Chapter 12
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Shion woke up unnaturally early for her first day of school. Although she had the opportunity to go to school to take exams, it was much different from actually getting to learn in a classroom and make friends without the worry of an exam over their heads. Shion quickly dressed herself, speeding through her bathroom routine again and dashing out to the dining room.


“Happy for your first day?” (Hirokichi)


Her father was sitting at the table as usual, sipping on a cup of coffee while checking on work related matters on his tablet. Upon seeing Shion however, he got up and hugged her. Shion smelled the warm fragrance of freshly roasted coffee beans as she excitedly responded.


“Yes! It’s my first time actually going to school and I can’t wait!” (Shion)


“Do you want me to drop you off then, since it’s your first day?” (Hirokichi)

“You don’t have to go to work?” (Shion)


“Not until later, I got up early because I expected you to as well, since you were so excited about it yesterday” (Hirokichi)


Hirokichi gave Shion a gentle smile as he spoke and let go of her.


“Now, the cook made you your favorite to celebrate your first day of school. So eat up and then I can drop you off afterwards.” (Hirokichi)


As if he was waiting for those words, the cook stepped out of the kitchen with a plate filled with fluffy souffle pancakes. It had powdered sugar sprinkled on top with a few assorted fruits, whipped cream, and a mini pitcher filled with maple syrup. It was served with a glass of fresh orange juice, serving as a refresher for all the sweet flavors.


“Mm… Thank you!” (Shion)


Shion bowed in thanks towards the cook, striking his heart as he walked away. He quickly smiled back before leaving to the kitchen once again. Shion then turned back to her breakfast, and dug in immediately.


“Isshoooo guuuud” (Shion)


“Don’t talk while you’re eating, Shion” (Hirokichi)


Barely hearing what Hirokichi said, her ears were wriggling in pleasure as she enjoyed her favorite breakfast. The pancakes were perfectly fluffy and airy, perfect to soak up the melted cream and maple syrup. The blueberries and strawberries on top were slightly tart but incredibly juicy in contrast to the pancake, giving her some flavor variety. She gulped down some orange juice; its refreshing acidity being perfect for her decadent meal.


Soon enough, she finished and wiped her mouth, before immediately dashing back to her room to change into her cute school uniform. After, she ran back to the dining hall to grab Hirokichi who was waiting for her.


“All set?” (Hirokichi)


“Yup!” (Shion)


The two of them exited the house and took another car, this time a cozy BMW, before departing towards Kisshoin High School. As soon as they arrived, Shion quickly gave her father a hug across the center console before opening the door.


“Thanks for driving me Papa! I’ll see you after school!” (Shion)


“Have a nice day.” (Hirokichi)


Leaving the car, Shion went through the entrance to find her name on the announcement board. Looking through, she was assigned to class 1-C, so she went inside the building and changed shoes at her assigned shoe locker, before exploring the school. Since she had woken up so early, she had a solid hour and a half before class would start, so she excitedly spent some of the time looking around.


Kisshoin High School was an extremely prestigious private school. The only way to enter was either through connections or amazingly good grades. But even the ones who entered through connections have to pass a rigorous entrance exam before they would be allowed to attend. Shion had done fairly well on the exam, managing to earn a high score on the math and science portions, and average for everything else. She had worked hard over the past year, and her results showed her diligence.


Because the school had a couple extremely wealthy sponsors, everything was modern and clean. The classrooms had decently sized desks and chairs that supported good posture without letting the user’s back ache after sitting for long periods of time. The bathrooms, which were separated into the alpha, beta, and omega genders, had private stalls and a sleek design for the sinks and mirrors. The alpha and omega bathrooms specifically had a dispenser for inhibitors, in case the student forgot theirs. The beta restrooms also had tampons and pads, for similar purposes.


In addition to the amazing classrooms and bathrooms, the rest of the school facilities were equally luxurious looking. The swimming pool could be heated during the winter, the several indoor gyms each had a fancy looking scoreboard system, the fields were well maintained and more. When Shion finished her exploration, there was still a decent amount of time left before class started, so she decided to head to the classroom a bit early.


There was a seating chart on the board, so she found her seat which was luckily by the window, and sat down. She hooked her school bag to the side of the desk, before deciding that she could take a little nap before class started… she did wake up far earlier than usual after all.



Yuuga felt a sense of deja-vu as he walked into class 1-C. Sleeping in almost the exact same spot as when he first saw her was Shion, with a small number of curious students glancing towards her. He checked his own assigned seat, before discovering that he coincidentally was seated behind her. He took his seat and poked Shion on her back.


