Chapter 19 – Time to Choose.
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Did he say some of the gods wanted to talk to me? Bewildered, Lee had to ask. “Is this a common occurrence? I’ve never been to a church before.” Nodding with a slight smile, the priest speaks. “Every once in a while a higher power will request a meeting with someone. Usually it’s a person seeking them instead. It is quite unique to have five of them ask for you in particular though.”

Lee doesn’t even know what to say to that and just stands there with his mouth agape. The priest just continues. “Shall I lead you to them?” Lee, with a blank stare, nods.

The priest leads Lee to the very first chamber, the chamber of magic. “Please enter and sit down. She will meet with you.” Why the fuck did I come here. God damn it… Sorry if you can hear that… Lee walks forward and opens the door with the six basic elements. Once inside, Lee looks at the clean interior, it has a small set of pews facing a lectern. The room has faintly glowing lanterns of the six elements hung around the room. He sits down and waits for whatever is going to happen.

A short while later, during one of Lee’s casual eye blinks, a woman appears instantaneously behind the lectern. A beautiful elf with porcelain pale skin, short purple hair in the style of a pixie cut, and a revealing white dress that reminded Lee of the old Greeks from Earth. She was very different from the dark elves, firstly with her pale skin, secondly with her glowing rainbow eyes, and thirdly, she had very long ears, probably eight inches long, shooting back from her head. She smiles at him and gives him a slight nod. “Hello Lee Barnes. I know you are not from here, so I will give you my name. My name is Arcani, the Goddess of Magic. I have requested this audience because you have said something very curious.” She looked at him wryly, tilted her head down and looked slightly up at him eyebrows raised.

Lee, now basically about to shit his pants, just tries his best to stay calm. “What did I say that caught your attention?” Why the fuck did I think of gods name in vain in a fucking church. She continues with her wry look. “Why, you said you would create healing magic. That is a very big claim to make. I do believe that you will be able to accomplish this in time. But I may be able to help speed the process along, for a price of course. Let me show you what I offer.” Arcani, the goddess of magic, steps down from her lectern and waves her hand in front of Lee.

Arcane Synthesis - This ability granted by Acarni, the Goddess of Magic, allows you to synthesize different types of magic to create new and unique spells and elements once per week.

Lee’s jaw hits the floor after reading the text. Arcani continues speaking. “This ability seems very useful to one such as yourself. Does it not?” This would make me able to make any combinations without trial and error? And mix my spells together to create bigger and better spells? “Yes, this does seem very useful indeed. My question to you is, what would I need to give in return? Also, why offer this to me in the first place?”

Arcani moves her way up to the lectern once more, swaying her hips. “Why? I am the goddess of magic. Why would I not want you to create new and useful magics?” Pausing for just a minute she stares into his eyes with her own glowing swirling rainbows. “I will say that the asking price is steep. In return you will be unable to have more than five spells at any given time. Once you create a spell, you can replace one of your five spells or send it to me to hold onto. You can change your spells with the ones you’ve discovered, but it takes twenty four hours to change your five spells.”

Only five spells at a time? I have more than that right now. “I see, do I need to give my answer now? There are others that want to speak with me as well.” Please say no. I don't wanna piss off four gods to please one. Smiling with her mouth and her eyes, she nods. “Before you leave the church I must know. Do not worry over denying me, it is very common. I can smell your fear from here.” Lee stands and begins to speak but Arcani is gone. Well that was something else… What other four wanted to see me?

Leaving the chamber, Lee finds that the priest had been waiting for him patiently. The priest looks at Lee, nods and smiles. “Beautiful is she not? You must have caught her eye, she rarely seeks out others. Almost as few times as our next stop.”

Fuck. Is the only thought that goes though Lee’s brain once they stop in front of the white skull door. The priest sees his hesitation and gives him a small pat on the head like Lee is a child. “Be not afraid of death, he meets with all at our end.” Lee, about to shit his pants once more, enters the skull door and steps through.

*click* The door closed behind him quickly and smoothly. Lee is panicked, he can’t see much in the darkness but a faint foggy path. Died once, second time can’t be so bad. Swallowing his fear he follows the foggy path. After walking for what felt like five minutes, even though he is in a small chamber, he arrives at a small bench. Looking around, Lee doesn’t see anything of note but he sits anyway.

After a few seconds of sitting he hears a faint chime sound from the foggy path he walked. Turning his head to look down the path, he pales. Walking down the path is the personification of death, just like his imaginary Earth counterpart, the God of Death is the grim reaper. Impossibly tall, probably around twelve feet tall. He floats forward, wearing a long black tattered cloak. The hood is up making his face nothing but darkness. In a skeleton hand he brings with him his long razor sharp scythe.

Cold sweat sticks to his back and Lee quickly turns his head and stares at the floor of blackness. After a few moments of staring at the floor, the bottom of a robe appears in his view. FUCK! Looking up he sees Death. Death lets go of his scythe and it floats in the air. The skeletal hand floats forward and pokes him on his forehead.

Death's Ignorance - This ability granted by Death, the God of Death, allows you to resurrect a target once a month, provided that they died within the last one minute. Requires physical contact.
Casting time - 10 seconds.

In return, Death takes Healer’s Touch.

