Chapter 17: Sleep and confession
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[Kim POV]

I got knocked down, but I got up again. I could keep the first step going for about 30 seconds before Gale knocked me down. When we began, Ivan went to get food for everyone. I was worried he wouldn't be allowed to take it from the cafeteria, but people were happy to have Lily stay in her lab. When Ivan returned, I thought I almost managed to throw Gale over my shoulder, but I got distracted when Lily took a blood sample from Jill without asking. We kept going for a while longer. Then Gale spoke up.

"We've been going at this for an hour. I think it's time for a break and eat."(Gale)


I could barely respond while lying on my back. With all that happened today, I was almost out of energy. Gale held his hand out to help me off the ground, and we exited the ring. When we started eating, Jill wrapped her arms around me and insisted on feeding me. I would reject her offer, but my arms felt like noodles.

"So how did she do?"(Lily)

"Her movements were sluggish and easily distracted, but she started to get the first step down."(Gale)

"Don't you think you could have been a little easier on her?"(Ivan)

"Believe it or not, I was she was just having a hard time focusing on two things at once."(Gale)

I was barely listening to the conversation because of how tired I was. And Jill wasn't paying attention because she was feeding me with a big grin. I started to think about the good things that happened today. Jill enjoyed listening to most of it, but maybe because I was tired, I made a mistake and let a stray thought reach Jill.

Of all the things that happened today. When Jill looked so cool when she protected me was the best. (Kim)

As soon as that thought left my mind, I passed out. And Jill's face turned red.

[Lily POV]

While we discussed Kim's performance, she passed out, and Jill's face was bright red. Kim fell into Jill's lap then steam came out of Jill's ears. It seems even Jill can be flustered. I look over at Gale, and he nods.

"Ivan could help Jill take Kim to the guest room in the back?"(Lily)

"Sure, but are you going to tell me what that was about?"(Ivan)

"Me and Gale have something private to discuss."(Lily)

"Alright, but what should Jill and I do after?"(Ivan)

"Well, there is an extra room next to the guest room that Jill can use."(Lily)


Jill's sudden outburst surprised us, and we stared at her.

"I mean, I can sleep in the same room as Kim."(Jill)

"I'm sorry Jill, but the bed can only hold one person. The extra rooms are next door to each other, you won't be far."(Lily)


Jill said, less enthusiastic about sleeping in the room next to Kim. They lifted Kim and carried her to the room so she could rest in an actual bed. Now Gale and I are alone in the lab.

"So, do you think we can trust Ivan?"(Lily)

"Yes, He Is A nice guy, a little eccentric, but we are as well. What about you?"(Gale)

"I think so as well. At least he wasn't involved in this incident with Brick. So he can stay. We need people we can trust after this incident."(Lily)

"Good, now I have a question for you."(Gale)

Gale seemed to be nervous as he changed the subject. I looked directly at him as he prepared to ask his question.

"Are you free Saturday night?"(Gale)

Lily.exe Has crashed.

Gale seems even more nervous waiting for my answer.


"Yes. So what do you say?"(Gale)

Gale straightened his back as he doubled down on his question.

"Yes, I'm free this Saturday."(Lily)

I replied, trying not to giggle like a schoolgirl. It seems I didn't need to worry, but I feel bad for not being able to use Kim's advice.

"Then how about we have dinner together that night."(Gale)

"That sounds..."(Lily)

Before I finished my sentence. I see Jill trying to sneak into Kim's room.

[Jill POV]

I heard shouting from Lily. So she's probably distracted, now's my chance to sneak into Kim's room. I crack open my door and see Lily's face blood red. It's now or never! I start to move toward paradise(Kim's room). When I got two steps from the door, I felt a hand grab my shoulder, and I heard someone speak to me in a cold tone.

"What do you think you're doing?"(Lily)

I slowly turned towards the source of the voice, and it was Lily. She had a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"I um. Had to use the bathroom."(Jill)

"That's funny the bathroom is the other way."(Lily)

"Of course, I just got turned around, that's all."(Jill)

I attempt to lie my way out of this.

"I thought you were sneaking into Kim's room."(Lily)

Her hand tightened as she spoke. I have to get away now.

"Of course not."(Jill)

"Well, that's good because if you were. I would have to punish you for disturbing my patient."(Lily)

"I wouldn't dare disrupt Kim to see her sleeping face."(Jill)

"You say that, but you started to drool when you mentioned her sleeping face."(Lily)

I quickly wiped the saliva from my mouth.

"No, I wasn't."(Jill)

"If you be honest with me, I'll let you see her."(Lily)

"I was trying to sneak into her room to see her sleeping face."(Jill)

As I said that, my instincts told me I was in danger. But before I could do anything. The door to Kim's room opened, and she walked into the room looking half-asleep.


"It's that way."(Lily)

Lily points in the direction of the nearby bathroom. Kim nods and walks in the direction Lily indicated. I tried to follow her but was pulled by my shoulder.

"Don't think you can escape."(Lily)

"But what if she falls in?"(Jill)

"She's not twelve!"(Lily)

Suddenly we heard a splash, but it was from the opposite direction of Kim. We rushed over to see Ivan covered in water and a girl who looked smug. When we got there, the girl ran away.

"Ivan, are you ok?"(Lily)

"Oh, Lily. Don't worry, I'm quite fine."(Ivan)

"Why did she do that? It's a waste of water."(Jill)

Lily looked at me with a difficult-to-describe expression while Ivan burst out with his usual laughter.

"HAHAHHA... Why indeed.'(Ivan)

"Is it because of me?"(Lily)

"No, It's because of me not having an ability."(Ivan)

Lily got a discussed look on her face when he said that.

"Oh, it's one of them."(Lily)

"Who are they?"(Jill)

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Now go back to YOUR room, and I won't punish you."(Lily)


I quickly made my way back to my room and went to sleep.