ― once the hunt for me got started, all forms of activity has begun. Perhaps a little scrutiny is good for them. And maybe me; admittedly ― I haven't been so active for some purpose since ... the last world. Just four years ago. I ... lost a really good friend, before I finally rejected work, as a Hero at least.

"The king is ready for you to enter," calls out a calm lady clerk, holding the door open for the troop to pass inside. As I pass, her eyes widen.

The lieutenant is kind enough to not 'drag' me around; since I more or less gave my word to behave ― which is nice to know my word can mean so much. But as I step into the next room, I feel surprise, in a new scene here. Full array ― all the royals I'd seen in the dining hall before ― and then some. Maybe even half of what I faced when summoned into Pernam-

... um ... are they here ... waiting ... for me? I mean, Darren Hillyer?

... how 'infamous' is he supposed to be, again?

Ah. While Brant led me inside the dungeon, he'd sent Tabbi on ahead to relay a message. I'd forgotten (briefly) this detail; but now it seems word of the 'capture' of me, um him, has reached the royals ... who engineered this council. Well hmm. Who among these royal persons would this Darren likely know here, or be seeking eye contact-

Obviously the key members of the royal family ― king, queen, princess, probably other siblings ― and each ones' cohort. Likely others in the extended family as well ― enough so a filled room I step into is ... not a shock so much as worrying, in how I'm to be held here until some matter is solved.

A throne room is a long hall with an actual throne on a raised platform where the king, queen, plus four heirs sat in ornate seats, but the remaining persons sit upon less ornate seats. The slaves stood behind their masters or mistresses, indicating each royal or noble person has exactly one slave partner as well ― except Candra, 'the failure princess'. She seems bleary eyed, like she has been crying just now; but none of her kin even looks to her as they do to each other.

-Candra gets no say in this? Is this even fair?

To each side of the throne dais, extended family stands or sits with their own slaves. Dukes and duchesses, counts and countesses, and one porcine baroness-

One woman, a youthful vibrant countess in her mid to late twenties, with ample bosom ― she has a wolfish desire kind of look about her, like she 'knows' the real Darren ― but in times past. She sees me, and grins. Winks-

Well ... this may be ... problematic-

I don't see Roia standing with the royal family but stuck off to a side, sweating in the corner. Just a spare, in case her 'failed hero' traits may still come in handy. She looks distressed; and she's looking me over, but not in the way I did her a day before. No; she's curious or maybe afraid I'm still wounded ― but after a moment of looking, she's back to calm. As I'd wish she has been, the whole time. At least her damaged look seems to be holding; or has she been beaten again- aah too many thoughts here.

But across this span of royals ― aside from a bleary eyed princess or wolfish countess ― a common trait shown is 'righteous indignation', as if Darren did or said something to offend- hm. Do I have to apologize for someone else's acts?

... before this, I only wish to appear to this king, or maybe to a subset of royal family, to somehow bargain for rights to purchase Roia from them, or something. But now ... it's ... messy. Complicated. It looks so complicated; I'll have to let things play out for a while-

"Aha!" shouts the heir prince, Brutus ― leaping forward from his seat with zeal. Grabbing me by my shoulders, he growls. "Ha, got you, you bastard!"


... he did say, at the dinner table earlier ― one of them would be likely to reach out and grab me-

PoV: Roia Hartzell

'Oh no ... he ... he got him!'

I fear this might happen now. Now, when my own chance of freedom might be this close!

Not only just hearing more than a couple hours ago via a report to the king, some sentry on the city wall has wounded this newest summon ― but also to not hear from him directly I feared the worst. At last I snuck away in 'a run to the privy' (going back into the realm) and crying in fear he was lost ― to finally get told he was okay. And not only that, but to also be given ― entrusted with ― what Ceevah calls a 'communication stone'.

I still fear, even now, a chance of this plan failing. Arthur is using a face he's taken earlier to practice his disguise; I don't recognized this face, yet know him as the same Arthur I've been waiting to see return here. After all he is mortal like me; if we are both 'summoned ones', this does not make us perfect or immortal.

Still; I can relax, as he seems to be playing it on the spot, taking the situation as he can. Will I be able to, too? I'm not an actor, so ... maybe not, with all that's happened to me, too.

Candra sees him, but she's weeping-

The one countess though, she looks like maybe she has a thing with this Darren; but ... this may be a problem. Even I don't know about anything like this ― why should I? I am only a poor slave, and a failure of a summoned hero as well. She and 'Darren' ... together?

