Chapter 20 – Life Changing Choice.
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Lee walks numbly over towards the pews. Todays the day where life changes drastically or nothing changes at all… Sitting on the pew, Lee thinks about the future. He can’t afford to waste a potential life changing opportunity just because he didn’t think things through when he had the chance.

Okay, let's go through immediately known pros and cons. Let's start with Arcani. Lee brings up the offered ability.

Arcane Synthesis - This ability granted by Acarni, the Goddess of Magic, allows you to synthesize different types of magic to create new and unique spells and elements once per week.

Actually life changing, with it being able to grant an elemental combination every week with no trial and error… If I tried to speed towards a master element I could do it in a month. Neia said it took her three hundred years to unlock Glacial. Another pro is it sounds like I will be able to combine actual spells together? Healing by smacking them with a gust of wind?

The downsides are also very obvious, I can only have five spells at a time. She said I could choose which five I had, but it would take a whole day to change. Another downside is that the ability is mostly just a time save, I doubt I have the mana to cast master elemental spells so those wouldn’t be for a while anyways. I can make elemental combinations myself given time. But can I afford time? What if I need a spell in a dangerous situation but don’t have it?

Placing his head in his hands, Lee groans. I can’t go one single day without anything happening. I would need a million wisdom to see this shit coming.

Sighing, Lee thinks about the other offers.

Death's Ignorance - This ability granted by Death, the God of Death, allows you to resurrect a target once a month, provided that they died within the last one minute. Requires physical contact.
Casting time - 10 seconds.

In return, Death takes Healer’s Touch.

I think Death’s offer is one of the better ones. I can fucking revive people from death, that’s a pretty fucking huge pro. Yes I lose Healer’s Touch, but do I need Healers touch if I create healing spells later on? Would it not be redundant? The cons could be devastating though, what if I fail to ever create a healing spell? I would lose my healing forever. I also don’t know how long it will take for me to make a healing spell. It could be a week, or it could be a decade. Can I wait that long with no healing?

Lee rubs his temples.

Perfect Recall - This ability granted by Xander, the God of Knowledge, allows you to recall any memory and information you have ever experienced.

Xander probably has the offer with the least risk. He only wants a copy of my memories from Earth, but what will he do with it? The downsides are just unknowable. There could be no downside at all, or the downside is that this world learns of guns and nuclear weapons. I don’t actually know if he disseminates this information at all. The ability itself is good, but not even that great. Sure, I could remember some diagnosis from Earth and everything I ever read about. But is that information truly that important here? In a world full of magic? I doubt those semesters of business classes will help me versus a Goblin.

Moon's offer of the knowledge about a healing element is what my immediate goal is. Pretty obvious pro. Downside is that I can only use that element for healing, and I don't even know what it is. What if the element is master or even expert? Will I live long enough to even learn it? Will she tell me the elements used in its creation? Will she tell me the feeling or sense to search for?

Lee grumbles and uses Hidden Cache to take a loaf of sweetbread out. He is surprised to find out that the bread is just as warm as when he bought it, even though it has been a few hours. He begins to eat it on the pew, thinking about consequences.

Illusionists mask - This spell granted by Bob, the God of Trickery, allows you the power to alter a target's appearance at will. Does not change physicality. Use it to assume any form you desire.

I don’t even think Bob’s offer is realistic. Sure it’s a nice ability and all, but I'm not owing a fucking god a random favor. ‘Yes lee, I want you to kill the other gods for me, you have three days or you die.’ Yeah, no.

What about no choice at all? What if I don't accept any of them, and in a week I learn my healing spell and Healer’s Touch then becomes useless? Did I just pass on the ability to bring people back from Death’s embrace? Would I pass on the ability to learn master elements for the rest of my life, barring some miracle perhaps? Would I kick myself later in life knowing I could have had perfect memory in a time of need for simply letting a god that wanted knowledge not have any?

Lee sits in the pew and finishes his bread. Many hours pass as he just sits there, running the potential scenarios though his head. Eventually, after much deliberation, Lee comes to his final decision. One that will change his life forever.

Standing up Lee looked around and spotted the priest talking with a woman. Lee decides to not bother them. With a face of determination he walks towards a chamber door. Opening the door he steps in and sits down. Soon a figure appears.

The Goddess of the Moon walks out of the ocean and stands in front of Lee. Lee speaks. “I’m sorry, but I must decline your offer. May I know your name before I leave?” The Goddess of the Moon’s face doesn’t change one bit. She simply stares at Lee with her bright silver eyes. “My name is Selene, the Goddess of the Moon. Thank you for asking. Also, thank you for considering my offer. Best of luck.” Selene leaves, walking straight into the waters.

Lee stands, palms sweaty. Jesus fuck, I just turned down a fucking god. Leaving the room, Lee heads towards the next chamber in his path. Attempting to open the door does nothing. It is now locked. Laughing man still laughing. I guess he knows the answer already? Or was his offer not valid in the first place? God of Trickery indeed.

Turning one-hundred and eighty degrees Lee goes to another chamber door. Stepping inside, Lee walks a foggy path to a chair by its lonesome. Sweaty palms and pale face, Lee waits for Death to appear. *JingleLooking up, Death is directly in front of him. Lee swallows spit and simply shakes his head indicating ‘No’. Death just hovers in place for a minute, then lets his scythe float and pokes Lee’s forehead with his cold skeletal finger.

