Chapter 27: Reaction and Exodus
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Sorry about the long upload time. I got the brilliant idea to get a second job after the first calmed down.

[Kim POV]

After setting the food out, Lily gave my parents a proper introduction.

"As you already know, my name is Lily, and I'm the head Doctor at the base where Keven is staying. It is a pleasure to meet you."(Lily)

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Jain, and this is my husband Steve."(Mom)

I just sat there momentarily, trying to process the abnormality before me.

"Why do they get a normal introduction?!"(Kim)

"What do you mean?"(Lily)

"If Gale didn't stop you, I might have been a pincushion after meeting you for the first time."(Kim)

"You're exaggerating."(Lily)

"You took a blood sample on the way to lunch."(Kim)

"Only one."(Lily)

Dad looked over at us with an exasperated expression. He probably wanted to stop this before it got out of hand, so he brought up Jill, who we talked about before Lily gave her introduction.

"Before we get off track, could you tell us how you met Jill?"(Steve)

I looked over to Lily to see how much I was allowed to say. She put her hand to her chin before answering for me.

"We can't tell you the whole story yet. But what I can tell you is that Jill helped Kim in a difficult situation."(Lily)

Lily didn't notice that she called me Kim instead of Keven. But unfortunately for me, everyone else did. Alex was the first to put it together, and my parents understood after looking at how red my face was. My brother had an evil smile on his face.

"So you go by Kim now."(Alex)

I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Sigh. Well, it's not like I can use my real name."(Kim)

"True. But did you have to use your old character name?"(Alex)

"Well, with how I look like them now, I felt it was appropriate."(Kim)

As Alex and I talked, Mom decided to try and clarify her confusion.

"What do you mean old character?"(Jain)

"My current appearance looks a lot like the characters I would make in video games, and I would usually set their names to Kim."(Kim)

"And that is why you are using that name."(Steve)

I gave Dad a nod to confirm his theory.

"I probably would have used it even if I only switched genders because I'm too lazy to come up with a different one. With that small tangent out of the way, anything else you want to ask."(Kim)

"What are you going to do about Jill? You think you have feelings for her, so why aren't you together?"(Alex)

My brother brought up the main topic of Jill again with a sound of annoyance in his voice from the constant distractions.

"I wanted your advice before I ask her on a date."(Kim)

Out of nowhere. My brother pulled out a party popper and pulled the string. My parents took this as a queue to start clapping while Mom had a single tear in her eye and a warm smile. Lily also had a smile and was giggling.

"It's finally happening! I can hardly believe it."(Alex)

"Was the party popper necessary?"(Kim)


He replied with a cheeky grin adorning his face.

"Be sure to bring her home so we can meet her."(Jain)

"I will. I don't when, but this will be the first stop."(Kim)

"Good. Now what do you want advice about?"(Jain)

"How do you plan a date?"(Kim)

I saw Lily almost fall out of her chair and then look at me with bewilderment.

"How are you so inept at romance?!"(Lily)

I could only scratch my head at her outburst.

"I haven't been single for my life up to this point for no reason."(Kim)

"Ahem. So this date. Do you have any idea of what you want to do?"(Alex)

"Not really, that is why I'm asking for advice."(Kim)

"How about you do something she likes that you haven't tried before."(Jain)

My face went red because the first thing that came to mind didn't involve clothes. I quickly shook my head to get that thought out of my head.

"Probably something outdoors, maybe camping or a barbeque."(Kim)

"That's not bad. Both of you have a big appetite now, and camping is basically what you did after you met."(Lily)

My family looked at me like I was crazy.

"Camping? Really."(Alex)

"What's wrong with camping?"(Kim)

"You are not that good at it."(Alex)

"I was doing pretty well when we were kids."(Kim)

"If you mean when you took hours to set you the tent, then no."(Alex)

"It was complicated."(Kim)

"It said setup in 20 minutes on the box."(Alex)

Lily looked at me with a concerned face.

"How did you survive?"(Lily)

"We were in a cave, and Jill is very good at hunting. We also got to the city quickly after leaving the cave."(Kim)

"Well, I'm going to veto camping because you can't leave the base with Jill just yet."(Lily)

I could see my parents visibly relieved.

"But you said it wasn't a bad idea."(Kim)

"And it isn't, it's just isn't plausible at this point."(Lily)

"A barbeque is also out."(Jain)


"Because you can't focus on cooking and her at the same time."(Jain)

"Then what am I supposed to do?"(Kim)

"Give me some time, and I'll think of something."(Lily)

"Ok, just don't pull any funny business."(Kim)

The rest of the meal was mainly small talk. When Lily told them I couldn't stay the night, my Mom tried to protest. I was able to appease her, but I would have to bring Jill home soon. Alex and I talked about all the shows that got sequels while I was under. Dad had pulled me away to give me tips for when Jill and I get intimate for the first time. Besides, a couple of times, no one mentioned the Shifts. It eventually got late, and Lily said we had to leave. As we got in the car, my family said their goodbyes.

"Remember to call home as often as you can."(Jain)

"I will."(Kim)

"Don't forget what I told you. Be assertive."(Steve)


"Next time, tell me how far you got."(Alex)

"On the show or with Jill?"(Kim)


"Fine, see you soon."(Kim)

I waved as Lily started the car, and we left. We soon got to the gate, and I continued to think of things Jill and I could do for a date.