Chapter 46 – Nobody messes with the lives of the soldiers of my empire while I am still alive
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Changed a few details in chapter 42.

I did an adjustment to the vitality potion in the bath. Grade 3 Regular energy -> Mixture of Grade 4 Regular Energy and Grade 4 Mana Energy.

Also, I removed the ability to use regular energy to recover aura and mana and replaced it with Mana Energy. Now, Mana Energy can help recover Aura and Mana, but it cant help recover the body.

After pondering for a bit, I decided to take my time and walk around the garden.

"Now that I think about it, I didn't take a tour around here, did I?" - I thought to myself.

With that thought in mind, I exited the mansion. I took my time as I stepped outside and onto the peristyle, taking in the beauty of the garden.

I watched the glistening water of the fountain pour into the pond under the morning sun. I marveled at the colorful flora and fauna in the garden, gently fluttering in the wind. I was mesmerized by the numerous colorful insects and butterflies fluttering around me in pairs. I took in the morning air and sun and breathed deeply, enjoying every moment of it.

As far as I recall, this was the first time in my life that I have relaxed like this. Never before did I take my time to relax and marvel at nature's wonders. It was a constant struggle for survival for the first ten years of my life, and after I arrived at the mansion, I was either training, studying, eating, sleeping, or going out somewhere.

Now, I was truly taking my time to relax and enjoy the world. It felt wonderful.

"Hah... I should do once in a while." - I thought to myself as I enjoyed the sun and the breeze.

After fifteen minutes of relaxing, I got bored, so I thought about my unique talent, Lord Of Adaptation. More precisely, I thought about how to get better types of energy.

"I already know that food can give me regular energy, but it is only Grade-1. I know about other sources of energy, such as vitality potions that can give me Grade-4 life energy, or the bloodline seal that can give me Grade-8 soul energy, but Lord Of Adaptation is too weak to digest them yet."

As I thought of it, I had a bitter expression on my face. It was like having a defenseless rich fat man with a bulging purse walking by the street and you notice him, but you can't reach him because a food cart is blocking your way.

As I was thinking about that, I suddenly remembered something.

"Now that I think about it, I didn't test the training water. Also, I didn't check the qualities of the bathwater after using the vitality potion. Perhaps it will lower the grade of the energy for me to absorb? Ugh, I am such a scatter-brain." - I cringed and rubbed my temples.

Predatory instinct was not always active, and I had to will it to work. The reason for that is because when I use it, no matter what the material it is made from, if it is a being or an object, or even if it is another person, I would see them as either food or threat.

I am afraid of seeing the people around me as food, so I never fully activate it. I only check a single object at a time.

"If Grith had this instinct on from the moment that he was born along with Devour and couldn't control them, I don't find it strange that he ate so much and without discrimination. I should probably avoid misusing them, lest I turn into a flesh-eating monster." - I thought to myself grimly.

"That said... There is no harm to using it on food, objects, plants, and insects that I am checking, right?" - I mused.

Although I wasn't a fan of eating insects, I did eat them from time to time as a snack when I was hungry. Father taught me which were edible and which were not.1In ancient times, people ate bugs, including the Romans. You can see testaments of that in ancient literature.

"Alright, let's test it." - I thought as I started looking around as I activated predatory instincts on them one by one.

After using it for a few minutes, I made a mental shortlist for items with energy.

Rocks: Grade 1 Regular Energy, no talents, Can't digest yet, can cause digestion problems.

Soil: Grade 1 Regular Energy mixed with some Mana Energy, no talents, Can't digest yet, can cause digestion problems.

Plants: Mostly Grade 1/2/3 Regular energy mixed with some Mana Energy(Sometimes), no talents, digestion difficulty varies from easy to not yet possible, some are dangerous for consumption.

Clean Fountain Water: Grade 1 Regular energy with hints of Mana and Soul energy, no talents, cant digest yet but can be absorbed to storage directly, no danger. Note: Are there tiny creatures in the water?

Mana crystal for lighting: A mixture of Grade 1 Mana Energy and Regular Energy, no talents, cant digest yet, Dangerous for consumption.

Insects/maggots: Grade 1 Regular energy mixed with Grade 1 Soul Energy(Very little) and Mana Energy(Very little), Found one with talent, easy to digest, some are dangerous for consumption.

"Well, it comes with no surprise that I can't digest rocks and soil, but I didn't know that I can't digest water, though. I can absorb it directly, however, around 10 liters. Also, unsurprisingly, mana crystals contain mana energy, but I can't digest it. Now, for plants, most of them have Grade 1 energy, some have Grade 2 Energy, and a few have Grade 3 Energy, with some of the Grade 2 and 3 plants having some mana energy inside them. However, It will be hard for me to digest the plants with mana in them, with most of them not being healthy for direct consumption. As for insects, they all have soul energy and mana, but the amount is tiny and insignificant." - I summarized.

