Chapter 13: Damien’s Pet
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I finished my mango and sticky rice (and coconut milk) ((and cum)), and sat back up into a kneeling position, waiting for him to finish. I hadn't really hurried, but I had gotten done before him.

He looked down at me and smiled. "Did you like it, my cute little bitch?"

A little shiver ran through me, and I couldn't tell if it was disgust or arousal.

Certainly, him having absolute power over me was intense to me, one way or another, it was just hard to tell how I felt about it... that absolute power was sort of an illusion, it's true... if I asked, he'd probably stop right now and just ask for most of his money back, maybe with a bit of teasing and insults... but maybe not.

I decided to believe he wouldn't.

He ruffled my hair. "Hmm? Cat got your tongue? That lost in my power?"

"Um, no, I don't think I was in substate..."

"Master." His voice was icy, and he leaned down in his chair, gripped my hair hard, and forcibly tilted my head back to look up at him with it.

I stared up at him with wide eyes, trembling slightly. He was so much stronger than me... so was Stephanie, but I knew her, and she'd never behaved so callously to me.

"...master," I echoed softly. "I don't think I was in substate, Master."

He loosened his grip on my hair, and smiled down at me a little, amused. "Then answer my question, my pretty little bitch. I did pay three point six million to own you for the rest of your life, after all."

I froze for a moment. He owned me, fuck.

...wait, was he roleplaying? It was really hard to tell how much of this was him fucking with me because he wanted to versus him trying to help me experience what I had explicitly asked for.

"Um, yeah, so... mango and sticky rice... it was... decent. Not the sort I'm used to."

He released my hair. "Mmm, remember this is your Master who's owning you for the rest of your life... you really going to be that honest about it? You just met me, after all... you should be kissing up to me at first, hoping I treat you well."

"Oh, sorry Master! Um, it was very good! Thank you! I enjoyed your cum very much!" I could feel my face heating up.

"Good girl. Since you liked it so much, I guess I'll feed you more. You deepthroat a guy before?"

"Um, not successfully..."

"Well, you're going to be now." He stood up, grabbing hold of my hair again, and pressed his cockhead against my lips, and I hesitated for a moment, only for his grip on my hair to tighten and his eyes to narrow slightly.

I parted my lips and sucked on him as he started fucking my mouth without going deeper into my throat, and relaxed a little... maybe he was all talk.

Soon enough, though, he was thrusting a bit deeper, rubbing against the entrance to my throat, and I teared up and gagged, doing my best to relax my throat muscles, but mostly failing.

I started coughing and he pulled his cock back out, shaking his head. "Mmm, to think I got a slave who can't deepthroat... what do they even train you for?" He ruffled my hair and laughed. "Maybe I'd better sell you off and buy another better trained slave, huh?"

"Um, no! Please don't sell me, Master!" I was surprisingly fervent at the idea. Being passed around between masters so I could never develop a connection and maybe get a little kindness from them sounded terrible.

"Mmm... you have thirty minutes to make me cum. You have to ask permission for anything you want to do. If you don't succeed... I'm going to beat you."

"I... I thought we said no permanent damage?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not so inept at beating that I'm going to cripple you doing it. Do you wanna chicken out right now and pay me some of that money back?"

I shook my head. That money was mine now, and plus, I could probably make him cum in thirty minutes.

He sat down on his couch, and turned on the TV, watching it idly as I moved up to kneel at his side.

"Um... am I allowed up on the couch, Master?"

He laughed. "I didn't even think of that one-- but no. Not until you convince me you're serious about wanting to pleasure me."

...fuck, right, he wouldn't have had the floor rule like at home. At home? Was that my home now?

I shook my head, focusing, and leaned down to kiss his foot, which was fairly clean, then straightened up and rubbed my breasts against his legs-- guys liked boobs, right? The sensation of my breasts against his legs felt a little nice and a little uncomfortable. "Please master?"

He didn't respond immediately.

I figured I should probably parrot his words back to him. 'Whore' didn't make sense in the context, so... "Please master? Let your obedient fucktoy use her body to pleasure you?" I tried to make myself sound as abjectly subservient as possible, and it even got me feeling a little more subservient.

"Mmm, all right. You can come in my lap and touch me however you want... but no taking off your clothes."

"Thank you, Master!" I tried to make it sound as fervent as possible, and climbed up into his lap, straddling him and rubbing my breasts against his chest, my crotch against his mostly-hard cock... I could feel myself get slightly wetter, although I didn't feel as aroused with Stephanie... my body was at least preparing itself for penetration, which was good.

...If he let me, of course.

I dry-humped him for a little while, moaning performatively and nuzzling against his shoulder, wondering if I was even doing anything... but slowly, his breathing started getting quicker, his cock rock-hard, as I kissed his neck and looked up at him.

He glanced down at me, a bit annoyed-- but annoyed in a horny way, I think. He wanted me to ask something, but I lingered just a moment longer, keeping him waiting.

"Master, can I use my pussy on your cock?"

His eyes lit up, but he smiled casually. "Mmm... guess I might as well let you try it out." He snagged one side of my panties with a finger, and pulled them down, and I wiggled out of them a bit awkwardly, at least rubbing my body against his a little more in the process.

I stroked his cock, taking it into my fingers, and looked into his eyes as I slowly thrust myself down on it, taking him inside me inch by inch until he was almost all the way inside me.

He grinned and ruffled my hair. "Now, no thrusting."

I blinked. "...what?"

"Yup, just have to sit like this..." He stroked along the side of my neck, then held it again commandingly, staring into my eyes. "You can squeeze me with your pussy, but no up and down movement, got it?"

