Chapter 20: Following and Ice
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[The Tail POV]

Day one of observation didn't go too well. All they did was eat in the cafeteria and leave. The only exciting thing was how much the blue-haired and the fox-girl ate. Seriously, where did it all go? How could they eat so much? Well, it doesn't matter. I only need to find out how to get them away from the Doctor. And the blank I've been messing with was with them.

When they were on their way back, I was following them with my ability. Then the fox girl looked around for something, but the Doctor glared at her and said something. After replying, they sped up to the lab and closed the door, leaving me without a way to keep an eye on them.

Great, now what am I supposed to do? (the tail)

I walked away and pondered what to do.

I'll have someone let me know if they leave the lab. Luckily for me, everyone wants to avoid the Doctor, so it won't be hard to find out if she has left her lab. (the tail)

I followed them for the next few days, but not much changed. The only thing they did was eat and return to the lab. I did learn the name of the fox girl, which is Jill. On Saturday, The Doctor and Gale left the base together.

Now that the Doctor is gone, I can get them alone and hopefully more information about them. (the tail)

I walked to the lab door to see if I could hear inside. Suddenly, I hear the sound of glass shattering on the other side. I opened the door, thinking I could use this opportunity to get closer to my targets. When the door opened, I saw Kim with her arms out and some glass on the ground. Jill was at a table, and next to her was the blank. I put on a concerned face and spoke.

"Is everyone OK?"(the tail)

"We're fine. Sorry for worrying you."(Kim)

Kim replied with an apologetic face, but Jill looked at me like I was dirt. It took all my willpower not to drop my mask.

How dare she look at me like that when she is hanging out with a blank. (the tail)

"Well, that's good to hear. My name is Audrey, by the way. What's your name?"(Audrey)

"Oh, my name is Kim, that is Jill and Ivan."(Kim)

Jill and Ivan Just waved. Jill still had the same look on her face that hadn't left since she first looked at me.

"It's nice to meet you. Do you want to hang out sometime?"(Audrey)

"Sure, but I'm busy with training, so I don't know when we can."(Kim)

"That's fine, just let me know when you are free. I almost forgot. Let me give you my number so you can call me."(Audrey)

I pretended to forget my number so she would see me as a bit of an airhead.

"Thanks. I'll let you know when I'm free."(Kim)

"See you soon."(Audrey)

I left the lab one step closer to my target.

[Kim POV]

After the girl named Audrey left, I turned to Jill to see what she thought. The look on Jill's face already told me what she thought about her. Ivan didn't seem to have a high opinion of her either. Even though Jill thought she was up to no good, I decided to play along to see if I could find out what she was up to.

"So what do you think?"(Kim)

"I don't like her! She was looking down on us."(Jill)

"I think she's the one who has been following us."(Ivan)

Jill's response was expected mainly because she was ranting in my head while Audrey was here, but Ivan threw out a concerning possibility.

"Why do you say that?"(Kim)

"It's a little too convenient that she showed up here while Gale and Lily are having a rendezvous. Before we get too sidetracked, you should clean up the ice you made off the floor."(Ivan)

"Right, Lily would be mad at me if it was still here when she got back."(Kim)

I went to get the mop to clean up my mess. Yesterday, I finally unlocked my ability, which happens to be Cryomancy. Unfortunately, I was not very good at using it yet, and the only thing I could do was make ice. Lily told me everyone was like this at first, so I shouldn't worry about it, and practice would let me control it better. I finished mopping the floor and looked at Ivan to continue our conversation.

"So what should I do now that she approached us?"(Kim)

"I think we should tell Lily and Gale, but for now, you could ignore her or try to find out what she wants."(Ivan)

"I think you should ignore her!"(Jill)

After Ivan laid out the options, Jill quickly stated her opinion. To no one's surprise, she didn't want anything to do with her.

"OK, I'll wait for now and ask Lily what we should do when she gets back."(Kim)

With our next course of action decided, I continued to train my ability. It wasn't long before I started to tire out. I decided to take a break and sat down where we ate. Jill and Ivan were training in the ring because Jill wanted to beat Gale so she could sleep in the same bed as me. She had challenged Gale several times over the week, only to lose each time. Soon after I sat down, Lily and Gale walked in, looking very happy.

"You looked like you had a good time. I hope you didn't do anything too inappropriate."(Kim)

"What are you talking about?!"(Lily)

Both of them blushed in response to my teasing.

"As much as I would love to mess with you, we have something to tell you. We had a visitor while you were out."(Kim)

Lily quickly recovered and looked at me with a serious expression.

"What happened?"(Lily)

I told her about the girl who showed up and Ivan's theory of how she was the person tailing us the past few days.

"I see did anyone recognize her?"(Lily)

"She was the same girl that pored water on Ivan."(Jill)

"Well, that tells me the group that is behind the Brick incident. We will talk about what we are going to do about it tomorrow. For now, everyone, get some rest."(Lily)

We all started to get ready for bed, except for Jill. She challenged Gale again if she could sleep in my bed. Which, of course, she lost.