'Oh no, I feel like my chance of freedom is gone, now-'

I shouldn't be so ... defeatist. 'Defeatist', is what led to my death, from Earth ― maybe. Maybe here too? No, to give up before the end of a matter is exactly what left me in a slave collar.

In truth, I could have fought harder, to get away from it. But to feel desperate ― first dying and then being summoned ― to know my only child is left behind on Earth without a mother, I ... just couldn't-

"Bring me a collar!" Brutus yells. "My servant ― toss me the collar!"

I shudder ― trying my best to hold back this reaction from being so visible. But even if it's so, it can be ignored or seen as a valid reaction. So maybe it's okay for it to be seen ― surely everyone here has been at a capture of some summoned being?

And every one of the royals and nobles here, they each have their own slaves. Why the king keeps me here is sometimes a mystery. Oh ― an 'explanation' is, summoned ones are kept near the throne for at least a half year, or until 'bought' at their designated price. In my own time of two months, I'd only known one fellow female slave in my same post, but she then got bought within a week, so I am since then alone to attend the king's needs.

In a second ... Brutus' female slave reaches into a canvas bag and tosses a thick leather collar toward her master ― he catches it and whirls to Arthur.

"Before I wrap this thing around your neck, you little playboy, I'll make you beg to tell me ― why did you disrespect my sister!"

Relieved yet surprised ― I see Arthur looks so surprised too ― I hope and pray to the goddess of this world, save Arthur.

PoV: Arthur King.

I feel perplexed. Am I to admit to something which I do not even know this Darren has done, or not done? Something a prince might know which should be brought out here?

-and also, which 'sister', because I see one of two ways this could go. Only two women in this room ― aside from Roia and the other female slaves ― whose status show as not married or 'attached' somehow. This royal line can't consider Roia a 'sister' to this arrogant prince anyway; this leaves only Princess Candra, and a Countess who in her status screen shows her name as Marlena Rivers.

If it's the 'countess' the prince considers a sibling, then fine. She has a female slave so it doesn't seem like she's got a man in her life; or maybe she is bent this way. I can work with either one.

If it's young Princess Candra, um ― also okay, but if I'm enslaved to her, this means I'm ending up where I 'would have gone' in the first place. She's still not as pretty as my former wife ― yet I could take a chance, at her side ― just not 'slaved' to her.

But ― I don't think I can be slaved to anyone, since I think about it now. Slaved in Pernam, yes ― I still faintly feel the lingering bonds there, which I myself broke. But also because the 'magic power' in Pernam seems much stronger than the same feels here ― a weaker slave magic here cannot overpower what was first put upon me which broke, or what I did to break it.

... fairly certain I can stay safe, on the run (if I have to flee), if I could just get out of his iron grasp. Not one hundred percent; but enough. Of course running also reveals me to be this same summoned one the king also makes everyone look for!

Even so, I can 'fake it' ― if he closes this collar, activates it. Going by hints from what Roia said this morning, recalling her own collaring ― similar to mine too ― I think I can act it out again.

But ― this prince is a whole other monster. He's glaring like crazy. Crazy angry.

"D, do I know you?"


A punch in the gut ― I slump, supported by two soldiers at each side. I guess ... yes?

Okay so the line was not so great to attempt versus an already agitated 'heir prince'. I should try something more humorous, maybe?

"Don't lie! You know you were to marry my youngest sister Candra! And you know all those times we played cards together ... and we talked about it, too!"

Aah ― another reason why the young princess may have been looking so lost. She must have remembered this Darren; Roia only left it inferred an arranged thing. At least, an inferred relationship, from Darren to Candra, but one of equal interest too?

"... and then two years ago ... you just disappeared. Why! Why did you break her heart!"

I gotta give this guy kudos; he plays both sides well. Not only does he have the balls to tease and torment his sister Candra at lunch; but when it comes right down to it, he comes to her rescue. Hmm. Maybe this royal family has a few good eggs in the basket-

"-and mostly, why did you run off owing me a half million kob!"

... what-

It's about ... money?

I take it back, he's a bastard. Only using his sister in a pretext to be angry, for the money.

"I do not owe you anything!"

"... so you admit then you ran out on my sister, but not to owe me any kob? Slime. Wear this collar well, for the rest of your life."

"Brutus. Son." The king calls out. "Hold on, it might not be advantageous to hurry him to such an end. There's a procedure ― for inter kingdom affairs like this-"

"To blazes with those affairs! I want the money owed me! Or he can be thrown into the darkest dungeon level!"

