In a far distant universe, In a dark roman and barbaric game-like setting, follow Mog, a half-orc child as he becomes a slave, fights to the death in the arena, Faces evil monsters and men alike, joins epic battles of kingdoms and empires!!!
All the while facing the dark side of society, facing discrimination, scorn, evil schemes and plots, hidden agendas of gods... And conquers(?) sexy ladies... Join him as he unravels the mysteries of the world of Aessonia and more...
Authors note: This novel is dark, and is intended to be dark. Fucked up things can happen in this novel, so be mentally prepared for character death, mental scarring, cannibalistic rampages, insanity, and permanent limb loss, and permanent death.
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I just made it. Go nuts.
Wish I could give 4.5 stars. There is some editing this story could use to hit 5. (Grammar, word choice)
This story really drops you into ancient magical rome. Mog (our half orc protaganist) is a young lad who has good potential and great luck but still is struggling to survive in this world. We get to experence this world through the eyes of this city boy as (minor spoiler)
he gets military-ish training for his future role as a bodyguard to a rich noble, and gets to know his fellow servents.
This story is fairly well written and decently paced. The story does get into some dark stuff (gore and phyological) fairly early on, as well as mature content (no s*x yet-Mog is only 11).
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I liked the beginning of the story because LitRPG was not that important but from chapter 36-37 the protagonist gains the old ability to gain power by eating the bodies of enemies I find this horrible because this ability always turns into a Deus ex machina. And from chapter 38 onwards LitRPG will probably become much more important in the story which I don't like because it makes the protagonist's strength look fake because it's going to be determined by a bunch of numbers. If you like this kind of story, I advise you to read it.
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This story has great worldbuilding and character development. The best part is the author does a fairly good job at displaying the swirling undercurrents around the MC and the ripple effects of his actions. Now their is the 'issue' some people have with the LitRPG element in the story but there are a number of well written ones even though in this case he also has cheat but that comes into play much later on. The benefit though is the author did his best to:
a) nerf said ability by giving it restrictions and needing to be developed
b) give the knowledge that though rare (like 2 on a planet) on a grand cosmic scale it is to be expected
and c) it is possible for others to match the MC through the use of natural resources
As such 4 out of 5 because I didn't feel like giving 5 stars today. Lol
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