Chapter 16: The Banquet and the Balcony
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The band gave the king and queen the opportunity to return to their seats before beginning a second piece. I would have loved to have found a seat. Instead I was immediately swamped by people asking me questions.

“What types of traits did you receive?”

“What is the commerce of your world like?”

“Does your kingdom face monster and demon threats often?”

“What is your preferred weapon?”

“Are you and the other hero a couple?”

There were too many to answer. I tried my best, but I also knew that I should probably keep some things close to the vest. At least for the time being. Like my not being an actual hero. Who knew if these nobles were really all that noble.

“I received primarily research-based traits…We have diverse global commerce of everything from food to novelties…there are no monsters or demons in my world so far as I am aware…I have many favored weapons…we are not a couple…”

I appreciated the questions about Earth the most. As that gave me a chance to discuss something I knew about. Still I also wanted to know about this world. So I asked as many questions as I got. In all I would say I was quite sociable. And I learned a few things as well.

Acone appeared to be at about the level of a medieval European nation. Its primary export was a form of wheat. Kaland, the capitol city we were currently at the center of was a sea-port city on the edge of the continent of Alreat. The demon’s kingdom was a nation over to the west separated by the Mivilah mountains and the dwarven kingdom within.

In addition to being asked many questions about my person and history, I was also asked to dance several more times. It made me feel really good. To avoid offending anyone I accepted every dance request and attempted to answer every question (with a modicum of restraint).

I also learned the names of several nobles ranging from knights to marquess to dukes.

I was surprised how easily I remembered their names and the topics of our conversations. Especially given the difference in the naming structure. There were no baron’s named Bob or countesses named Carly. Perhaps that was one of the benefits of my researching traits. A good memory. That would certainly be helpful.

As I made my way through the room I noted that the prince was still speaking with Bella. He seemed to be introducing various people and facilitating conversation. Was I jealous? No why would I be jealous just because she had someone to facilitate conversation and I was just thrown to the wolves.

I slowly made my way through the crowd to the large double doors at the side of the room. They were open, allowing the evening’s events to spill out into the courtyard. Guards stood at the entrance as well as throughout the courtyard itself. All were armed with some form of polearm.

‘What an advantage modern weapons would be in a world like this,’ I thought. Still considering the level of technology, they have some amazing architecture. Perhaps that was the result of godly blessings. Perhaps our medieval times would have seemed more advanced had our gods played a more active role.

“Excuse me,” I heard a voice say from behind me.

It was a servant girl. Dressed in black evening wear to match all the others. Yet there was something distinctly different about her. In addition to cat-like ears and a tail the light which wrapped around her person seemed slightly different than that of the others, slightly darker in color and concentrated in particular areas of her form…not that I was staring. I figured the differences were likely due to her being a different race.

“Dinner is about to be served sir,” she said shyly.

Finally it was time for the meal. Then the night was almost over.

Tables and chairs were placed throughout the courtyard while the ball and meet-and-greet occurred. They were as lavish as anything I had ever seen.

The tables were long with the king and queen sitting up by the palace steps. The princes and princess dispersed throughout the remaining tables. Bella sat between prince Philip and Duke Rotbert Astanas, a noble from the house of Astanas. To the prince’s left was a woman who I had not met. She had instead been mingling with the rest of the nobility.

I sat between Marquess Gabrien Coffalet, a nobleman and the princess Alea.

Something she did not seem any too pleased about.

The banquet really held up to its name. It was a full seven-course meal consisting of dishes I assumed were traditional to Acone. The overall layout seemed similar to French cuisine to me with a soup, fish and what I assumed to be pork courses. My particular favorite was the fish, served with an odd citrus flavor I couldn’t quite identify. I was told that Acone was a sea-port city, so I imagined they were famed for their fish.

As each course was served, I waited momentarily for the marquess and princess to begin eating first so as to avoid any social taboos. I also watched how they ate and in what order, just in case. It may have been a little paranoid, but there were a lot of eyes on me and I wanted to be sure to leave the impression of a civilized person.

I was pleased that they were eating with what I considered standard cutlery and in what I considered a reasonable fashion.

Throughout the entire meal, the princess focused entirely on a young man to her left. A Wichard Belethier. Leaving me to discuss a myriad of topics with the marquess on my right. His family shipped stone and oversaw the masonry guild. Meaning his family was, in part, responsible for the amazing sculptures of the palace. We discussed masonry as an artform, trade and the works of arts his family oversaw throughout the kingdom. It was quite interesting.

By the time the final course came and went I was stuffed. Full of food and knowledge about Acone’s stonework.

With the completion of the meal, the king and queen retired. Leaving the rest of us to continue our discussions…more socializing.

We went long into the night. I met barons, baronesses, viscounts and viscountesses, countless counts and countesses, a handful of marquess and marchionesses, the head of the knights core, the leader of the adventurers guild, the prince’s wife, and even a few ambassadors. Yes, I met people of different fantasy races. From dwarves to elves and several races in between. In total I met two hundred and thirty five people at the party. Don’t ask me how I knew the exact number or how I remembered each of their names or every aspect of every conversation. I really don’t know. Although I suspected my traits of study and catalog might have had something to do with it.

By the time Bella and I returned to the guest house, I was well and truly exhausted.

“Between the dancing and standing around, I can barely move,” I said as we reached the second-floor landing.

“You must not have paced yourself,” Bella replied. “I feel remarkable. A little tired sure, but I feel I could have gone on for hours more. The venue, a ball in a royal palace, a seven course meal out under the stars of another world, a – ”

“Trait for regeneration and rejuvenation” I interrupted.

“Oh right,” she said “I forgot about that. Do you really think that’s why I’m still full of energy?”

I couldn’t think of any other reason.

“I know you’re tired,” she said following me toward my room, “but do you think you could stay up a bit with me. We never got to catch up at Bloom’s and so much happened at the banquet and dance that I’m just wired. Maybe we could sit on the balcony and just talk?”

“Sure,” I said entering my room. “Let’s go to the balcony.”

We pulled two large chairs from my sitting area out to the balcony to enjoy the view.

I hadn’t really had the chance to look at the stars. They were absolutely magnificent. There was so little light pollution. And to think that this was an alien world. A world of fantasy and magic, just like I’d read about. Now here I was with my friend, a hero who would be responsible for helping to save this world from a terrible demon lord. It was just too fantastical.

Bella and I sat talking. We talked about college and what we had been doing. We discussed clubs and activities. The finality of the summoning really hadn’t settled in. She told me about the people she met, many of whom greeted me too. How the prince was there to introduce people and move conversations along. That he protected her from any boring topics and even cut short what sounded like marriage proposals.

We discussed our future. The need to learn how to fight and the dangers which would be present in our future. The potentials of our abilities and traits and just how we might try to use them. I told her about my idea to research magic for her to utilize and about my conversation with Alea making me think I should join the knights training.

We spoke long into the night.