Dear Reader,
This story can be rather intense.
It is essentially the opposite of a power fantasy, with the hero(ine) repeatedly forced and coerced into situations against their will, doing what they can with their limited power and options, and often suffering the consequences of their choices or simply suffering due to their powerlessness.
It also involves the MC struggling and/or coming to terms with their own gender, sexuality, kinks, morality, and place in the world, or lack thereof.
If this sounds like it is not for you, perhaps do not read this story?
Kinks it includes(but is not limited to):
Rape, coerced sex, forced transformation, body swapping, polyamory, shifting relationships and power dynamics, girls with dicks, footplay, throat-fucking, and people fairly casually changing genders in a world where magic to shape bodies exists
The sex portrayed in this book may often resemble BDSM, but is seldom a willing exchange of power between equal participants.
Other Darkness it includes(but is not limited to either):
Fates and torture worse than those that can be suffered in our world, slavery, fantastic racism, people inured to and/or traumatized by the evils of the world they live in, abusive characters, and moral ambiguity.
(If there are things that you think I should add to this disclaimer, please let me know!)
Thanks for such polite and detailed clarification on what to expect of the story
Very welcome, belatedly!
What am I getting myself into..
"this whole story is a bomb thats the fun part. A Very Good Dog Does The Trolley Problem 100 Times" --@melodylastname
@Succubiome If im correct of this whole story based by the author notes and ch1, the mc will remain weak the whole novel?
@ZeAuthor Power fluctuates somewhat and I don't know precisely where I'm going-- but way more personally weak and in disadvantageous and powerless situations than most Isekai Protagonists, certainly.
@Succubiome So she isn't going to pull some za warudo get out of jail free card out of nowhere? Thats pretty great
Sometimes she has OP people who are on her side in some ways?
@Succubiome Sometimes? Sounds good enough, will she still learn to defend herself atleast minimally or somthing?
@ZeAuthor It's complicated and it'd be hella spoilers to try to explain further than I already have.
@Succubiome Well, I'll be reading this. It is nice to read something where the protagonist isn't so dang overpowered. Also the writing is so good, like I didin't expect that.
@ZeAuthor Thanks!