Chapter 8: Questions and Answers
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[Brick POV]

"Ugh, where am I?"(Brick)

My head is pounding, and it feels like I'm forgetting something. I look around to see where I am, only to find that my arms and legs are bound to a table in a lab, and I have an IV in one of my arms.

"Good you're finally awake."(Doctor)

I look to see where the voice came from. Only to find the mad doctor.

"Release me, blood witch, or you will regret it!"(Brick)

I spit at her with all my anger.

"No, I have some questions for you, and if you answer them, I may be nice and not have you dissected."(Doctor)

"You think you can get away with this?!"(Brick)

"Yes, but did you think you would get away with your little stunt?"(Doctor)

"What are you talking about?"(Brick)

I say, thinking there is no way she knows what happened.

"Don't play dumb with me. I want to know how you controlled a monster."(Doctor)

Sweat goes down my forehead as I look for a way out of my chains. I try my telekinesis, but my head starts to hurt, and I feel something growing.

"What did you do to me?! I can't use my power!"(Brick)

"So that is what you just tried to do interesting"(Doctor)

She is ignoring me, which only makes me madder.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!"(Brick)

"I didn't do anything other than knock you out"(Doctor)

So the red bat was her!

"Then why can't I use my power?!"(Brick)

"I Have a theory, but I have to know how you controlled that monster."(Doctor)

"I don't know what you are talking about."(Brick)

After I spoke, a sharp pain came from my finger, and I looked up to see that she had broken one of them with a blood chain.

"Don't lie to me."(Doctor)

She spoke with a voice that could freeze water.

"So much for the Hippocratic oath."(Brick)

I said with a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry, that oath doesn't apply to something that is not human."(Doctor)

"What are you talking about? I'm human!"(Brick)

My voice filled with anger once again.

"You were, but not anymore."(Doctor)

"What do you mean?"(Brick)

"Man, you are slow. Take a look."(Doctor)

She holds up a mirror. I see that the antenna on my head has become more pronounced, and some little black hairs are starting to grow from the scar I got.

"NO, NO, NO, this can't be happening to me!"(Brick)

Shocked by my new appearance, I can only go into denial.

"It can, and it is. Now tell me how you were controlling that monster before I have you dissected."(Doctor)

I look at the witch's face to determine how serious she is. Before realizing she has a scalpel in her hand this whole time. I sweat even more than before, and I practically scream my answer.

"If you eat a part of the cocoon and feed a monster a part of the same piece, you can control it!"(Brick)

"So the fragments are all connected, and you mutated where she scratched you."(Doctor)

Remembering that Blue-haired woman's face, I feel my anger rising again.

"Yes, this is all your pet monster's fault!"(Brick)

I was then stabbed in the leg with the scalpel she was holding.

"F**C! What was that for?!"(Brick)

"For insulting my friend and calling her a monster."(Doctor)

I felt a chill run down my spine.

"I'm sorry, now can you change me back?"(Brick)

I said, my voice shaking.

"I don't think I can. Someone would have to be more connected to the cocoon than her, and that is impossible."(Doctor)

"What do you mean?"(Brick)

"Sorry, you don't need to know that. Now take a nap."(Doctor)

She then injects something into the IV, and my eyes feel heavy as I try to fight the drowsiness that suddenly assaulted me.

"Don't you dare!"(Brick)

I shout before I fall unconscious.

[Lily, aka the Doctor POV]

With my head pounding from dealing with that idiot, I hear the door open to see that Gale is back.

"Hello Gale, are you done with dealing Teach?"(Lily)

"Yes, I hope that Brick hasn't been too annoying."(Gale)

He asked with genuine concern on his face.

"Unfortunately, he has. Is there any information on where Kim is?"(Lily)

I quickly try to change the topic to something more productive.

"No, I only saw a red fox fly in and snatch her before she passed out. Any luck on your end?"(Gale)

"No, all this idiot knows is how to control monsters, but he can't do it anymore."(Lily)

"I see. By the way, how did his face get like that?"(Gale)

"Oh, that, hehe. A little parting gift from Kim. He ate part of the cocoon to control the beetle, so when she scratched him, she was able to mutate his face."(Lily)

I couldn't hold back the smile that was now on my face.

"What he ate some of it to control the beetle?"(Gale)

"Yes, to form a connection to the beetle, and our dear Kim used that connection to give Brick here a makeover."(Lily)

"Huh, did we ever find out where the cocoon energy went?"(Gale)

That question felt like it came out of nowhere.

"No. Why do you ask?"(Lily)

"The fox that took Kim had the same claws as her, so I thought they might be connected like Brick and the beetle."(Gale)

I looked at Gale and hugged him.

"You're a genius!"(Lily)


Gale stuttering my name made me realize what I was doing, and my face went bright red. I let go of him and apologized.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."(Lily)

"It's fine. I didn't mind at all."(Gale)

Gale spoke, but I only heard the first part as he got quieter in the second half.

"Ahem, if you are correct, this fox creature is connected to Kim. Maybe someone has seen it before, and we can follow its patterns to find out where it went."(Lily)

"I'll ask around the base. Maybe the scouts that just got back have seen something."(Gale)

"And I'll see if my new toy can connect to her."(Lily)

"Ok, but as much as you want to. Don't break him."(Gale)

"I won't. I value her more than the pleasure breaking him would give me."(Lily)

I say, pretending to be slightly annoyed.

"Good, when she gets back. I have something I want to ask you."(Gale)

"Please don't raise a flag like that!"(Lily)

I shout. Kim doesn't need that over her when she is out there.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."(Gale)

I take a deep breath before speaking again.

"It's fine because we will talk, and she will be back, so it doesn't matter."(Lily)

Gale smiled before responding.

"Yes, she will."(Gale)

With that, he left to ask the scouts about any new developments near the Shift's location.

"Now then, time to see if that antenna is more than just for show. And if she is hurt, you will have more to fear than a simple dissection."(Lily)