“...nyaaa… 5 more minutes Ayano…” (Shion)


Yuuga had a helpless look on his face as he watched the omega in front of him go back to sleep. Their other classmates had been surprised at how insanely cute Shion sounded, and one of them couldn’t help but squeal slightly.


“...Mmm…? This is… not home?” (Shion)


Yuuga gave a slight laugh as he spoke up,


“I’m not Ayano, Shion, I’m Yuu. We’re in class, remember? It’s the first day of class today.” (Yuuga)


“Ahh! You’re right!” (Shion)


Shion’s brain finally restarted as she rubbed her eyes,


“I got up a little bit too early because I was too excited… then after I explored the school, I sat down and couldn’t resist falling asleep” (Shion)


“Of course you would Shion, I expect nothing less from a cat like you.” (Yuuga)


“Hmph” (Shion)


At this moment, Akira walked into the classroom and saw the two.


“SHION-CHAN!!!!” (Akira)


She rushed over and gave Shion a hug, taking the chance to give Shion a head pat as well. Shion started to suffocate in her chest, before Yuuga sighed and pulled her off.


“Can’t you see she’s suffocating?” (Yuuga)


“Ah- Sorry Shion! I was just so excited to see you finally join us for class! And I can’t believe I was lucky enough to be in the same class as you two~” (Akira)


“To be honest, me too” (Yuuga)


“Mmm, I’m happy” (Shion)


The trio spoke a bit before the school bell rang, signaling the start of class. All the students took their seats as a familiar person walked in.


“Our teacher is Takanashi-sensei?” (Shion)


Giving Shion a welcome surprise was Inoue Takanashi, the teacher who had so painstakingly been helping Shion with her studies for the past year. It made Shion insanely happy.


“Hello class, welcome to your first day of high school. We will have our orientation soon, but before that, how about we make some self introductions? I’ll start. I’m Inoue Takanashi, you can all refer to me as Takanashi-sensei, and I enjoy playing games like NaeR Automata and Legend of Zolda in my spare time. I hope our year together will be spent pleasantly.” (Takanashi=sensei)


One by one, each of Shion’s classmates made their own self introductions, but Shion didn’t really pay attention until it was Akira’s turn.


“Hihi! I’m Akira Akasaka, feel free to call me Akira, and one of my favorite activities is to go out with friends! I look forward to being with you all this year!” (Akira)


Akira gave an energetic introduction, as expected of her personality. After her, a few other classmates gave their own introductions, before it was Shion’s turn.


“Mm… I’m Shion Kojou. Yes, my ears and tail are real, but please don’t ask to touch them randomly. My favorite activity is eating delicious food. Please take care of me.” (Shion)


Shion’s soft and delicate voice rang through the classroom, already starting to capture the hearts of everyone there. But despite this, the other omegas in the class didn’t feel a sense of rivalry with her; they wanted to protect Shion with the alphas and betas. After Shion sat down, there was a slight pause, before her next classmate remembered it was their turn. Eventually, Yuuga’s turn finally came.


“Hello, I’m Yuuga Fukuhara. My hobby is playing games. Please take care of me.” (Yuuga)


Yuuga gave a very simplistic introduction. But nevertheless, his soft and delicate features still made him the second prettiest omega in the class, right behind Shion. Everyone in the class had already unanimously agreed that Shion was the cutest in the entirety of the school. Afterwards, Takanashi-sensei clapped her hands together to get everyone’s attention, and told them to line up and start heading to the auditorium.


Shion, Yuuga and Akira of course grouped together so that they could sit next to each other at the auditorium. Upon arriving, they were seated quickly as the principal appeared to make his announcements and speech. The principle of Kisshoin was a male beta with a slightly chubby belly and balding hair. Shion quickly fell asleep to the drone of his never ending speech, and Yuuga felt helpless as her head leaned against him.



“Wake up Shion, his speech is finally over.” (Yuuga)


This time, Shion didn’t forget where she was as she quickly woke up, rubbed her eyes, and fixed her hair as if nothing had happened. After the principal’s speech had finished, their teachers once again gathered their classes up and led them back to the classroom. Trailing slightly behind Yuuga and Akira, she took the chance to look at their uniforms while walking, since she had gotten distracted previously.