Even Candra sees his greed exposed ... and she hurts more for it. Her eyes burn, welling up. Because it means, her brother didn't really care, in the end ― despite what he'd said.

Hmm ― did Candra feel ... nobody cares for her?

... I ... I don't hate her. Not certain how Darren Hillyer might have left matters, aside from once being eager lovers; but that's another story-

The lieutenant ― behind and right ― clears his throat, providing a new change of pace. "Sire. We were told ― we will get a reward, for bringing this man in-?"

"Aah yeah, right away then. Clerk Jinny, take these dedicated soldiers outside this room, and post a reward to them. Also, post an award to each through army courier ― one grade increase and commendation of doing a fine work. Congratulations, Captain ... and your team too."

I cannot see him, but I wonder if he grins ― thankful for the change. Does he like the new rank more than the money? The group of soldiers slowly file out.

Brutus still holds me stiffly; but hey, I wonder ― could I somehow manage to speak to Candra instead of him-

"Speak, you cur-"

"Hey! I am no common dog you can call out. I am Darren Hillyer son of Corban the Mighty-"

"Yeah so what! Spare us this rhetoric! We've all heard it before!"


I sighed, slumping ― appearing 'broken' by this prince grasping my collar. Plus, it's time to draw in Candra, key to the plot.

"... can I at least speak to the princess ― to set those things right, before ― whatever else you want to talk about?"

"No! Money! Now!"

"... father-" Candra turns to Bonner, as I say my lines ― a new spark lights her eyes. She truly does want this: to talk with me ... alone. My words have sparked hope ― yes, she's wanting this. Something she needs to ask, or confirm, or tell.

"Brutus ... let him go. But, Candra. We cannot let him out of this room; you can only go to the back corner and talk for a moment. Go ... but be wary of his words."

Stuck in a corner with a pretty princess ― I'm not sure how 'Darren' left matters with her; but I can try to fake it ... briefly.

She interrupts before I can say anything, placing a polished gold orb the size of her palm on the ground, a flattened dime sized area on the bottom to keep it from rolling off. Then she touches a dimple on its top for two seconds. At this, a 'sound dampening field' if I can understand it, raises around us. Good; we have some privacy. But I seriously want one of those orbs, now.

Again, knowing this world's magic is barely a tenth that of my former place, I think it cannot do more than 'dampen' sound. Not 'cancel' or 'mute' like it could in the previous world. I still want one, even more now.

Candra whirls to face me. "How dare you leave here ... w, without explaining ... why!"

"... that, was a different me."

She pouts, to my statement ― but she's not done.

"Do not think I believe this excuse, Darren Winser Hillyer!" Reacting to my wide eyes, she continues on through. "Yeah you probably think I forget little details, things you told me of the real you ― as if I could! We were ... to be married, and ... I listened to you!"

"Prove it ― tell me."

The people outside are probably seeing a show right now; seeing the princess unload her emotional baggage, but she's telling all. Quite likely the only thing they hear is her voice as a rumble as if heard through an insulated wall; no clear words should be understood of this. But it goes on for some minutes, things Roia could never know but Candra does. It's okay, I can play along for another angle to this story.

After a moment, I break in with, "Well ... but before, when I last saw you, um-"

Even so angry, her eyes are near welling up with tears; yet with my words and change of tack, she's softening ... slowly.

"-y, you said. You said you were just going to find that c, condom thing, you heard the old summoned guy mention, and you'd be back, and then we could go-"

I set a single finger over her lips, halting her words ― as I think maybe the real guy may do ― or, oh hell even I would do in this circumstance. I sigh again, seeing her now blushing cheeks, and gain a realization of just what their relationship means. Darren with Candra, Candra with Darren ― but both ... trapped. And then, slowly, remove my fingertips, before she's tempted to bite.

"-yeah well something else came up. Obviously."

"So I hear. My brother, he's ruthless at cards. And betting on outcomes. Didn't I tell you, watch out for the grin he tries to cover up, when it's his turn to deal?"

"... so, then. Do I need to extend ... an apology?" I open my arms, even letting the other royals see this. And then I feel her fall into my grasp, and through my touch, sense her tears flow.

"I ... missed you, Darren. I needed this, for a long time."

What would the real guy do here? Be playful but flippant. Aah yeah he might be a dick about it too ... not too much, but maybe playfully so.

"Yeah you know I also- Hey don't make it out to be such a great romance! You've got some problems too-"

She jerked back, looking for, no searching for, a hint of the familiar Darren she knew. She seems to not yet note I'm not her man; her reply goes on as if I'm Darren.