"True understanding is not simply knowledge of facts, but the acceptance of the inevitability of fate. To understand is to embrace one's own mortality, and to appreciate the preciousness of every moment of life. Live on.”

Lee blinks and death is gone. He’s back in a small pew by the door once more. Shakily standing up, he goes for the door.

Lee stands in the middle chamber looking at the last two doors he is going to enter. He takes a final breath and heads for the book door. Entering, he sees Xander waiting for him with a sad smile, Xander speaks before Lee gets the chance. “It is okay Lee. You are not the first, nor the last to deny me that which I seek. I will be watching you to learn if your choice is correct.” Lee looks at Xander with determination. Letting out a breath, he says. “If it’s not the correct choice, then so be it. It was a choice I myself made in the end. Nobody to blame but me. I won’t have regrets, I had too many of those before.” Lee bows towards Xander, the God of Knowledge. Xander smiles wide, his old man visage looking like a small kind grandfather watching his grandchildren play. “Well said, go forth.” He dissipates

Walking towards his last door he takes a final deep breath. After only a brief moment of pause, Lee opens the door and walks to the pew in front of the lectern to sit. A moment later Arcani, the Goddess of Magic appears. “Saving me for last? Should I be happy or sad?” Arcani says with a wry smile and one raised eyebrow. Lee smiles slightly and sighs. “I accept your terms.”

Arcani smiles wide, showing her pearly white teeth. “You made me worried there for a second. May I ask why you chose me over the others?” She leans on the lectern in her revealing dress. Lee looks up at the ceiling, just now noticing how pretty it is… Arcani barks a short laugh. Lee smiles. “I’ve heard about how long elemental combinations take to create. My friend took over three hundred years to create an expert. I do not live that long. If healing magic is expert or master then I never stood a chance at the start. With Arcane Synthesis I will eventually find the right combination. The limit to five spells is bad, but realistically how many spells am I going to be using? I don’t plan on being some battle mage seeking death and destruction. I think five spells and a twenty four hour change period suits me fine.”

Lee looks back down from the ceiling into Arcani’s rainbow eyes. She is staring at him seriously now. “Very well, I shall grant you Arcane Synthesis, in return, you shall be barred from having more than five spells at any given time. When creating a spell you may get rid of any of your current spells. Spells you have learned that are not of your five current spells, may be selected as replacements for any or all your current spells. It will take twenty four hours for the change to complete and you may freely cast your five spells during the change. You will not be barred from use during the twenty four hour waiting period.”

Arcani walks down from her lectern to stand in front of Lee during her speech. “Do you accept my blessing?” She asks solemnly. Lee, stands and looks Arcani in the eyes. “I accept your blessing.” She grabs him on the sides of his face and kisses his forehead.

Ability Gained!

Ability name: Arcane Synthesis

Ability Description: This ability granted by Acarni, the Goddess of Magic, allows you to synthesize different types of magic to create new and unique spells and elements once per week.

Please select five spells from this list.

Conjure Water, Earthen Strike, Gale burst, Wall of Winds, Orb of Light.

Conjure Water: Create pure water from Water elemental mana, This water is drinkable and will last indefinitely.

Cost: 10 MP per 1 Liter.

Earthen Strike: Rip a chunk of earth from around you and launch it forwards. Does not work if no earth is near.

Cost: 50 MP + Variable.

Gale Burst: Shoot forth a large gust of air, knocking back anything or anyone in its path. Less powerful underwater.

Cost: 30 MP + Variable.

Wall of Winds: A wall of wind appears and blows fiercely upwards. May deflect or slow down anything coming into contact with it.

Casting Time: Three seconds.

Cost: 20 MP Per second.

Orb of Light: A small globe of light appears around you, giving vision to the surroundings. May follow the user.

Duration: Ten Minutes. Variable.

Cost: 25 MP + Variable.

Darken: By using Dark mana, you may darken something you touch. The harder the material, the harder it is to darken.

Cost: 1MP per second.

Lee chooses all but the Wall of Winds. Determining that that was the spell he most likely wouldn’t be using anytime soon.

Lee looks at Arcani’s glowing rainbow eyes and her pearly white smile. “Thank you.” She nods and waves him towards the door. “Go and create, impress me, show me why I choose to bestow this upon you.” Lee smiles and walks towards the door to leave. Glancing over his shoulder one last time reveals an empty room. Writing smiling he opens the door. Ready to live with this choice for the rest of his life.

Name: Lee Barnes

Titles: None

Level:4 XP: 440/800

HP:135/135 MP:215/215

Blessed by Magic.


Strength: 7

Dexterity: 8

Constitution: 10

Wisdom: 13

Intelligence: 17

Luck: 10

Unused Points: 0

SkillsIdentify, Mana Sense, Stealth, Mana Manipulation,

Spells: Conjure Water, Earthen Strike, Gale burst, Orb of Light, Darken,

Wall of Winds.

Abilities: Language Comprehension, Healer’s Touch, Hidden Cache, Arcane Synthesis.

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