031 Epilogue
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Thank you for playing Bookworld Online! Your branching story for The Rogue Necromancer has been completed and the results have been saved. We hope you enjoyed this take on the story and that the twists and turns weren't too much for you.

You may continue from this point or restart from the beginning and see what the other choices can do for your gaming experience.

What will you choose next time?

Will it all work out?

Will you destroy everything?

It's all up to you!


“Jesus Christ.” I said in surprise as the David Drake personality blocks were lifted and I came back to myself. “Jesus Christ! What the hell was that?” I shook my head several times. “How the hell did they make something like that?”


Personal inquiry detected. Response generating. Displaying.

We have dedicated writers, system administrators, and programmers that spend hundreds of hours working on how to generate the best visual and emotional experiences for you. Your favorite stories are child's play to recreate and manipulate to change the narrative.

Although, we have to limit the types of choices generated to keep the narrative secured. You would be making choices constantly if we didn't maintain strict rules and that doesn't help you enjoy the experience.


“This was... good God.” I shook my head again. “I can't believe something like this exists! How is this not sweeping the world right now? This thing is fucking awesome!”


Personal inquiry detected. Response generating. Displaying.

It would be too much work to have this system spread worldwide, considering the amount of people needed to maintain a single story. If fifty people played this same story, the choices would need to be reduced and their impacts reduced as well.


I had to think about that for a minute. “So, you're saying with a smaller player base, you can make it that much more enjoyable.” I said and had to nod. “Okay, I guess that makes sense.”


You seem to really like this novelization.

Do you wish to play The Rogue Necromancer again? Yes / No


“No. I think I'll save this thing for later. I don't want to overload myself with just this story right off the bat.” I said and then smiled. “What else have you got for me?”