"But I confided in you. D, don't you at least ... love me too? Darren, you are the only one I ever told some of those things ― ever! Especially, the one big secret ― Brutus still makes me suck it! A, and, you even told me some of your things, too! Like how you might want to find a dungeon and become king and make me your queen-"

I sigh, for myself at least. This girl, she's such a mess ― I don't want to have to fix her ― but in part, she's a mess not only from Darren, but also because of me.

One part of me wants to just come clean; no female facing gain or loss of relationships should ever be lied to ― this I know, from life on three worlds now. I do desire to tell her the truth; and who knows, someday soon, she might hear it. Now, though-

"Yeah I know. I might have said more than I wanted to say, on my half. And it's mostly true, too-"

My grin is piquant, but has the desired effect.

Her eyes open wide, and she pushes off my body, to -THWACK- smack my face. More than a little showy for the people outside. I let my head drop, and consider how to move forward, but she surprises me in her own verbal challenge.

"So here's the thing, Darren ― you're captured. You will be collared if my brother has anything to say about it, or fed to the dungeon. The least reason is he claims you owe him whatever money ― I don't care about money; only about us. But the kingdom's finances are even worse off than last time I told you of them. The rest of the rumors about you are you have access to your family's fortune, so you might even be forced through the collar to bring all of it back here. I think this could be an act of war against a neighbor ― I'm not a stupid little princess, you know. I may not know tactics like father ― but I see and hear things. And ... remember when I told you, I don't think I wanna be in this kingdom any longer ― well, I still don't-"

... aah, so she wants to go on the run from a failing kingdom, with Darren? Hmm ... as a means to get out of this situation ... it has promise.

"... somehow I don't think it works to take you just yet, not with things like this, right now-"

"Yeah but if not now, Darren, when? Darren I still feel sick of Bru-"

"Here's another thing too. I ... might have something going with that woman ― Countess Marlena-"

Candra turns to look toward the woman I incline my head toward, and even raises a finger to point her out clearly ― doing my dirty work.

"H, her?"

Everyone in the room can see this now, even the countess, being fingered. Not so subtle looks of shock register ― none more so than on the countess' face. Roia's trembling, too. Wait; did I just commit a crime?

Candra slaps my face again, bends to her orb, cancels its effect, grabs it, and steps back to her place ― in tears. She got her chance to say more; but it truly is time to break off, to switch to something else.

Playing the part, I hold a hand to my cheek where she slapped, then laugh softly but plainly heard by all. Then, wink at the countess for effect, and laugh again ― like a rogue.

... I can be such a dick if I want to, can't I. It's okay, I've got it all under control now, right.

As well as some of the others, the king is ... confused. "Countess Marlena ... what, what is going on, what connection do you have with this young man."

But she too is shocked. "I ... I think now I need to have a word with him."

"Oh for crying out loud ― does everyone here get a turn? My queen do you have something to do with him too!"

Still, the king motioned with a sweeping arm for Marlena to go ... to me.

This countess does look like she's a wolfish type, the kind who wants a slightly younger man to keep up with her. A slight smile on her lips, tempered with a sudden thought to indicate she just got 'one upped' by me, shows she is now walking into a scene she is no longer in control. Good; I can work with her, too.

Like Candra, she also produces a globe, smooth silver with gold accents, and stands with slight uneasiness as its effect wraps around us.

"Hello there ... whoever you are."

So, she 'knows' Darren.

"... hmm. I did suspect this might happen, sooner or later."

"Let's not play mind games now, stranger. I as a countess could call out to the royals, have you sentenced for your farce ― but since I need a few good laughs, I am also curious what you actually plan too. So I'll allow you to ― entertain me, or else I will have you as my own."

Oh? She's actually trying to turn the tables, once more? Shall I let her, or ... hmm, no.

"Well then. As much as I'm both shocked and intrigued, it's both simpler yet more complex. Shall we compare notes then, on-"

"... that is not how this affair is going to work, dear boy. Drop the innocent act; you are going after the treasure, aren't you."

Not even Roia mentioned any treasure, or rumors of treasure ― I'm literally not knowing where she's going with this. Even if Roia could have heard such rumors; no way could she have known this detail may surface now. Without clear information in this regard, I'm just ... aiming in the dark. But ― would it help or hurt the situation to play along?

"So what if I were ― not that this is any admission. In fact ... it's not."

"Ha ― liar. Surely you can cut me in on the profits ― especially if I am lenient in your behalf here, and also pitch in on searching expense?"