I then looked at a struggling green-spotted butterfly I caught in my hand. It was an ordinary butterfly, and it had no poison to speak of. However, it had talent, unlike all the other insects I scanned. Somehow, through a lucky stroke, I managed to catch it mid-flight.

"However, although the chance is low, some of the insects/maggots have talents. However, I can't discern what talent it has. I can only tell that its talent is rather weak."

My eyes then turned ruthless, "Although I hate to eat a butterfly, it is for my future growth. Thank you, butterfly. I will remember your sacrifice."

With that thought, I looked left and right to see if anyone is looking. Seeing that the coast was clear, I decisively activated devouring as I bit on the butterfly, chewing its delicious texture a few times, before swallowing it.

As the butterfly entered my stomach, it was instantly digested, and I felt it split into three types of energies. Regular Energy was the most abundant, followed by a bit of soul energy, and a tiny amount of mana energy.

I sensed that soul energy was an energy I could use to heal/replenish my soul. Also, it was the first energy that could not only nourish regular talents but also unique talents!

"So that means, if I want to advance my unique talents faster, I need to obtain more soul energy." - I thought briefly as I checked my last and most important gain.

A talent that I got from the butterfly, drained and ready for assimilation. With excitement, I checked it.

[Regular talent: Basic Winged Flying
lvl: 0/1
Type: Flight/skill-based
Grade: Common
Description: A good talent to have for any creature with wings. This talent will allow for better learning and usage of wings.
Effects: Strengthened wings, enhanced winged flying.]2Yep, there will be many useless talents out there, some of them requiring to be of a certain race or certain body parts. Some of them will have drastically lowered efficiency.

And my excitement died.

"... Well, I know it is better than nothing, but it is useless. Can I digest it for more energy?"

[Yes, would you like to consume it?] - My stomach asked.

Before I could say yes, I heard a hoarse middle-aged woman's voice.

"Don't do it yet, kid. Just keep it for now. The amount of energy you will get is insignificant, too. If you chance upon a better talent then you can transfer the energy from this talent to the other talent, and then consume this one. Also, you may find a use for it sooner or later."

"Grith? HEY! Stop talking whenever it is convenient to you, and speak to me normally!" - I screamed in anger in my mind.

"When you get my talent stronger, I will talk to you more." - She replied and cut off her voice.

"FUCK! AGAIN! UGHHHHH! So annoying!" - I fumed.

After a few seconds, I sighed and decided to assimilate the talent, which took almost no effort to do, and then I turned off devouring since it was making me hungry.

I then checked my status again.


Name: Mog
Race: Mortal Human/ Mortal Orc
Bloodline: Transcendent Berserker(50%) (Sealed), Transcendent Rogue(50%) (Sealed).
Main Class: None (Locked)
Secondary Class: None (Locked)
Level: 2 (77%)(+1%)
Age: 10
State: Normal, Enslaved(Consentia Fidelis)

Strength: 2.3 (Muscle: 2.3(+0.1), Toughness: 2.3)
Vitality: 3(+0.15) (Health: 3.5(+0.1), Endurance: 2.5(+0.2))
Agility: 3.35(+0.2) (Hand-eye Coordination: 3.2(+0.2), Flexibility: 3.3(+0.2), Reflex: 3.6(+0.2), Balance: 3.3(+0.2))
Intelligence: 25.3 (Learning: 33.5, Memory: 19.8, Reasoning: 22.8(+0.2))
Awareness: 98.2(+0.15) (Willpower: 319.5(+0.1), Judgement: 14.1(+0.4), Perception: 17.1, Intuition: 42.1(+0.1))
Aura: 0.15 (Aura Storage: 0.1, Aura Attunement: 0.2)
Mana: 0.1 (Mana core: 0.1, Mana Conductivity: 0.1)

[Iron Guts lvl 2], [Basic Intimidation lvl 1], [Basic Pickpocketing lvl 4], [Arithmetics lvl 7], [Geometry lvl 4], [Lamarian language lvl 6], [Haggling lvl 2], [Basic Lockpicking lvl 1], [Basic Stealth lvl 3], [Basic Enhanced Toughness lvl 2], [Basic Knife Mastery lvl 2], [Basic Evasion lvl 4], [Basic Enhanced Wit lvl 9][Basic Slingling lvl 1][Basic Enhanced Endurance lvl 2(+1)][Basic Enhanced Soul Toughness lvl 4]

[Watched by Veona(Obscured)]
[Regular Talent Seed: Advanced Warrior Talent (1/29)]
[Regular Talent Seed: Intermediate Rogue Talent (1/17)(+1)]
[Regular talent: Basic Winged Flying (0/1)]
[Unique talent seed: Effort lvl (1/99)]
[Unique talent seed: Lord Of Adaptation lvl (1/99)]


Upon seeing that my rogue talent was raised, I smiled and dismissed the status.

"Oh, well. I can take a few minutes each day to check for bugs with talents. Maybe one of them will give me a talent that I can use?"