Yuuga wore tailored slacks, along with the blouse and blazer combo and the red ribbon tied around his collar. Akira had instead elected to wear the button down with the red tie and skirt. She didn’t wear a blazer, which suited her energetic personality. It helped to emphasize her large chest, which Shion gazed at enviously, before looking down at her own.


“Don’t worry Shion, I’m sure you’ll grow more, and even if you don’t get to my size, you’re still so incredibly cute as you are!” (Akira)


Shion blushed slightly at getting caught, before running ahead and grabbing Yuuga’s arm to put him between the two. She startled Yuuga out of his trance, where he had been inexplicably looking at his own chest.


“Hmmmm… Jealous of these, Yuu-kun?” (Akira)


Now Yuuga blushed as well, but he had just enough pride to not hide behind Shion in turn.


“N-no, I was just thinking of something.” (Yuuga)


“Well, you are cute enough to attract anyone you want already, so I’m sure these lumps of fat serve no use to you~” (Akira)


“Stop teasing Yuu Aki-chan!” (Shion)


Shion pouted at Akira, before the two dissolved into giggles. Yuuga managed a smile of his own, before they finally arrived back at the classroom. Since today was the first day of classes, they would have their respective subjects’ teachers introduce themselves, before giving them a list of classroom supplies they would need. There was about 10 minutes between each class to chat and use the bathroom, and an hour-long lunch break at noon.


It was during their lunch break when another classmate approached the group and made their introduction.


“Hello~ I’m Arisa Kobayashi. I saw you guys chatting over here and was wondering if I could join?” (Arisa)


Arisa Kobayashi was a cool looking 1.75 meter tall female alpha. She had a beautiful androgynous looking face, rare grey eyes, and long black hair that was styled into a high ponytail, similar to Yuuga’s. And similar to Shion, she was already being called the prince of first years. The trio noticed that she didn’t seem to have any bad intentions upon approaching, so they welcomed her with open arms.


“Heya Kobayashi-san, you probably already know, but I’m Akira, this is Shion-chan, and this is Yuu-kun. Feel free to join us! We were just about to start on our lunch anyways, and it’s always nice to make new friends.” (Akira)


Shion and Yuuga both gave a slightly shy nod, as Arisa responded.


“Oh, thank you! Feel free to call me Arisa~” (Arisa)


“Then Yuu is fine for me” (Yuuga)


“Mm, call me Shion too.” (Shion)


The group each took out their bentos to start eating. Shion’s was a nutritious and beautiful bento that the chef had so painstakingly put together for her, with delicious looking octopus shaped wieners, tamagoyaki, rice and burdock root. Akira’s was simply a gyudon, only containing meat and rice. Yuuga’s was simple but tasty, rice with a pickled plum set in the middle, and some karaage with vegetables. It was Arisa’s that surprised the group.


Arisa’s bento was surprisingly cute, even more than Shion’s. It was a cute character bento, themed after pokachu. There was a ketchup pokachu drawing on her rice, with red, yellow, brown and black side dishes matching pokachu’s colors. Arisa blushed lightly as she noticed everyone’s gaze.


“I really like cooking as a hobby, I find it really relaxing and I often cook for my little siblings, as my parents are usually out working.” (Arisa)


“There’s no need to explain! We just found it a bit surprising, but it really does make you look cute Arisa!” (Akira)


“Y-you can’t just say that! I’m an alpha, what if I get the wrong message?” (Arisa)


“Well, it’s only been a little bit, but I think I know what kind of person you are, Ari-chan~ There’s no way you would misunderstand us, and I’d rather give compliments than say nothing at all!” (Akira)


“W-well if you insist…” (Arisa)


The four of them continued laughing and joking around as their lunch time passed by. But eventually their lunchtime came to an end, and class had to resume…

I'm sorry for the long wait! With chapter 12, we're finally entering the first main arc of Aster, and I hope you guys continue to enjoy it. I literally got out of the hospital earlier today, but I was exhausted AF so it took me a bit to upload...

And if anyone's curious about what I went through/random thoughts or whatever


Yes I'm trans :), I had bottom surgery and I doubt people are surprised at all, if any... and it's hard to write in a hospital when you're just tired/bored 24/7 and in pain and have IVs in both hands etc. bleh... I also learned that I potentially have an allergy to Bactrin, which possibly gave me rashes throughout my ENTIRE body, and the only way I could get enough relief to sleep for a few hours was to combine Nubain and Benedryl together, or cycle them every 3 hours... it was hell, but anyways, I'm finally home, recovering, in pain, blah blah and I'll try to write more for Aster and release more for you guys <3