“Do not fear that which is inevitable.”

Lee’s brain basically breaks.

Lee looks up after reading the prompt and Death is gone. Lee is sitting in a pew right by the white skull door. Lee stands, knees visibly shaking and moves to leave the chamber.

The priest once again waited for him, this time with a look of pity. “Death is misunderstood.” Patting Lee on the shoulder he leads Lee towards the bookshelf chamber. Lee reads the door once more. “The search for knowledge is never ending, and the reward for its pursuit is infinite.” Lee mumbles.

Entering the door, he spots the inside of a library. Where the librarian would be, there is a very short humanoid figure standing on the desk the librarian would use, at about three feet tall is an older looking humanoid wearing spectacles. Before Lee thinks too much the little person talks. “Hello Lee. I have some questions. I’m sure you have some as well. Let us talk.” The little person jumps off the desk and goes towards one of the study tables and pulls out a chair and jumps on.

Lee follows and pulls out a chair of his own. “Who goes first?” The God of Knowledge smiles kindly like an old man and says. “You just did. Let me introduce myself. My name is Xander, the God of Knowledge. I will let you ask some questions first before my request.” Lee feeling a lot more at ease than he was with Death, asks. “I hope this is not offensive, but what race are you? Or at least, appear as?” Xander barks out a small gentle laugh. “Never in my existence have I been asked that. Haha! I am a gnome!” Lee smiles. No pointy red hat? “I thought there were only Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Beastkin, and Faekin?” Xander nods. “Gnomes fall under Faekin. You wouldn’t know without being here after all.”

Xander gets a little more serious. “Lee, let me tell you my offer as well as request.”

Perfect Recall - This ability granted by Xander, the God of Knowledge, allows you to recall any memory and information you have ever experienced.

“I’m sure this is not as flashy as what those other two offered you, but I'm sure they asked for much more than I am going to ask for.” Xander says with a knowing smile. Lee nods. It’s a great ability, not as great as fucking resurrecting people from the dead, but great none the less. Lee approves, simple and effective. “Indeed it is, but what would you be asking for in return?” Xander nods. “I want a copy of your memories. To know what Earth was like.” Lee takes a sharp breath, eyes slightly widen in surprise. ”That’s kind of personal, don’t you think?” Xander laughs. “Think about it.” Xander disappears as if he was never there. Lee sighs. So much cloak and dagger.

Leaving the room, he motions for the priest to lead the way. The priest gives him a slight nod and walks him over towards the room of the moon. Lee looks at the door and enters.

Inside the room is a single chair on a beach. The moon in the sky is ginormous. Its reflection on the water is mesmerizing. Yeah, I give up trying to figure out how this shit is possible. Lee sits in the chair and looks out onto the dark ocean. Not a second later, a figure begins walking out of the ocean. A beautiful human woman, 5’2 in height, with wavy brunette hair coming a little past her shoulders. She doesn’t appear wet at all after walking straight out of the water. She wears a dress similar to Arcani, the Goddess of Magic. In the most captivating voice Lee has ever heard she begins to speak. “Lee Barnes, I will be simple with my words. I offer you the knowledge of an elemental combination capable of healing magics. In return, you will only be able to use that element to heal with spells. You may still use your ability as well.” She has a blank look on her face. She turns away and walks back into the ocean. Well she was weird. The offer wasn't terrible though. Lee gets up from the chair and exits the room.

The priest has a gentle look. “One more left.” Lee follows the priest to the very last chamber. The chamber Lee didn’t have a guess for. “What chamber is this?” The priest simply smiles and waves him to open the door. Lee sighs. Final one, don’t be a god of destruction or something…

Entering the door with the laughing man, he steps into a normal looking room, with a lit fireplace. Two large cushioned chairs are facing towards it. Sitting in one of the chairs is Neia. Lee now suddenly extremely confused blinks. Opening his eyes once more he sees that the figure is someone else, it’s now Nymie. “Come sit Lee.” Nymie says. Lee looks at the god in bafflement. Slowly he goes to sit in the chair.

Lee blinks once more and now the god is his main nurse from earth. “My name is Bob, the God of Trickery.” Lee blinks again at the simple name of a god being Bob. The God of Trickery is now his father. Lee blinks rapidly to get the face of his father away. Looking up, he stares at Sarum. “I’m not going to lie. The only reason I asked for you is because the others were interested, I just want to throw in my offer in hopes you don’t take one of theirs.” Bob shrugs. “I offer you this.”

Illusionists mask - This spell granted by Bob, the God of Trickery, allows you the power to alter a target's appearance at will. Does not change physicality. Use it to assume any form you desire.

Lee reads the spell offered while Bob speaks. “In return I will ask a single favor of you later in your life. I don’t know when or what it will be yet. It could be to kill a giant or could be to save a cat from a tree.” Looking at Bob, who now appears to be Ruven. Lee says. “I will have to think about it.” Bob shrugs. “Do what you will.” Bob waves him towards the door. Lee stands from the chair and slightly bows at Bob. then leaves.

The priest smiles. “That was it. If you need time, feel free to sit in a pew.” Waving towards the main chamber where people sat for the sermon earlier. Lee shows a strained smile.

What the fuck do I do?