I can see outside this bubble, Candra also tells a tale, by the way she's rambling about something I can't hear in here either ― but I wish I could. Wait no, then the countess would also hear it; and in the meantime I can only slip by on inferences. Time to deflect, once more?

"Depends upon which treasure rumor you mean ― so many exist-"

"Liar! You know which one I mean. The largest heist said to have been taken from this kingdom, ever, even in the history of this world? Rumored value over five billion kob, by today's standards? Ring any bells now?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Oh for- What, you wanna do me here, or later ― just so I prove how dedicated to this I am ― then, cut me in? I'd do it even for a tenth of this, and in front of these stuffy royals too ― just to get a piece of the puzzle."

"You are pretty ― not the prettiest I've seen, but oh well. Regardless of a princess whose more smitten with me than I with her, I would consider a mutual encounter. But this 'treasure' business may definitely get in the way. Then ... countess. Besides; if admit to following a rumor of a treasure yet to be found, then I would ― at least by my own reason ― have to admit to using four other partners in this endeavor."

I grin, especially at the end ― to infer she's not the first one in some vaunted hunt, to ally with me. But could this dampen her attempts-

"... I think I shall feel slighted about the 'not the prettiest' part, as I'm far prettier than this trash princess ― but I'll let it slide. It'll make your later submission to me all the more sweet a victory. Whoever you are."

"I'm not ready to burn a bridge between these two yet. Oh, it may come to it, in time; just ... calm down, and let the master strategist plan ahead. Besides; digging up something so large as worth five billion kob, is ... split the value among five people-"

"-so what? Five billion splits six ways just fine, too; all you gotta do is give the odd bits to some unfortunate stranger and call it good. Make someone else's day, for a change. Five sixths of a billion kob per person is still large enough, over eight and a third hundred million-"

"... but see I'd just run a barony or county instead. It seems better odds on making money from there, than in rumor hunting."

"You'd think so," she replies with a dry challenge to my assumption, eyes narrowing to consider if I know or not her perspective. "But having done both, I do recommend a little adventure in life for a change. Have one day of 'get out of the office' to do something. Thus, the hunt for this treasure. And a little fling with me ... if you're still interested."

Maybe she overestimates her sex appeal; but I'm not interested ― not yet at least.

"Hmm. Still not yes, and not no. But I wonder if you know the full extent of a project like this. Even I am beginning to realize the true cost, even of exploring ... a rumor."

-I am telling no lie, here. Even some of the rumors of treasures in the old world, Pernam ― well they might even outclass those in this world too. Maybe not in comparable monetary value, so much as in complexity of being hidden or found, through magic or mechanical feats of ingenuity.

"Yeah I know. Something like this takes, what ― fifty or sixty slaves? So much loot to haul home. Depending on exactly how large the treasure or which rumors you hunt. And then five taskmasters to mind them, or to bury them all when it's done?"

Kill and bury innocent slaves? If I'm determined to see a treasure hunt through, I'd get sick of her scruples. Still might; in all the poor unfortunate Roia type slaves who'd suddenly find their lives ended for nothing more than an owner's greed-

"-see that's the flaw in the plan. Why not just take fewer slaves, and end up with less or even no deaths?"

"-you must be joking. Slaves are expendable, duh-"

"Nope, I'm not. Why kill someone for no reason? Kill some slave to keep a secret? When telling them to keep it is often sufficient, and allows the slave to stay serving you ... it's fine enough. This isn't saying I am so blameless or idealistic myself; but I have seen and done things ... I don't want to do again. Finally, over thinking things is a problem of far too many royals. And nobles too."

I leave it unsaid whether I mean her ― yet she takes no offense.

"So; keep it brief, my future boy toy; but ... I really want to know before I walk back up there among those insufferable rich boys and girls who let me play at being noble. Do I get in on your treasure hunt, or not? Or in your pants, if you wanna do that, too?"

Time to spin it, with my own rumor-

"Depends. Has anyone sought for it in your area, or not? Like, a serious hunt, not just play at searching, but a genuine dig-"

She pales.

"... my-"

"Oho don't say you have not thought it, at least once. Even if all of that has been hidden away once before, nobody says it cannot be taken elsewhere and hid even better than before-"

"That does not even make sense. Boy ― why would someone hide a treasure in a near desert area, away from both the verdant domains of the kingdom, near the demon lands?"

I see some royals and nobles getting antsy, right about now. Candra for one is starting to look pissed off ― this isn't ending yet. And Roia too; I must not forget Roia ― she might fear I'd forget her, in all this excitement.