With that, I headed to the study to read a bit. I wasn't going to start eating a lot of insects I pick up in the garden like some madman for a tiny amount of soul energy.





Meanwhile, in the Senecio family's mansion, Amulius's study room.

"Honorable grace! I brought a message from young mistress Consentia Fidelis. For your eyes only." - A messenger boy kneeled in from of Amulius as he presented a sealed scroll with inscriptions on it.

Ahab, the loyal bodyguard who was standing beside him, stepped forward and checked the scroll. After a bit, he said to Amulius, "It is indeed from her, master."

"Hm. Open it and let me have a look. Boy, thank you for bringing me the message. Essaerae, compensate the boy and send him out." - Amulius said as he motioned to a beautiful middle-aged half-elf woman wearing a green stola near him."

"Yes, master." - The half-elf woman said as she fished out a silver coin and gave it to the messenger.

"That you, your grace! I shall not disturb you further." - The messenger bowed and left with the half-elf woman.

In the meantime, Ahab already brought the opened scroll to Amulius to read.

"Hm... Let's see now, what does that wild girly have for me this time." - Amulius said as he read the message.

After reading the letter for a few seconds, Amulius suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! The girl has finally gone crazy! She said that the Goblintide this time was man-made! And it was to assassinate her brother! What a joke! Alright, since you amused this old man, I shall read the whole thing." - After saying that, he continued reading with leisure.

However, as he read the message, his expression started to experience changes. At first, his amused look turned more serious, then he had a look of pondering, and then he frowned before nodding again. Finally, after a few more expression changes, he had a surprised expression. It has been a long time since he had seen a new type of ploy, and this one was feasible!

Ahab, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but be worried, "Master? Are you alright?"

This snapped Amulius back to reality, "Wha? Hah? Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you. It's just that the message that the girly sent me is so crazy that it honestly makes some sense. I am both surprised and refreshed by its creativity. Oh, right, read it too. It is a real eye-opener this one."

Amulius said as he handed the message to Ahab. Ahab carefully took the message and started reading it.

The stoic man carefully read the message, and as he did, his deadpan expression slightly changed to a bewildered one, and then a slightly astonished one. Those who know Ahab would be shocked as few things other than Amulius can move the old guard dog in cold black armor.

Finally, after finishing reading the message, Ahab took in a deep breath and gave his verdict, "Ludicrous, yet strangely plausible. The more I think about it, the more I see this as a case that might have happened."

Amulius nodded in agreement, "Right, right? Oh, yeah, now that I think about it, only the 7th cohort out of ten cohorts was almost completely decimated, right? Although a few other cohorts were ambushed, the scale was small in comparison. Also, no mages died from the other cohorts, while in the 7th cohort, two died immediately in the first volley and Aulus almost died." - Amulius made a pondering look.

"Do you think it is worthy of investigating, master?" - Ahab took the initiative to ask, something that he rarely does.

"If even you are suggesting it, then that means it is worth investigating." - Amulius said as he tapped his fingers on his cushioned handrest, pondering.

After a few minutes, Amulius made a decision, "Alright, people in really high places can be involved in this, so we will need to do a thorough and careful investigation. Jehunya, Azu, Uremiel." - Amulius said three names, but the next moment, three black-hooded figures fazed into existence in front of Amulius while kneeling.

"Master, I heed and Obey." - The three hooded figures said in unplanned unison.

Amulius didn't look at the man as he rested his head on his soft chair and said, "Jehunya, Lead your subordinates to investigate the 7th cohort of the 10th legion, and the 10th legion itself. I want you to find who gave the orders and routes of travel to them and investigate all the survivors of the incident. See if there are any connections to enemies of Aulus Sergius Fidelis of house Fidelis or enemies of Consentia Fidelis of House Fidelis. I want results in three days. Don't use force, yet."

"Yes, master." - The leftmost shadow vanished.

Amulius then continued, "Azu. I want you to lead your subordinates to investigate all transactions and missing caravans of food, weapons, iron ores, and female slaves in the last two years near the magic forest. I authorize you to look into classified documents if necessary. If someone eliminated those documents, find out who did it. Leave no stone unturned. Likewise, I want results within three days."

"Yes, master." - The rightmost shadow vanished.

Amulius continued, "Uremiel, your job is the most important one. I want you to lead your subordinates to investigate all qualified beast tamers in the empire who had constant activities in the last two years in the magic forest. Check their financial situation first, to see if they accepted large amounts of money. Also, investigate prince Cossus Novius Caesario thoroughly, I have a hunch that he is somehow related to all of this. Because this task is a bit more difficult, I will give you five days."

"Yes, master." - The middle shadow vanished.

The study then went quiet for a few moments, before Amulius mumbled, a cold flame burning in his narrowed eyes, "Nobody messes with the lives of the soldiers of my empire while I am still alive, not even if they are a so-called favored prince."