"...yes, Master." I tried to squeeze him and excite him with my pussy, even playing with the letter of the law and shifting my hips from side to side a little, but as the minutes passed, we both became hornier, and it was clear I wasn't going to make him cum by doing this... actually, maybe I was closer to cumming than he was, since I had basically ended up grinding my clit against his crotch as his cock moved slightly inside me.

...maybe if I came, he'd cum too. "...Master, may I cum?" I should make it into a compliment, flatter his ego. "Even having your big dick inside me is making me so horny... please...?" I looked into his eyes desperately and he looked back from the screen he had been trying to focus on, despite his clear distraction... okay, it was a little cute.

I could probably be a little attracted to guys, if I had to, I guessed.

He considered this for a moment. "Mmm... I'll let you move your hips and cum all you want... but then you are going to get hurt regardless of if I cum. Understood, my little slut?"

I whimpered softly... I really didn't want to get beat... but if I was treating him as my Owner... he wanted to beat me, didn't he?

Mistress Regina had said his little desires were more important than my big ones. "Please let me fuck your cock with my pussy, Master, you can beat me all you want!"

"Good girl... go ahead, then."

I started thrusting and moaning, and it did actually feel pretty good... I closed my eyes and pretend it was Stephanie using a sextoy on me instead, and very quickly I was clinging to him as I came on his cock, and I could feel he was close, so I desperately kept fucking him, if a bit sloppily with how sensitive my body had become right after cumming... but it wasn't the worst, I could keep going, in fact, I could even start to feel pleasure building inside me a little with the discomfort... and then he came inside me, and I moved my hips a bit longer trying to squeeze his cock with my inner walls and pleasure him as best I could, until finally I relaxed back against him, panting softly.

"Good girl. Now I'm going to beat you." He slapped my face, and it hurt, but with the endorphins flowing through me, it felt a little good too-- he clearly wasn't using his full strength, either.

I slid down and off him, and he aimed a kick at my stomach, but it seemed he was pulling his blow, and I whimpered. "Now, that coulda really hurt if I had gone full force. If you're not going to fight back -- and you shouldn't fight back, against your Master -- you should curl up on the floor, put your arms over your head, no, not like straight over, protecting your face... you want to protect your face, eyes, throat, stomach, and groin."

I did my best to obey, but he kneeled down, adjusting my position a little before kicking me a bit harder. I whimpered but stayed firm as he kicked me a few more times, and then he sat back down on the couch, patting his lap.

"Okay, back to me."

I slowly uncurled, and cautiously crawled back up into his lap, waiting for the next blow to fall.

He smiled at me and groped my butt a little. "I just wanted to teach you that in case you whored yourself out to someone dangerous or got a dangerous Master, really... world is rough, would be a shame for a cute little whore like you to get permanently damaged if you can avoid it."

I tilted my head to one side. "...are you still being nice to me?"

He smiled at me and groped my ass. "...Maybe a little. I've had friends who got pretty badly fucked up and it ended their careers, you know? I do like making girls cry, but... I can't really feel happy when someone is hurt for good, you know?"

I nodded a little. "I think I kinda get that. Stephanie might be a little similar."

He smiled in a way I was not very comfortable with, happy that I had shared this little secret with him. "Oho, maybe we should compare notes." ...maybe I shouldn't have told him that.

He gave my butt a gentle slap. "Are you disappointed I didn't hurt you more?"

"Not disappointed, just... I want to know my limits."

He glanced over at the timer on the stove. "We have a few more minutes left... tell you what, bend over my lap, I'll escalate, and you tell me when you genuinely can't take it anymore. Don't worry about permanent damage, I'll just be hitting your ass, which is surprisingly tough... well, sitting down might be painful for a bit."

I swallowed, looking at the glee shining in his eyes. "Um... maybe would be better to not...."

He raised an eyebrow. "Chickening out now over a little bit of pain you can stop whenever you want? I thought I had a brave little whore, but I guess you were just posturing, huh?"

I narrowed my eyes a little. "...I can take a little slapping."


"Um, right, whatever."

He guided me to bend over his lap, his cock covered in cum and half-hard against me, and gave my ass a light smack, and I gasped-- it felt a little painful, and then a little good... okay, this wasn't too bad.

"Interestingly, slapping is actually way more dangerous." He slowly increased his tempo and force as he struck one ass cheek, then the other, and I clung to the sofa. "It's rare, but it can cause brain and eye damage... that's why I held back with you."

"...kinda been holding back... in general til now... right...?" I managed to get a few words in between his slaps to my ass. Spanks to my ass? I don't know if that sounded more right... between cumming and feeling subby and fear and now enduring pain, it was hard to think about words too hard.

"Of course, wouldn't wanna damage my precious little whore." He slowly increased the tempo and force until I was whimpering and squirming, and then he was holding me in place with one hand while spanking me with the other, and it got more and more painful and harder to enjoy until I was crying, but I kept on staying silent, seeing how much I could endure, until I was screaming.

Hearing my scream, he stopped, and gently groped my ass, which felt a mixture of intensely painful and kinda amazing. "You want me to stop now?"

"...yes, please, Master."

"Okay." He idly rubbed and groped my ass as he moved his gaze back to TV, and after a little, I turned my head to look over, just to have something to focus on other than my throbbing ass, and blinked as I saw a familiar face on it. Well, TV-familiar.

"...wait, is that Kither Rhombus?"

"Yeah, Stephanie and Regina's little pet was watching The Bauer one time when I was over. Kinda got hooked on it."

"...Their little pet? Wait, you don't know her name?"

He smiled down at me with a little grin. "...should I?"

Was he just playing with my dehumanization, or did he genuinely not bother to remember her name? Either way, it made me kinda uncomfortable. "It's Mika."

A little shrug of his shoulders, and he looked back to the TV. "If you say so."