"I dunno, it's just the thought I have, too. Eh ... but to answer your question. It really does depend upon how I get out of being collared. You do realize if the prince puts a collar around my neck ― you get nothing? And this kingdom gets it all?"

"Yeah well ... I knew this. Which is why I am stunned you tell your princess point to me. Why do this? You have an interest in me, boy? Want to do me right here? I'm good for a go- No wait, first, what's your thing with the princess? Is she one of those unnamed partners?"

I turn to the effect glistening in the air around the two of us, focusing at last on Candra. She's sobbing quietly, but looking here too. Our eyes meet, and she turns away partly. I duck my head a bit, before considering how to answer.

"... it's ... deeply personal."

"Yeah we all know about a supposed marriage offer between an illegitimate son of Corban the Mighty and the youngest princess here. But ― this does not concern you, because you aren't Darren Hillyer ― or are you."

She glances again, even closer, even going so far as to squint in clear inspection of my features. Er, this simulated impression of features.

"Hmm; your disguise is not perfect, boy ― close, but not perfect. The Darren I recalled seeing back then had a slight gash on his right cheek-"

She reaches out, to touch me briefly on the cheek, right where a scar should exist. She sighs, then continues her own thought.

"-it can get magically healed, at a cost. I don't think Darren could mind a wee scar from a duel, but may keep it as a badge of honor. Oh I don't even care about any real Darren either. You though, whoever you are, you don't know this cosmetic detail ― do you. Which has me hot-"

... uh.

"... oops."

She chuckled. "Ha ha, but now I can be more free to say it's no skin off my tits, I don't care so long as this is hush between us. But if I did get around eight hundred some million kob, I think I'd wanna roam free in the world a while, maybe give up the county duty for a more peaceful life." She dares a wink at me, unseen by the others from how she faces me.

"Well then. Maybe I could agree, if I am involved in a search for treasure, I ... would not turn away your help."

"Thank you. So we can 'seal the deal' in more intimate ways later. But, we must end our time here; I see your princess seeming antsy and afraid we're going to do something ― which I might be willing to do, to fill my hole. I think, you can fill mine, more than you can fill your girlfriend's-"

"... hey ... she's not-"

"-if you are smart you will make her so. Whether you were Darren Hillyer, or not. Ah, well then, whatever, I won't force you on her, or her on you. Maybe I could be your girlfriend though. What do you think about this for a strategic ploy, hmm?"

And she leans in and kisses me ― on the lips. But still, lips I cannot refuse, as hers twists against mine. Tongue!

I may be surprised; but I feel more furious she's using me too ― seeing how all the others in the room cannot fail to miss this.

At last ― she pulls back, wipes her lips with her hand in exaggerated means, and grins like a villainess. For show.

"I think it's time to end," I whisper, swallowing back the sudden excess of saliva. "I will lean in, whisper something into your ear, then I want you to slap me like she did, then walk back to where you were. We can figure this out later."

She looks like she doesn't want me to set her pace; still she cannot change my mind. With a glance back to the seated royals indicated, I have other options to contend with here.

I lean in, and whisper my final words here. "But know this, if you do betray this trust ― I will vanish from sight."

Her eyes widen ― as I infer I am the summoned one everyone is looking for ― and then she does it. SLAP. Kneel, retrieve, walk.

The royal entourage all seem shocked by this, in some way. I shouldn't do this. But I'm absolutely loving it, as long as I can keep this going-

"I am done with this boy for now," the countess emotes, to the royal and noble crowd. "I only did have a need for one of his ... smaller parts-"

... eh? Your Honor! I would like to call this a character assassination by proxy! Never mind I'm not the real one she's meaning!

"-return to stand before us, Darren Hillyer."

By the king's order, I do ... slowly ... crawl forward as if regretting each second.

"Your Highness ... I-"

The prince reaches out as if to 'collar' me again, but even this is called off by the king.

"Hold on, just wait, son."

"But father he-"

"We are going to proceed with the courtship offer, of Princess Candra with Darren Hillyer."

I grin, with a stronger than usual amount of charisma. "So this makes us brothers, right Bru-"


The collar is slipped around my neck by one hand, and the prince's other hand pulls at the buckle-

Roia looks ready to faint. No, she probably will, if this continues. And, I'm not liking my odds right now, either.

At least I believe the countess is also properly confused too; like now she doesn't have a say how it turns out ― me free, me captive and enslaved, or me ... engaged?